
在这一集的云AI冒险中,我们找到了怎么使用TensorBoard 来视觉化你的模型并且修复问题。

feed into 注入

come out 出现

当你看到问题具体是什么的时候,你的问题修复就会相当简单。但是大量的训练数据会进入一个复杂的模型。那样会更加的复杂。谢天谢地,TensorBoard 把这些东西简化了。


Use TensorBoard to find the gaps



让我们看看TensorBoard,TensorFlow 内置的可视化模型,这可以让你做很多的事情,从观察你模型的结构到查看训练过程。

TensorFlow 在背后使用了计算图形的方法:



abstraction 抽象

graph 图表

complexity 复杂性

因此当我们在思考TensorFlow在训练你模型的时候,它就在执行你图形里面的任何东西。TensorBoard 可以视觉化这些图形,所以你能看到看门的样子,并且更重要的是,你已经确保了你所想的样子来组装这些东西。

这里有一个例子以及复杂的版本来通过TensorFlow呈现视觉化。TensorBoard 允许我们缩放,pan 和 扩展元素来查看更多细节。这意味着我们可以看到模型抽象的不同层级,它能够帮助我们减少视觉复杂化。

preconfigure 预配置

然而,TensorBoard 不仅仅显示模型结构,它同样在一个图表中展示这些韵律进展。通常情况下,我们会描绘出精准性(accuracy)、丢失(loss)、互熵(cross-enteropy)、以及更多。这取决于模型,不同的韵律可能都很重要。TensorFlow canned estimators 在TensorBoard中附带了一些预先配置的值,以显示在TensorBoard中。因此这是一个很好的起点。

histogram 直方图

distribution 分布图

embedding 嵌入

checkpoint 关卡

TensorBoard 可以显示各种各样的其他信息,包括直方图、分布图、嵌入物,同样也包括声音、图片、以及文字数据。但是这只是以后的视频。


tensorboard --logdir=”/tmp/iris_model/”

expand 扩展

zoom 缩放



clue us (告诉我们)



pan 平移


还请注意我们为将来的一栏“flower_features”, 显示graph组件的名称。

clarify 澄清

come out 出现







在这一集的云AI冒险中,我们找到了怎么使用TensorBoard 来视觉化你的模型并且修复问题。

In this episode of Could AI Adventure, we find out how to use TensorBoard to visualize your model and debug problems.

feed into 注入

come out 出现

当你看到问题具体是什么的时候,你的问题修复就会相当简单。但是大量的训练数据会进入一个复杂的模型。那样会更加的复杂。谢天谢地,TensorBoard 把这些东西简化了。

Debugging problem is a lot of easier when you can see what the problem is.But bunch of training will dive into a complexity model. it will more compelxity. Thankally, TensorBoard will let them a lot of easier.


Unlike tranditional programming, machine learning is often very unpredictable. You data quality, will follow our model nuances, include the many parameters that must be chosen ,

all have wide influence on the success or failure of the training process.

Use TensorBoard to find the gaps

tunde 转动


If have a approach by training to follow this metirc,and they could approach our structure to create, that would enable us to tuen the model and debug any probles that we sse..


In this abstruaction processing is very hard to visualization, but luckly, TensorFlow build-in those solution.

让我们看看TensorBoard,TensorFlow 内置的可视化模型,这可以让你做很多的事情,从观察你模型的结构到查看训练过程。

Let us see TensorBoard, TensorFlow build-in visualization model, it will let you make more thing, from observation your model structure to see training process.

computational 计算的

TensorFlow 在背后使用了计算图形的方法:

TensorFlow uses the idea of computational graphs under the hood.


construct 构造

opeator 操作符

sense 感觉

executing 执行


This means it not traditional sence add two part, it construct a add opeator, and add them together as input.

abstraction 抽象

graph 图表

complexity 复杂性

因此当我们在思考TensorFlow在训练你模型的时候,它就在执行你图形里面的任何东西。TensorBoard 可以视觉化这些图形,所以你能看到看门的样子,并且更重要的是,你已经确保了你所想的样子来组装这些东西。

So wen we think TnesorFlow is training your model, it executing you graph anything. TensorBoard could visualization those graph, so you could them aspect, and more improtant, you can ensure that acspect to install them.

这里有一个例子以及复杂的版本来通过TensorFlow呈现视觉化。TensorBoard 允许我们缩放,平移 和 扩展元素来查看更多细节。这意味着我们可以看到模型抽象的不同层级,它能够帮助我们减少视觉复杂化。

There have a example and complexity version to TensorFlow visualization. TensorBoad allow us to scale, pan,and extend elements to see more details. It means we could see the model abstruction to different level, it could help us reduce visualization complexity.

preconfigure 预配置

然而,TensorBoard 不仅仅显示模型结构,它同样在一个图表中展示这些韵律进展。通常情况下,我们会描绘出精准性(accuracy)、丢失(loss)、互熵(cross-enteropy)、以及更多。这取决于模型,不同的韵律可能都很重要。TensorFlow canned estimators 在TensorBoard中附带了一些预先配置的值,以显示在TensorBoard中。因此这是一个很好的起点。

But, TensorBoard not only display model consturction, it also show those metric progress. Typically,we will draw the accuracy、loss、corss-enteropy、and more. it depends on model,different metric may all improtant。TensorFlow canned estimators on TensorBoard Attach some preconfiguration.So this is a good begin point.

histogram 直方图

distribution 分布图

embedding 嵌入

checkpoint 关卡

TensorBoard 可以显示各种各样的其他信息,包括直方图、分布图、嵌入物,同样也包括声音、图片、以及文字数据。但是这只是以后的视频。

TensorBoard could display variable other message, include histogram、distribution、embedding, also include sound、picture and text data.But it only the future video.


Let's see a TensorBoard that have linear mode example, We have much example.First we begin TensorBoard and let them refer to model structure catagorey, checkpoint through run the next staff to save storage.

tensorboard --logdir=”/tmp/iris_model/”

expand 扩展

zoom 缩放



We also could through some linear distribution to see some metric.

We also could extend and zoom their those graph.

clue us (告诉我们)

plot 描绘

it can also plot the progession of metric on a nice graph.


Double check allow us zoom out,  you could see our training progress is very succeeful, through reduce loss, obviously training is not entirely close,because loss is also have a nicely rate loss, so this may notice us training process will be more longer, to gather those model.


let us have a look to see the tab icon, please attention the up icon is very simple.

pan 平移


we could throught click + sign button to extend every box see more details. For example, if we extend "Linear" box, we will see a serise of subcomponent, we could zoome in and out, also click and drag to pan.

还请注意我们为将来的一栏“flower_features”, 显示graph组件的名称。

please attention we will have a clomnu "flower_features" display graph component name.

clarify 澄清

come out 出现


Those could help debugging and calrify how to conect the graph, mostly TensorFlow operation will named, So those will be a nice way to clarify your model.


Today we learned machine learning will simple and more funny, when you visualization model, it will have improtant training metric. TensorBoard allowed you simplization those staff, and it in Internal TensorFlow.


On next time you need visualization your machine learning, you could use TensorBoard to check the under the hook what's going on!


If you want more machine learning action, please ensure subscribe our channel on next episode.


Evenmore, the create of TensorFlow also have a nice comments on summit, please see and learn more from it.
