hi-c 文献导读-2 TAD

  • 文献:Topological Domains in Mammalian Genomes Identified by Analysis of Chromatin Interactions
  • PubMed ID:22495300
  • GEO:GSE35156
  • 关键字:TAD

1、data processing

1.1 细胞类型

(1) pluripotent cells

  • mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs); 小鼠胚胎干细胞
  • human embryonic stem cells (hESCs);人胚胎干细胞

(2)differentiated cells

  • human IMR90 fibroblasts. 人IMR90成纤维细胞
  • the mouse cortex 小鼠大脑皮层细胞

1.2 步骤

(1)hi-c 测序,共得到1.7 billion read pairs
(2)normalized the Hi-C interactions for biases in the data
(3)validate the quality of our Hi-C data
(4)visualized 2D-interaction matrices using a variety of bin sizes

2、Topological domains

2.1 finding

  • 前提:at bin sizes less than 100kb
  • 特征:
    (1)highly self-interacting regions;
    (2)bounded by narrow segments( boundary regions) where thechromatin interactions appear to end abruptly;
    (3) “triangles” on the heatmap


2.2 characterization

  • DI (directionality index)
    quantify the degree of upstream or downstream interaction bias for a genomic region, which varies considerably at the periphery of the topological domains.


然后使用HMM算法,基于DI指标,infer the locations of topological domains in the genome,最后推算 2,200 topological domains in mESCs with a median size of 880kb that occupy ~91% of the genome .

  • the frequency of intra-domain interactions is higher than inter-domain interactions;
  • probes in the same topological domain are closer in nuclear space than probes in different topological domains.
(3) topological boundary regions
  • might correspond to insulator or barrier elements.
    研究表明HoxA locus is separated into two compartments by an experimentally validated insulator ;这在boundary regions也发现了

  • a strong enrichment of CTCF :classical insulators

  • examined the distribution of the H3K9me3(heterochromatin mark) in humans and mice in relation to the topological domains

  • Taken together, the above observations strongly suggest that the topological domain boundaries correlate with regions of the genome displaying classical insulator and barrier element activity

  • We have identified multiple factors that are associated with the boundary regions separating topological domains, including the insulator binding factor CTCF, housekeeping genes,SINE elements.


2.3 统一性

(1)between cell types
  • In both human and mouse, the majority of the boundary regions are shared between cell types;
  • the overall domain structure between cell types is largely unchanged.
  • Dynamic interacting regions are enriched for differentially expressed genes
  • Therefore, we favor a model where the domain organization is stable between cell types, but the regions within each domain may be dynamic, potentially taking part in cell-type specific regulatory events.
(2)between species(across evolution)
  • compared the domain boundaries between mouse ES cells and human ES cells;
  • 结果:53.8% of human boundaries are boundaries in mouse and 75.9% of mouse boundaries are boundaries in humans.

  • 结论:The syntenic regions in mouse and human in particular share a high degree of similarity in their higher order chromatin structure, indicating that there is conservation of genomic structure beyond the primary sequence of DNA.




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