CSC8021_Computer network review

Week 1 OS Tutorial

Scenario: Assuming you are the IT manager of University. Please choose the proper operating systems for computers and servers.
Please consider the following situations:

  • Lecturers/PhD students/Research associates/Researchers: researchers with various backgrounds, such as computer networks, business, design, embedded systems, etc.
  • Staff professional service
  • High performance computers (servers)
  • Self-maintained servers, such as email servers, authentication servers, etc.
  • Any other situations
    Common operating systems: Windows, Mac OS, Linux including server version and desktop version.
    There are no wrong answers. Please support your points with reasons why that OS is the most suitable choice for that situation.
  • 讲师/博士生/研究员/研究员:具有各种背景的研究人员,如计算机网络,商业,设计,嵌入式系统等。
  • 工作人员专业服务
  • 高性能计算机(服务器)
  • 自我维护的服务器,如电子邮件服务器、身份验证服务器等。
  • 任何其他情况
    常用操作系统:Windows、Mac OS、Linux(包括服务器版和桌面版)。

Lecturers/PhD students/Research associates/Researchers: most of them will choose either
Windows or Mac OS based on their preference. Some people may choose Linux because of the areas that they work on, such as computer networks, operating systems, embedded systems, etc. , which is easier for the relevant development. They may also choose Mac OS for design purpose, which contains more software.
Staff professional service: usually Windows, as it is the most popular OS and contains more common software for normal working
High performance computers (servers): usually headless Linux server version, the command line is useful for maintenance and deployment.
Self-maintained servers: usually headless Linux server version as well, the same reason as above.
Windows或Mac OS根据您的偏好。有些人可能会选择Linux,因为他们工作的领域,如计算机网络,操作系统,嵌入式系统等,这是更容易为相关的开发。他们也可以选择Mac OS作为设计目的,因为它包含更多的软件。

second Tutorial exercise

Exercise 1

The performance of a client-server system is strongly influenced by two
major network characteristics:
• the bandwidth of the network (how many bits/sec it can transport)
• and the latency (how many seconds it takes the first bit to travel from
the client to the server).
Give an example of a network that exhibits:
a) high bandwidth and high latency
b) low bandwidth and low latency

Satellite / transcontinental fiber (High latency = large distance)

  • 56 kbps modem calling a computer in the same building
  • Bluetooth network
  • RFID network
  • 56 kbps调制解调器呼叫同一建筑物中的计算机
  • 蓝牙网络
  • RFID网络

Exercise 2

client-server uses a satellite network, with the satellite at a height of 40,000 km. What is the best-case delay in response to a request?
Hit: consider two clients and a satelite.
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Exercise 3

a) What are two reasons for using layered protocols?

  • Separation of concerns (reduces the complexity of implementation)
  • Allows a clear distinction between services and protocols (clear interfaces between layers, each layer )
    • 关注点分离(降低实现的复杂性)
  • 允许明确区分服务和协议(层与层之间的明确接口,每层)
    b) What is a disadvantage of using layered protocols?
  • Redundancy/Repetition of functionality (addressing shows up in the Data Link Layer and Network Layer, Flow control and error detection/correction show up in Data Lin Layer and Transport Layer)

Exercise 4

What are the advantages of fiber optics over copper as a transmission
medium? Is there any downside of using optics over copper?

  • Speed: (fiber can achieve larger bandwidths and therefore larger data transmission rates)
  • More suitable for larger distances compared to copper
  • Thinner and lightweight (1000 twisted pairs 1km long = 8000 kg, 2 fibers weight only 100 kg and more capacity)
  • Lower attenuation therefore lower number of repeaters (once every 50 km compared to once every 5km for copper)
  • Not affected by power surges and failures (i.e. EM interference)
  • Better security
  • Installation cost
  • Fragility (core is made of glass – short to long range – or plastic – very short ranges)
  • Only supports 1-way communication (need 2 fibers for 2-way comm)

(1 fiber optic cable will typically house may ‘individual’ fibers)

  • 速度:(光纤可以实现更大的带宽,因此更大的数据传输速率)
  • 与铜相比,更适合更长的距离
  • 更薄、更轻(1000对1 km长的双绞线= 8000 kg,2根光纤仅重100 kg,容量更大)
  • 衰减更低,因此中继器数量更少(每50公里一次,而铜线每5公里一次)
  • 不受电源浪涌和故障(即电磁干扰)的影响
  • 更好的安全性
  • 安装成本
  • 易碎性(核心由玻璃制成-短到长距离-或塑料-非常短的距离)
  • 仅支持单路通信(需要2根光纤才能实现双路通信)


Exercise 5

CSC8021_Computer network review_第2张图片CSC8021_Computer network review_第3张图片NRZ-I: at the start of the clock cycle, if there is a transition/inversion then the next bit is 1,otherwise (no transition) the next bit is 0

Vertical lines represent clock cycles(the start of a new clock cycle)

Manchester: low to high transition during clock cycle means the bit is 1, otherwise 0(note that transitions that take place at the start/end of the clock cycle are ignored!)


Role of the Data Link Layer(understand)

Communication through the physical layer is inherently unreliable

Service: reliable data transmission between adjacent nodes(single communication link)
• Framing – partitions a bit stream into discrete units, called frames
• Error control – detects and corrects errors introduced by the Physical Layer
• Flow control – ensures slow receiver is not out-paced by fast sender

Framing methods(apply)

The transmitted element in Data Link layer is called a frame
A frame is regarded either as a block of characters, or as a sequence of bits
The sender assembles/breaks an incoming sequence of packets (from network layer) into frames
The receiver must determine the first and last bit/byte of the frame so that the frames can then be extracted
(Bit synchronization is done by physical layer – remember RZ, Manchester, NRZI?)
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Fixed frame size

Payload is transmitted one character at a time.
5 to 8 bits can be accommodated
Timing only needs maintaining within each character
There is no common clock at sender and receiver
Synchronisation takes place with each character through start and stop bits
This is method used on computer serial cables
(eg to RS232/ RJ45 from computer to modem)
(eg从计算机到调制解调器的RS232/ RJ45)
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Character count

Payload is transmitted as a variable length block of characters preceded by a character count
Count can be corrupted after which it is impossible to determine frame boundaries
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Start and end characters…

CSC8021_Computer network review_第7张图片Payload transmitted as a variable length block of characters
The start of each frame is indicated by a preamble(SYN,SYN,DLE,STX)
The end of each frame is indicated by a postamble(DLE,ETX)
This is more efficient than fixed frame size transmission

Problem: the DLE ETX character sequence might appear in the payload of the frame. This would cause the protocol software to assume(incorrectly) that the frame was finished at that point
问题:DLE ETX字符序列可能出现在帧的有效负载中。这将导致协议软件(错误地)假设帧在该点完成

Byte stuffing

Solution: send an extra DLE character before each DLE character in the payload
• You then regard a payload DLE DLE as a single payload DLE
• This is known as byte stuffing
·然后将有效负载DLE DLE视为单个有效负载DLE

Example: how is the data sequence DLE DLE ETX sent?
CSC8021_Computer network review_第8张图片
CSC8021_Computer network review_第9张图片(a)A frame delimited by flag bytes
(b)Four example of byte sequences before and after byte stuffing

Start and end flags with bit stuffing

在这里插入图片描述End a frame with a special bit-sequence: 01111110
• Bit Stuffing is now required for transparency:
• Sender: if five consecutive 1s have been transmitted in the body of the message, insert a 0
• Receiver: should five consecutive 1s arrive, look at the next bit(s):
– if the next bit is a 0: remove it
– if the next bits are 10: found end-of-frame marker
– if the next bits are 11: this is an error

  • 如果下一位是0:则将其删除
  • 如果接下来的比特是10:找到帧结束标记
  • 如果接下来的位是11:这是错误
  • CSC8021_Computer network review_第10张图片(a)字节填充
    00000101=5 发5个字节 内容 A B ESC FLAG
    01111110 A B

Error handling(understand)

Whenever signals are transmitted over long distances,the signal weakens, and noise is introduced. The receiver cannot resolve the signal levels. This introduces transmission error.
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Redundant data

Redundant data is added to the message to allow:
• detection and correction at destination (error correction)
• detection and subsequent retransmission (error detection)
• Error correction requires more redundancy and depends on assumptions made about types of errors.
• A missing message will defeat any level of redundancy!
• Error correction sometimes used for poor links
• Must be supplemented by error detection and retransmission
• Can occur concurrently at more than one OSI layer

Parity bit(apply)

Consider a byte transmitted without redundant data
• 256 possible values 00000000 to 11111111
Now consider the addition of a parity bit
• 512 possible values 00000000x to 11111111x
• X is chosen so that the number of 1’s is even (or odd)
• 256 valid values
• Can detect a single bit error
· 256个可能值0000000到1111111
· 512个可能值0000000x到1111111x
· 256个有效值
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A checksum performs a mathematical calculation on a sequence of numbers within the data frame, and records the result in the header.
• The recipient will repeat the calculation and compare the result with the transmitted value.
• Used for error detection.
• Examples of widely-used checksums:
• Internet checksum (part of the IP protocol – Network layer)
• CRC (Cyclic Redundant Check – Data link layer)
· CRC(循环冗余校验-数据链路层)

CSC8021_Computer network review_第13张图片异或:相同得0,相异得1

The Data Link Layer in Broadcast Networks

Medium Access Control (MAC) sublayer

Broadcast channels

A single shared transmission medium is called a broadcast/multiaccess

There are two basic types of broadcast networks:
• Satellite networks. These have a very long delay(about 270 msec). The protocols used on satellite channels are called Aloha. There are, of course,several variations.
• Local area networks (LAN). These have a very short delay. Protocols are called CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access), again with several variations.
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Pure Aloha

This was first developed at the University of Hawaii,using a ground-based radio system.
• Users transmit whenever they want. Colliding frames are destroyed.
• If a frame was destroyed, the sender just waits a random amount of time and sends again (otherwise a collision will occur again and again).
• Question: What is the throughput at low/high load?
• Under low load, there will be almost no collisions.
• The throughput will degrade after the channel reaches about 18% utilisation.

Why is the channel used so poorly in Pure Aloha?
• Example: T is the time to transmit a frame
• Station A transmits a frame
• Station B transmits a frame just before A is finished transmitting
• After the round-trip time, each station hears both frames
• A collision occurs where the transmissions overlap
• Both frames are discarded
• Therefore the collision wasted almost 2T time

Slotted Aloha

Improvement to the Pure Aloha system:
• Divide the time up into discrete intervals, each interval corresponding to one frame (slotted time).
• Stations can only transmit at the start of each time slot.
• This requires one special station to emit a “pip” at the start of each interval (or a series of intervals) for all others to synchronise (like a clock)
The system peaks with a throughput of 37% channel utilization, double the efficiency of Pure Aloha
Pure Aloha系统的改进:
该系统的吞吐量峰值为37%的通道利用率,是Pure Aloha效率的两倍

Carrier Sense Multiple Access(CSMA)

With Aloha, satellite stations don’t (can’t) listen
• Performance of Aloha systems could be improved if the stations do not transmit without first paying attention to what other stations are doing.
• Stations listen for (sense) the presence of a carrier signal and act accordingly. Variations are called:
• 1-persistent
• Non-persistent
• P-persistent
• CSMA/CD (Collision Detection)
• CSMA only makes sense on systems with short delays such as LANs.
· 1-持久
· CSMA/CD(碰撞检测)
· CSMA仅在具有短延迟的系统(如局域网)上有意义。


When a station has data to send, it first listens to the channel to see if anyone else is transmitting.
• If the channel is busy, the station waits until it becomes idle.
• When the station detects an idle channel, it immediately transmits a complete frame.
• If the frame is damaged, the station waits a random amount of time and starts all over again.
• This protocol is called 1-persistent because the station transmits with a probability of 1 whenever it finds the channel idle.
Intuitively, this is better than both ALOHA protocols.
• However, if two stations are waiting, both will detect that it has become idle and then transmit simultaneously.


This protocol is less greedy than 1-persistent.
• When the sending station detects that the channel is busy, it does not continuously sense it for the purpose of seizing it immediately upon detecting the end of the previous transmission.
• Instead it waits a random period of time and then repeats the algorithm.
• Intuitively, this algorithm should lead to a better channel utilisation (fewer collisions), but longer delays (waiting to sense), than 1-persistent CSMA


This protocol applies to ‘slotted’ channels. One ‘slot’ equals one packet transmission time – there is no ‘pip’.
• When a station becomes ready to send, it senses the channel. If it is idle, it transmits with a probability p(therefore the probability that it defers transmission until the next slot is q = 1 – p).
• If that slot is also idle, it either transmits or defers again, with probabilities p and q respectively.
• If a slot is busy, it waits a random amount of time and starts again.
·当一个站准备好发送时,它会感知信道。如果它是空闲的,则它以概率p发送(因此它推迟发送直到下一个时隙的概率是q = 1 - p)。
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CSMA/CD (Collision Detection)

In the previous protocols, a station sends a complete packet, then decides if it was damaged.
• With CSMA/CD, a station aborts its transmission as soon as it detects a collision.
• This requires some highly special electronics. The stations must sense the channel during transmission,
and compare it with what they have sent (in real-time).
• Quickly terminating damaged frames saves time and bandwidth.
• This protocol, known as CSMA/CD, is widely used on LANs including Ethernet.

Collision-free protocols

It is possible to arrange protocol features in such a way that collisions simply cannot occur.
• The essential feature of such protocols is that the channel is ‘divided up’ between the hosts, with each host having its own ‘private’ slot.
• Under light loads, this wastes some of the transmission capacity that is idle.
• Under high loads, it works at maximum efficiency.
• A good example is the Bit-map protocol
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Limited contention protocols

Under light load, contention is preferable due to its low delay (collision-free methods have a longer delay)
• As load increases, contention becomes increasingly less attractive. Collision-free methods have a better channel efficiency.
• Obviously, it would be nice if we could combine the best properties of the contention and collision-free protocols, arriving at a new protocol that uses contention at low loads to provide low delay, but uses a collision-free technique at high loads to provide good channel efficiency.

Such protocols are called limited contention protocols.
• The probability of some station acquiring the channel can be increased only by decreasing the amount of competition.
• The limited-contention protocols first divide the stations up into groups.
• Only the members of group j are permitted to compete for slot j. Examples: the Adaptive Tree Walk protocol.
Alternatively, the Binary exponential backoff protocol ,can be used (Ethernet)


Adaptive Tree Walk protocol

Based on a U.S army algorithm devised for testing soldiers for syphilis during WW2

  1. Take a blood sample from N soldiers
  2. Mix a small amount in a single tube and test for antibodies
  3. If no antibodies are found – all soldiers in the group are healthy
  4. Else, divide soldiers into two equal groups and repeat process(go to 2)
  5. 基于美国陆军在二战期间为测试士兵梅毒而设计的算法

It is convenient to think of the stations as leaves of a binary tree.
• In the first contention slot following a successful frame transmission, slot 0, all stations are permitted to acquire the channel.
• If only one of them does so, fine.
If there is collision, then during the next slot, slot 1, only those stations falling under node 2 in the tree (first sub-tree) may compete.
• If only one of the stations under node 2 acquires the channel, then the following contention slot is reserved for those stations under node 3. Etc…
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Binary exponential back-off protocol

After a collision, time is divided up into discrete slots whose length is equal to the worst case round-trip propagation time on the LAN cable.
• After the first collision, each station independently waits either 0 or 1 slot times before trying again. If two stations collide and each one picks the same random number (0 or 1), they will collide again.
• After the second collision, each one picks either 0, 1, 2 or 3 at random and waits that number of slot times.
• If a third collision occurs, then the number of slots to wait is chosen from the interval 0 to 23 – 1.
• After 10 collisions, the number is frozen at 210 -1(1023) slots.
• After 16 collisions, report failure to the computer. Further recovery handled by higher layers.
·如果发生第三次冲突,则从0到23 - 1的区间中选择等待的时隙数。
·在10次冲突之后,数量被冻结在210 - 1(1023)个时隙。
CSC8021_Computer network review_第18张图片• A piconet contains a master node
• …and up to seven active slave nodes within a radius of 10 metres
• A piconet can also contain up to 255 parked (inactive) nodes which have been placed in standby by master
• Multiple piconets can be connected into a scatternet by a bridge slave node
· …半径10米范围内最多7个活动从节点

Exercise C1 - Framing

The following character encoding is used on a data link protocol:
A: 10001111
B: 11001110
FLAG: 01111110
ESC: 11100001
Show the bit sequence transmitted (in binary) for the four-character frame
when each of the following framing methods are used
a) Byte count
00000101 10001111 11001110 11100001 01111110
b) Flag bytes with byte stuffing
c) Starting and ending flag bytes with bit stuffing
01111110 10001111 101001110 11100001 011111010 01111110

Exercise C2 - Framing

A bit string, 011110111110111110, needs to be transmitted at the data link layer.
What is the string actually transmitted after bit stuffing?

Exercise C3 - Framing

One of your classmates, Scrooge, has pointed out that it is wasteful to end each frame with a flag byte and then begin the next one with a second flag byte. One flag byte could do the job as well, and a byte saved is a byte earned. Do you agree?
Tip: what happens if the sender is idle for some time?
(e.g. stops sending data for 15 min after sending a frame that ends with a flag byte)

If endless stream of bytes then one flag byte would be enough to separate frames.
However, if sender stops sending for 15 min (i.e. is idle) and last message ends in a flag byte, then the receiver has no way of knowing if the next byte is the start of a new frame and not just noise on the line.
Framing protocol is much easier if start and end flag bytes are used to delimit a frame.

Exercise C4 – Error detection

Machine A wants to transmit message 101101 to machine B using a parity bit for error detection.

  1. What is the bit sequence transmitted if:
    a) An odd-parity scheme is used?1011011
    b) An even-parity scheme is used?1011010

  2. Suppose B receives the following message. Assuming an even-parity scheme, can B detect if the message is corrupted? If so, how? If not,why not? Can B detect which bits have been corrupted?
    a) 1111010
    B detects an error (odd number of 1s), but not which bit has been flipped,retransmission
    b) 1010000
    B cannot detect error (even number of 1s)

Exercise C5 – Flow control

A channel has a bit rate of 4kbps and a propagation delay of 20 msec.
For what range of frame sizes does stop-and-wait give an efficiency of at least 50%?
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Exercise C6 – Multiple Access Protocols

a) What are the three main classes of MAC (medium access protocol)
Contention protocols, collision-free, limited contention protocols
b) Give examples of well-known protocols for each of the protocol
classes identified above.
Contention protocols:Pure Aloha, Slotted Aloha, Carrier Sensing Multiple Access (CSMA), 1-persistent, no persistent, p-persistent, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA
limited contention protocols:Adaptive Tree Walk Protocol, Binary Exponential Backoff Protocol
c) Classify each of the protocols identified in b) according to:
• It’s use of continuous or slotted time
Pure Aloha, CSMA – (all other Slotted time)
• It’s ability to sense the medium
• It’s collision detection capabilities
CSMA/CD (Adaptive tree walk protocol?)

Exercise C7 – Multiple Access Protocols

Identify one multiple access protocol that:
a) Has no carrier sensing capabilities and uses continuous time.
Pure Aloha
b) Has carrier sensing capabilities and uses time slots.
CSMA/CD with Binary Exponential Backoff(Ethernet)
c) Avoids any collisions.
CSMA/CA, bitmap
d) Was used in classic Ethernet.b)
e) Is used by Wi-Fi standard (IEEE 802.11).
f) Provides high throughput under high loads (large N).
P-persistent CSMA (compared to other contention protocols), bitmap avoids collisions altogether (collision-free)
g) Provides low delay under low loads (low N)
Pure aloha or any contention protocol (in general)

Exercise C8 – Multiple Access Protocols

What are the key differences between:
a) Contention and collision free protocols?
Contention protocols will incur lower delay under low load
whereas collision free protocols achieve high throughput under high loads. Describe principles of operation of each class of protocol…

b) CSMA and limited contention protocols?

c) Collision-detection and collision-avoidance CSMA protocols?
CSMA-CA cannot detect collision as it is happening (checks if the packet is damaged once its broadcasted back)

Exercise C9 – Adaptive Tree Walk

Consider a network of eight hosts (A to H) where hosts B, C, and H
try to transmit at the same time.
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a) For rounds 1 to 5, specify which nodes are allowed to transmit,and whether transmission is successful or whether any of the nodes collide?
1 – Node 1 - all hosts try to transmit, B,C,H collide
2 – Node 2 - B and C try to transmit, B and C collide
3 – Node 4 - B tries to transmit and is successful
4 – Node 5 - C tries to transmit and is successful
5 – Node 3 - H tries to transmit and is successful
b) How would your answer change if B tries to transmit instead of C?
Would require an extra round where leaf nodes A and B are considered individually
1 – Node 1 - all hosts try to transmit, A,B,H collide
2 – Node 2 - A and B try to transmit, A and B collide
3 – Node 4 - A and B try to transmit, A and B collide
4 – Node A - A tries to transmit and is successful
5 – Node B - B tries to transmit and is successful
6 – Node 3 - H tries to transmit and is successful

Exercise C10 – Bluetooth

a) What name is given to a Bluetooth network?piconet
b) What types of nodes exist in a Bluetooth network?Master, slave

  1. How many nodes of each type can you have in a single network?
    1 master, 7 slaves
  2. What is the role of each type of node?
    Master – manages connections (all data transmissions go through master node), slave (send/receive data)
  3. What types of connections are allowed?
    c) What is (roughly) the maximum distance allowed by Bluetooth connections?10m
    d) Is it possible to connect two or more Bluetooth networks?
    What name is given to an interconnected collection of Bluetooth systems?scatternet
    What name is given to nodes that can form two distinct networks?
    Bridge slave

Exercise D1 – Dijkstra’s algorithm

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Exercise D2 – Distance Vector Algorithm

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Exercise D3

The figure shows routers A, B, C and D connected by links with their associated costs.
• Describe how the routing table (in terms of destination, cost, next hop) for A could get constructed if the routers are using the distance vector technique. Draw the table after each of 2 rounds.
• How does A manage to modify its routing table if the link between A and C breaks, and the distance vector algorithm is re-started? Draw the new table after each of 3 rounds.
CSC8021_Computer network review_第24张图片A) Sample Answer:
i) Routing table for A will initially look like this (after echo packets)
dest cost next hop
A 0 -
B 17 B
C 6 C
D 4 D
A sends this table to its neighbours (in this case B, C, D). A will also receive tables from B, C and D.
Tables from B and D do not provide any improvement (in theory D does show a better route to B but this is overridden by the table from C).
Table from C shows a route to B at cost 3 so the route from A to B via C is 9 and the table is updated.
Like this:
dest cost next hop
A 0 -
B 9 C
C 6 C
D 4 D

Exercise D4

• The figure shows a network of routers (circles) connected via links with their associated costs
• Follow the steps of the Shortest Path routing algorithm until the network is fully labelled and the shortest path from A to F has been found.
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Packet switching

• In a packet switched network data is transmitted in blocks, known as packets, typically less than 1KB in length.
• Each packet contains a chunk of data and sufficient information for the packet to navigate to its destination and the original data reconstituted.
• A packet arriving at a switch is queued until it is possible to send it on to the next switch by the appropriate route.
• There are 2 basic mechanisms employed for packet switching:datagrams and virtual circuits.


• Each datagram is a packet which is treated independently as it traverses the network, each switch
in the network must decide where to send that datagram next.
• It is possible therefore that two datagrams from the same message may take entirely different routes to reach a destination, with the possibility that the order of packets may be changed or than packets may become lost (or terminally delayed) en route.
• Datagram protocols (such as IP) must therefore include sufficient information so that order can be re-instated, missing packets detected and that lost packets are eventually terminated.

Virtual Circuits

• In a virtual circuit a preplanned route is set for all packets constituting a message.
• This is achieved by a control packet preceding all the data: each switch makes a decision as the where to send the control, but all subsequent packets follow the control.
• This does not constitute a dedicated route (as in a circuit switched network) as the packets will still be queued at each switch and other virtual circuits may use the same equipment.

• The main advantage of the virtual circuit is that each of the switches makes only one route choice per message,
• there is an additional delay in setting up the virtual circuit and the switches must remember the next step of the route for every virtual circuit
• the datagram approach can adapt a route to cope with problems that arise during the transmission of a message
• if messages are generally short or the network unstable, then the datagram approach is better,
• most networks employ some sort of virtual circuit.

Comparison between circuit switched and packet switched

• The main reason for employing a packet switched network is to :
• increase carrying capacity.
• Although a packet switched network requires more information to be sent to manage the packets this is generally small enough that a packet switch mechanism will always carry more data than a circuit switch on the same cables.

Transmition Overhead

• For an individual message on an unloaded network the fastest mechanism will be determined by the amount of overhead in routing the data.
• For a circuit switched network this means the time taken to set up the circuit.
• For a datagram this means the cumulative time for routing each packet.
• for a virtual circuit it will be the sum of the time taken to set up the virtual circuit plus the time taken to identify each packet at each switch

Packet Size:

• There is an additional delay in a packet switch network caused by the fact that each switch will not start to send on a packet until it has finished receiving it, whereas in a circuit switch there is no such delay.
• Therefore, small packets travel faster than larger packets,although the more packets there are the more work is needed to route them individually (in a datagram approach).

Circuit setup time:

• Generally the time to initiate a circuit is very similar whether that circuit is physical (circuit switched) or not (packet switched with virtual circuit).
• Thus a packet switched network with virtual circuit will generally be slower than a circuit switched network (although is has a larger capacity).

Network Load

• In a lightly loaded network a datagram approach may be faster than a circuit switch as each datagram can potentially take a separate route to the destination.
• However, if the number of short alternative routes is small (relative to the number of packets) then the cumulative delay of routing every packet will be greater than the set up of the circuit, so the circuit switched will be faster.
• If there are a large number of packets on each possible route then the datagram approach may be
slower than the virtual circuit.
