2024年2月6日 晨会汇报

  1. Good morning, colleages!
  2. Today, I'd like to share a short update about my recent work, which contains two key areas: A summary of yesterday's work and my agenda for today.
  3. Yesterday's primary task was to develop the pages associated with the Game-mate module within the H5 environments.
  4. Although the Figma prototypes are not yet complete and are unlikely to be finished before the Chinese New Year, I've proceeded with the current design as the final version.
  5. Looking ahead to today, my plan is to conduct testing on the aforementioned [əˈfɔːmenʃənd] pages using mock data generated from my own service.
  6. This service is developed using a tech stack that includes Express and Sequelize.
  7. Additionally, I'll be working on integrating any available back-end data interfaces.
  8. That's concludes my report today.
  9. Thank you for your attention.
  10. I'm open to and welcome to any suggestions or feedback you might have.
