Critical Thinking -- The Art of Argument

chapter 1 critical thinking and arguments

sentence, statement, agrument, premise, conclusion

每个sentence不一定都是statement,还有问句和祈使句。statement是一个陈述,不一定是argument, argument必须是要convince一件事情,argument=premise+conclusion。indicator,如so,because等不一定代表改句子就是argument,要具体分析句意。有些argument中的premises和conclusion是没有直接表达的,这样的句子叫enthymeme,靠理解。


1. 找到attempt to convince  2. 找到conclusion  3. 找到premises

explanation VS argument


standardization of an argument

subargument 1

(1) Aaaa aaaa aaaa

(2) Bbbb bbbb bbbb.


(3) Cccc cccc cccc.

Subargument 2

(1) Dddd dddd dddd.


(2) Eeee eeee eeee.

Main Argument

(1) Cccc cccc cccc.

(Conclusion of Subargumetn 1)

(2) Eeee eeee eeee.

(Conclusion of Subargument 2)

(3) Ffff ffff ffff.


(4) Gggg gggg gggg.

Diagramming Arguments

用图示来表达各种premis, conclusion, arguments的逻辑关系

Chapter 2 What Makes a Good Argument?

2 characteristics of a good argument

1. true premises   2. a proper form 


true premises

评判是否true的标准:看premises是否correctly describe the world

有几个影响因素:1. audience,应当使用audience能够知道其正确性的premise;2. problem of ignorance, 应当让自己多多学习,减少ignorance,并勇于承认自己确实不知道正确与否。

proper form

指的是logical relationship betwee the premises and the conclusion,是一种抽象的公式一样的东西。例如

(1) If S1, then S2.

(2) S1.


(3) S2.

这个form就是一个经典的proper form

deductive and inductive arguments

deductive: the truth of the premises shows that the conclusion must be true

inductive: the truth of the premises shows that the conclusion is likely to be true

deductive forms

(1) If S1, then S2.

(2) S1.


(3) S2.


(1) Either S1 or S2.

(2) Not S2.


(3) S1.

inductive forms


一堆概念: valid, invalid, strong, weak, sound, cogent

valid: 有proper form 的 deductive argument; invalid: 无proper form 的 deductive argument。评价valid与否是一道是非题。

strong: 有proper form的inductive argument; weak: 无proper form的inductive argument。评价strong还是weak是一道程度题。

sound argument: true premises+valid deductive form=good deductive argument aka Sound argument

cogent argument: true premises+strong inductive form= good inductive argument aka Cogent argument


premises是否relevant to the conclusion是proper form test的关键


independent premise能为conclusion提供一些支持即便其他的premises都不存在了;dependent premise只有在与其他premise被共同提供的情况下才能支持conclusion。

Arguing about arguments

有两种:1. counterargument: 不是表明自己反对的argument有false premises或improper form,而是提出一个有着opposed conclusion的argument; 2. refutation argument: an argument whose conclusion is that another argument fails the true premises or proper form test。

Some improper forms: fallacies of relevance

fallacy: 经典的bad argument, 共8个:

1. Red Herring: 混淆概念(when someone makes a statement or offers an argument that distracts attention away from the argument under discussion)

2. Easy Target: 3步走:a. 对别人的观点进行不准确的描述;b. 论证这个不准确的描述是错的;c. 别人的观点是错的。

3. appeal to fear: 若不相信我的argument会有不好的事情发生在你身上

4. appeal to pity:若不相信我的argument会有不好的事情发生在别人身上

5. appeal to popularity: 因为大家都相信,所以是正确的

6. appeal to novelty or tradition: 由于是新兴做法或传统做法所以是正确的

7. Ad Hominem:人身攻击,通过表明提出argument的人身上的缺陷来证明他所说的argument是错的

8. appeal to ignorance: when we claims that a statement is true because it hasn't been shown to be false. 例如:我们不知道Lily买车了,所以她没买车。这个argument是false form.

Chapter 3 Premises and Conclusions

Empirical Premises

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