My first intimate encounter with Alpacas (我与羊驼的第一次亲密接触)


During our long self-driving journey, we passed by a town. I searched online and located an alpaca farm. Then guided by the navigator, we arrived at a big farm with the gate closed. After pressing the doorbell, the owner of the farm opened the gate, and behind him was a handsome white alpaca named Tom. Tom, as the animal receptionist of the farm, was extremely good-tempered and easy-going. Anybody could take photos with him and pat or touch him. He followed us wherever we went.

We visited the alpacas’ bedrooms, living room and nursing home, seeing all kinds, sizes and colours of alpacas.

Suddenly I noticed one black alpaca locked up alone in a cage. What a poor soul! I approached him to see what was going on. The owner told us this black guy was behaving rudely. He was locked up alone up as a punishment. Just as the owner was saying this to me, I suddenly felt a big blob of liquid sprayed into my face right from the black alpaca’s mouth. I realized the naughty alpaca had just spit into my face. Now my entire face was covered with his gross saliva. What a bully he was! “His confinement must be prolonged!” I cursed! The other people all laughed so hard that they couldn’t stand straight. My daughter was so excited that she approached that black bully, begging him to spit on her too. Maybe he was short of saliva or he simply didn’t have the heart to spit on an innocent child, the black alpaca didn’t take any action, just staring at her with a long face.

We learned from the owner that a male alpaca can have as many as 3000 children in his own life while a female alpaca can have at most a dozen children. Alpaca wool is a soft-gold, high-quality source of wool which are thick, soft and heat-preserving.

What an unforgettable first encounter with alpacas!



我们参观了羊驼的卧室、客厅和育儿院,看到了各种类型、大小和颜色的羊驼。突然,我注意到一只黑色的羊驼被单独关在笼子里。多么可怜的家伙啊! 我走近它,看看到底发生了什么。主人告诉我,这只黑家伙的行为很粗鲁。他被单独关起来是一种惩罚。就在主人对我说这些的时候,我突然感觉到一大团液体从黑羊驼的嘴里喷射我的脸上。我这才意识到这只调皮的羊驼刚刚向我脸上吐了口水。现在我的整张脸都被他恶心的唾液所覆盖。真是个恶棍! "必须延长他的禁闭期!" 我咒骂道。其他人见状都笑得直不起腰。我女儿非常兴奋,走到那个黑恶霸面前,求它也向她吐口水。也许是它积攒的唾液刚才都用光了,也许它不忍心向一个可爱的孩子吐口水,那只黑羊驼没有采取任何行动,只是板着个长脸盯着她。




你可能感兴趣的:(My first intimate encounter with Alpacas (我与羊驼的第一次亲密接触))