解决MS Azure 不能ping的问题

PsPing v2.01


PsPing implements Ping functionality, TCP ping, latency and bandwidth measurement. Use the following command-line options to show the usage for each test type



TCP ping usage: psping [[-6]|[-4]] [-h [buckets | <val1>,<val2>,...]] [-i <interval>] [-l <requestsize>[k|m] [-q] [-t|-n <count>] [-w <count>] <destination:destport>

Print histogram (default bucket count is 20).
If you specify a single argument, it's interpreted as a bucket count and the histogram will contain that number of buckets covering the entire time range of values. Specify a comma-separated list of times to create a custom histogram (e.g. "0.01,0.05,1,5,10").

Interval in seconds. Specify 0 for fast ping.

Request size. Append 'k' for kilobytes and 'm' for megabytes.

Number of pings or append 's' to specify seconds e.g. '10s'.

Don't output during pings.

Ping until stopped with Ctrl+C and type Ctrl+Break for statistics.

Warmup with the specified number of iterations (default is 1).

Force using IPv4.

Force using IPv6.

For high-speed ping tests use -q and -i 0.


为了能够实现对网络延迟的监测,我们可以使用TCP协议进行ping,其原理是,先在客户端和服务端建立一个tcp连接,然后发出一个检测包,测量响应时间。它和ping的普通区别,是在测量前要建立一个tcp连接。因此,测试的对象必须开放一个tcp端口。另外,tcp ping工具没有在os里面提供,必须自己开发或者下载工具。



