We’re going bigger than ever at Game Developers Conference 2018. We kicked everything off with our Unity at GDC Keynote, which brought everyone who joined us in person and online the latest announcements, previews and technical demos.
我们在2018年游戏开发者大会上的规模比以往任何时候都要大。我们在GDC Keynote上通过Unity开启了一切,这使亲自加入我们的所有人和在线获得了最新的公告,预览和技术演示。
The opening keynote has just concluded. With an event that’s bigger than ever, we’ve got a lot to go through. If you want to watch the recording, you can find it below. If you would prefer to read the highlights, see the table of contents after the video.
开幕主题演讲刚刚结束。 这次盛会比以往任何时候都要大,我们还有很多事情要做。 如果您想观看录音,可以在下面找到。 如果您想阅读重点内容,请在视频后查看目录。
Unity 2018
Unity 2018
Next Level Rendering
Machine Learning
Performance Improvements
Platform Announcements
Universal GameDev Challenge
Will Wright’s Proxi Challenge
威尔·赖特(Will Wright)的代理挑战
Unity for Small Projects
Brett Bibby, VP of Engineering, brought us a glimpse of the Unity 2018 roadmap. It’s shaping up to be an incredible year for Unity creators with a focus on Next Level Rendering, Machine Learning, and incredible performance improvements made possible by the Entity Component System, C# Job System, and Burst compiler. You can get early access to them now.
工程副总裁Brett Bibby向我们介绍了Unity 2018路线图。 对于Unity创作者来说,这将是令人难以置信的一年,它将专注于Next Level Rendering,机器学习以及Entity Component System,C#Job System和Burst编译器带来的令人难以置信的性能改进。 您现在可以尽早使用它们 。
Unity 2018.1 will be released in April. If you can’t wait and want to get your hands on the latest version, then join our Beta program here. And oh yeah, Nested Prefabs will also be coming later this year in 2018.3.
Unity 2018.1将于4月发布。 如果您迫不及待想要获得最新版本,请在此处加入我们的Beta版计划。 哦,是的,Nested Prefabs也将在今年晚些时候于2018.3。
Silvia Rasheva, Producer of Unity’s Demo team, joined us on stage to introduce the team behind Unity’s flagship demos such as The Blacksmith (2015), Adam (2016), Neon (2017), and Book of the Dead (2018). The Demo team drives advanced usage of the Unity engine and works closely with Unity’s R&D team to push the envelope of what is possible to achieve with our technology.
Unity演示团队的制作人Silvia Rasheva加入了我们的舞台,介绍了Unity旗舰演示背后的团队,例如铁匠(2015),亚当(2016),霓虹灯(2017)和死者之书(2018)。 演示团队致力于推动Unity引擎的高级使用,并与Unity的研发团队紧密合作,共同突破我们技术所能达到的极限。
Natalya Tatarchuk, Director of Graphics, and Lucas Meijer, Technical Director, followed Silvia on stage to demo Unity’s new Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP), which brings many strengths: It’s configurable, lean, user-centric, and comes with two options: the High-Definition Rendering Pipeline (HD RP) prioritizes stunning, high-fidelity visuals with performant results on GPU-compute-capable consoles and PC hardware, while the
图形总监Natalya Tatarchuk和技术总监Lucas Meijer跟着Silvia上台演示了Unity的新脚本可渲染管道 (SRP),它具有许多优势:它是可配置的,精益的,以用户为中心的,并具有两个选项: 高清渲染管线 (HD RP)优先处理令人惊叹的高保真视觉效果,并在具有GPU计算功能的控制台和PC硬件上提供出色的效果,而
Lightweight Rendering Pipeline (LW RP) is optimized towards delivering high performance across hungry applications like XR and platforms such as mobile.
轻量级渲染管道 (LW RP)经过优化,可在饥饿的应用程序(如XR)和移动平台等平台上提供高性能。
Natalya and Lucas dove into how Book of the Dead was able to utilize the HD RP to allow their small team to achieve a high-quality production.
娜塔利亚(Natalya)和卢卡斯(Lucas)深入研究了《死者之书》如何利用HD RP使他们的小团队实现了高质量的制作。
The demo takes advantage of photogrammetry assets – some created by the Unity Demo team and some coming from Quixel. We are proud to announce that the Quixel Megascans Library is coming to the Unity Asset Store.
该演示利用摄影测量资产的优势-其中一些由Unity演示团队创建,另一些来自Quixel。 我们自豪地宣布Quixel Megascans库即将进入Unity Asset Store 。
2018.1 will also introduce Templates, which are project starters with default settings already tuned, including a sample scene. Here are some samples of the HD RP and LW RP templates:
2018.1还将引入模板,这些模板是已调整默认设置(包括示例场景)的项目启动器。 以下是HD RP和LW RP模板的一些示例:
To address the incredulous reactions by the community at seeing the quality demonstrated by Book of the Dead, the project was shown running on PlayStation 4 Pro.
为了解决社区在看到《死者之书》所展示的质量方面的令人难以置信的React,该项目在PlayStation 4 Pro上运行。
Natalya and Lucas gave us a sneak peek at Unity’s upcoming GPU-based progressive lightmapper, which gives instant feedback to the artist during the process of tuning lights and baking at ~10x the speed (thanks to AMD for the help).
Next, Mike Wuetherick, Producer on the Made with Unity Team, and Adam Myhill, Head of Cinematics, took us through the improved artist creation workflow. With Unity 2018.1 we’re adding Cinemachine Storyboard. This is a new feature designed to aid you when roughing out your shots with Cinemachine and Timeline. It quickly lets you really establish the feeling you’re going for with grey-box levels and scenarios. In conjunction with our announcement earlier this month of bringing ProBuilder into Unity, the worldbuilding process is faster than ever. We also shown how our close collaboration with Autodesk on FBX format is improving the roundtriping between Unity and digital content creation tools like Max & Maya, letting creators easily import/export models, lights, camera, animations and more.
接下来,Made with Unity团队的制片人Mike Wuetherick和电影学负责人Adam Myhill带领我们完成了改进的艺术家创作工作流程。 在Unity 2018.1中,我们添加了Cinemachine故事板。 这是一项新功能,旨在帮助您使用Cinemachine和Timeline粗化镜头。 它可以快速让您真正确定要使用灰箱级别和场景的感觉。 结合我们本月早些时候宣布将ProBuilder引入Unity的消息,世界构建过程比以往任何时候都快。 我们还展示了我们与FBX格式与Autodesk的紧密合作如何改善Unity与Max和Maya等数字内容创建工具之间的往返关系,使创建者可以轻松导入/导出模型,灯光,相机,动画等。
Here is a quick summary of the improved artist workflow we showed:
Next, Danny Lange, our VP of AI and Machine Learning, took to the stage to highlight our commitment to democratize machine learning. We’re committed to lowering the barriers to entry so that you can make machine learning an integral part of your game development. You no longer need to program every solution, every NPC, and every permutation of how a person may interact with your game – you can focus on making systems learn.
接下来,我们的AI和机器学习副总裁Danny Lange上台强调了我们致力于使机器学习民主化的承诺。 我们致力于降低准入门槛,从而使机器学习成为游戏开发不可或缺的一部分。 您不再需要为每个解决方案,每个NPC以及人与游戏互动的方式进行编程,您就可以专注于使系统学习。
Danny introduced our latest release, ML-Agents 0.3, which brings many new features, including Imitation Learning. Imitation Learning lets your system learn from real people playing your games, and can be trained to adjust to your players. The agent, in this case the NPC being trained, does not play perfectly, like a robot, but rather imperfectly, like a player – and all of this training happens in real-time.
Danny介绍了我们的最新版本ML-Agents 0.3 ,它带来了许多新功能,包括模仿学习。 模仿学习使您的系统可以向玩游戏的真实人学习,并可以进行培训以适应您的玩家。 代理商(在这种情况下,受训的NPC)不能像机器人一样完美地发挥作用,而不能像玩家一样完美地发挥作用-所有这些培训都是实时进行的。
Machine Learning insights allow us to build tools that optimize your games for retention and engagement. App performance is critical to these factors – more than 50% of 1-star reviews in the Google Play store mention performance, making it one of the most important problems we can solve. We want your games to be accessible to all devices without you having to sacrifice graphics or effects – which is why we built LiveTune. LiveTune tailors your game for every device in real-time. It adjusts assets, effects and rendering on each phone model, thus providing the best possible experience for any player on any device. Sign up for the LiveTune beta now.
机器学习的见解使我们能够构建工具,以优化您的游戏的保留度和参与度。 应用程序的性能对于这些因素至关重要-Google Play商店中超过50%的1星级评论都提到了性能,这使其成为我们可以解决的最重要的问题之一。 我们希望您的游戏可以在所有设备上使用,而不必牺牲图形或效果-这就是我们构建LiveTune的原因。 LiveTune可以实时为每台设备量身定制游戏。 它可以调整每种手机型号的资产,效果和渲染,从而为任何设备上的任何播放器提供最佳体验。 立即注册LiveTune Beta 。
We want to help you reach not just cohorts, but individual players, with the content and in the context that is most relevant for them. The first step we’re taking towards this is IAP Promo. IAP Promo surfaces the best possible in-app promotion to each player based on their game behavior and likelihood to engage. For more information on IAP Promo, and to get started with it, take a peek at this blog.
我们希望帮助您不仅针对同龄人,而且针对与他们最相关的内容和上下文吸引单个玩家。 我们为此迈出的第一步是IAP Promo。 IAP Promo根据每个玩家的游戏行为和参与可能性向他们展示最佳的应用内促销。 有关IAP Promo的更多信息并开始使用,请浏览此博客。
Danny closed by recognizing that each person has a combination of hardware, software, skills, and interests that create millions of options. We want to give you the tools that make your game accessible to everyone and deeply engaging to every person who plays.
Danny结束时承认每个人都有硬件,软件,技能和兴趣的结合,创造了数百万个选择。 我们希望为您提供工具,使每个人都可以访问您的游戏,并使每个玩游戏的人都参与其中。
As your Engine team, we’re bringing together the best talent with the goal of making Unity 2018 the best choice for all creators. We’ve hired engineers and artists from renowned studios such as Insomniac, Bungie, and Naughty Dog, and they are building the foundation alongside a team of more than 800 engineers who are making their breakthroughs available to all developers around the world. Working alongside you, our community, as a platform team. We want to help improve your quality of life, and we’re always thinking about your pain points. Moving into 2018, Joachim discussed that we are pushing “performance by default.”
作为您的Engine团队,我们汇集了最优秀的人才,旨在使Unity 2018成为所有创作者的最佳选择。 我们已经聘请了Insomniac,Bungie和Naughty Dog等著名工作室的工程师和艺术家,他们正在与800多名工程师一起建立基础,这些突破使全球所有开发人员都可以使用。 与您(我们的社区)一起作为平台团队工作。 我们想帮助您改善生活质量,并且我们一直在思考您的痛点。 进入2018年,Joachim讨论了我们正在推动“默认情况下的性能”。
“Performance by default” means that we’ve been working on a new high-performance multithreaded system that will make it possible for games to fully utilize the multicore processors available today without a headache. This is all possible thanks to the new C# Job System, a new way to write performant code by default utilizing our Entity Component System. This is coupled with a new math-aware, backend compiler technology named Burst. Burst takes the C# jobs and produces highly optimized code for any platform you’re building to.
“默认情况下的性能”表示我们一直在研究一种新的高性能多线程系统,这将使游戏能够充分利用当今可用的多核处理器而毫不费力。 这一切都归功于新的C#作业系统,这是一种默认情况下利用我们的实体组件系统编写性能代码的新方法。 这与名为Burst的新的数学感知后端编译器技术结合在一起。 Burst接受C#作业,并为要构建的任何平台生成高度优化的代码。
Today, we’re making the Entity Component System available as a Preview. Check it out and let us know what you think on the Entity Component System and C# Job system forum!
今天,我们将实体组件系统作为预览提供。 在Entity Component System和C#Job system 论坛上进行检查并告诉我们您的想法!
We provide access to the greatest number of build targets, and we’re always adding support for the most desired and relevant platforms. When important new devices enter the market we want to ensure we have day-one support for you. Here is what we announced.
我们提供对最多数量的构建目标的访问,并且我们一直在添加对最需要和最相关的平台的支持。 当重要的新设备进入市场时,我们希望确保为您提供第一天的支持。 这是我们宣布的内容。
For all you pioneers looking to explore development in spatial computing, we have partnered with Magic Leap to integrate their platform with Unity. We’re thrilled that today the Technical Preview build for Magic Leap is available, and that our creators can grab the Lumin SDK at the Magic Leap Creator Portal.
对于希望探索空间计算发展的所有先驱者,我们已与Magic Leap合作将其平台与Unity集成。 我们很高兴今天可以使用Magic Leap的Technical Preview版本 ,并且我们的创作者可以在Magic Leap Creator门户上获取Lumin SDK 。
Unity developers now have the ability to build directly for the Oculus Go using the same workflow you are used to with Gear VR. If you haven’t already, get your Oculus Go content ready for launch later this spring.
现在,Unity开发人员可以使用与Gear VR相同的工作流程直接为Oculus Go进行构建。 如果您还没有准备好,请准备好在今年Spring晚些时候发布的Oculus Go内容。
Unity developers can start building for Google’s Daydream Standalone directly from Unity with the newly added 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF) support for the Daydream platform, letting you easily add 6DoF support to your existing Daydream apps or build brand-new ones for this exciting new device.
Unity开发人员可以直接通过Unity为Daydream平台新添加的6自由度(6DoF)支持,直接从Unity开始为Google的Daydream Standalone进行构建,让您轻松地将6DoF支持添加到现有的Daydream应用中,或者为这一令人兴奋的新应用构建全新的设备。
Mobile games can take a long time to download and the longer it takes, the more players will walk away without ever playing. Google Play Instant engages players immediately, delivering content on the spot so they can try it first before installing. Unity is working closely with Google to ensure our developers can get the most out of Google Play Instant. This is one of several ways we are working with Google to help our developers convert more players.
手机游戏的下载时间可能很长,而且时间越长,越多的玩家会离开而不再玩游戏。 Google Play即搜即得立即吸引玩家,立即提供内容,以便他们可以在安装之前先进行尝试。 Unity与Google紧密合作,以确保我们的开发人员可以充分利用Google Play Instant。 这是我们与Google合作以帮助我们的开发人员转换更多玩家的几种方式之一。
We also announced the Universal GameDev Challenge. What’s your challenge? To reimagine five iconic worlds from Universal. From the classic Back to the Future™ films to the current animated series and popular reboot Voltron Legendary Defender, the Universal GameDev Challenge celebrates the creativity of game developers building with Unity.
我们还宣布了通用GameDev挑战赛。 你有什么挑战? 重塑环球影城的五个标志性世界。 从经典的Back to the Future™电影到当前的动画系列以及流行的Voltron Legendary Defender重新启动,Universal GameDev Challenge都可以庆祝使用Unity构建游戏开发商的创造力。
Phase One starts today. We’re challenging the entire developer community to share their vision in a Game Design Doc, and pitch it in a recorded video. Six entries will be selected by our panel of expert judges and move on to Phase Two, where they will be invited to a VIP Mentorship Summit to work with visionaries, engineers and spokespeople from Universal, Microsoft, Intel, and Unity to help them make the most of their project.
第一阶段从今天开始。 我们正在挑战整个开发者社区,在游戏设计文档中分享他们的愿景,并将其发布在录制的视频中。 我们的专家评审小组将选出6项参赛作品,然后进入第二阶段,他们将应邀参加VIP导师峰会,与来自Universal,Microsoft,Intel和Unity的有远见者,工程师和发言人合作,以帮助他们完成他们大部分的项目。
The finalists will be tasked with creating a vertical slice of their vision using Unity, and submit it for the ultimate goal: A consultancy agreement with Universal and the chance to make their game a reality, plus $150,000 in cash. Each runner-up team will get $20,000.
决赛入围者的任务是使用Unity创建其垂直视野,并将其提交给最终目标:与Universal达成的咨询协议,以及使他们的游戏成为现实的机会,以及15万美元的现金。 每个亚军团队将获得20,000美元。
Learn more about it here!
在这里了解更多信息 !
Will Wright, world-renowned game designer and creator of The Sims, SimCity, and Spore, has announced he is teaming up with game development studio, Gallium Artists, to create his newest mobile game, Proxi.
世界著名的游戏设计师,《模拟人生》,《模拟城市》和《孢子》的创造者威尔·赖特(Will Wright)宣布,他将与游戏开发工作室Gallium Artists合作开发他最新的手机游戏Proxi。
During our keynote, we announced that Will Wright and Gallium Artists have partnered with Unity Connect to launch the Proxi Art Challenge! Artists will submit their creations for a chance to win one of two grand prizes and be flown to California to interview with Will Wright and his team. After the interview, one of the winners may be selected as the 3D artist hired to help Will Wright’s team bring Proxi to life! Do you have what it takes to land the gig?
在主题演讲中,我们宣布Will Wright和Gallium Artists与Unity Connect合作发起了Proxi Art Challenge ! 艺术家将提交自己的作品,有机会赢得两个大奖之一,然后飞往加利福尼亚,与Will Wright及其团队进行访谈。 面试后,可以选择一名获奖者作为3D艺术家,以帮助Will Wright的团队使Proxi栩栩如生! 你有什么需要降落演出?
Join the Proxi Art Challenge
To wrap up our keynote, Ralph Hauwert, Head of Platforms, spoke about building small experiences with Unity. To reach the world on the next billion devices, entry-level mobile phones, wearables, IoT, or the web, you need your apps and experiences to be light and fast. We want to give you the ability to do that – with the tools and extensibility of the Unity Editor.
在结束我们的主题演讲时,平台负责人Ralph Hauwert谈到了使用Unity建立小型体验的问题。 为了在下一个十亿种设备,入门级移动电话,可穿戴设备,物联网或网络上进入世界,您需要轻便,快速的应用程序和体验。 我们希望通过Unity Editor的工具和可扩展性使您能够做到这一点。
To do this, we created a brand-new, highly modularized architecture and a new set of specifically designed components that you can create using the Unity Editor. This results in a smaller, portable runtime that can run natively on lightweight devices or even on the web. For web-based deployment, the file size for our compressed core runtime is 73KB.
为此,我们创建了一个全新的,高度模块化的体系结构,以及可以使用Unity Editor创建的一组新的经过专门设计的组件。 这样可以实现更小的可移植运行时,该运行时可以在轻量级设备甚至是Web上本地运行。 对于基于Web的部署,我们压缩核心运行时的文件大小为73KB。
This new core runtime, combined with asset optimization and the data-driven architecture of our code, leads to small files sizes, and fast delivery and start-up times. On stage, Ralph announced that while there are many uses for such a runtime, we’re starting with Playable Ads (a demo ad format) and games in messaging apps.
这种新的核心运行时,结合资产优化和代码的数据驱动架构,可实现较小的文件大小,并缩短交付和启动时间。 在舞台上,拉尔夫(Ralph)宣布,尽管这种运行时有很多用途,但我们还是从Playable Ads(演示广告格式)和消息传递应用程序中的游戏开始。
Currently, we are working with a number of developers in closed alphas. We will be bringing you this technology in 2018.
目前,我们正在与许多封闭式Alpha开发人员合作。 我们将在2018年为您带来这项技术。
Thank you to everyone who tuned in online, joined us in person, or took the time to read our recap. The keynote may be over, but stay tuned to our social channels as we continue into GDC Week with Unity at GDC. Online you’ll be able to view some of the great sessions we’re bringing to our community on your YouTube channel.
感谢所有在线收听,亲身加入我们或者花时间阅读我们的摘要的人。 主题演讲可能已经结束,但请继续关注我们的社交渠道,因为我们将继续与Unity一起参加GDC的GDC周。 在线上,您将可以在YouTube频道上观看我们带给社区的一些精彩会议。
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翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/03/20/unity-unveils-2018-roadmap-at-gdc/