1、根任务是指包含一个或多个 Activity 的任务,并且没有父任务,根任务通常是由用户启动的应用程序或系统应用程序的主要任务。
在 Android 12 中,我们可以通过以下代码获取最上层的根任务信息。
IActivityManager ams = ActivityManager.getService(); //获取ActivityManagerService服务对象
List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> runningTasks = mAm.getTasks(1);;//调用getAllRootTaskInfos方法
首先调用ActivityManager的getService方法获取ActivityManagerService服务对象,然后调用该服务对象的getTasks(int maxNum) 方法,该方法会返回一个指定数量包含所有根任务信息的列表,每个根任务都有其任务 ID、根 Activity 的信息以及与之关联的其他活动堆栈。
public class ActivityManager {
public static class RunningTaskInfo extends TaskInfo implements Parcelable {
* 当前任务的唯一标识id
* A unique identifier for this task.
public int id;
* 当前任务状态的缩略图
* Thumbnail representation of the task's current state.
public Bitmap thumbnail;
* 当前任务的状态描述
* Description of the task's current state.
public CharSequence description;
* 当前任务中正在运行的Activity的数量
* Number of activities that are currently running (not stopped and persisted) in this task.
public int numRunning;
public class TaskInfo {
private static final String TAG = "TaskInfo";
* 当前任务对应的用户id
* The id of the user the task was running as if this is a leaf task. The id of the current
* running user of the system otherwise.
* @hide
@UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553)
public int userId;
* 任务id
* The identifier for this task.
public int taskId;
* 此任务中是否有正在运行的Activity
* Whether or not this task has any running activities.
public boolean isRunning;
* 启动当前任务的Intent
* The base intent of the task (generally the intent that launched the task). This intent can
* be used to relaunch the task (if it is no longer running) or brought to the front if it is.
public Intent baseIntent;
* The component of the first activity in the task, can be considered the "application" of this
* task.
public ComponentName baseActivity;
* 当前任务对应的Activity栈中的最上层正在显示的activity
* The component of the top activity in the task, currently showing to the user.
public ComponentName topActivity;
* The component of the target activity if this task was started from an activity alias.
* Otherwise, this is null.
public ComponentName origActivity;
* The component of the activity that started this task (may be the component of the activity
* alias).
* @hide
public ComponentName realActivity;
* The number of activities in this task (including running).
public int numActivities;
* The last time this task was active since boot (including time spent in sleep).
* @hide
public long lastActiveTime;
* 当前任务对应的屏幕设备id
* The id of the display this task is associated with.
* @hide
public int displayId;
* The feature id of {@link com.android.server.wm.TaskDisplayArea} this task is associated with.
* @hide
public int displayAreaFeatureId = FEATURE_UNDEFINED;
* The recent activity values for the highest activity in the stack to have set the values.
* {@link Activity#setTaskDescription(android.app.ActivityManager.TaskDescription)}.
public ActivityManager.TaskDescription taskDescription;
* The locusId of the task.
* @hide
public LocusId mTopActivityLocusId;
* 当前任务是否支持分屏
* True if the task can go in the split-screen primary stack.
* @hide
public boolean supportsSplitScreenMultiWindow;
* 当前任务是否支持多窗口
* Whether this task supports multi windowing modes based on the device settings and the
* root activity resizability and configuration.
* @hide
public boolean supportsMultiWindow;
* The resize mode of the task. See {@link ActivityInfo#resizeMode}.
* @hide
public int resizeMode;
* The current configuration of the task.
* @hide
public final Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
* Used as an opaque identifier for this task.
* @hide
public WindowContainerToken token;
* 用于控制画中画模式的参数类
* The PictureInPictureParams for the Task, if set.
* @hide
public PictureInPictureParams pictureInPictureParams;
* The {@link Rect} copied from {@link DisplayCutout#getSafeInsets()} if the cutout is not of
* {@code null} otherwise.
* @hide
public Rect displayCutoutInsets;
* 当前任务最上层Activity的类型
* The activity type of the top activity in this task.
* @hide
public @WindowConfiguration.ActivityType int topActivityType;
* The {@link ActivityInfo} of the top activity in this task.
* @hide
public ActivityInfo topActivityInfo;
* Whether the direct top activity is in size compat mode on foreground.
* @hide
public boolean topActivityInSizeCompat;
* Whether this task is resizable. Unlike {@link #resizeMode} (which is what the top activity
* supports), this is what the system actually uses for resizability based on other policy and
* developer options.
* @hide
public boolean isResizeable;
* Relative position of the task's top left corner in the parent container.
* @hide
public Point positionInParent;
* The launch cookies associated with activities in this task if any.
* @see ActivityOptions#setLaunchCookie(IBinder)
* @hide
public ArrayList<IBinder> launchCookies = new ArrayList<>();
* The identifier of the parent task that is created by organizer, otherwise
* {@link ActivityTaskManager#INVALID_TASK_ID}.
* @hide
public int parentTaskId;
* 当前任务是否持有焦点
* Whether this task is focused.
* @hide
public boolean isFocused;
* 当前任务是否可见
* Whether this task is visible.
* @hide
public boolean isVisible;
* Whether this task is sleeping due to sleeping display.
* @hide
public boolean isSleeping;
IActivityManager am = ActivityManager.getService();
am.registerTaskStackListener(new TaskStackListener() {
public void onTaskStackChanged() throws RemoteException {
final ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo runningTask;
try {
List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> runningTasks = mAm.getTasks(1);
if (runningTasks == null) {
runningTask = runningTasks.get(0);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
if (runningTask == null) {
int displayId = runningTask.displayId;
if (INVALID_DISPLAY != displayId && runningTask.topActivity != null) {
String key = "display_" + displayId + "_top_activity";
String packageName = runningTask.topActivity.getPackageName();
String activityName = runningTask.topActivity.getClassName();
String value = packageName + "/" + activityName;
boolean isUpdate = !value.equals(mHashMapDisplayTopActivity.get(key));
if (isUpdate) {
Log.d(TAG, "updateTasks: key = " + key + " value = " + value);
mHashMapDisplayTopActivity.put(key, value);