#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") #define FASTEST #define pass #define PASS #define UP 72 #define DOWN 80 #define LEFT 75 #define RIGHT 77 #define H 29 #define W 114 #define BUFLEN 256 #define FASTCODE ((1 << 16) | (8 << 9) | (0)) #define TITLE "title FastCode 1.9.0" #define helps "\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ num \n\ num \n\ str \n\ > str \n\ num \n\ <{> num,begin,step \n\ <\"> num,begin,step \n\ <\'> num,begin,step \n\ num,begin,step,+ str \n\ num,begin,step,- num \n\ > \n\ str \n\ str,color \n\ \n command \n\ \n\ \n\ str1,str2 \n\ str \n\ Ctrl + A \n\ Ctrl + B \n\ Ctrl + D \n\ Ctrl + E \n\ Ctrl + F \n\ Ctrl + L \n\ Ctrl + O \n\ Ctrl + R \n\ Ctrl + S \n\ Ctrl + T \n\ Ctrl + U \n\ Ctrl + W \n\ Ctrl + Back \n\ Ctrl + Enter \n\ F1 \n\ F2 \n\ F3 \n\ F4 \n\ F5 \n\ F6 \n\ A ~ Z \n\ Delete \n\ Enter \n\ Back \n\ Tab \n\ Esc \n\ " #ifndef min #define min(a, b) ({ \ typeof(a) x = (a); \ typeof(b) y = (b); \ x < y ? x : y; \ }) #endif #ifndef max #define max(a, b) ({ \ typeof(a) x = (a); \ typeof(b) y = (b); \ x > y ? x : y; \ }) #endif #define color(tc) \ SetConsoleTextAttribute (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), tc) #define gotoxy(xx, yy) \ do{ \ COORD position = {xx, yy}; \ SetConsoleCursorPosition ( \ GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), \ position \ ); \ }while(false) typedef signed char int8; typedef signed short int16; typedef signed long int32; typedef signed long long int64; typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef unsigned long uint32; typedef unsigned long long uint64; typedef unsigned char byte_t; typedef unsigned short word_t; typedef unsigned long iterator; typedef void* pointer_t; template class vector { public: type* p; size_t Len; size_t Size; vector () { p = NULL; Len = 0; Size = 0; } ~vector () { delete[] p; } size_t size () { return Size; } size_t len () { return Len; } void exp () { Len = (Len << 1) + 1; if (p == NULL) { p = new type [ Len ]; } else { type *tp = new type [ Len ]; for (size_t it = 0; it < Size; it++) tp[ it ] = p[ it ]; delete[] p; p = tp; } return; } void exp (size_t ts) { while (ts >= Len) exp (); return; } type& operator [] (size_t it) { if (it >= Len) exp (it); return p[ it ]; } type at (size_t it) { if (it >= Len) exp (it); return p[ it ]; } void push_back (type& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void push_back (type&& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void push_back (vector & vc) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vc.size(); i++) push_back (vc[i]); return; } void pop_back () { if (Size > 0) Size--; return; } void pop_back (size_t ts) { if (Size >= ts) Size -= ts; else Size = 0; return; } void insert (size_t it, type& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); for (size_t it_t = Size; it_t > it; it_t--) p[ it_t ] = p[it_t - 1]; p[ it ] = x; Size++; return; } void insert (size_t it, type&& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); for (size_t it_t = Size; it_t > it; it_t--) p[ it_t ] = p[it_t - 1]; p[ it ] = x; Size++; return; } void erase (size_t it) { Size--; for (size_t it_t = it; it_t < Size; it_t++) p[ it_t ] = p[it_t + 1]; return; } void reverse () { for (size_t it = 0; it < (Size >> 1); it++) { type tt = p[ it ]; p[ it ] = p[Size - it - 1]; p[Size - it - 1] = tt; } return; } void operator ++ () { if (Size == Len) exp (); Size++; return; } void operator ++ (int) { if (Size == Len) exp (); Size++; return; } void operator += (type& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void operator += (type&& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void operator += (vector & vc) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vc.size(); i++) push_back (vc[i]); return; } void operator -- () { if (Size > 0) Size--; return; } void operator -- (int) { if (Size > 0) Size--; return; } void operator -= (size_t ts) { if (Size >= ts) Size -= ts; else Size = 0; return; } void operator = (vector & vc) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vc.size(); i++) push_back (vc[i]); return; } }; template struct node { type v; node * pre; node * next; node () { pre = next = NULL; } }; template class list { public: node * head; node * tail; list () { head = new node ; tail = new node ; head -> next = tail; tail -> pre = head; } ~list () { node * fn = head; node * sn = head; while (fn !=NULL) { sn = sn -> next; delete fn; fn = sn; } } node * begin () { return head; } node * end () { return tail; } void push_back (type& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void push_back (type&& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void push_back (list & tl) { node * tn = tl.begin(); tn = tn -> next; while (tn != tl.end()) { push_back(tn -> v); tn = tn -> next; } return; } void pop_back () { node * tn = tail -> pre; if (tn != head) { tail -> pre = tn -> pre; tn -> pre -> next = tail; delete tn; } return; } void insert (node * in, type& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = in; tn -> next = in -> next; in -> next -> pre = tn; in -> next = tn; return; } void insert (node * in, type&& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = in; tn -> next = in -> next; in -> next -> pre = tn; in -> next = tn; return; } void erase (node * en) { node * tn = en -> next; if (tn != tail) { en -> next = tn -> next; tn -> next -> pre = en; delete tn; } return; } void operator += (type& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void operator += (type&& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void operator += (list & tl) { node * tn = tl.begin(); tn = tn -> next; while (tn != tl.end()) { push_back(tn -> v); tn = tn -> next; } return; } void operator -- () { node * tn = tail -> pre; if (tn != head) { tail -> pre = tn -> pre; tn -> pre -> next = tail; delete tn; } return; } void operator = (list & tl) { node * tn = tl.begin(); tn = tn -> next; while (tn != tl.end()) { push_back(tn -> v); tn = tn -> next; } return; } }; class server { public: int error; int address_length; WORD wVersionRequested; SOCKET socket_server; SOCKET socket_client; WSADATA wsaData; SOCKADDR_IN server_address; SOCKADDR_IN client_address; int init (int port = 5000) { wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2); error = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData); if (error != 0) { printf( "Cant initiates use of the Winsock DLL by a process!\n" ); return 1; } if ( LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 ) { printf("could not find a usable WinSock DLL!\n"); WSACleanup(); return 1; } server_address.sin_family = AF_INET; server_address.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); server_address.sin_port = htons(port); socket_server = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ); if (INVALID_SOCKET == socket_server) { printf( "socket function failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError() ); WSACleanup(); return 1; } if ( SOCKET_ERROR == bind( socket_server, (SOCKADDR *)&server_address, sizeof(server_address) ) ) { printf( "bind failed with error %u\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(socket_server); WSACleanup(); return 1; } if (SOCKET_ERROR == listen(socket_server, 1)) printf( "listen function failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); address_length = sizeof(client_address); socket_client = accept( socket_server, (SOCKADDR *)&client_address, &address_length ); if (INVALID_SOCKET == socket_client) printf( "accept failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError() ); return 0; } int recv (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { int ret = ::recv(socket_client, buf, len, flags); if (ret <= 0) { if (ret == 0) { printf("Connection closed\n"); } else { printf ( "recv failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(socket_client); closesocket(socket_server); WSACleanup(); } } return ret; } int send (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { int ret = ::send (socket_client, buf, len, flags); if (SOCKET_ERROR == ret) { printf( "send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(socket_client); closesocket(socket_server); WSACleanup(); } return ret; } int close () { if (SOCKET_ERROR == closesocket(socket_client)) { printf( "closesocket function failed with error %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); WSACleanup(); return 1; } if (SOCKET_ERROR == closesocket(socket_server)) { printf( "closesocket function failed with error %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); WSACleanup(); return 1; } WSACleanup(); return 0; } }; class client { public: WSADATA wsaData; SOCKET clientSocket; sockaddr_in serverAddr; int bytesSent; int init ( const char* addr = "", int port = 5000 ) { if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) { printf("Failed to initialize winsock.\n"); return 1; } clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (clientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("Failed to create socket.\n"); WSACleanup(); return 1; } serverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; serverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addr); serverAddr.sin_port = htons(port); if ( connect( clientSocket, (sockaddr*)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { printf("Failed to connect to server.\n"); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } return 0; } int recv (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { int ret = ::recv(clientSocket, buf, len, flags); if (ret <= 0) { if (ret == 0) { printf("Connection closed\n"); return 1; } else { printf( "recv failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } } return 0; } int send (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { bytesSent = ::send(clientSocket, buf, len, 0); if (bytesSent == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("Failed to send data to server.\n"); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } return 0; } int close () { closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 0; } }; namespace snake { #define X 23 #define Y 40 #define MAXLEN 75 #define MINTIME 75 unsigned int snake[MAXLEN][2]; unsigned int len; unsigned int lastt[2]; unsigned int score; unsigned int max_score; unsigned int way; double wait; int input; unsigned int food[2]; bool empty = true; void welcome (); void init (); void drawmap (); void drawsnake (); void move (); void clt (); void getin (); void putfood (); void eatfood (); bool gameover (); int start (); #undef X #undef Y #undef MAXLEN #undef MINTIME } struct Pos { char ch; byte_t cl; }; list > doc; node >* ty; iterator tx; node >* py; iterator px; long cnt; bool lock; bool edit; size_t lines; char name[BUFLEN]; char exen[BUFLEN]; char path[BUFLEN]; bool isat[256]; Pos preout[H][W]; Pos thisout[H][W]; std::map keyword; std::atomic sig; void whelp (); void rpath (); void rdocu (int argc, char* argv); void init (int argc, char** argv); void save (); void doccopy (const char* from, const char* to); void cppcopy (const char* to); void output (LPVOID id); bool cfn (int ch); bool cctrl (int ch); bool ccom (int ch); void input (LPVOID id); int main (int argc, char** argv) { try { DWORD input_id; DWORD output_id; HANDLE input_handle; HANDLE output_handle; system (TITLE); system ("mode con lines=31 cols=120"); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = {1, 0}; SetConsoleCursorInfo ( GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info ); color (15); whelp (); rpath (); init (argc, argv); input_handle = (HANDLE)::CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)input, (LPVOID)&input_id, 0, &input_id ); output_handle = (HANDLE)::CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)output, (LPVOID)&output_id, 0, &output_id ); while (sig != -1) { ; } } catch (...) { printf ("异常产生!\n"); throw ; } system ("pause"); return 0; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void whelp () { FILE* fp = fopen ("FCDOC\\help.txt", "w"); fprintf (fp, helps); fclose (fp); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void rpath () { FILE* fp = fopen ("FCDOC\\path.txt", "r"); system ("cls"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("编译器路径:"); gets (path); FILE* sf = fopen ("path.txt", "w"); fprintf (sf, "%s", path); fclose (sf); } else { fscanf (fp, "%s", path); } fclose (fp); } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void rdocu (int argc, char* argv) { int ch; size_t sum; size_t pre; vector tv; FILE* fp = fopen (argv, "r"); iterator nt = strlen (argv) - 1; system ("cls"); printf ("读取中...\n\n"); #ifndef FASTEST color (136); printf (" "); color (15); #endif for (; nt > 0; nt--) { if (argv[nt - 1] == '\\') break; } if (argc != 1) { for (iterator it = 0; argv[nt] != '\0'; it++) { name[it] = argv[nt]; nt++; } } fseek (fp, 0, 2); sum = ftell (fp); fseek (fp, 0, 0); ch = fgetc (fp); pre = 0; while (ch != EOF) { if (ch == 10) { node >* tn = new node >; for (iterator it = 0; it < tv.size(); it++) { tn -> v.push_back (tv[it]); } tn -> pre = doc.tail -> pre; tn -> next = doc.tail; doc.tail -> pre -> next = tn; doc.tail -> pre = tn; while (tv.size () != 0) { tv.pop_back (); } } else if (ch == 9) { do { tv += ' '; } while (tv.size () % 4 != 0); } else { tv += ch; } #ifndef FASTEST gotoxy (0, 1); printf ("%d / %d", ftell (fp), sum); gotoxy (0, 2); size_t temp = ftell (fp) * 64 / sum; if (temp != pre) { pre = temp; color (170); for (iterator it = 0; it < temp; it++) { printf (" "); } color (15); } #endif ch = fgetc(fp); } if (tv.size () != 0) { node >* tn = new node >; for (iterator it = 0; it < tv.size(); it++) tn -> v.push_back (tv[it]); tn -> pre = doc.tail -> pre; tn -> next = doc.tail; doc.tail -> pre -> next = tn; doc.tail -> pre = tn; } fclose (fp); Sleep (500); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void init (int argc, char** argv) { system ("cls"); printf ("初始化...\n"); if (argc != 1) { rdocu (argc, argv[1]); } else { system ("cls"); printf ("文件名:"); gets (name); FILE* fp = fopen (name, "r"); if (fp) { fclose (fp); rdocu (argc, name); } else { vector tv; doc += tv; } } iterator it = 0; for (; name[it] != '.' && name[it] != '\0'; it++) { exen[it] = name[it]; } exen[it++] = '.'; exen[it++] = 'e'; exen[it++] = 'x'; exen[it++] = 'e'; exen[it++] = '\0'; char ts[W]; sprintf (ts, "title %s", name); system (ts); ty = doc.begin () -> next; tx = 0; py = doc.begin () -> next; px = 0; lock = true; sig = 1; for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { preout[yi][xi].cl = 15; preout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { thisout[yi][xi].cl = 15; thisout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } isat['~'] = true; isat['!'] = true; isat['%'] = true; isat['^'] = true; isat['&'] = true; isat['*'] = true; isat['('] = true; isat[')'] = true; isat['-'] = true; isat['+'] = true; isat['='] = true; isat['{'] = true; isat['}'] = true; isat['['] = true; isat[']'] = true; isat['|'] = true; isat[':'] = true; isat[';'] = true; isat['<'] = true; isat['>'] = true; isat[','] = true; isat['.'] = true; isat['?'] = true; isat['/'] = true; keyword["alignas"] = 11; keyword["alignof"] = 11; keyword["and"] = 11; keyword["and_eq"] = 11; keyword["asm"] = 11; keyword["auto"] = 11; keyword["bitand"] = 11; keyword["bitor"] = 11; keyword["bool"] = 11; keyword["break"] = 11; keyword["case"] = 11; keyword["catch"] = 11; keyword["char"] = 11; keyword["char16_t"] = 11; keyword["char32_t"] = 11; keyword["class"] = 11; keyword["compl"] = 11; keyword["const"] = 11; keyword["constexpr"] = 11; keyword["const_cast"] = 11; keyword["continue"] = 11; keyword["decltype"] = 11; keyword["default"] = 11; keyword["delete"] = 11; keyword["do"] = 11; keyword["double"] = 11; keyword["dynamic_cast"] = 11; keyword["else"] = 11; keyword["enum"] = 11; keyword["explicit"] = 11; keyword["export"] = 11; keyword["extern"] = 11; keyword["false"] = 11; keyword["float"] = 11; keyword["for"] = 11; keyword["friend"] = 11; keyword["goto"] = 11; keyword["if"] = 11; keyword["inline"] = 11; keyword["int"] = 11; keyword["long"] = 11; keyword["mutable"] = 11; keyword["namespace"] = 11; keyword["new"] = 11; keyword["noexcept"] = 11; keyword["not"] = 11; keyword["not_eq"] = 11; keyword["nullptr"] = 11; keyword["operator"] = 11; keyword["or"] = 11; keyword["or_eq"] = 11; keyword["private"] = 11; keyword["protected"] = 11; keyword["public"] = 11; keyword["register"] = 11; keyword["reinterpret_cast"] = 11; keyword["return"] = 11; keyword["short"] = 11; keyword["signed"] = 11; keyword["sizeof"] = 11; keyword["static"] = 11; keyword["static_assert"] = 11; keyword["static_cast"] = 11; keyword["struct"] = 11; keyword["switch"] = 11; keyword["template"] = 11; keyword["this"] = 11; keyword["thread_local"] = 11; keyword["throw"] = 11; keyword["true"] = 11; keyword["try"] = 11; keyword["typedef"] = 11; keyword["typeid"] = 11; keyword["typeof"] = 11; keyword["typename"] = 11; keyword["union"] = 11; keyword["unsigned"] = 11; keyword["using"] = 11; keyword["virtual"] = 11; keyword["void"] = 11; keyword["volatile"] = 11; keyword["wchar_t"] = 11; keyword["while"] = 11; keyword["xor"] = 11; keyword["xor_eq"] = 11; system ("cls"); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void save () { edit = false; char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "title %s", name); system (calls); FILE* fp = fopen(name, "w"); node >* sp = doc.begin () -> next; while (sp != doc.end ()) { for (iterator it = 0; it < sp -> v.size(); it++) fputc (sp -> v[it], fp); fputc ('\n', fp); sp = sp -> next; } fclose(fp); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void doccopy (const char* from, const char* to) { FILE* fp = fopen (from, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("打开失败!\n"); return; } FILE* tp = fopen (to, "w"); char ch; ch = fgetc (fp); while (ch != EOF) { fputc (ch, tp); ch = fgetc (fp); } fclose (fp); fclose (tp); printf ("成功!\n"); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void cppcopy (const char* to) { FILE* fp = fopen (name, "r"); FILE* tp = fopen (to, "w"); char ch; ch = fgetc (fp); while (ch != EOF) { fputc (ch, tp); ch = fgetc (fp); } fclose (fp); fclose (tp); printf ("成功!\n"); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void output (LPVOID id) { std::mutex mlock; while (true) { while (true) { if (sig == 1) { sig = 0; break; } else if (sig == -1) { return; } } node >* pt = py; mlock.lock (); node >* end = doc.end (); mlock.unlock (); bool special = false; bool isinc = false; bool isstr = false; bool isch = false; bool isnum = false; for (iterator yy = 0; yy < H - 1 && pt != end; yy++) { byte_t cl; iterator xx; std::string ks; if (!special) { isinc = false; isstr = false; isch = false; isnum = false; } for (xx = 0; xx < W - 7 && xx + px < pt -> v.size (); xx++) { char putch = pt -> v.at(xx + px); if ((!isinc) && (!isstr) && (!isch)) { if ( (putch >= 'A' && putch <= 'Z') || (putch >= 'a' && putch <= 'z') || (putch >= '0' && putch <= '9') || (putch == '_') ) { ks += putch; } else { mlock.lock (); if (keyword[ks] != 0) { for (iterator it = 0; it < ks.size(); it++) { if (pt == ty && xx + px - ks.size() + it == tx) thisout[yy][xx + px - ks.size() + it].cl = 240; else thisout[yy][xx + px - ks.size() + it].cl = keyword[ks]; } } mlock.unlock (); ks = ""; } } else { ks = ""; } if (putch == ' ' || isat[(int)putch] == true || xx + px == 0) { isnum = true; } else if(putch < '0' || putch > '9') { isnum = false; } if ((!isstr) && (!isch) && (isinc || putch == '#')) { cl = 10; isinc = true; } else if ((!isinc) && (!isch) && (isstr || putch == '\"')) { cl = 11; if (pt -> v[xx + px] == '\"' && !special) isstr = !isstr; } else if ((!isinc) && (!isstr) && (isch || putch == '\'')) { cl = 14; if (pt -> v[xx + px] == '\'' && !special) isch = !isch; } else if ( (!isinc) && (!isstr) && (!isch) && (isnum) && (putch >= '0' && putch <= '9') ) { cl = 11; } else if (isat[(int)putch] == true) { cl = 9; } else { cl = 15; } if (pt == ty && xx + px == tx) { cl = 240; } thisout[yy][xx].cl = cl; thisout[yy][xx].ch = putch; if (putch == '\\' && !special) { special = true; } else { special = false; } } cl = 15; if (pt == ty && tx == pt -> v.size ()) { cl = 240; } thisout[yy][xx].cl = cl; thisout[yy][xx].ch = ' '; pt = pt -> next; } pt = py; mlock.lock (); gotoxy (0, 0); for (iterator yy = 0; yy < H - 1 && pt != end; yy++) { color (15); printf ("%4d ", (int)(lines + yy)); for (iterator xx = 0; xx < W - 6; xx++) { if ( thisout[yy][xx].ch != preout[yy][xx].ch || thisout[yy][xx].cl != preout[yy][xx].cl ) { gotoxy ((short)(xx + 5), (short)yy); color (thisout[yy][xx].cl); printf ("%c", thisout[yy][xx].ch); } } color (12); gotoxy ((short)(W - 2), (short)yy); if (pt -> v.size() > W - 8) { printf (" > "); } else { printf (" "); } printf ("\n"); pt = pt -> next; } color (15); printf ("%114c", ' '); memcpy (preout, thisout, sizeof (preout)); mlock.unlock (); for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { thisout[yi][xi].cl = 15; thisout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } } return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) bool cfn (int ch) { if (ch == 0) { char prt[W + 7]; memset(prt, '\b', sizeof(prt)); prt[W + 6] = '\0'; printf("%s", prt); ch = getch (); switch (ch) { case 59: { printf (helps); system ("pause"); break; } case 60: { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "start %s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 61: { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "%s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 62: { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 63: { char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "start %s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 64: { char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "%s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 65: { save (); system (name); system ("pause"); break; } default: break; } for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { preout[yi][xi].cl = 15; preout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } system ("cls"); return true; } return false; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) bool cctrl (int ch) { if (ch == 1) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'u'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 2) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'b'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 4) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'd'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'u'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'b'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 5) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'x'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 6) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'f'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 12) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 15) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'p'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 18) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'i'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 's'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 19) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 's'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'i'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'd'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 20) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'm'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'p'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 21) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'u'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 's'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'i'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'd'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 23) { tx = ty -> v.size(); return true; } return false; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) bool ccom (int ch) { if (ch == 10) { char prt[W + 7]; memset(prt, '\b', sizeof(prt)); prt[W + 6] = '\0'; printf("%sFastCode:> ", prt); ch = getchar (); switch (ch) { case 'h': case 'H': case '?': { printf (helps); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 's': case 'S': { save (); break; } case 'q': case 'Q': { save (); sig = -1; exit (0); } case '!': { sig = -1; exit (0); } case 'o': case 'O': { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "start %s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 'r': case 'R': case ':': { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "%s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 't': case 'T': case '^': { tx = 0; cnt = 0; lines = 0; ty = doc.begin () -> next; py = doc.begin () -> next; edit = false; break; } case 'y': case 'Y': case '@': { unsigned int linenum; scanf ("%d", &linenum); tx = 0; cnt = 0; lines = 0; ty = doc.begin () -> next; py = doc.begin () -> next; for (iterator it = 0; it < linenum; it++) { if (ty -> next != doc.end ()) { ty = ty -> next; py = py -> next; lines++; } } edit = false; break; } case 'x': case 'X': { unsigned int colnum; scanf ("%d", &colnum); tx = colnum; if (tx < 0) { tx = 0; } if (tx > ty -> v.size()) { tx = ty -> v.size(); } edit = false; break; } case 'b': case 'B': case '<': { edit = false; int len; bool okk; char word[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (word); len = strlen(word); while (ty -> pre != doc.begin()) { tx = 0; ty = ty -> pre; cnt--; for (; (signed int)tx < (signed int)ty -> v.size() - len; tx++) { okk = true; for (iterator it = 0; it < len; it++) { if (word[it] != ty -> v[tx + it]) { okk = false; break; } } if (okk) { goto FL_END; } } } break; FL_END: break; } case 'f': case 'F': case '>': { edit = false; int len; bool okk; char word[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (word); len = strlen(word); while (ty -> next != doc.end()) { tx = 0; ty = ty -> next; cnt++; for (; (signed int)tx < (signed int)ty -> v.size() - len; tx++) { okk = true; for (iterator it = 0; it < len; it++) { if (word[it] != ty -> v[tx + it]) { okk = false; break; } } if (okk) { goto FR_END; } } } break; FR_END: break; } case 'e': case 'E': case '-': { int num; scanf ("%d", &num); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { if (tx > 0) { tx--; ty -> v.erase (tx); } } break; } case '{': { int num; int step; int begin; char word[BUFLEN]; scanf ("%d,%d,%d", &num, &begin, &step); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { sprintf (word, "%d", it * step + begin); for (iterator i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; i++) { ty -> v.insert (tx, word[i]); tx++; } ty -> v.insert (tx, ','); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } break; } case '\'': { int num; int step; char begin; scanf ("%d,%c,%d", &num, &begin, &step); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { ty -> v.insert (tx, '\''); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)(it * step) + begin); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '\''); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ','); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } break; } case '\"': { int num; int step; char begin; scanf ("%d,%c,%d", &num, &begin, &step); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)(it * step) + begin); tx++; } break; } case 'l': case 'L': case '|': { int num; int deln; int step; int begin; char ch; char str[BUFLEN]; node >* tn = ty; scanf ("%d,%d,%d,%c", &num, &begin, &step, &ch); if (ch == '-') { scanf ("%d", &deln); tx -= deln; while (tx < 0) { tx++; deln--; } } else if (ch == '+') { getchar (); gets (str); } for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { if (ch == '-') { for (iterator it = 0; it < deln; it++) tn -> v.erase (tx); } else if (ch == '+') { for (iterator l = 0; str[l] != '\0'; l++) tn -> v.insert (l + tx, str[l]); } for (iterator l = 0; l < step; l++) { if (tn -> next != doc.end()) tn = tn -> next; else goto LF_END; } } break; LF_END: break; } case '/': { ty -> v.insert (0, '#'); ty -> v.insert (0, '/'); ty -> v.insert (0, '/'); tx = 0; break; } case 'k': case 'K': { char word[BUFLEN]; scanf ("%s", word); keyword[word] = 11; edit = false; break; } case 'p': case 'P': { unsigned int tcolor; char word[BUFLEN]; scanf ("%s", word); scanf ("%d", &tcolor); keyword[word] = (byte_t)tcolor; edit = false; break; } case '.': { int ret; unsigned int tcolor; char path[BUFLEN]; char word[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (path); FILE* fp = fopen (path, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { while (true) { ret = fscanf (fp, "%s %d", word, &tcolor); if (ret != -1) keyword[word] = (byte_t)tcolor; else break; } } edit = false; break; } case 'w': case 'W': case '$': { char calls[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (calls); system (calls); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 'c': case 'C': case '=': { std::string TempBin; HGLOBAL hMemBin = NULL; PCHAR LockBin = NULL; node >* tn = doc.begin () -> next; OpenClipboard(NULL); EmptyClipboard(); while (tn != doc.end ()) { for (iterator it = 0; it < tn -> v.size (); it++) TempBin += tn -> v[it]; TempBin += '\n'; tn = tn -> next; } hMemBin = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, TempBin.size() + 1); LockBin = (PCHAR)GlobalLock(hMemBin); RtlMoveMemory(LockBin, TempBin.c_str(), TempBin.size() + 1); GlobalUnlock(hMemBin); LockBin = NULL; SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hMemBin); CloseClipboard(); edit = false; break; } case 'v': case 'V': case '~': { lock = !lock; edit = false; break; } case 'm': case 'M': case '%': { char from[BUFLEN]; char to[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (from); gets (to); doccopy (from, to); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 'd': case 'D': case ';': { char to[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (to); save (); cppcopy (to); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 'g': case 'G': { int no; scanf ("%d", &no); switch (no) { case 2147483647: { snake::start (); break; } default: break; } system (name); edit = false; break; } case 'i': case 'I': { getchar (); char c = getchar(); char buf[BUFLEN]; if (c == 's') { server ser; ser.init (); node >* tp = doc.begin (); tp = tp -> next; while (tp != doc.end ()) { iterator it; for (it = 0; it < tp -> v.size (); it++) { buf[it] = tp -> v[it]; } buf[it++] = '\n'; buf[it++] = '\0'; ser.send (buf, strlen (buf) + 1); tp = tp -> next; } ser.close (); system ("pause"); } else if (c == 'r') { client cli; FILE* fp = fopen ("recv.cpp", "w"); char recvadd[BUFLEN]; char recvbuf[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (recvadd); cli.init(recvadd); while (true) { int ret = cli.recv(recvbuf, BUFLEN); if (ret == 0) { fprintf (fp, "%s", recvbuf); } else { break; } } cli.close (); fclose (fp); system ("pause"); } edit = false; break; } default: break; } CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = {1, 0}; SetConsoleCursorInfo (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info); for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { preout[yi][xi].cl = 15; preout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } system ("cls"); return true; } return false; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void input (LPVOID id) { int ch; std::mutex mlock; while (true) { ch = getch (); edit = true; mlock.lock (); if (cfn (ch)) { if (sig == -1) return; } else if (cctrl (ch)) { if (sig == -1) return; } else if (ch == 8) { //Back if (tx == 0) { if (ty -> pre != doc.begin ()) { ty = ty -> pre; tx = ty -> v.size(); for (iterator it = 0; it < ty -> next -> v.size (); it++) ty -> v += ty -> next -> v[it]; doc.erase (ty); cnt--; } } else { ty -> v.erase (tx - 1); tx--; } } else if (ch == 9) { //Tab do { ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } while (tx % 4 != 0); } else if (ccom (ch)) { if (sig == -1) return; } else if (ch == 13) { //Enter node >* tn = new node >; for (iterator it = tx; it < ty -> v.size (); it++) tn -> v += ty -> v[it]; ty -> v -= (ty -> v.size() - tx); tn -> pre = ty; tn -> next = ty -> next; ty -> next -> pre = tn; ty -> next = tn; ty = ty -> next; tx = 0; while ( tx < ty -> pre -> v.size () && ty -> pre -> v[tx] == ' ' ) { ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } cnt++; } else if (ch == 27) { //Esc save (); sig = -1; return; } else if (lock && ch == '(') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ')'); } else if (lock && ch == '[') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ']'); } else if (lock && ch == '{') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '}'); } else if (lock && ch == '\"') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '\"'); } else if (lock && ch == '\'') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '\''); } else if (ch == 224) { ch = getch (); switch (ch) { case 83: { //Delete if (tx == ty -> v.size()) { if (ty -> next != doc.end ()) { for (iterator it = 0; it < ty -> next -> v.size (); it++) ty -> v += ty -> next -> v[it]; doc.erase (ty); } } else { ty -> v.erase (tx); } break; } case UP: { if (ty -> pre != doc.begin ()) { ty = ty -> pre; tx = min (tx, ty -> v.size ()); cnt--; } edit = false; break; } case DOWN: { if (ty -> next != doc.end ()) { ty = ty -> next; tx = min (tx, ty -> v.size ()); cnt++; } edit = false; break; } case LEFT: { if (tx > 0) { tx--; } edit = false; break; } case RIGHT: { if (tx < ty -> v.size ()) { tx++; } edit = false; break; } } } else if (ch == 127) { do { if (tx != 0) { tx--; ty -> v.erase (tx); } } while (tx % 4 != 0); } else { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; } while (cnt > H - 2) { lines++; cnt--; py = py -> next; } while (cnt < 0) { lines--; cnt++; py = py -> pre; } if (edit) { edit = false; char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "title %s*", name); system (calls); } mlock.unlock(); sig = 1; } return; } namespace snake { #define X 23 #define Y 40 #define MAXLEN 75 #define MINTIME 75 void welcome () { printf ("游戏规则:\n"); printf ("w,a,s,d,控制移动\n"); getch (); system ("cls"); return; } void init () { system ("title 贪吃蛇"); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = {1, 0}; SetConsoleCursorInfo (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info); std::fstream in ("score.txt", std::ios::in); if (!in.fail ()) in >> max_score; else welcome (); in.close (); len = 4; snake[0][0] = X >> 1; snake[0][1] = Y >> 1; snake[1][0] = (X >> 1) + 1; snake[1][1] = Y >> 1; snake[2][0] = (X >> 1) + 2; snake[2][1] = Y >> 1; snake[3][0] = (X >> 1) + 3; snake[3][1] = Y >> 1; way = UP; wait = 150.0; return; } void drawmap (){ color (255); for (unsigned int xx = 0; xx < X; xx++){ gotoxy (0, (short)xx); printf (" "); gotoxy ((short)(Y * 2 - 2), (short)xx); printf (" "); } for (unsigned int yy = 0; yy < Y; yy++){ gotoxy ((short)(yy * 2), 0); printf (" "); gotoxy ((short)(yy * 2), (short)(X - 1)); printf (" "); } return; } void drawsnake (){ color (255); gotoxy (0,0); printf (" "); color (10); gotoxy ((short)(snake[0][1] * 2), (short)snake[0][0]); printf ("□"); gotoxy ((short)(snake[1][1] * 2), (short)snake[1][0]); printf ("■"); return; } void move () { lastt[0] = snake[len-1][0]; lastt[1] = snake[len-1][1]; for (unsigned int tc = len - 1; tc > 0; tc--){ snake[tc][0] = snake[tc-1][0]; snake[tc][1] = snake[tc-1][1]; } switch (way) { case UP: { snake[0][0]--; break; } case DOWN: { snake[0][0]++; break; } case LEFT: { snake[0][1]--; break; } case RIGHT: { snake[0][1]++; break; } } return; } void clt () { color (0); gotoxy ((short)(lastt[1] * 2), (short)lastt[0]); printf (" "); return; } void getin () { if (kbhit () != 0) { while (kbhit() != 0) input = getch (); switch (input) { case 'W': case 'w': { if (way != DOWN) way = UP; break; } case 'S': case 's': { if (way != UP) way = DOWN; break; } case 'A': case 'a':{ if (way != RIGHT) way = LEFT; break; } case 'D': case 'd':{ if (way != LEFT) way = RIGHT; break; } } } return; } void putfood () { if (empty) { bool flag = true; srand (time (NULL)); while (flag) { food[0] = rand () % (X - 2) + 1; food[1] = rand () % (Y - 2) + 1; flag = false; for (unsigned int tc = 0; tc < len; tc++) { if(snake[tc][0] == food[0] && snake[tc][1] == food[1]) flag = true; } } empty = false; color (14); gotoxy ((short)(food[1] * 2), (short)food[0]); printf ("◆"); } return; } void eatfood () { if (snake[0][0] == food[0] && snake[0][1] == food[1]) { empty = true; score++; if(wait >= MINTIME) wait -= 0.5; if(len < MAXLEN) len++; } return; } bool gameover () { bool over = false; if ( snake[0][0] == 0 || snake[0][0] == X - 1 || snake[0][1] == 0 || snake[0][1] == Y - 1 ) { over = true; } for (unsigned int tc = 1; tc < len; tc++) if (snake[0][0] == snake[tc][0] && snake[0][1] == snake[tc][1]) over = true; if (over == true) { system ("cls"); while (kbhit() != 0) getch (); printf ("Game over!\n"); printf ("Score:%d\n",score); printf ("Max score:%d\n",max_score); getch (); system ("cls"); printf ("Save...\n"); if (score > max_score) { std::fstream write; write.open ("score.txt",std::ios::out); write << score; write.close (); max_score = score; } } return over; } int start () { init (); drawmap (); Sleep (3000); while (true) { clt (); drawsnake (); putfood (); eatfood (); getin (); move (); if (gameover ()) break; Sleep ((DWORD)(wait)); } return 0; } #undef X #undef Y #undef MAXLEN #undef MINTIME }
\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ num \n\ num \n\ str \n\ > str \n\ num \n\ <{> num,begin,step \n\ <\"> num,begin,step \n\ <\'> num,begin,step \n\ num,begin,step,+ str \n\ num,begin,step,- num \n\ > \n\ str \n\ str,color \n\ \n command \n\ \n\ \n\ str1,str2 \n\ str \n\ Ctrl + A \n\ Ctrl + B \n\ Ctrl + D \n\ Ctrl + E \n\ Ctrl + F \n\ Ctrl + L \n\ Ctrl + O \n\ Ctrl + R \n\ Ctrl + S \n\ Ctrl + T \n\ Ctrl + U \n\ Ctrl + W \n\ Ctrl + Back \n\ Ctrl + Enter \n\ F1 \n\ F2 \n\ F3 \n\ F4 \n\ F5 \n\ F6 \n\ A ~ Z \n\ Delete \n\ Enter \n\ Back \n\ Tab \n\ Esc \n\ " #ifndef min #define min(a, b) ({ \ typeof(a) x = (a); \ typeof(b) y = (b); \ x < y ? x : y; \ }) #endif #ifndef max #define max(a, b) ({ \ typeof(a) x = (a); \ typeof(b) y = (b); \ x > y ? x : y; \ }) #endif #define color(tc) \ SetConsoleTextAttribute (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), tc) #define gotoxy(xx, yy) \ do{ \ COORD position = {xx, yy}; \ SetConsoleCursorPosition ( \ GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), \ position \ ); \ }while(false) typedef signed char int8; typedef signed short int16; typedef signed long int32; typedef signed long long int64; typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef unsigned long uint32; typedef unsigned long long uint64; typedef unsigned char byte_t; typedef unsigned short word_t; typedef unsigned long iterator; typedef void* pointer_t; template class vector { public: type* p; size_t Len; size_t Size; vector () { p = NULL; Len = 0; Size = 0; } ~vector () { delete[] p; } size_t size () { return Size; } size_t len () { return Len; } void exp () { Len = (Len << 1) + 1; if (p == NULL) { p = new type [ Len ]; } else { type *tp = new type [ Len ]; for (size_t it = 0; it < Size; it++) tp[ it ] = p[ it ]; delete[] p; p = tp; } return; } void exp (size_t ts) { while (ts >= Len) exp (); return; } type& operator [] (size_t it) { if (it >= Len) exp (it); return p[ it ]; } type at (size_t it) { if (it >= Len) exp (it); return p[ it ]; } void push_back (type& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void push_back (type&& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void push_back (vector & vc) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vc.size(); i++) push_back (vc[i]); return; } void pop_back () { if (Size > 0) Size--; return; } void pop_back (size_t ts) { if (Size >= ts) Size -= ts; else Size = 0; return; } void insert (size_t it, type& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); for (size_t it_t = Size; it_t > it; it_t--) p[ it_t ] = p[it_t - 1]; p[ it ] = x; Size++; return; } void insert (size_t it, type&& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); for (size_t it_t = Size; it_t > it; it_t--) p[ it_t ] = p[it_t - 1]; p[ it ] = x; Size++; return; } void erase (size_t it) { Size--; for (size_t it_t = it; it_t < Size; it_t++) p[ it_t ] = p[it_t + 1]; return; } void reverse () { for (size_t it = 0; it < (Size >> 1); it++) { type tt = p[ it ]; p[ it ] = p[Size - it - 1]; p[Size - it - 1] = tt; } return; } void operator ++ () { if (Size == Len) exp (); Size++; return; } void operator ++ (int) { if (Size == Len) exp (); Size++; return; } void operator += (type& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void operator += (type&& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void operator += (vector & vc) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vc.size(); i++) push_back (vc[i]); return; } void operator -- () { if (Size > 0) Size--; return; } void operator -- (int) { if (Size > 0) Size--; return; } void operator -= (size_t ts) { if (Size >= ts) Size -= ts; else Size = 0; return; } void operator = (vector & vc) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vc.size(); i++) push_back (vc[i]); return; } }; template struct node { type v; node * pre; node * next; node () { pre = next = NULL; } }; template class list { public: node * head; node * tail; list () { head = new node ; tail = new node ; head -> next = tail; tail -> pre = head; } ~list () { node * fn = head; node * sn = head; while (fn !=NULL) { sn = sn -> next; delete fn; fn = sn; } } node * begin () { return head; } node * end () { return tail; } void push_back (type& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void push_back (type&& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void push_back (list & tl) { node * tn = tl.begin(); tn = tn -> next; while (tn != tl.end()) { push_back(tn -> v); tn = tn -> next; } return; } void pop_back () { node * tn = tail -> pre; if (tn != head) { tail -> pre = tn -> pre; tn -> pre -> next = tail; delete tn; } return; } void insert (node * in, type& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = in; tn -> next = in -> next; in -> next -> pre = tn; in -> next = tn; return; } void insert (node * in, type&& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = in; tn -> next = in -> next; in -> next -> pre = tn; in -> next = tn; return; } void erase (node * en) { node * tn = en -> next; if (tn != tail) { en -> next = tn -> next; tn -> next -> pre = en; delete tn; } return; } void operator += (type& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void operator += (type&& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void operator += (list & tl) { node * tn = tl.begin(); tn = tn -> next; while (tn != tl.end()) { push_back(tn -> v); tn = tn -> next; } return; } void operator -- () { node * tn = tail -> pre; if (tn != head) { tail -> pre = tn -> pre; tn -> pre -> next = tail; delete tn; } return; } void operator = (list & tl) { node * tn = tl.begin(); tn = tn -> next; while (tn != tl.end()) { push_back(tn -> v); tn = tn -> next; } return; } }; class server { public: int error; int address_length; WORD wVersionRequested; SOCKET socket_server; SOCKET socket_client; WSADATA wsaData; SOCKADDR_IN server_address; SOCKADDR_IN client_address; int init (int port = 5000) { wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2); error = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData); if (error != 0) { printf( "Cant initiates use of the Winsock DLL by a process!\n" ); return 1; } if ( LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 ) { printf("could not find a usable WinSock DLL!\n"); WSACleanup(); return 1; } server_address.sin_family = AF_INET; server_address.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); server_address.sin_port = htons(port); socket_server = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ); if (INVALID_SOCKET == socket_server) { printf( "socket function failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError() ); WSACleanup(); return 1; } if ( SOCKET_ERROR == bind( socket_server, (SOCKADDR *)&server_address, sizeof(server_address) ) ) { printf( "bind failed with error %u\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(socket_server); WSACleanup(); return 1; } if (SOCKET_ERROR == listen(socket_server, 1)) printf( "listen function failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); address_length = sizeof(client_address); socket_client = accept( socket_server, (SOCKADDR *)&client_address, &address_length ); if (INVALID_SOCKET == socket_client) printf( "accept failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError() ); return 0; } int recv (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { int ret = ::recv(socket_client, buf, len, flags); if (ret <= 0) { if (ret == 0) { printf("Connection closed\n"); } else { printf ( "recv failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(socket_client); closesocket(socket_server); WSACleanup(); } } return ret; } int send (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { int ret = ::send (socket_client, buf, len, flags); if (SOCKET_ERROR == ret) { printf( "send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(socket_client); closesocket(socket_server); WSACleanup(); } return ret; } int close () { if (SOCKET_ERROR == closesocket(socket_client)) { printf( "closesocket function failed with error %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); WSACleanup(); return 1; } if (SOCKET_ERROR == closesocket(socket_server)) { printf( "closesocket function failed with error %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); WSACleanup(); return 1; } WSACleanup(); return 0; } }; class client { public: WSADATA wsaData; SOCKET clientSocket; sockaddr_in serverAddr; int bytesSent; int init ( const char* addr = "", int port = 5000 ) { if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) { printf("Failed to initialize winsock.\n"); return 1; } clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (clientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("Failed to create socket.\n"); WSACleanup(); return 1; } serverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; serverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addr); serverAddr.sin_port = htons(port); if ( connect( clientSocket, (sockaddr*)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { printf("Failed to connect to server.\n"); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } return 0; } int recv (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { int ret = ::recv(clientSocket, buf, len, flags); if (ret <= 0) { if (ret == 0) { printf("Connection closed\n"); return 1; } else { printf( "recv failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } } return 0; } int send (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { bytesSent = ::send(clientSocket, buf, len, 0); if (bytesSent == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("Failed to send data to server.\n"); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } return 0; } int close () { closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 0; } }; namespace snake { #define X 23 #define Y 40 #define MAXLEN 75 #define MINTIME 75 unsigned int snake[MAXLEN][2]; unsigned int len; unsigned int lastt[2]; unsigned int score; unsigned int max_score; unsigned int way; double wait; int input; unsigned int food[2]; bool empty = true; void welcome (); void init (); void drawmap (); void drawsnake (); void move (); void clt (); void getin (); void putfood (); void eatfood (); bool gameover (); int start (); #undef X #undef Y #undef MAXLEN #undef MINTIME } struct Pos { char ch; byte_t cl; }; list > doc; node >* ty; iterator tx; node >* py; iterator px; long cnt; bool lock; bool edit; size_t lines; char name[BUFLEN]; char exen[BUFLEN]; char path[BUFLEN]; bool isat[256]; Pos preout[H][W]; Pos thisout[H][W]; std::map keyword; std::atomic sig; void whelp (); void rpath (); void rdocu (int argc, char* argv); void init (int argc, char** argv); void save (); void doccopy (const char* from, const char* to); void cppcopy (const char* to); void output (LPVOID id); bool cfn (int ch); bool cctrl (int ch); bool ccom (int ch); void input (LPVOID id); int main (int argc, char** argv) { try { DWORD input_id; DWORD output_id; HANDLE input_handle; HANDLE output_handle; system (TITLE); system ("mode con lines=31 cols=120"); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = {1, 0}; SetConsoleCursorInfo ( GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info ); color (15); whelp (); rpath (); init (argc, argv); input_handle = (HANDLE)::CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)input, (LPVOID)&input_id, 0, &input_id ); output_handle = (HANDLE)::CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)output, (LPVOID)&output_id, 0, &output_id ); while (sig != -1) { ; } } catch (...) { printf ("异常产生!\n"); throw ; } system ("pause"); return 0; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void whelp () { FILE* fp = fopen ("FCDOC\\help.txt", "w"); fprintf (fp, helps); fclose (fp); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void rpath () { FILE* fp = fopen ("FCDOC\\path.txt", "r"); system ("cls"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("编译器路径:"); gets (path); FILE* sf = fopen ("path.txt", "w"); fprintf (sf, "%s", path); fclose (sf); } else { fscanf (fp, "%s", path); } fclose (fp); } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void rdocu (int argc, char* argv) { int ch; size_t sum; size_t pre; vector tv; FILE* fp = fopen (argv, "r"); iterator nt = strlen (argv) - 1; system ("cls"); printf ("读取中...\n\n"); #ifndef FASTEST color (136); printf (" "); color (15); #endif for (; nt > 0; nt--) { if (argv[nt - 1] == '\\') break; } if (argc != 1) { for (iterator it = 0; argv[nt] != '\0'; it++) { name[it] = argv[nt]; nt++; } } fseek (fp, 0, 2); sum = ftell (fp); fseek (fp, 0, 0); ch = fgetc (fp); pre = 0; while (ch != EOF) { if (ch == 10) { node >* tn = new node >; for (iterator it = 0; it < tv.size(); it++) { tn -> v.push_back (tv[it]); } tn -> pre = doc.tail -> pre; tn -> next = doc.tail; doc.tail -> pre -> next = tn; doc.tail -> pre = tn; while (tv.size () != 0) { tv.pop_back (); } } else if (ch == 9) { do { tv += ' '; } while (tv.size () % 4 != 0); } else { tv += ch; } #ifndef FASTEST gotoxy (0, 1); printf ("%d / %d", ftell (fp), sum); gotoxy (0, 2); size_t temp = ftell (fp) * 64 / sum; if (temp != pre) { pre = temp; color (170); for (iterator it = 0; it < temp; it++) { printf (" "); } color (15); } #endif ch = fgetc(fp); } if (tv.size () != 0) { node >* tn = new node >; for (iterator it = 0; it < tv.size(); it++) tn -> v.push_back (tv[it]); tn -> pre = doc.tail -> pre; tn -> next = doc.tail; doc.tail -> pre -> next = tn; doc.tail -> pre = tn; } fclose (fp); Sleep (500); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void init (int argc, char** argv) { system ("cls"); printf ("初始化...\n"); if (argc != 1) { rdocu (argc, argv[1]); } else { system ("cls"); printf ("文件名:"); gets (name); FILE* fp = fopen (name, "r"); if (fp) { fclose (fp); rdocu (argc, name); } else { vector tv; doc += tv; } } iterator it = 0; for (; name[it] != '.' && name[it] != '\0'; it++) { exen[it] = name[it]; } exen[it++] = '.'; exen[it++] = 'e'; exen[it++] = 'x'; exen[it++] = 'e'; exen[it++] = '\0'; char ts[W]; sprintf (ts, "title %s", name); system (ts); ty = doc.begin () -> next; tx = 0; py = doc.begin () -> next; px = 0; lock = true; sig = 1; for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { preout[yi][xi].cl = 15; preout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { thisout[yi][xi].cl = 15; thisout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } isat['~'] = true; isat['!'] = true; isat['%'] = true; isat['^'] = true; isat['&'] = true; isat['*'] = true; isat['('] = true; isat[')'] = true; isat['-'] = true; isat['+'] = true; isat['='] = true; isat['{'] = true; isat['}'] = true; isat['['] = true; isat[']'] = true; isat['|'] = true; isat[':'] = true; isat[';'] = true; isat['<'] = true; isat['>'] = true; isat[','] = true; isat['.'] = true; isat['?'] = true; isat['/'] = true; keyword["alignas"] = 11; keyword["alignof"] = 11; keyword["and"] = 11; keyword["and_eq"] = 11; keyword["asm"] = 11; keyword["auto"] = 11; keyword["bitand"] = 11; keyword["bitor"] = 11; keyword["bool"] = 11; keyword["break"] = 11; keyword["case"] = 11; keyword["catch"] = 11; keyword["char"] = 11; keyword["char16_t"] = 11; keyword["char32_t"] = 11; keyword["class"] = 11; keyword["compl"] = 11; keyword["const"] = 11; keyword["constexpr"] = 11; keyword["const_cast"] = 11; keyword["continue"] = 11; keyword["decltype"] = 11; keyword["default"] = 11; keyword["delete"] = 11; keyword["do"] = 11; keyword["double"] = 11; keyword["dynamic_cast"] = 11; keyword["else"] = 11; keyword["enum"] = 11; keyword["explicit"] = 11; keyword["export"] = 11; keyword["extern"] = 11; keyword["false"] = 11; keyword["float"] = 11; keyword["for"] = 11; keyword["friend"] = 11; keyword["goto"] = 11; keyword["if"] = 11; keyword["inline"] = 11; keyword["int"] = 11; keyword["long"] = 11; keyword["mutable"] = 11; keyword["namespace"] = 11; keyword["new"] = 11; keyword["noexcept"] = 11; keyword["not"] = 11; keyword["not_eq"] = 11; keyword["nullptr"] = 11; keyword["operator"] = 11; keyword["or"] = 11; keyword["or_eq"] = 11; keyword["private"] = 11; keyword["protected"] = 11; keyword["public"] = 11; keyword["register"] = 11; keyword["reinterpret_cast"] = 11; keyword["return"] = 11; keyword["short"] = 11; keyword["signed"] = 11; keyword["sizeof"] = 11; keyword["static"] = 11; keyword["static_assert"] = 11; keyword["static_cast"] = 11; keyword["struct"] = 11; keyword["switch"] = 11; keyword["template"] = 11; keyword["this"] = 11; keyword["thread_local"] = 11; keyword["throw"] = 11; keyword["true"] = 11; keyword["try"] = 11; keyword["typedef"] = 11; keyword["typeid"] = 11; keyword["typeof"] = 11; keyword["typename"] = 11; keyword["union"] = 11; keyword["unsigned"] = 11; keyword["using"] = 11; keyword["virtual"] = 11; keyword["void"] = 11; keyword["volatile"] = 11; keyword["wchar_t"] = 11; keyword["while"] = 11; keyword["xor"] = 11; keyword["xor_eq"] = 11; system ("cls"); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void save () { edit = false; char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "title %s", name); system (calls); FILE* fp = fopen(name, "w"); node >* sp = doc.begin () -> next; while (sp != doc.end ()) { for (iterator it = 0; it < sp -> v.size(); it++) fputc (sp -> v[it], fp); fputc ('\n', fp); sp = sp -> next; } fclose(fp); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void doccopy (const char* from, const char* to) { FILE* fp = fopen (from, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("打开失败!\n"); return; } FILE* tp = fopen (to, "w"); char ch; ch = fgetc (fp); while (ch != EOF) { fputc (ch, tp); ch = fgetc (fp); } fclose (fp); fclose (tp); printf ("成功!\n"); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void cppcopy (const char* to) { FILE* fp = fopen (name, "r"); FILE* tp = fopen (to, "w"); char ch; ch = fgetc (fp); while (ch != EOF) { fputc (ch, tp); ch = fgetc (fp); } fclose (fp); fclose (tp); printf ("成功!\n"); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void output (LPVOID id) { std::mutex mlock; while (true) { while (true) { if (sig == 1) { sig = 0; break; } else if (sig == -1) { return; } } node >* pt = py; mlock.lock (); node >* end = doc.end (); mlock.unlock (); bool special = false; bool isinc = false; bool isstr = false; bool isch = false; bool isnum = false; for (iterator yy = 0; yy < H - 1 && pt != end; yy++) { byte_t cl; iterator xx; std::string ks; if (!special) { isinc = false; isstr = false; isch = false; isnum = false; } for (xx = 0; xx < W - 7 && xx + px < pt -> v.size (); xx++) { char putch = pt -> v.at(xx + px); if ((!isinc) && (!isstr) && (!isch)) { if ( (putch >= 'A' && putch <= 'Z') || (putch >= 'a' && putch <= 'z') || (putch >= '0' && putch <= '9') || (putch == '_') ) { ks += putch; } else { mlock.lock (); if (keyword[ks] != 0) { for (iterator it = 0; it < ks.size(); it++) { if (pt == ty && xx + px - ks.size() + it == tx) thisout[yy][xx + px - ks.size() + it].cl = 240; else thisout[yy][xx + px - ks.size() + it].cl = keyword[ks]; } } mlock.unlock (); ks = ""; } } else { ks = ""; } if (putch == ' ' || isat[(int)putch] == true || xx + px == 0) { isnum = true; } else if(putch < '0' || putch > '9') { isnum = false; } if ((!isstr) && (!isch) && (isinc || putch == '#')) { cl = 10; isinc = true; } else if ((!isinc) && (!isch) && (isstr || putch == '\"')) { cl = 11; if (pt -> v[xx + px] == '\"' && !special) isstr = !isstr; } else if ((!isinc) && (!isstr) && (isch || putch == '\'')) { cl = 14; if (pt -> v[xx + px] == '\'' && !special) isch = !isch; } else if ( (!isinc) && (!isstr) && (!isch) && (isnum) && (putch >= '0' && putch <= '9') ) { cl = 11; } else if (isat[(int)putch] == true) { cl = 9; } else { cl = 15; } if (pt == ty && xx + px == tx) { cl = 240; } thisout[yy][xx].cl = cl; thisout[yy][xx].ch = putch; if (putch == '\\' && !special) { special = true; } else { special = false; } } cl = 15; if (pt == ty && tx == pt -> v.size ()) { cl = 240; } thisout[yy][xx].cl = cl; thisout[yy][xx].ch = ' '; pt = pt -> next; } pt = py; mlock.lock (); gotoxy (0, 0); for (iterator yy = 0; yy < H - 1 && pt != end; yy++) { color (15); printf ("%4d ", (int)(lines + yy)); for (iterator xx = 0; xx < W - 6; xx++) { if ( thisout[yy][xx].ch != preout[yy][xx].ch || thisout[yy][xx].cl != preout[yy][xx].cl ) { gotoxy ((short)(xx + 5), (short)yy); color (thisout[yy][xx].cl); printf ("%c", thisout[yy][xx].ch); } } color (12); gotoxy ((short)(W - 2), (short)yy); if (pt -> v.size() > W - 8) { printf (" > "); } else { printf (" "); } printf ("\n"); pt = pt -> next; } color (15); printf ("%114c", ' '); memcpy (preout, thisout, sizeof (preout)); mlock.unlock (); for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { thisout[yi][xi].cl = 15; thisout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } } return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) bool cfn (int ch) { if (ch == 0) { char prt[W + 7]; memset(prt, '\b', sizeof(prt)); prt[W + 6] = '\0'; printf("%s", prt); ch = getch (); switch (ch) { case 59: { printf (helps); system ("pause"); break; } case 60: { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "start %s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 61: { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "%s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 62: { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 63: { char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "start %s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 64: { char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "%s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 65: { save (); system (name); system ("pause"); break; } default: break; } for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { preout[yi][xi].cl = 15; preout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } system ("cls"); return true; } return false; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) bool cctrl (int ch) { if (ch == 1) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'u'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 2) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'b'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 4) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'd'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'u'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'b'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 5) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'x'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 6) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'f'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 12) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 15) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'p'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 18) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'i'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 's'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 19) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 's'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'i'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'd'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 20) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'm'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'p'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 21) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'u'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 's'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'i'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'd'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 23) { tx = ty -> v.size(); return true; } return false; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) bool ccom (int ch) { if (ch == 10) { char prt[W + 7]; memset(prt, '\b', sizeof(prt)); prt[W + 6] = '\0'; printf("%sFastCode:> ", prt); ch = getchar (); switch (ch) { case 'h': case 'H': case '?': { printf (helps); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 's': case 'S': { save (); break; } case 'q': case 'Q': { save (); sig = -1; exit (0); } case '!': { sig = -1; exit (0); } case 'o': case 'O': { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "start %s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 'r': case 'R': case ':': { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "%s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 't': case 'T': case '^': { tx = 0; cnt = 0; lines = 0; ty = doc.begin () -> next; py = doc.begin () -> next; edit = false; break; } case 'y': case 'Y': case '@': { unsigned int linenum; scanf ("%d", &linenum); tx = 0; cnt = 0; lines = 0; ty = doc.begin () -> next; py = doc.begin () -> next; for (iterator it = 0; it < linenum; it++) { if (ty -> next != doc.end ()) { ty = ty -> next; py = py -> next; lines++; } } edit = false; break; } case 'x': case 'X': { unsigned int colnum; scanf ("%d", &colnum); tx = colnum; if (tx < 0) { tx = 0; } if (tx > ty -> v.size()) { tx = ty -> v.size(); } edit = false; break; } case 'b': case 'B': case '<': { edit = false; int len; bool okk; char word[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (word); len = strlen(word); while (ty -> pre != doc.begin()) { tx = 0; ty = ty -> pre; cnt--; for (; (signed int)tx < (signed int)ty -> v.size() - len; tx++) { okk = true; for (iterator it = 0; it < len; it++) { if (word[it] != ty -> v[tx + it]) { okk = false; break; } } if (okk) { goto FL_END; } } } break; FL_END: break; } case 'f': case 'F': case '>': { edit = false; int len; bool okk; char word[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (word); len = strlen(word); while (ty -> next != doc.end()) { tx = 0; ty = ty -> next; cnt++; for (; (signed int)tx < (signed int)ty -> v.size() - len; tx++) { okk = true; for (iterator it = 0; it < len; it++) { if (word[it] != ty -> v[tx + it]) { okk = false; break; } } if (okk) { goto FR_END; } } } break; FR_END: break; } case 'e': case 'E': case '-': { int num; scanf ("%d", &num); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { if (tx > 0) { tx--; ty -> v.erase (tx); } } break; } case '{': { int num; int step; int begin; char word[BUFLEN]; scanf ("%d,%d,%d", &num, &begin, &step); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { sprintf (word, "%d", it * step + begin); for (iterator i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; i++) { ty -> v.insert (tx, word[i]); tx++; } ty -> v.insert (tx, ','); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } break; } case '\'': { int num; int step; char begin; scanf ("%d,%c,%d", &num, &begin, &step); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { ty -> v.insert (tx, '\''); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)(it * step) + begin); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '\''); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ','); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } break; } case '\"': { int num; int step; char begin; scanf ("%d,%c,%d", &num, &begin, &step); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)(it * step) + begin); tx++; } break; } case 'l': case 'L': case '|': { int num; int deln; int step; int begin; char ch; char str[BUFLEN]; node >* tn = ty; scanf ("%d,%d,%d,%c", &num, &begin, &step, &ch); if (ch == '-') { scanf ("%d", &deln); tx -= deln; while (tx < 0) { tx++; deln--; } } else if (ch == '+') { getchar (); gets (str); } for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { if (ch == '-') { for (iterator it = 0; it < deln; it++) tn -> v.erase (tx); } else if (ch == '+') { for (iterator l = 0; str[l] != '\0'; l++) tn -> v.insert (l + tx, str[l]); } for (iterator l = 0; l < step; l++) { if (tn -> next != doc.end()) tn = tn -> next; else goto LF_END; } } break; LF_END: break; } case '/': { ty -> v.insert (0, '#'); ty -> v.insert (0, '/'); ty -> v.insert (0, '/'); tx = 0; break; } case 'k': case 'K': { char word[BUFLEN]; scanf ("%s", word); keyword[word] = 11; edit = false; break; } case 'p': case 'P': { unsigned int tcolor; char word[BUFLEN]; scanf ("%s", word); scanf ("%d", &tcolor); keyword[word] = (byte_t)tcolor; edit = false; break; } case '.': { int ret; unsigned int tcolor; char path[BUFLEN]; char word[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (path); FILE* fp = fopen (path, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { while (true) { ret = fscanf (fp, "%s %d", word, &tcolor); if (ret != -1) keyword[word] = (byte_t)tcolor; else break; } } edit = false; break; } case 'w': case 'W': case '$': { char calls[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (calls); system (calls); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 'c': case 'C': case '=': { std::string TempBin; HGLOBAL hMemBin = NULL; PCHAR LockBin = NULL; node >* tn = doc.begin () -> next; OpenClipboard(NULL); EmptyClipboard(); while (tn != doc.end ()) { for (iterator it = 0; it < tn -> v.size (); it++) TempBin += tn -> v[it]; TempBin += '\n'; tn = tn -> next; } hMemBin = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, TempBin.size() + 1); LockBin = (PCHAR)GlobalLock(hMemBin); RtlMoveMemory(LockBin, TempBin.c_str(), TempBin.size() + 1); GlobalUnlock(hMemBin); LockBin = NULL; SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hMemBin); CloseClipboard(); edit = false; break; } case 'v': case 'V': case '~': { lock = !lock; edit = false; break; } case 'm': case 'M': case '%': { char from[BUFLEN]; char to[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (from); gets (to); doccopy (from, to); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 'd': case 'D': case ';': { char to[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (to); save (); cppcopy (to); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 'g': case 'G': { int no; scanf ("%d", &no); switch (no) { case 2147483647: { snake::start (); break; } default: break; } system (name); edit = false; break; } case 'i': case 'I': { getchar (); char c = getchar(); char buf[BUFLEN]; if (c == 's') { server ser; ser.init (); node >* tp = doc.begin (); tp = tp -> next; while (tp != doc.end ()) { iterator it; for (it = 0; it < tp -> v.size (); it++) { buf[it] = tp -> v[it]; } buf[it++] = '\n'; buf[it++] = '\0'; ser.send (buf, strlen (buf) + 1); tp = tp -> next; } ser.close (); system ("pause"); } else if (c == 'r') { client cli; FILE* fp = fopen ("recv.cpp", "w"); char recvadd[BUFLEN]; char recvbuf[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (recvadd); cli.init(recvadd); while (true) { int ret = cli.recv(recvbuf, BUFLEN); if (ret == 0) { fprintf (fp, "%s", recvbuf); } else { break; } } cli.close (); fclose (fp); system ("pause"); } edit = false; break; } default: break; } CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = {1, 0}; SetConsoleCursorInfo (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info); for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { preout[yi][xi].cl = 15; preout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } system ("cls"); return true; } return false; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void input (LPVOID id) { int ch; std::mutex mlock; while (true) { ch = getch (); edit = true; mlock.lock (); if (cfn (ch)) { if (sig == -1) return; } else if (cctrl (ch)) { if (sig == -1) return; } else if (ch == 8) { //Back if (tx == 0) { if (ty -> pre != doc.begin ()) { ty = ty -> pre; tx = ty -> v.size(); for (iterator it = 0; it < ty -> next -> v.size (); it++) ty -> v += ty -> next -> v[it]; doc.erase (ty); cnt--; } } else { ty -> v.erase (tx - 1); tx--; } } else if (ch == 9) { //Tab do { ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } while (tx % 4 != 0); } else if (ccom (ch)) { if (sig == -1) return; } else if (ch == 13) { //Enter node >* tn = new node >; for (iterator it = tx; it < ty -> v.size (); it++) tn -> v += ty -> v[it]; ty -> v -= (ty -> v.size() - tx); tn -> pre = ty; tn -> next = ty -> next; ty -> next -> pre = tn; ty -> next = tn; ty = ty -> next; tx = 0; while ( tx < ty -> pre -> v.size () && ty -> pre -> v[tx] == ' ' ) { ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } cnt++; } else if (ch == 27) { //Esc save (); sig = -1; return; } else if (lock && ch == '(') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ')'); } else if (lock && ch == '[') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ']'); } else if (lock && ch == '{') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '}'); } else if (lock && ch == '\"') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '\"'); } else if (lock && ch == '\'') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '\''); } else if (ch == 224) { ch = getch (); switch (ch) { case 83: { //Delete if (tx == ty -> v.size()) { if (ty -> next != doc.end ()) { for (iterator it = 0; it < ty -> next -> v.size (); it++) ty -> v += ty -> next -> v[it]; doc.erase (ty); } } else { ty -> v.erase (tx); } break; } case UP: { if (ty -> pre != doc.begin ()) { ty = ty -> pre; tx = min (tx, ty -> v.size ()); cnt--; } edit = false; break; } case DOWN: { if (ty -> next != doc.end ()) { ty = ty -> next; tx = min (tx, ty -> v.size ()); cnt++; } edit = false; break; } case LEFT: { if (tx > 0) { tx--; } edit = false; break; } case RIGHT: { if (tx < ty -> v.size ()) { tx++; } edit = false; break; } } } else if (ch == 127) { do { if (tx != 0) { tx--; ty -> v.erase (tx); } } while (tx % 4 != 0); } else { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; } while (cnt > H - 2) { lines++; cnt--; py = py -> next; } while (cnt < 0) { lines--; cnt++; py = py -> pre; } if (edit) { edit = false; char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "title %s*", name); system (calls); } mlock.unlock(); sig = 1; } return; } namespace snake { #define X 23 #define Y 40 #define MAXLEN 75 #define MINTIME 75 void welcome () { printf ("游戏规则:\n"); printf ("w,a,s,d,控制移动\n"); getch (); system ("cls"); return; } void init () { system ("title 贪吃蛇"); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = {1, 0}; SetConsoleCursorInfo (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info); std::fstream in ("score.txt", std::ios::in); if (!in.fail ()) in >> max_score; else welcome (); in.close (); len = 4; snake[0][0] = X >> 1; snake[0][1] = Y >> 1; snake[1][0] = (X >> 1) + 1; snake[1][1] = Y >> 1; snake[2][0] = (X >> 1) + 2; snake[2][1] = Y >> 1; snake[3][0] = (X >> 1) + 3; snake[3][1] = Y >> 1; way = UP; wait = 150.0; return; } void drawmap (){ color (255); for (unsigned int xx = 0; xx < X; xx++){ gotoxy (0, (short)xx); printf (" "); gotoxy ((short)(Y * 2 - 2), (short)xx); printf (" "); } for (unsigned int yy = 0; yy < Y; yy++){ gotoxy ((short)(yy * 2), 0); printf (" "); gotoxy ((short)(yy * 2), (short)(X - 1)); printf (" "); } return; } void drawsnake (){ color (255); gotoxy (0,0); printf (" "); color (10); gotoxy ((short)(snake[0][1] * 2), (short)snake[0][0]); printf ("□"); gotoxy ((short)(snake[1][1] * 2), (short)snake[1][0]); printf ("■"); return; } void move () { lastt[0] = snake[len-1][0]; lastt[1] = snake[len-1][1]; for (unsigned int tc = len - 1; tc > 0; tc--){ snake[tc][0] = snake[tc-1][0]; snake[tc][1] = snake[tc-1][1]; } switch (way) { case UP: { snake[0][0]--; break; } case DOWN: { snake[0][0]++; break; } case LEFT: { snake[0][1]--; break; } case RIGHT: { snake[0][1]++; break; } } return; } void clt () { color (0); gotoxy ((short)(lastt[1] * 2), (short)lastt[0]); printf (" "); return; } void getin () { if (kbhit () != 0) { while (kbhit() != 0) input = getch (); switch (input) { case 'W': case 'w': { if (way != DOWN) way = UP; break; } case 'S': case 's': { if (way != UP) way = DOWN; break; } case 'A': case 'a':{ if (way != RIGHT) way = LEFT; break; } case 'D': case 'd':{ if (way != LEFT) way = RIGHT; break; } } } return; } void putfood () { if (empty) { bool flag = true; srand (time (NULL)); while (flag) { food[0] = rand () % (X - 2) + 1; food[1] = rand () % (Y - 2) + 1; flag = false; for (unsigned int tc = 0; tc < len; tc++) { if(snake[tc][0] == food[0] && snake[tc][1] == food[1]) flag = true; } } empty = false; color (14); gotoxy ((short)(food[1] * 2), (short)food[0]); printf ("◆"); } return; } void eatfood () { if (snake[0][0] == food[0] && snake[0][1] == food[1]) { empty = true; score++; if(wait >= MINTIME) wait -= 0.5; if(len < MAXLEN) len++; } return; } bool gameover () { bool over = false; if ( snake[0][0] == 0 || snake[0][0] == X - 1 || snake[0][1] == 0 || snake[0][1] == Y - 1 ) { over = true; } for (unsigned int tc = 1; tc < len; tc++) if (snake[0][0] == snake[tc][0] && snake[0][1] == snake[tc][1]) over = true; if (over == true) { system ("cls"); while (kbhit() != 0) getch (); printf ("Game over!\n"); printf ("Score:%d\n",score); printf ("Max score:%d\n",max_score); getch (); system ("cls"); printf ("Save...\n"); if (score > max_score) { std::fstream write; write.open ("score.txt",std::ios::out); write << score; write.close (); max_score = score; } } return over; } int start () { init (); drawmap (); Sleep (3000); while (true) { clt (); drawsnake (); putfood (); eatfood (); getin (); move (); if (gameover ()) break; Sleep ((DWORD)(wait)); } return 0; } #undef X #undef Y #undef MAXLEN #undef MINTIME }
str,color \n\ \n command \n\ \n\ \n\ str1,str2 \n\ str \n\ Ctrl + A \n\ Ctrl + B \n\ Ctrl + D \n\ Ctrl + E \n\ Ctrl + F \n\ Ctrl + L \n\ Ctrl + O \n\ Ctrl + R \n\ Ctrl + S \n\ Ctrl + T \n\ Ctrl + U \n\ Ctrl + W \n\ Ctrl + Back \n\ Ctrl + Enter \n\ F1 \n\ F2 \n\ F3 \n\ F4 \n\ F5 \n\ F6 \n\ A ~ Z \n\ Delete \n\ Enter \n\ Back \n\ Tab \n\ Esc \n\ " #ifndef min #define min(a, b) ({ \ typeof(a) x = (a); \ typeof(b) y = (b); \ x < y ? x : y; \ }) #endif #ifndef max #define max(a, b) ({ \ typeof(a) x = (a); \ typeof(b) y = (b); \ x > y ? x : y; \ }) #endif #define color(tc) \ SetConsoleTextAttribute (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), tc) #define gotoxy(xx, yy) \ do{ \ COORD position = {xx, yy}; \ SetConsoleCursorPosition ( \ GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), \ position \ ); \ }while(false) typedef signed char int8; typedef signed short int16; typedef signed long int32; typedef signed long long int64; typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef unsigned long uint32; typedef unsigned long long uint64; typedef unsigned char byte_t; typedef unsigned short word_t; typedef unsigned long iterator; typedef void* pointer_t; template class vector { public: type* p; size_t Len; size_t Size; vector () { p = NULL; Len = 0; Size = 0; } ~vector () { delete[] p; } size_t size () { return Size; } size_t len () { return Len; } void exp () { Len = (Len << 1) + 1; if (p == NULL) { p = new type [ Len ]; } else { type *tp = new type [ Len ]; for (size_t it = 0; it < Size; it++) tp[ it ] = p[ it ]; delete[] p; p = tp; } return; } void exp (size_t ts) { while (ts >= Len) exp (); return; } type& operator [] (size_t it) { if (it >= Len) exp (it); return p[ it ]; } type at (size_t it) { if (it >= Len) exp (it); return p[ it ]; } void push_back (type& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void push_back (type&& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void push_back (vector & vc) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vc.size(); i++) push_back (vc[i]); return; } void pop_back () { if (Size > 0) Size--; return; } void pop_back (size_t ts) { if (Size >= ts) Size -= ts; else Size = 0; return; } void insert (size_t it, type& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); for (size_t it_t = Size; it_t > it; it_t--) p[ it_t ] = p[it_t - 1]; p[ it ] = x; Size++; return; } void insert (size_t it, type&& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); for (size_t it_t = Size; it_t > it; it_t--) p[ it_t ] = p[it_t - 1]; p[ it ] = x; Size++; return; } void erase (size_t it) { Size--; for (size_t it_t = it; it_t < Size; it_t++) p[ it_t ] = p[it_t + 1]; return; } void reverse () { for (size_t it = 0; it < (Size >> 1); it++) { type tt = p[ it ]; p[ it ] = p[Size - it - 1]; p[Size - it - 1] = tt; } return; } void operator ++ () { if (Size == Len) exp (); Size++; return; } void operator ++ (int) { if (Size == Len) exp (); Size++; return; } void operator += (type& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void operator += (type&& x) { if (Size == Len) exp (); p[ Size++ ] = x; return; } void operator += (vector & vc) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vc.size(); i++) push_back (vc[i]); return; } void operator -- () { if (Size > 0) Size--; return; } void operator -- (int) { if (Size > 0) Size--; return; } void operator -= (size_t ts) { if (Size >= ts) Size -= ts; else Size = 0; return; } void operator = (vector & vc) { for (size_t i = 0; i < vc.size(); i++) push_back (vc[i]); return; } }; template struct node { type v; node * pre; node * next; node () { pre = next = NULL; } }; template class list { public: node * head; node * tail; list () { head = new node ; tail = new node ; head -> next = tail; tail -> pre = head; } ~list () { node * fn = head; node * sn = head; while (fn !=NULL) { sn = sn -> next; delete fn; fn = sn; } } node * begin () { return head; } node * end () { return tail; } void push_back (type& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void push_back (type&& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void push_back (list & tl) { node * tn = tl.begin(); tn = tn -> next; while (tn != tl.end()) { push_back(tn -> v); tn = tn -> next; } return; } void pop_back () { node * tn = tail -> pre; if (tn != head) { tail -> pre = tn -> pre; tn -> pre -> next = tail; delete tn; } return; } void insert (node * in, type& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = in; tn -> next = in -> next; in -> next -> pre = tn; in -> next = tn; return; } void insert (node * in, type&& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = in; tn -> next = in -> next; in -> next -> pre = tn; in -> next = tn; return; } void erase (node * en) { node * tn = en -> next; if (tn != tail) { en -> next = tn -> next; tn -> next -> pre = en; delete tn; } return; } void operator += (type& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void operator += (type&& x) { node * tn = new node ; tn -> v = x; tn -> pre = tail -> pre; tn -> next = tail; tail -> pre -> next = tn; tail -> pre = tn; return; } void operator += (list & tl) { node * tn = tl.begin(); tn = tn -> next; while (tn != tl.end()) { push_back(tn -> v); tn = tn -> next; } return; } void operator -- () { node * tn = tail -> pre; if (tn != head) { tail -> pre = tn -> pre; tn -> pre -> next = tail; delete tn; } return; } void operator = (list & tl) { node * tn = tl.begin(); tn = tn -> next; while (tn != tl.end()) { push_back(tn -> v); tn = tn -> next; } return; } }; class server { public: int error; int address_length; WORD wVersionRequested; SOCKET socket_server; SOCKET socket_client; WSADATA wsaData; SOCKADDR_IN server_address; SOCKADDR_IN client_address; int init (int port = 5000) { wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2); error = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData); if (error != 0) { printf( "Cant initiates use of the Winsock DLL by a process!\n" ); return 1; } if ( LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 ) { printf("could not find a usable WinSock DLL!\n"); WSACleanup(); return 1; } server_address.sin_family = AF_INET; server_address.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); server_address.sin_port = htons(port); socket_server = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ); if (INVALID_SOCKET == socket_server) { printf( "socket function failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError() ); WSACleanup(); return 1; } if ( SOCKET_ERROR == bind( socket_server, (SOCKADDR *)&server_address, sizeof(server_address) ) ) { printf( "bind failed with error %u\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(socket_server); WSACleanup(); return 1; } if (SOCKET_ERROR == listen(socket_server, 1)) printf( "listen function failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); address_length = sizeof(client_address); socket_client = accept( socket_server, (SOCKADDR *)&client_address, &address_length ); if (INVALID_SOCKET == socket_client) printf( "accept failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError() ); return 0; } int recv (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { int ret = ::recv(socket_client, buf, len, flags); if (ret <= 0) { if (ret == 0) { printf("Connection closed\n"); } else { printf ( "recv failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(socket_client); closesocket(socket_server); WSACleanup(); } } return ret; } int send (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { int ret = ::send (socket_client, buf, len, flags); if (SOCKET_ERROR == ret) { printf( "send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(socket_client); closesocket(socket_server); WSACleanup(); } return ret; } int close () { if (SOCKET_ERROR == closesocket(socket_client)) { printf( "closesocket function failed with error %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); WSACleanup(); return 1; } if (SOCKET_ERROR == closesocket(socket_server)) { printf( "closesocket function failed with error %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); WSACleanup(); return 1; } WSACleanup(); return 0; } }; class client { public: WSADATA wsaData; SOCKET clientSocket; sockaddr_in serverAddr; int bytesSent; int init ( const char* addr = "", int port = 5000 ) { if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) { printf("Failed to initialize winsock.\n"); return 1; } clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (clientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("Failed to create socket.\n"); WSACleanup(); return 1; } serverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; serverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addr); serverAddr.sin_port = htons(port); if ( connect( clientSocket, (sockaddr*)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { printf("Failed to connect to server.\n"); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } return 0; } int recv (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { int ret = ::recv(clientSocket, buf, len, flags); if (ret <= 0) { if (ret == 0) { printf("Connection closed\n"); return 1; } else { printf( "recv failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } } return 0; } int send (char* buf, int len, int flags = 0) { bytesSent = ::send(clientSocket, buf, len, 0); if (bytesSent == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("Failed to send data to server.\n"); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 1; } return 0; } int close () { closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 0; } }; namespace snake { #define X 23 #define Y 40 #define MAXLEN 75 #define MINTIME 75 unsigned int snake[MAXLEN][2]; unsigned int len; unsigned int lastt[2]; unsigned int score; unsigned int max_score; unsigned int way; double wait; int input; unsigned int food[2]; bool empty = true; void welcome (); void init (); void drawmap (); void drawsnake (); void move (); void clt (); void getin (); void putfood (); void eatfood (); bool gameover (); int start (); #undef X #undef Y #undef MAXLEN #undef MINTIME } struct Pos { char ch; byte_t cl; }; list > doc; node >* ty; iterator tx; node >* py; iterator px; long cnt; bool lock; bool edit; size_t lines; char name[BUFLEN]; char exen[BUFLEN]; char path[BUFLEN]; bool isat[256]; Pos preout[H][W]; Pos thisout[H][W]; std::map keyword; std::atomic sig; void whelp (); void rpath (); void rdocu (int argc, char* argv); void init (int argc, char** argv); void save (); void doccopy (const char* from, const char* to); void cppcopy (const char* to); void output (LPVOID id); bool cfn (int ch); bool cctrl (int ch); bool ccom (int ch); void input (LPVOID id); int main (int argc, char** argv) { try { DWORD input_id; DWORD output_id; HANDLE input_handle; HANDLE output_handle; system (TITLE); system ("mode con lines=31 cols=120"); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = {1, 0}; SetConsoleCursorInfo ( GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info ); color (15); whelp (); rpath (); init (argc, argv); input_handle = (HANDLE)::CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)input, (LPVOID)&input_id, 0, &input_id ); output_handle = (HANDLE)::CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)output, (LPVOID)&output_id, 0, &output_id ); while (sig != -1) { ; } } catch (...) { printf ("异常产生!\n"); throw ; } system ("pause"); return 0; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void whelp () { FILE* fp = fopen ("FCDOC\\help.txt", "w"); fprintf (fp, helps); fclose (fp); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void rpath () { FILE* fp = fopen ("FCDOC\\path.txt", "r"); system ("cls"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("编译器路径:"); gets (path); FILE* sf = fopen ("path.txt", "w"); fprintf (sf, "%s", path); fclose (sf); } else { fscanf (fp, "%s", path); } fclose (fp); } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void rdocu (int argc, char* argv) { int ch; size_t sum; size_t pre; vector tv; FILE* fp = fopen (argv, "r"); iterator nt = strlen (argv) - 1; system ("cls"); printf ("读取中...\n\n"); #ifndef FASTEST color (136); printf (" "); color (15); #endif for (; nt > 0; nt--) { if (argv[nt - 1] == '\\') break; } if (argc != 1) { for (iterator it = 0; argv[nt] != '\0'; it++) { name[it] = argv[nt]; nt++; } } fseek (fp, 0, 2); sum = ftell (fp); fseek (fp, 0, 0); ch = fgetc (fp); pre = 0; while (ch != EOF) { if (ch == 10) { node >* tn = new node >; for (iterator it = 0; it < tv.size(); it++) { tn -> v.push_back (tv[it]); } tn -> pre = doc.tail -> pre; tn -> next = doc.tail; doc.tail -> pre -> next = tn; doc.tail -> pre = tn; while (tv.size () != 0) { tv.pop_back (); } } else if (ch == 9) { do { tv += ' '; } while (tv.size () % 4 != 0); } else { tv += ch; } #ifndef FASTEST gotoxy (0, 1); printf ("%d / %d", ftell (fp), sum); gotoxy (0, 2); size_t temp = ftell (fp) * 64 / sum; if (temp != pre) { pre = temp; color (170); for (iterator it = 0; it < temp; it++) { printf (" "); } color (15); } #endif ch = fgetc(fp); } if (tv.size () != 0) { node >* tn = new node >; for (iterator it = 0; it < tv.size(); it++) tn -> v.push_back (tv[it]); tn -> pre = doc.tail -> pre; tn -> next = doc.tail; doc.tail -> pre -> next = tn; doc.tail -> pre = tn; } fclose (fp); Sleep (500); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void init (int argc, char** argv) { system ("cls"); printf ("初始化...\n"); if (argc != 1) { rdocu (argc, argv[1]); } else { system ("cls"); printf ("文件名:"); gets (name); FILE* fp = fopen (name, "r"); if (fp) { fclose (fp); rdocu (argc, name); } else { vector tv; doc += tv; } } iterator it = 0; for (; name[it] != '.' && name[it] != '\0'; it++) { exen[it] = name[it]; } exen[it++] = '.'; exen[it++] = 'e'; exen[it++] = 'x'; exen[it++] = 'e'; exen[it++] = '\0'; char ts[W]; sprintf (ts, "title %s", name); system (ts); ty = doc.begin () -> next; tx = 0; py = doc.begin () -> next; px = 0; lock = true; sig = 1; for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { preout[yi][xi].cl = 15; preout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { thisout[yi][xi].cl = 15; thisout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } isat['~'] = true; isat['!'] = true; isat['%'] = true; isat['^'] = true; isat['&'] = true; isat['*'] = true; isat['('] = true; isat[')'] = true; isat['-'] = true; isat['+'] = true; isat['='] = true; isat['{'] = true; isat['}'] = true; isat['['] = true; isat[']'] = true; isat['|'] = true; isat[':'] = true; isat[';'] = true; isat['<'] = true; isat['>'] = true; isat[','] = true; isat['.'] = true; isat['?'] = true; isat['/'] = true; keyword["alignas"] = 11; keyword["alignof"] = 11; keyword["and"] = 11; keyword["and_eq"] = 11; keyword["asm"] = 11; keyword["auto"] = 11; keyword["bitand"] = 11; keyword["bitor"] = 11; keyword["bool"] = 11; keyword["break"] = 11; keyword["case"] = 11; keyword["catch"] = 11; keyword["char"] = 11; keyword["char16_t"] = 11; keyword["char32_t"] = 11; keyword["class"] = 11; keyword["compl"] = 11; keyword["const"] = 11; keyword["constexpr"] = 11; keyword["const_cast"] = 11; keyword["continue"] = 11; keyword["decltype"] = 11; keyword["default"] = 11; keyword["delete"] = 11; keyword["do"] = 11; keyword["double"] = 11; keyword["dynamic_cast"] = 11; keyword["else"] = 11; keyword["enum"] = 11; keyword["explicit"] = 11; keyword["export"] = 11; keyword["extern"] = 11; keyword["false"] = 11; keyword["float"] = 11; keyword["for"] = 11; keyword["friend"] = 11; keyword["goto"] = 11; keyword["if"] = 11; keyword["inline"] = 11; keyword["int"] = 11; keyword["long"] = 11; keyword["mutable"] = 11; keyword["namespace"] = 11; keyword["new"] = 11; keyword["noexcept"] = 11; keyword["not"] = 11; keyword["not_eq"] = 11; keyword["nullptr"] = 11; keyword["operator"] = 11; keyword["or"] = 11; keyword["or_eq"] = 11; keyword["private"] = 11; keyword["protected"] = 11; keyword["public"] = 11; keyword["register"] = 11; keyword["reinterpret_cast"] = 11; keyword["return"] = 11; keyword["short"] = 11; keyword["signed"] = 11; keyword["sizeof"] = 11; keyword["static"] = 11; keyword["static_assert"] = 11; keyword["static_cast"] = 11; keyword["struct"] = 11; keyword["switch"] = 11; keyword["template"] = 11; keyword["this"] = 11; keyword["thread_local"] = 11; keyword["throw"] = 11; keyword["true"] = 11; keyword["try"] = 11; keyword["typedef"] = 11; keyword["typeid"] = 11; keyword["typeof"] = 11; keyword["typename"] = 11; keyword["union"] = 11; keyword["unsigned"] = 11; keyword["using"] = 11; keyword["virtual"] = 11; keyword["void"] = 11; keyword["volatile"] = 11; keyword["wchar_t"] = 11; keyword["while"] = 11; keyword["xor"] = 11; keyword["xor_eq"] = 11; system ("cls"); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void save () { edit = false; char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "title %s", name); system (calls); FILE* fp = fopen(name, "w"); node >* sp = doc.begin () -> next; while (sp != doc.end ()) { for (iterator it = 0; it < sp -> v.size(); it++) fputc (sp -> v[it], fp); fputc ('\n', fp); sp = sp -> next; } fclose(fp); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void doccopy (const char* from, const char* to) { FILE* fp = fopen (from, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf ("打开失败!\n"); return; } FILE* tp = fopen (to, "w"); char ch; ch = fgetc (fp); while (ch != EOF) { fputc (ch, tp); ch = fgetc (fp); } fclose (fp); fclose (tp); printf ("成功!\n"); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void cppcopy (const char* to) { FILE* fp = fopen (name, "r"); FILE* tp = fopen (to, "w"); char ch; ch = fgetc (fp); while (ch != EOF) { fputc (ch, tp); ch = fgetc (fp); } fclose (fp); fclose (tp); printf ("成功!\n"); return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void output (LPVOID id) { std::mutex mlock; while (true) { while (true) { if (sig == 1) { sig = 0; break; } else if (sig == -1) { return; } } node >* pt = py; mlock.lock (); node >* end = doc.end (); mlock.unlock (); bool special = false; bool isinc = false; bool isstr = false; bool isch = false; bool isnum = false; for (iterator yy = 0; yy < H - 1 && pt != end; yy++) { byte_t cl; iterator xx; std::string ks; if (!special) { isinc = false; isstr = false; isch = false; isnum = false; } for (xx = 0; xx < W - 7 && xx + px < pt -> v.size (); xx++) { char putch = pt -> v.at(xx + px); if ((!isinc) && (!isstr) && (!isch)) { if ( (putch >= 'A' && putch <= 'Z') || (putch >= 'a' && putch <= 'z') || (putch >= '0' && putch <= '9') || (putch == '_') ) { ks += putch; } else { mlock.lock (); if (keyword[ks] != 0) { for (iterator it = 0; it < ks.size(); it++) { if (pt == ty && xx + px - ks.size() + it == tx) thisout[yy][xx + px - ks.size() + it].cl = 240; else thisout[yy][xx + px - ks.size() + it].cl = keyword[ks]; } } mlock.unlock (); ks = ""; } } else { ks = ""; } if (putch == ' ' || isat[(int)putch] == true || xx + px == 0) { isnum = true; } else if(putch < '0' || putch > '9') { isnum = false; } if ((!isstr) && (!isch) && (isinc || putch == '#')) { cl = 10; isinc = true; } else if ((!isinc) && (!isch) && (isstr || putch == '\"')) { cl = 11; if (pt -> v[xx + px] == '\"' && !special) isstr = !isstr; } else if ((!isinc) && (!isstr) && (isch || putch == '\'')) { cl = 14; if (pt -> v[xx + px] == '\'' && !special) isch = !isch; } else if ( (!isinc) && (!isstr) && (!isch) && (isnum) && (putch >= '0' && putch <= '9') ) { cl = 11; } else if (isat[(int)putch] == true) { cl = 9; } else { cl = 15; } if (pt == ty && xx + px == tx) { cl = 240; } thisout[yy][xx].cl = cl; thisout[yy][xx].ch = putch; if (putch == '\\' && !special) { special = true; } else { special = false; } } cl = 15; if (pt == ty && tx == pt -> v.size ()) { cl = 240; } thisout[yy][xx].cl = cl; thisout[yy][xx].ch = ' '; pt = pt -> next; } pt = py; mlock.lock (); gotoxy (0, 0); for (iterator yy = 0; yy < H - 1 && pt != end; yy++) { color (15); printf ("%4d ", (int)(lines + yy)); for (iterator xx = 0; xx < W - 6; xx++) { if ( thisout[yy][xx].ch != preout[yy][xx].ch || thisout[yy][xx].cl != preout[yy][xx].cl ) { gotoxy ((short)(xx + 5), (short)yy); color (thisout[yy][xx].cl); printf ("%c", thisout[yy][xx].ch); } } color (12); gotoxy ((short)(W - 2), (short)yy); if (pt -> v.size() > W - 8) { printf (" > "); } else { printf (" "); } printf ("\n"); pt = pt -> next; } color (15); printf ("%114c", ' '); memcpy (preout, thisout, sizeof (preout)); mlock.unlock (); for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { thisout[yi][xi].cl = 15; thisout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } } return; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) bool cfn (int ch) { if (ch == 0) { char prt[W + 7]; memset(prt, '\b', sizeof(prt)); prt[W + 6] = '\0'; printf("%s", prt); ch = getch (); switch (ch) { case 59: { printf (helps); system ("pause"); break; } case 60: { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "start %s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 61: { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "%s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 62: { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 63: { char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "start %s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 64: { char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "%s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 65: { save (); system (name); system ("pause"); break; } default: break; } for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { preout[yi][xi].cl = 15; preout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } system ("cls"); return true; } return false; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) bool cctrl (int ch) { if (ch == 1) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'u'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 2) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'b'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 4) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'd'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'u'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'b'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 5) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'x'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 6) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'f'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 12) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 15) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'p'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'o'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 18) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'i'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 's'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'r'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 19) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 's'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'i'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'd'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 20) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'm'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'p'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'l'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'a'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 't'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 21) { ty -> v.insert (tx, 'u'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 's'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'i'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'g'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'n'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'e'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, 'd'); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; return true; } else if (ch == 23) { tx = ty -> v.size(); return true; } return false; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) bool ccom (int ch) { if (ch == 10) { char prt[W + 7]; memset(prt, '\b', sizeof(prt)); prt[W + 6] = '\0'; printf("%sFastCode:> ", prt); ch = getchar (); switch (ch) { case 'h': case 'H': case '?': { printf (helps); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 's': case 'S': { save (); break; } case 'q': case 'Q': { save (); sig = -1; exit (0); } case '!': { sig = -1; exit (0); } case 'o': case 'O': { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "start %s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 'r': case 'R': case ':': { save (); char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf ( calls, "%s %s -o %s -Ofast -m32 -std=gnu++14 -lwsock32", path, name, exen ); printf("%s\n", calls); system (calls); sprintf (calls, "%s", exen); system (calls); system ("pause"); break; } case 't': case 'T': case '^': { tx = 0; cnt = 0; lines = 0; ty = doc.begin () -> next; py = doc.begin () -> next; edit = false; break; } case 'y': case 'Y': case '@': { unsigned int linenum; scanf ("%d", &linenum); tx = 0; cnt = 0; lines = 0; ty = doc.begin () -> next; py = doc.begin () -> next; for (iterator it = 0; it < linenum; it++) { if (ty -> next != doc.end ()) { ty = ty -> next; py = py -> next; lines++; } } edit = false; break; } case 'x': case 'X': { unsigned int colnum; scanf ("%d", &colnum); tx = colnum; if (tx < 0) { tx = 0; } if (tx > ty -> v.size()) { tx = ty -> v.size(); } edit = false; break; } case 'b': case 'B': case '<': { edit = false; int len; bool okk; char word[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (word); len = strlen(word); while (ty -> pre != doc.begin()) { tx = 0; ty = ty -> pre; cnt--; for (; (signed int)tx < (signed int)ty -> v.size() - len; tx++) { okk = true; for (iterator it = 0; it < len; it++) { if (word[it] != ty -> v[tx + it]) { okk = false; break; } } if (okk) { goto FL_END; } } } break; FL_END: break; } case 'f': case 'F': case '>': { edit = false; int len; bool okk; char word[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (word); len = strlen(word); while (ty -> next != doc.end()) { tx = 0; ty = ty -> next; cnt++; for (; (signed int)tx < (signed int)ty -> v.size() - len; tx++) { okk = true; for (iterator it = 0; it < len; it++) { if (word[it] != ty -> v[tx + it]) { okk = false; break; } } if (okk) { goto FR_END; } } } break; FR_END: break; } case 'e': case 'E': case '-': { int num; scanf ("%d", &num); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { if (tx > 0) { tx--; ty -> v.erase (tx); } } break; } case '{': { int num; int step; int begin; char word[BUFLEN]; scanf ("%d,%d,%d", &num, &begin, &step); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { sprintf (word, "%d", it * step + begin); for (iterator i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; i++) { ty -> v.insert (tx, word[i]); tx++; } ty -> v.insert (tx, ','); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } break; } case '\'': { int num; int step; char begin; scanf ("%d,%c,%d", &num, &begin, &step); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { ty -> v.insert (tx, '\''); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)(it * step) + begin); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '\''); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ','); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } break; } case '\"': { int num; int step; char begin; scanf ("%d,%c,%d", &num, &begin, &step); for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)(it * step) + begin); tx++; } break; } case 'l': case 'L': case '|': { int num; int deln; int step; int begin; char ch; char str[BUFLEN]; node >* tn = ty; scanf ("%d,%d,%d,%c", &num, &begin, &step, &ch); if (ch == '-') { scanf ("%d", &deln); tx -= deln; while (tx < 0) { tx++; deln--; } } else if (ch == '+') { getchar (); gets (str); } for (iterator it = 0; it < num; it++) { if (ch == '-') { for (iterator it = 0; it < deln; it++) tn -> v.erase (tx); } else if (ch == '+') { for (iterator l = 0; str[l] != '\0'; l++) tn -> v.insert (l + tx, str[l]); } for (iterator l = 0; l < step; l++) { if (tn -> next != doc.end()) tn = tn -> next; else goto LF_END; } } break; LF_END: break; } case '/': { ty -> v.insert (0, '#'); ty -> v.insert (0, '/'); ty -> v.insert (0, '/'); tx = 0; break; } case 'k': case 'K': { char word[BUFLEN]; scanf ("%s", word); keyword[word] = 11; edit = false; break; } case 'p': case 'P': { unsigned int tcolor; char word[BUFLEN]; scanf ("%s", word); scanf ("%d", &tcolor); keyword[word] = (byte_t)tcolor; edit = false; break; } case '.': { int ret; unsigned int tcolor; char path[BUFLEN]; char word[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (path); FILE* fp = fopen (path, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { while (true) { ret = fscanf (fp, "%s %d", word, &tcolor); if (ret != -1) keyword[word] = (byte_t)tcolor; else break; } } edit = false; break; } case 'w': case 'W': case '$': { char calls[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (calls); system (calls); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 'c': case 'C': case '=': { std::string TempBin; HGLOBAL hMemBin = NULL; PCHAR LockBin = NULL; node >* tn = doc.begin () -> next; OpenClipboard(NULL); EmptyClipboard(); while (tn != doc.end ()) { for (iterator it = 0; it < tn -> v.size (); it++) TempBin += tn -> v[it]; TempBin += '\n'; tn = tn -> next; } hMemBin = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, TempBin.size() + 1); LockBin = (PCHAR)GlobalLock(hMemBin); RtlMoveMemory(LockBin, TempBin.c_str(), TempBin.size() + 1); GlobalUnlock(hMemBin); LockBin = NULL; SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hMemBin); CloseClipboard(); edit = false; break; } case 'v': case 'V': case '~': { lock = !lock; edit = false; break; } case 'm': case 'M': case '%': { char from[BUFLEN]; char to[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (from); gets (to); doccopy (from, to); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 'd': case 'D': case ';': { char to[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (to); save (); cppcopy (to); system ("pause"); edit = false; break; } case 'g': case 'G': { int no; scanf ("%d", &no); switch (no) { case 2147483647: { snake::start (); break; } default: break; } system (name); edit = false; break; } case 'i': case 'I': { getchar (); char c = getchar(); char buf[BUFLEN]; if (c == 's') { server ser; ser.init (); node >* tp = doc.begin (); tp = tp -> next; while (tp != doc.end ()) { iterator it; for (it = 0; it < tp -> v.size (); it++) { buf[it] = tp -> v[it]; } buf[it++] = '\n'; buf[it++] = '\0'; ser.send (buf, strlen (buf) + 1); tp = tp -> next; } ser.close (); system ("pause"); } else if (c == 'r') { client cli; FILE* fp = fopen ("recv.cpp", "w"); char recvadd[BUFLEN]; char recvbuf[BUFLEN]; getchar (); gets (recvadd); cli.init(recvadd); while (true) { int ret = cli.recv(recvbuf, BUFLEN); if (ret == 0) { fprintf (fp, "%s", recvbuf); } else { break; } } cli.close (); fclose (fp); system ("pause"); } edit = false; break; } default: break; } CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = {1, 0}; SetConsoleCursorInfo (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info); for (iterator yi = 0; yi < H - 1; yi++) { for (iterator xi = 0; xi < W - 7; xi++) { preout[yi][xi].cl = 15; preout[yi][xi].ch = ' '; } } system ("cls"); return true; } return false; } inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void input (LPVOID id) { int ch; std::mutex mlock; while (true) { ch = getch (); edit = true; mlock.lock (); if (cfn (ch)) { if (sig == -1) return; } else if (cctrl (ch)) { if (sig == -1) return; } else if (ch == 8) { //Back if (tx == 0) { if (ty -> pre != doc.begin ()) { ty = ty -> pre; tx = ty -> v.size(); for (iterator it = 0; it < ty -> next -> v.size (); it++) ty -> v += ty -> next -> v[it]; doc.erase (ty); cnt--; } } else { ty -> v.erase (tx - 1); tx--; } } else if (ch == 9) { //Tab do { ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } while (tx % 4 != 0); } else if (ccom (ch)) { if (sig == -1) return; } else if (ch == 13) { //Enter node >* tn = new node >; for (iterator it = tx; it < ty -> v.size (); it++) tn -> v += ty -> v[it]; ty -> v -= (ty -> v.size() - tx); tn -> pre = ty; tn -> next = ty -> next; ty -> next -> pre = tn; ty -> next = tn; ty = ty -> next; tx = 0; while ( tx < ty -> pre -> v.size () && ty -> pre -> v[tx] == ' ' ) { ty -> v.insert (tx, ' '); tx++; } cnt++; } else if (ch == 27) { //Esc save (); sig = -1; return; } else if (lock && ch == '(') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ')'); } else if (lock && ch == '[') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, ']'); } else if (lock && ch == '{') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '}'); } else if (lock && ch == '\"') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '\"'); } else if (lock && ch == '\'') { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; ty -> v.insert (tx, '\''); } else if (ch == 224) { ch = getch (); switch (ch) { case 83: { //Delete if (tx == ty -> v.size()) { if (ty -> next != doc.end ()) { for (iterator it = 0; it < ty -> next -> v.size (); it++) ty -> v += ty -> next -> v[it]; doc.erase (ty); } } else { ty -> v.erase (tx); } break; } case UP: { if (ty -> pre != doc.begin ()) { ty = ty -> pre; tx = min (tx, ty -> v.size ()); cnt--; } edit = false; break; } case DOWN: { if (ty -> next != doc.end ()) { ty = ty -> next; tx = min (tx, ty -> v.size ()); cnt++; } edit = false; break; } case LEFT: { if (tx > 0) { tx--; } edit = false; break; } case RIGHT: { if (tx < ty -> v.size ()) { tx++; } edit = false; break; } } } else if (ch == 127) { do { if (tx != 0) { tx--; ty -> v.erase (tx); } } while (tx % 4 != 0); } else { ty -> v.insert (tx, (char)ch); tx++; } while (cnt > H - 2) { lines++; cnt--; py = py -> next; } while (cnt < 0) { lines--; cnt++; py = py -> pre; } if (edit) { edit = false; char calls[BUFLEN]; sprintf (calls, "title %s*", name); system (calls); } mlock.unlock(); sig = 1; } return; } namespace snake { #define X 23 #define Y 40 #define MAXLEN 75 #define MINTIME 75 void welcome () { printf ("游戏规则:\n"); printf ("w,a,s,d,控制移动\n"); getch (); system ("cls"); return; } void init () { system ("title 贪吃蛇"); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = {1, 0}; SetConsoleCursorInfo (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info); std::fstream in ("score.txt", std::ios::in); if (!in.fail ()) in >> max_score; else welcome (); in.close (); len = 4; snake[0][0] = X >> 1; snake[0][1] = Y >> 1; snake[1][0] = (X >> 1) + 1; snake[1][1] = Y >> 1; snake[2][0] = (X >> 1) + 2; snake[2][1] = Y >> 1; snake[3][0] = (X >> 1) + 3; snake[3][1] = Y >> 1; way = UP; wait = 150.0; return; } void drawmap (){ color (255); for (unsigned int xx = 0; xx < X; xx++){ gotoxy (0, (short)xx); printf (" "); gotoxy ((short)(Y * 2 - 2), (short)xx); printf (" "); } for (unsigned int yy = 0; yy < Y; yy++){ gotoxy ((short)(yy * 2), 0); printf (" "); gotoxy ((short)(yy * 2), (short)(X - 1)); printf (" "); } return; } void drawsnake (){ color (255); gotoxy (0,0); printf (" "); color (10); gotoxy ((short)(snake[0][1] * 2), (short)snake[0][0]); printf ("□"); gotoxy ((short)(snake[1][1] * 2), (short)snake[1][0]); printf ("■"); return; } void move () { lastt[0] = snake[len-1][0]; lastt[1] = snake[len-1][1]; for (unsigned int tc = len - 1; tc > 0; tc--){ snake[tc][0] = snake[tc-1][0]; snake[tc][1] = snake[tc-1][1]; } switch (way) { case UP: { snake[0][0]--; break; } case DOWN: { snake[0][0]++; break; } case LEFT: { snake[0][1]--; break; } case RIGHT: { snake[0][1]++; break; } } return; } void clt () { color (0); gotoxy ((short)(lastt[1] * 2), (short)lastt[0]); printf (" "); return; } void getin () { if (kbhit () != 0) { while (kbhit() != 0) input = getch (); switch (input) { case 'W': case 'w': { if (way != DOWN) way = UP; break; } case 'S': case 's': { if (way != UP) way = DOWN; break; } case 'A': case 'a':{ if (way != RIGHT) way = LEFT; break; } case 'D': case 'd':{ if (way != LEFT) way = RIGHT; break; } } } return; } void putfood () { if (empty) { bool flag = true; srand (time (NULL)); while (flag) { food[0] = rand () % (X - 2) + 1; food[1] = rand () % (Y - 2) + 1; flag = false; for (unsigned int tc = 0; tc < len; tc++) { if(snake[tc][0] == food[0] && snake[tc][1] == food[1]) flag = true; } } empty = false; color (14); gotoxy ((short)(food[1] * 2), (short)food[0]); printf ("◆"); } return; } void eatfood () { if (snake[0][0] == food[0] && snake[0][1] == food[1]) { empty = true; score++; if(wait >= MINTIME) wait -= 0.5; if(len < MAXLEN) len++; } return; } bool gameover () { bool over = false; if ( snake[0][0] == 0 || snake[0][0] == X - 1 || snake[0][1] == 0 || snake[0][1] == Y - 1 ) { over = true; } for (unsigned int tc = 1; tc < len; tc++) if (snake[0][0] == snake[tc][0] && snake[0][1] == snake[tc][1]) over = true; if (over == true) { system ("cls"); while (kbhit() != 0) getch (); printf ("Game over!\n"); printf ("Score:%d\n",score); printf ("Max score:%d\n",max_score); getch (); system ("cls"); printf ("Save...\n"); if (score > max_score) { std::fstream write; write.open ("score.txt",std::ios::out); write << score; write.close (); max_score = score; } } return over; } int start () { init (); drawmap (); Sleep (3000); while (true) { clt (); drawsnake (); putfood (); eatfood (); getin (); move (); if (gameover ()) break; Sleep ((DWORD)(wait)); } return 0; } #undef X #undef Y #undef MAXLEN #undef MINTIME }