jenkins任意文件读取漏洞复现与分析 -CVE-2018-1999002

jenkins任意文件读取漏洞复现与分析 -CVE-2018-1999002

0x00 漏洞影响版本

Jenkins weekly up to and including 2.132
Jenkins LTS up to and including 2.121.1

0x01 漏洞原理分析

在没有登陆(未授权,cookie清空)的情况下,只有当管理员开启了allow anonymous read access的时候,才能实现任意文件读取,否则仍需登陆。
jenkins任意文件读取漏洞复现与分析 -CVE-2018-1999002_第1张图片

    * This method serves static resources in the plugin under hudson/plugin/SHORTNAME.
public void doDynamic(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException {
    String path = req.getRestOfPath();

    String pathUC = path.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
    if (path.isEmpty() || path.contains("..") || path.startsWith(".") || path.contains("%") || pathUC.contains("META-INF") || pathUC.contains("WEB-INF")) {
        LOGGER.warning("rejecting possibly malicious " + req.getRequestURIWithQueryString());

    // Stapler routes requests like the "/static/.../foo/bar/zot" to be treated like "/foo/bar/zot"
    // and this is used to serve long expiration header, by using Jenkins.VERSION_HASH as "..."
    // to create unique URLs. Recognize that and set a long expiration header.
    String requestPath = req.getRequestURI().substring(req.getContextPath().length());
    boolean staticLink = requestPath.startsWith("/static/");

    long expires = staticLink ? TimeUnit2.DAYS.toMillis(365) : -1;

    // use serveLocalizedFile to support automatic locale selection

    rsp.serveLocalizedFile(req, new URL(wrapper.baseResourceURL, '.' + path), expires);


public void serveLocalizedFile(StaplerRequest request, URL res, long expiration) throws ServletException, IOException {
    if(!stapler.serveStaticResource(request, this, stapler.selectResourceByLocale(res,request.getLocale()), expiration))


public Locale getLocale()

    if (size > 0)
        String language = (String)acceptLanguage.get(0);
        language = HttpFields.valueParameters(language,null);
        String country = "";
        int dash = language.indexOf('-');
        if (dash > -1)
            country = language.substring(dash + 1).trim();
            language = language.substring(0,dash).trim();
        return new Locale(language,country);

    return Locale.getDefault();


返回后即进入selectResourceByLocale(URL url, Locale locale),这里的locale参数即上一步返回的locale对象。

OpenConnection selectResourceByLocale(URL url, Locale locale) throws IOException {
    // hopefully HotSpot would be able to inline all the virtual calls in here


private final LocaleDrivenResourceSelector urlLocaleSelector = new LocaleDrivenResourceSelector() {
    URL map(String url) throws IOException {
        return new URL(url);


private abstract class LocaleDrivenResourceSelector {
        * The 'path' is divided into the base part and the extension, and the locale-specific
        * suffix is inserted to the base portion. {@link #map(String)} is used to convert
        * the combined path into {@link URL}, until we find one that works.

* The syntax of the locale specific resource is the same as property file localization. * So Japanese resource for foo.html would be named foo_ja.html. * * @param path * path/URL-like string that represents the path of the base resource, * say "foo/bar/index.html" or "file:///a/b/c/d/efg.png" * @param locale * The preferred locale * @param fallback * The {@link URL} representation of the {@code path} parameter * Used as a fallback. */ OpenConnection open(String path, Locale locale, URL fallback) throws IOException { String s = path; int idx = s.lastIndexOf('.'); if(idx<0) // no file extension, so no locale switch available return openURL(fallback); String base = s.substring(0,idx); String ext = s.substring(idx); if(ext.indexOf('/')>=0) // the '.' we found was not an extension separator return openURL(fallback); OpenConnection con; // try locale specific resources first. con = openURL(map(base + '_' + locale.getLanguage() + '_' + locale.getCountry() + '_' + locale.getVariant() + ext)); if(con!=null) return con; con = openURL(map(base+'_'+ locale.getLanguage()+'_'+ locale.getCountry()+ext)); if(con!=null) return con; con = openURL(map(base+'_'+ locale.getLanguage()+ext)); if(con!=null) return con; // default return openURL(fallback); } /** * Maps the 'path' into {@link URL}. */ abstract URL map(String path) throws IOException; }


结合payload来看,我们请求的url为/plugin/credentials/.ini,则base为空,扩展名(ext变量)即为.ini,然后通过一系列的尝试openURL,在此例中即最后一个情形con = openURL(map(base+''+ locale.getLanguage()+ext));,会去请求../../../../../../../../../../../../windows/win.ini ,尽管目录_..并不存在,但在win下可以直接通过路径穿越来绕过。但在linux,则需要一个带有_的目录来想办法绕过。

0x02 限制

对windows系统: 没有限制
对linux系统: 目录中需要存在 '_'


