

  1. an update about / on – 关于…的汇报
  2. my recent work / my latest work – 我最近的工作


  1. Subsequently, in the later part of the afternoon – 在昨天下午
  2. engaged in a detailed discussion – 讨论
  3. coordination with Ms. Wang on doing – 对需求
  4. This feature has been successfully developed and is now poised for the forthcoming round of self-testing – 开发完成准备自测
  5. rigorously self-test the functionalities associated with … – 自测某功能
  6. due to a blockage in the backend interface, I shifted my focus on / to… – 缺接口,因此去做别的功能
  7. The process went smoothly, especially since I (introduced the state management tool) – 我做了什么让过程更加丝滑
  8. The related functionality has already passed my self-testing and has been sybmitted to Mr. Chen for review. – 自测通过提交测试
  9. I first addressed … . Building on that … – 我先做什么, 然后再做什么
  10. I attended the requirement briefing for the next sprint and post-meeting completed the task break down and time estimation for this upcoming sprint. – 参加了需求评审会然后会后拆分任务并估时
  11. issues that were left over from the previous feature development process – 遗留问题


  1. submit it to Mr. Chen for review – 提给chen做测试
  2. finish about 10% of … functionality – 完成了10%
  3. For today’s agenda, I’m dedicating my efforts to (further developing) – 今天我打算干啥
  4. with the aim of making progress up to 50% – 今天打算做到50%
  5. I had planned to continue working on the development of … – 今天继续开发***
  6. It seems Mr. Yao may have some urgent revisions to incorporate, so… – 需求有变动,因此
  7. If the interface integration hits a snag, I plan to… – 如果没有接口我打算
  8. With that handled, I’ll start doing… – 这件事做完之后我打算
  9. based on the test cases determined from the meeting – 基于测试用例
  10. is currently in the phase of dynamic bug fixing – 目前处于动态修改bug的阶段
  11. prioritize [praɪˈɒrətaɪz] doing sth; Subsequently, I’ll … – 先做啥后做啥
  12. Moreover, if time permits, I’ll … – 有时间的话还会做啥
  13. It’s been prioritized after the facility rating feature due to its low urgency – 这个功能被放到另一个功能后面去了
  14. This makes the end of the development phase for this feature – 我开发完了
  15. dynamically address any bugs that arise – 动态修改bug
  16. is well underway and currently stands at 70% completion, with manageable risks. – 目前70%
  17. these issues have now been properly resolved – 这些问题已经被解决了
  18. so far, it’s 50% complete – 目前完成了50%


  1. This encompasses everything I have to share in today’s briefing – 我说完了


  1. if all goes smoothly – 如果一切顺利
  2. the use case review meeting – 用例评审会
  3. discrepancies with the design document – 设计缺陷
  4. a blockage in – 阻塞
  5. previous feature development process – 先前开发的功能
  6. in the phase of dynamic bug fixing – 改bug阶段
  7. low urgency – 低优先级
