python | 批量将 tsv 文件转成 xls 文件,保存到新路径

python | 批量将 tsv 文件转成 xls 文件,保存到新路径_第1张图片

python | 批量将 tsv 文件转成 xls 文件,保存到新路径_第2张图片


tsv_file.to_excel(new_name)  # 保存为xls文件

说明:由于xlwt包不再被维护,xlwt引擎将在Pandas的未来版本中被移除。这是pandas中唯一支持xls格式编写的引擎。安装openpyxl并改为写入xlsx文件。您可以将io.excel.xls.writer 选项设置为“xlwt”来消除此警告。虽然此选项已被弃用,并且还会引发警告,但可以对其进行全局设置并取消警告。
FutureWarning: As the xlwt package is no longer maintained, the xlwt engine will be removed in a future version of pandas. This is the only engine in pandas that supports writing in the xls format. Install openpyxl and write to an xlsx file instead. You can set the option io.excel.xls.writer to 'xlwt' to silence this warning. While this option is deprecated and will also raise a warning, it can be globally set and the warning suppressed.



import pandas as pd
import os
import openpyxl

workb = openpyxl.Workbook()
old_path = 'F:/gdc/test'  # 原文件夹路径
new_path = 'F:/gdc/result'  # 新文件夹路径

# 获取指定文件中文件名
tsv_route = []
def get_filename(route):
    tsv_name_list = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(route):
        tsv_name_list = tsv_name_list + files
    return tsv_name_list  # 返回每一个tsv文件的绝对路径

# 更换后缀
def change_suffix(cur_name, new_path):
    no_tsv_name = cur_name.split('.tsv')
    # 目前以下xlsx、xls都能用,这个xls保存方法在不久的将来不再能用
    # xsl_name = no_tsv_name[0] + '.xlsx'  # 保存为xlsx
    xsl_name = no_tsv_name[0] + '.xls'  # 保存为xls
    new_name = new_path + '/' + xsl_name
    return new_name

def main_function(old_path, new_path):
    final_name_list = []
    final_name_list = get_filename(old_path)
    for item in final_name_list:
        tsv_route.append(old_path + '/' + item)
    count = 1
    # 在一个for循环中同时遍历2个list对应的元素,可以通过python的内置zip函数实现
    for tsv_name, el in zip(tsv_route, final_name_list):
        tsv_file = pd.read_csv(tsv_name, sep='\t')  # 读取tsv文件内容
        new_name = change_suffix(el, new_path)  # 更换后缀
        tsv_file.to_excel(new_name)  # 保存为xls文件
        # 完成计数
        print(count, '--完成')
        count += 1
    return final_name_list

main_function(old_path, new_path)
