

英文 中文
Previously on "The Good Doctor"... 「良医」前情回顾
How hard can it be to just act like a normal human being?! 表现得像个普通人能有多难
Stop petting that stupid rabbit! 你能别玩你那破兔子了吗
We're never going home again. 我们再也不会回家了
We have each other, and that's all we need. 我们有彼此这就够了
My brother went to heaven in front of my eyes. 我的弟弟在我眼前去了天堂
Never forget, you're the smart one. 永远记住你是最聪明的
And I'm proud of you, Shaun. 我为你骄傲肖恩
Penny, I missed you, too! 潘妮我也好想你
Oh, Penny, come. 潘妮过来
Stay. 坐好
Hey, Dad.
Sorry it's so early. I just landed. 抱歉这么早过来我刚下飞机
Actually, you're a bit late. 其实你来得有点晚
Five weeks. 晚了五星期
I know. I know. 我知道
I'm sorry. I-i-it's a long story, okay? 很抱歉说来话长好吗

But h-how was it? 当时的情况如何
It was your mother's funeral. 那可是你母亲的葬礼
Dad, I'm... 爸我...
Okay. 好了
Well, you have my cell number. 你有我的电话
It only works if you answer it. 你得接电话才行啊
You okay? 你还好吗
You okay? You can't breathe?! 还好吗不能呼吸吗
No? Okay. 不能好
Hold on, I'm gonna call for help, okay? 坚持住我报警求救
911? My dad collapsed! 911吗我爸晕倒了
He can't -- he can't breathe, please hurry! 他不能呼吸拜托快点来
Just hold on, Dad! 坚持住爸
Good morning, everyone! 早上好各位
Right on time. 真准时
What, did you sleep here or use a teleportation device? 你是睡这了还是用了任意门
I used a teleportation device. 我用了任意门
Nonsensical questions usually imply sarcasm, 无意义的问题通常暗含讽刺
which I've found people often answer sarcastically. 我发现人们通常也以讽刺回答
Good one. 真棒
Trauma wants a consult on a 66-year-old male 创伤科请求会诊患者为66岁男性
who collapsed from severe anaphylaxis, 因严重过敏导致晕倒
complicated by respiratory arrest. 同时伴有呼吸停止
His son just got back from Thailand. 他儿子刚从泰国回来
Almost immediately, the father had his allergic reaction. 这位父亲就马上过敏发作了
Patient has a few allergies -- 患者有一些过敏原
pollen, mold, shellfish -- 花粉霉菌贝类
but no corresponding allergens were in evidence. 但没发现明显的相关过敏原
Why are we doing a surgical consult on an allergy? 为什么要给过敏患者做外科会诊
Well, we're not. 我们没有
We're doing a consult on the excruciating abdominal pain he now has. 会诊针对的是他现在的腹部剧痛
As you may have heard. 你也听到了
Mr. Wilks, hi, I'm Dr. Neil Melendez. 威尔克斯先生我是尼尔·梅伦德斯医生
Heard you had some abdominal pain. 听说你腹部疼痛
The guy was in some serious pain -- 他疼得很厉害
10 milligrams of morphine worth. 需要注射十毫克吗啡的程度
Test results show elevated lipase, 检查结果显示脂肪酶

amylase, pancreatic enzymes. 淀粉酶和胰蛋白都增高了
Pancreas is enlarged. 胰腺增大
Could be pancreatitis, maybe alcohol-induced. 可能是酒精诱发的胰腺炎
The son said he smelled alcohol on his father 6:00 in the morning. 儿子说早上六点就在他父亲身上闻到了酒气
And anaphylaxis has been known to precipitate attacks of pancreatitis. 过敏性反应是胰腺炎诱发的症状
Guess that's it, then. 大概就是这样了
Meaning you totally disagree. 看来你不认同
Not everyone who starts their day off with a Mimosa 不是谁都会一大早就喝巴克泡腾酒
fries their pancreas. 折腾坏自己的胰腺
Your eyesight must a hell of a lot better than mine. 你的眼神肯定比我好多了
Because I can't see the entire pancreas 由于肠道气体的覆盖
due to the overlying bowel gas. 我可没看到完整的胰腺
We'll order an abdominal CT and take a better look. 预约腹部CT好好看清楚
There you go. 这就对了
Where the hell is Murphy? 莫菲去哪儿了
It's a severe fracture, but I don't think you'll need pins. 骨折很严重但不需要钢钉
Young bones tend to heal very well. 年轻人的骨头愈合能力很好
Young Bones? 「年轻人的骨头」
Isn't that a "Star Trek: Origins" graphic novel? 那不是「星际迷航: 原初」的漫画小说吗
I'm not sure. 我不知道
No, that was a joke. 不我开玩笑的
Where are your parents? 你的父母在哪儿
They're coming. 他们在路上了
They both work in the city, so it's a long drive for them. 他们在市里上班所以开过来有点远
I was on a school field trip, 我本来在参加野外考察
and I tripped over my own feet. 结果自己绊倒了
Of course, it was right in front of Shelby Lomar. 竟然正好摔在谢尔比·洛马尔面前
At least it was pretty gross, 至少样子非常狼狈
so I got some sympathy points for that. 所以我起码得了点同情分
I would expect this to have been caused by a more serious accident. 我还以为你的骨折是由更严重的事故造成的
Nope, just a trip. 不就是绊倒了
I do that a lot. 我经常绊倒
What can I say? 我也很无奈
I'm clumsy. 我笨手笨脚的
Yes. Now follow my finger. 好盯着我的手指
You have some nystagmus -- an involuntary eye movement. 你有点眼球震颤和不自主眼运动
So what's that mean? 什么意思
When you fell, did you hit your head? 你摔倒时伤到头了吗
No. 没有
What, you think I have brain damage? 你觉得我有脑损伤吗
Nystagmus can be a sign of a neurological issue. 眼球震颤可能是神经系统问题的症状
Well, that would explain the "C" I got in social studies. 难怪我在社会调研里只得了C
That was another joke, wasn't it? 你又在开玩笑吧
I'm going to order a head CT for you. 我去给你预约脑部CT
Go for it. 去吧
- Shaun, are you getting any sleep? - Yes. -肖恩你睡觉了吗-睡了
Really? I mean, really getting sleep? 是吗真的睡觉了吗
I got here on time. 我准时到了医院
Well, that's good. 那很好
I used a teleportation device. 我用了任意门
Radiology form, please. 麻烦给我放射科表单
Shaun, that boy, he looks like... 肖恩那个男孩看起来很像...
Steve. He does. 史蒂夫没错
Is he related? 他们有血缘关系吗
His name is Evan Gallico, so I don't think so. 他叫埃文·格里克应该没有
That is uncanny. 这太不可思议了
Just coincidental. 只是巧合而已
He looks exactly like your brother. 他跟你弟弟简直一模一样
No, he doesn't. 并不是完全一样
His hair is shorter. 他的头发短一些
It freaks me out. It doesn't freak you out? 我被吓到了你没被吓到吗
No. 没有
It's okay if it does -- 吓到了也没关系
No, he's not Steve. Steve's dead. 不他不是史蒂夫史蒂夫已经死了
"I used a teleportation device" was a joke. 我说「我用了任意门」是玩笑话
Yeah, that's...that's good. 那...很好
So, I couldn't come to Mom's funeral because I fell in love. 我没能参加妈妈的葬礼是因为我恋爱了
She was another teacher at the school. 她也是学校里的老师
A Thai woman. 一个泰国女人
And she was kind and -- 她很善良
and beautiful and loving... 美丽有爱心...
and very, very sick. 但病得很重
She had a congenital heart defect. 她有先天性心脏缺损
Look, if you don't want to tell me 如果你不愿意告诉我
where you've been for the last six months, then don't. 这六个月你去哪里了那就别说
It's your business. 这是你的事
But don't insult my intelligence. 但是别侮辱我的智商
Well, I couldn't just leave her. 我不能丢下她
You couldn't leave her for five minutes to make a phone call? 你连花五分钟打个电话的时间都没有吗
This a bad time? 打扰到你们了吗
No, come in. 没有请进
According to the CT, you have a lesion on your pancreas. CT结果显示你的胰腺有病变
Well, what do you think this lesion could be? 可能是什么病变
Not sure. 还不确定
That's why we need to biopsy it. 所以我们需要做病理切片检查
It could just be a benign cyst. 可能只是个良性囊肿
Or...? 或者
Or... 或者
it could be cancer, right? 可能是癌症对吗
We'll know soon enough. 我们很快就能知道了
This won't take long. 这很快的
I know. I've had two of these. 我知道我已经做过两次了
One more and I get my Scout badge. 再来一次我就能有童军勋章了
That was funny. 这很好笑
Tough to tell without looking at you, 没看到你的表情很难说
but I'm guessing that was sarcasm. 但我猜你在讽刺我
No. I have autism, 不是我有自闭症
which makes it hard for me to read social cues. 因此我很难读懂社交暗示
Jokes are difficult. 我也无法理解笑话
I used to know a kid with autism. Peter. 我以前认识一个有自闭症的小孩皮特
He was kind of weird but super nice. 他有点奇怪但是人非常好

