#$language = "Python"
#$interface = "1.0"
import os
import csv
import re
config_file = "C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\configuration for 36_60.txt"
from datetime import datetime
crt.Screen.Synchronous = True
SCRIPT_TAB = crt.GetScriptTab()
rowIndex = SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.CurrentRow
colIndex = SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.CurrentColumn - 1
prompt = SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.Get(rowIndex, 0, rowIndex, colIndex)
prompt = prompt.strip()
def main():
#with open(config_file, 'r',encoding="UTF-8") as f:
with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
cmd = f.readline()
while cmd:
cmd = f.readline()
#crt.Dialog.MessageBox("Got system prompt: %s!"%prompt)
def get_prompt():
SCRIPT_TAB = crt.GetScriptTab()
rowIndex = SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.CurrentRow
colIndex = SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.CurrentColumn - 1
prompt = SCRIPT_TAB.Screen.Get(rowIndex, 0, rowIndex, colIndex)
prompt = prompt.strip()
#crt.Dialog.MessageBox("Got system prompt: %s!"%prompt)
return prompt
def send_command(command, prompt=prompt, timeout=3000):
if not prompt:
prompt='root@localhost:~# '
crt.Screen.Send(command + '\r')
# Wait for the command and the trailing CR to be echoed back from the remote
# before we start capturing data... Otherwise, we'll capture the command we
# issued, as well as the results, and in this example, we only want to
# capture the results.
#ret = crt.Screen.WaitForStrings([prompt,'# '],timeout)
ret = crt.Screen.ReadString([prompt,'# '],timeout)
#crt.Dialog.MessageBox("Got response:\n%s!"%ret)
return ret
def check_cpu():
ps_cpu_sort = 'ps aux|sort -k3nr | head -20\r'
ps_mem_sort = 'ps aux|sort -k4nr | head -20\r'
return send_command(ps_cpu_sort)
def check_mem():
ps_cpu_sort = 'ps aux|sort -k3nr | head -20\r'
ps_mem_sort = 'ps aux|sort -k4nr | head -20\r'
return send_command(ps_mem_sort)
crt.Screen.Synchronous = True
crt.Screen.Send(chr(3) + '\r\n')
#crt.Screen.WaitForStrings(['# '],5000)
prompt = get_prompt()
crt.Screen.Synchronous = False