数据透视表 行标签并列_隐藏数据透视表按钮和标签

数据透视表 行标签并列

隐藏数据透视表按钮和标签 (Hide Pivot Table Buttons and Labels)

数据透视表 行标签并列_隐藏数据透视表按钮和标签_第1张图片

If you're sharing an Excel pivot table with colleagues who aren't too skilled in Excel, you might want to hide some of the pivot table buttons and labels before you send it.

如果要与不太熟练使用Excel的同事共享Excel数据透视表 ,则在发送之前可能要隐藏一些数据透视表按钮和标签。

数据透视表按钮可见 (Pivot Table Buttons Visible)

For example, in the pivot table shown below, the sales are summarized by city and product. There are filter buttons on the Column heading, and on the Row Labels heading.

例如,在下面显示的数据透视表中,按城市和产品汇总了销售额。 在“列”标题和“行标签”标题上有过滤器按钮。

At the left of the date, there is an expand/collapse button showing.


数据透视表 行标签并列_隐藏数据透视表按钮和标签_第2张图片

隐藏按钮 (Hide the Buttons)

You can change the pivot table options to hide some of the buttons and captions in the pivot table.


Follow these steps to hide the buttons:


  • Right-click a cell in the pivot table and, in the pop up menu, click PivotTable Options.

  • Click the Display tab

  • In the Display section, remove the check mark from Show Expand/Collapse Buttons.


    • This change will hide the Expand/Collapse buttons to the left of the outer Row Labels and Column Labels.


数据透视表 行标签并列_隐藏数据透视表按钮和标签_第3张图片

  • Next, remove the check mark from Display Field Captions and Filter Drop Downs.


    • This change will hide the filter buttons, and the Row Labels and Column Labels captions.

  • Click OK to close the PivotTable Options dialog box.


数据透视表按钮和隐藏的标签 (Pivot Table Buttons and Labels Hidden)

Without the buttons and labels, the pivot table looks cleaner, and may be easier for your colleagues to read.


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2010/05/12/hide-pivot-table-buttons-and-labels/

数据透视表 行标签并列
