
Key structures





① 在复合句中,从句可以是名词从句(即起名词的作用)。在句子中,它可以作主语、宾语或 be 等系

动词的表语,一般由 that 引导,有时也用 what(疑问词引导的除外)

I know (that) the meeting will be put off.

② 从句可以是关系(或形容词)从句,关系代词通常有 who,whom,that,which 和 whose。

③ 从句可以是状语(或副词)从句,时间状语连词有 when,after,before,as soon as,until,while, as,since 等;地点状语从句连词有 where,everywhere,anywhere 等;方式状语从句连词有 as 或短语 in the way (that)等,方式状语从句在动词 be,feel,seem,appear 等后面也可以由连词 as if 和 as though 来引导; 原因状语从句由 because,as 等引导;条件状语从句可由 if 及其他连词引导;让步状语从句使句子具有对比的因素,它们一般由连词although,though,even though,even if 等引导;目的状语从句可由 so that,in order that 等连词引导;结果状语从句描述结果,可由 so+形容词+that 引导,也可由 such (a) +(形容词) + 名词 + that 来引导;比较状语从句结构包括 as +形容词/副词 + as,not so/as … as,形容词/副词的比较级

+than,more…than,less…than 等

He has been ill since he came back from his holidays.

With a special train ticket, you can travel anywhere/everywhere you like in Europe for just over $100. Type this again as/in the way (that) I showed you just now.

As you can’t go yourself, you’ll have to ask Susan go for you.



①  用现在分词结构可以代替时间从句、原因从句、关系从句等,现在分词结构的这种用法仅限于两个动作的主语一致的时候。用它代替时间从句时,分词结构表示的动作如果发生在前,则分词结构要位于主  语前;如果两个动作同时发生,那么分词结构既可以位于主句前,也可以位于主句后。分词结构位于主句  前面时,要用逗号隔开。

I got very angry speaking to them.

Feeling tired, I went to bed earlier than usual.

Following his mom, he went there.(主动概念, 跟着他母亲去了那儿)

② 过去分词结构常用于比较正式的文体,往往代替被动语态

Damaged in an accident, the car has now been repaired.

Followed by his mom, he went there. (被动概念, 被他母亲带着跟着去了那儿) 3、不定式结构的复合句


To get into university you have to pass a number of examinations.

Multiple choice questions

3、___b___ the hot weather, he couldn't sleep indoors.

a. Because                    b. Because of                   c. As                                 d. For because,as,for+句子,不能加词组;because of +名词 因为……

5 、 How ___b_ did he sleep?

a. good                                      b. well                      c. good                                      d. nice how 对形容词或者副词提问

He slept well.     (how 对程度副词提问)

The tree is tall.     How tall is the tree?

He sang songs beautifully.     How beautifully did he sing?

6、Where was the courtyard? C

a. Down.                      b. Under.                      c. Below.         d. Bottom. down                 adv. 在……下(向下)

go down, sit down

under       介词必须加宾语

below           adv. 下面, 表示一种状态

bottom         n. 下面

7、He looked at the bits of wood and metal ___c___ around him.

a. laying b. laid c. lying d. lied laying(lay) vt. 放 (lay the egg(下蛋))

lying(lie       vi. 躺   lie in bed)

lie(lied,lied)   撒谎

过去分词属于非谓语动词, 做定语时与被修饰词形成被动关系

  1. A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof. The wind blew very _ a_ .

a. hard                              b. fast               c. quickly                               d. soon a gust of wind                       一阵风

hard       修饰动词, 表示程度大

study hard       努力学习

  1. The bed crashed into the courtyard. It _ c_ the courtyard.

a. smashed                   b. knocked               c. struck              d.exploded crash         vi.从上往下掉, 摔碎;smash        vt. 摔碎;knock v. 敲击; explode                                 v.  爆炸;struck        v. 撞击

11 He glanced at the bits of wood and metal. He ___a___ the bits of wood and metal.

a. looked quickly at               b. had a glimpse of                   c. stared at         d.watched glance at                   (漫不经心的)扫视,(主动的看)

look quickly at       快速地看

had a glimpse of       (无意识的)看

stare at         盯着看

watch         注视, 密切关注
