









Great parents

do what they say they are going to do


Don’t make rules you can’t or won’t enforce.

Keep your commitments.

It’s important for kids to know that you mean what you say. This builds mutual trust and respect, which are the cornerstones of a great parent–child relationship (see also #74).

So if you tell your toddler that you will leave the grocery store if she pulls one more item off the shelf, then you must be prepared to follow through (see also #53). Similarly, if your five-year-old intentionally scampers away after you tell him that he cannot go to the baseball game unless he puts his coat and shoes on right now, then the baseball game must be skipped. (But first be sure he really heard your request; see #29.)

Doing what you say you will do also has the pleasant side effect of minimizing how much testing of boundaries your kids will do. If they expect you to do what you say you will do—that is, you are predictable—then it becomes not worth their time and effort to see if you really mean it (see also #34).

For the same reason, it’s equally important to keep your commitments. If you tell your child you will get off your computer in five minutes to read to him, for example, then be prepared to stop at that time and follow through on what you said. If you keep putting him off or changing the timeline (“Just a few more minutes, honey”), your child may eventually become skeptical when you make a commitment to him.

TRY THIS: Pay careful attention to the commitments you make to your kids, whether you are committing to do something together (“I’ll play basketball with you after I finish this e-mail”) or specifying a consequence for breaking a rule (“If you take something else off the shelf without asking, we are leaving the grocery store”).

Be sure to follow through on what you’ve said (or acknowledge your commitment and explain carefully the reasons why you could not follow through).
