


  1. Why Learn Data Science?

  2. What Exactly is Machine Learning (ML) in Data Science?

  3. An ML ‘Syllabus’

  4. Online Courses

  5. Step by Step ML Process

  6. Example ML Algorithms

  7. ML Applications

  8. Taking this Further


1.为什么要学习数据科学?(1. Why Learn Data Science?)

Data Science is a skill set formed from multiple disciplines including maths, statistics, programming, and business knowledge, which can be applied to a broad range of problems. It is a field for organising large data sets, analysing data and coding solutions to address business challenges.

数据科学是由多种学科(包括数学,统计学,编程和商业知识)组成的技能集,可以应用于广泛的问题。 它是组织大型数据集,分析数据和编码解决方案以应对业务挑战的领域。

With this knowledge, you could:


  • Design a Spotify music recommender system


  • Predict future stock prices


  • Build a facial recognition system


  • … and many more!

    … 还有很多!

Not experienced in these fields? No problem! Now it’s easier than ever to learn Data Science, with a wealth of online resources, Medium articles and YouTube tutorials!

在这些领域没有经验? 没问题! 现在,拥有大量在线资源,中型文章和YouTube教程,比以往任何时候都更容易学习数据科学!

Just a note about this article: it is quite a detailed overview — you don’t need to read the whole thing at once! Treat this as a guide to keep checking back to as you learn, and feel free to skip bits you don’t need or are already familiar with!

只是关于本文的一条注释:它是一个非常详细的概述-您无需一次阅读全部内容! 将此作为指导,以便在学习时不断检查,并随时跳过不需要或已经熟悉的部分!

2.数据科学中的机器学习(ML)到底是什么? (2. What Exactly is Machine Learning (ML) in Data Science?)

Machine learning is where a computer takes a series of inputs, learns patterns, and produces outputs. Returning to our examples:

机器学习是计算机获取一系列输入,学习模式并产生输出的地方。 回到我们的例子:

  • Spotify: input features to describe the songs you like (e.g. time signature, key, lyrics), learn patterns (often looking at patterns derived for similar listeners to yourself), output your ‘Discover Weekly’ playlist


  • Predict future stock prices: input previous stock market data, detect underlying trends, output prediction


  • Build a facial recognition system: input an image of someone’s face, compare it to a stored database of faces, identify the person


In order to do these things, a computer must first learn from train data, and then be checked using test data. You usually provide input (x) and output (y) data in both cases.

为了执行这些操作,计算机必须首先从火车数据中学习,然后使用测试数据进行检查。 通常在两种情况下都提供输入(x)输出(y)数据。

When starting out, there are 2 broad categories of ML, supervised and unsupervised:


Types of ML — an overview ML的类型—概述

Supervised — labelled train data. The algorithm wants to learn the rules connecting an input to a given output, and to use those rules for making predictions e.g. using which past job applicants got hired to decide whether to hire a new applicant, this has a yes/no label indicating whether the applicant was hired.

有监督-带标签的火车数据。 该算法要学习将输入连接到给定输出的规则,并使用这些规则进行预测,例如,使用过去雇用的应聘者来决定是否雇用新的应聘者,它具有是/否标签,指示是否申请人被录用了。

Generally 5 variables to deal with:


- x_train: features based on someone’s CV e.g. number of GCSEs, number of job requirements matched

-x_train :基于某人的简历的功能,例如,GCSE的数量,匹配的工作要求的数量

- y_train: binary (yes/no) labels for whether or not someone got hired

-y_train :是否有人被录用的二进制(是/否)标签

- x_test: same as x_train but for new data

-x_test :与x_train相同,但用于新数据

- y_pred: the predicted output when the model is trained on x_train and y_train, and then fed the input data x_test

-y_pred :模型在x_train和y_train上训练,然后输入输入数据x_test时的预测输出

- y_test: same as y_train but for the new data. y_test is compared to y_pred to evaluate how well the model performs

-y_test :与y_train相同,但用于新数据。 将y_test与y_pred进行比较以评估模型的性能

Supervised Learning — Regression vs Classification 监督学习—回归与分类

Unsupervised — unlabelled train data. The algorithm finds structures and patterns of inputs on its own e.g. clustering types of customer based on demographic info and their spending habits. There are no labels as the customer segments are not yet known in this example.

无监督-未标记的火车数据。 该算法根据人口统计信息及其消费习惯自行找到输入的结构和模式,例如,客户的聚类类型。 没有标签,因为在此示例中尚不了解客户群。

Generally 2 variables:


- X: features about a customer

-X :关于客户的特征

- y: the model’s output when trained on the X data

-y :在X数据上训练后模型的输出

Unsupervised Learning — Clustering in 3D, with 3 features used to identify types of flower 无监督学习-3D聚类,具有用于识别花朵类型的3种功能

There are also a number of other types of ML. You often start with a simple artificial neural network (ANN), which is designed like the human brain with neurons which strengthen when fired more often. Then there’s reinforcement learning, natural language processing (NLP), convolutional neural networks (CNN), deep neural networks (DNN), recurrent neural networks (RNN), and many more!

还有许多其他类型的ML。 您通常从一个简单的人工神经网络(ANN)开始,该网络的设计类似于人脑,其神经元在频繁发射时会增强。 然后是强化学习,自然语言处理(NLP),卷积神经网络(CNN),深度神经网络(DNN),递归神经网络(RNN)等!

A simple neural network 一个简单的神经网络

3. ML“教学大纲”(3. An ML ‘Syllabus’)

This is the most comprehensive video I’ve found so far on how to get started. These steps are outlined in the video:

这是到目前为止我找到的最全面的视频,介绍如何开始使用。 视频中概述了这些步骤:

1. Install Python/R and the relevant libraries

1.安装Python / R和相关的库

It’s up to you which — R was developed for statisticians, whilst Python is more general-purpose, being the most popular option.


Let’s go with Python. Download Anaconda, and it’s common to use Jupyter Notebook. You can find lots of useful Python libraries on PyPI. You will want to install:

让我们开始使用Python。 下载Anaconda ,通常使用Jupyter Notebook 。 您可以在PyPI上找到许多有用的Python库。 您将要安装:

  • numpy — indexing, basic operations on arrays, reshaping, broadcasting arrays

    numpy —索引,数组的基本操作,整形,广播数组

  • pandas — dataframes, series, feature engineering. For more advanced pandas tips, see this video

    熊猫-数据框,系列,特征工程。 有关更多高级熊猫提示,请观看视频

  • Visualisation libraries: matplotlib, seaborn

    可视化库: matplotlib 海生的

  • Also helpful: scikit-learn — for ML models. Later on you might want tensorflow, keras, pytorch, but leave these for the moment

    也有帮助: scikit-learn —用于ML模型。 稍后您可能需要tensorflow keras pytorch ,但暂时不要使用

  • Just for fun: geopandas — for plotting maps and spatial coordinates

    只是为了好玩: geopandas —用于绘制地图和空间坐标

2. Statistics


  • Mean, median, mode


  • Normal and standard distributions


  • Correlations


No need to learn formulae by-heart. You mostly want a general understanding of the data you’ve got and how features are related.

无需刻苦学习公式。 您通常希望对所获得的数据以及功能之间的关系有一个大致的了解。

3. Exploratory Data analysis (EDA)


  • Understanding the features in a data set


  • Data scaling — MinMax, Standard, LogNormal

    数据缩放— MinMax,Standard,LogNormal

4. Understanding ML algorithms, focussing on


  • Intuition — watch videos with good diagrams of what’s going on


  • Implementation with python libraries — you don’t need to code all the inner workings of an ML model yourself, someone has already done it for you!


5. Deployment


  • Cloud computing deployment: AWS (Amazon Web Services), GCP (Google Cloud Platform), Microsoft Azure. You may need to pay for these services, but there are free online tutorials to get started

    云计算部署: AWS(Amazon Web Services) GCP(Google Cloud Platform) Microsoft Azure 您可能需要为这些服务付费,但是有免费的在线教程可以入门

  • Flask & Django — Python frameworks to turn your model into an interactive web interface. Flask is easier to get started with than Django

    Flask Django-将您的模型转变为交互式Web界面的Python框架。 Flask比Django更容易上手

6. Databases


  • SQL for structured data (in table format). Click here for a SQL tutorial website

    用于结构化数据的SQL (表格式)。 单击此处访问SQL教程网站

  • MongoDB for unstructured data (e.g. in json format)


7. Other visualisation software


  • Tableau — free on Tableau Public

    Tableau —在Tableau Public上免费

  • PowerBI — paid


  • Qlik Sense — free trial

    Qlik Sense-免费试用

4.在线课程(4. Online Courses)

Next I opted for these two Udemy courses on Machine Learning and Deep Learning. You can find the syllabus info for these courses here and here. Note there is some overlap between the courses, and only buy them when they’re on offer (about £15 each, try an incognito tab or checking back regularly as Udemy often has sales on). They have a great overview of different ML techniques.

接下来,我选择了这两个有关机器学习和深度学习的Udemy课程。 您可以在这里和这里找到这些课程的课程表信息。 请注意,课程之间存在一些重叠,只有在提供课程时才购买(每个课程约15英镑,尝试使用隐身标签或定期复查,因为Udemy经常有销售)。 他们对不同的机器学习技术有很好的概述。

5.分步机器学习(ML)过程 (5. Step by Step Machine Learning (ML) Process)

Step by step ML process 逐步ML处理

Start with a dataset — this can be provided for you on Kaggle, or you can use other online datasets, APIs, or collect your own data. You can start using an excel file or csv. For unstructured data, use json. For large files, hdf files are helpful. If you want, you can query your data from a database and use that directly.

数据集开始-可以在Kaggle上为您提供,也可以使用其他在线数据集,API或收集自己的数据。 您可以开始使用excel文件或csv。 对于非结构化数据,请使用json。 对于大文件,hdf文件很有帮助。 如果需要,可以从数据库查询数据并直接使用它。

  • You will need a sufficient amount of data to be able to train a model — a good rule of thumb is roughly 10 times as many data points as features (inputs) in your model. For example, if you have 4 features in a salary prediction algorithm (job sector, role title, years of experience, performance review score), you will want data on at least 40 people

    您将需要足够的数据量来训练模型-一个好的经验法则是,数据点的数量大约是模型中特征(输入)的10倍。 例如,如果您在薪水预测算法中具有4个功能(职位,职位,工作经验,绩效评估分数),则需要至少40个人的数据

Data cleaning — Check how much data you actually have and its quality


  • For each feature, what % of the data has a NaN (missing or unknown) value? You can often handle NaN values by replacing the NaN with the mean

    对于每个功能,有%%的数据具有NaN(缺失或未知)值? 您通常可以通过用均值代替NaN来处理NaN值

df = df.fillna(df.mean())

df = df.fillna(df.mean())

  • Check for and potentially remove anomalies — anomalies may skew the data when calculating the mean or training a general model, but may be useful if the purpose of your model is to spot these anomalies (e.g. in a fraud detection system aiming to spot unusual behaviour)


  • Ensure that the data you have is of the correct type (sometimes numbers get stored as strings and need to be converted back to int/float)

    确保您拥有的数据类型正确(有时数字将存储为字符串,并且需要转换回int / float)

Feature engineering — decide which features will go into your model


  • You can create new features by manipulating the data e.g. for a car, take the ratio of fuel usage to distance travelled, or for a time series problem, calculate rolling averages or find the mean/standard deviation/frequency as features


  • Dimensionality reduction — cutting down on the number of features you’ve got. For this you can use Principal Component Analysis (PCA): this method lets you see which variables are most important in explaining the variance of the dataset

    降维—减少拥有的功能数量。 为此,您可以使用主成分分析(PCA) :此方法使您可以查看哪些变量在解释数据集的方差方面最重要

  • If you have any categorical variables (e.g. favourite colour), you will want to OneHotEncode them, meaning split them into separate columns for each category (e.g. red, yellow, blue), having a value of 0 or 1


  • You can produce correlation and covariance plots. If two features are correlated, you may not want to include them both in the model as the second feature will be redundant (e.g. how many products you sell, how much profit you make from that product type). This could result in over-fitting, where a model works very well on train data but not on test data

    您可以生成相关和协方差图。 如果两个功能相关联,则您可能不希望将两个功能都包括在模型中,因为第二个功能将是多余的(例如,您销售了多少产品,从该产品类型获利多少)。 这可能会导致过度拟合,其中模型在火车数据上效果很好,但在测试数据上效果不佳

Correlation Matrix — red indicates positive correlation, blue indicates negative correlation 相关矩阵—红色表示正相关,蓝色表示负相关

Next is the train-test split. Split up the data (often randomly, but sometimes in time-series chronological order), often with a 80:20 train:test split.

接下来是火车试车课。 拆分数据(通常是随机的,但有时按时间序列的时间顺序),通常采用80:20的train:test拆分。

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split


X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 0)

X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(X,y,test_size = 0.2,random_state = 0)

  • You’ll need to feature scale the data, which often requires normalising it (if you have a skewed distribution, you can use log(x) to normalise, and then you scale. There are many types of scaling but a common one is min-max scaling between 0 and 1. This is so that the actual value of a feature doesn’t affect the model too much (e.g. when looking at car safety, a speed of 60mph shouldn’t be weighted more highly than an acceleration of 2m/s^2 just because speed values generally tend to be higher)

    您需要对数据进行缩放,这通常需要对其进行归一化(如果分布偏斜,则可以使用log(x)进行归一化,然后进行缩放。缩放的类型很多,但常见的是最小-max缩放,介于0和1之间。这样一来,要素的实际值不会对模型产生太大影响(例如,在考虑汽车安全性时,不应将60mph的速度加权得比2m的加速度高得多) / s ^ 2,只是因为速度值通常会更高)

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler


sc_X = StandardScaler()

sc_X = StandardScaler()

X_train = sc_X.fit_transform(X_train)

X_train = sc_X.fit_transform(X_train)

X_test = sc_X.transform(X_test)

X_test = sc_X.transform(X_test)

Comparing different feature scaling methods 比较不同的特征缩放方法
  • With this normalisation used on the train set, you’ll want to apply the same normalisation separately to the test set. Don’t scale all the data together or there will be data leakage effects, where knowledge from the test set creeps into the train set so the ML model can cheat

    在火车集合上使用此归一化方法后,您需要将相同的归一化方法分别应用于测试集。 不要一起缩放所有数据,否则会有数据泄漏的影响,因为测试集中的知识会渗入训练集中,因此ML模型可以作弊

Apply the learning algorithm (examples outlined below) to the train set, using:


model.fit(X_train, y_train)


Then apply the model to the test set:


y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

  • You can then make a plot of the output, or compare y_pred to y_test — there are a number of metrics for model scoring, which use these terms:


True Position (TP) — e.g. is ill and tests positive (correct)


False Negative (FN) — e.g. is ill but tests negative (incorrect) — type 2 error (more bad)


False Position (FP) — e.g. is not ill but tests positive (incorrect) — type 1 error (less bad)


True Negative (TN) — e.g. is not ill and tests negative (correct)


  • There are lots of metrics you can use, as shown in the diagrams: accuracy is very important, and then either precision or recall depending on what the context of your model is


ML model evaluation metrics — precision & recall ML模型评估指标-精度和召回率
  • It can also be helpful to make a confusion matrix, formed from the 4 white squares in the middle of the diagram below, with each square containing a number. In general you want high numbers of data points in TP or TN, and low numbers in FP and FN

    制作一个混淆矩阵,由下图中间的4个白色正方形组成,每个正方形包含一个数字,也可能会有所帮助 通常,在TP或TN中需要大量的数据点,而在FP和FN中则需要少量的数据点

Confusion matrix to show the numbers of TP, TN, FP, FN values 混淆矩阵以显示TP,TN,FP,FN值的数量

Evaluate the model — try out a few different models (outlined below) and compare the confusion matrix and metrics, to see which performance is best. It depends on the problem you are trying to solve.

评估模型-尝试一些不同的模型(下面概述),并比较混淆矩阵和指标,以查看哪种性能最佳。 这取决于您要解决的问题。

  • Also try some k-fold cross validation, where you shuffle which data points are put in the train and tests sets, retrain the model, and see if it performs in a similar way and didn’t just get lucky the first time


K-fold cross validation K折交叉验证

6. ML算法示例(6. Example ML Algorithms)

Within the ML categories, we have a number of different algorithms and libraries:


Types of ML algorithms ML算法的类型

To discuss some of these further:


Regression — find the straight line or curve to fit the data


  • Linear — find the coefficients of the relationship: y = b0 + b1x1

    线性-找到关系的系数:y = b0 + b1x1

  • Polynomial — find the coefficients of the relationship: y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x1^2 + … + bnx1^n

    多项式-查找以下关系的系数:y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x1 ^ 2 +…+ bnx1 ^ n

  • Decision Tree — find the hidden rules that determine an outcome

    决断 -查找确定结果的隐藏规则

Decision Tree for deciding whether or not to grant a loan 决策树,用于决定是否授予贷款

Random Forest — an ensemble learning method combining results from many decision trees to produce a single output


Random Forest made up of Decision Trees 由决策树组成的随机森林



  • KNN — K-Nearest Neighbours — k is a parameter set by you. For each data point in a distribution, pick the k nearest points, and the data point in question gets assigned the same label as the majority of its k-nearest-neighbours

    KNN-K最近邻居-k是您设置的参数。 对于分布中的每个数据点,选择k个最近的点,然后将有问题的数据点与其大部分k最近邻分配相同的标签

  • Logistic Regression — like linear regression but a sigmoid curve is used to produce an output between 0 and 1, which can be converted to a binary output by rounding up or down


Linear Regression vs Logistic Regression 线性回归与逻辑回归
  • Naïve-Bayes — a probabilistic classifier based on applying Bayes’ theorem with strong independence assumptions between features

    朴素贝叶斯( Naïve-Bayes) -一种概率分类器,基于贝叶斯定理,特征之间具有很强的独立性假设

  • SVM — a supervised method for classification, based on finding a line or hyperplane that nicely divides clusters of data points

    SVM —一种监督分类方法,基于找到可以很好地划分数据点簇的线或超平面

Support Vector Machine 支持向量机

And here’s a higher-level flowchart for deciding which to use:


Deciding which ML method to use 确定使用哪种ML方法

7.机器学习应用(7. ML Applications)

There are a number of exciting applications of these types of ML:


Applications of different types of ML 不同类型机器学习的应用

8.更进一步(8. Taking this further)

The easiest next step is probably Kaggle, which has example data sets, model solutions, and competitions to take part in!

最简单的下一步可能是Kaggle ,其中包含示例数据集,模型解决方案和竞赛!

There are a number of popular datasets online:


  • Hand-written digit classification on the MNIST dataset


  • Flower species classification using the iris dataset


  • Survival classification on the Titanic dataset


For further reading, these websites are great for tutorials or project ideas:


  • SuperDataScience, and also their podcast


  • Machine Learning Mastery


  • Towards Data Science, or anything on Medium


  • Dataquest


  • mlcourse.ai


  • fast.ai

And you can go in search of your own data sets for more personalised projects:


  • Analysing coronavirus stats


  • Using gov data


  • 50 practical data science problems, from chatbots to fake news detection


  • Web scraping


  • RapidAPI has lots of fun APIs to try out — I can recommend the Spotify API (their website also has some cool example projects) and OpenStreetMap

    RapidAPI有很多有趣的API可以尝试-我可以推荐Spotify API(他们的网站上还有一些很酷的示例项目)和OpenStreetMap

Hope you found this helpful, and good luck in your Data Science journey!


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/how-i-got-started-in-data-science-9d726ba72354

