Toastmasters|CC2 I am a She-Young-Young


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原文链接:豆瓣 |C2: [中文]我是一只喜羊羊/ [ENG] I am a She-Young-Young


1) Select an appropriate outline whichallows listeners to easily follow andunderstand your speech.

2) Make your message clear, withsupporting material directlycontributing to that message.

3) Use appropriate transitions whenmoving from one idea to another.

4) Create a strong opening andconclusion.

5) Time: Five to seven minutes


喜羊羊,美羊羊,灰太狼… … 



 除了周末加班,灰太狼的规矩还真不少。话说有一天,办公室铃响了,我乖乖地接过电话:“喂——喂——喂!”听电话声,男中音,不太高兴,没一会儿就挂了。我当时就想,哎,奇了怪了,这声音咋这么熟悉?等一下等一下,视频接入,画面中男中音说道:“那个小喜咋回事?都来这么久了,还只会‘喂喂喂!’”。一位女中音笑着说道:“小喜还不熟悉情况嘛,我去说说。” 吖!没信号了,赶紧收好宝贝。没过多久,走廊里传来了女中音咯咯咯的笑声,还有哒哒哒的脚步声。“小喜啊,咋还没记住领导电话呢?记住,接电话时多看看号码。”哟。原来刚刚的男中音是灰太狼啊,难怪“喂喂喂”后超级不爽。小喜作为新人,竟然没记住灰太狼的号码,惭愧,真是惭愧!可是,如果大家能把灰太狼的号码存在座机里,加上备注,VIP号码VIP称呼,岂不两全其美? 





I am a She-Young-Young, and currently working for Grey Thai-Lang. Generally, I am working from 9am to 5pm while lunch time starts at 11am regularly. Every day I am riding to the office in spite of any terrible weather including raining dogs and cats. Each day I travel between home and office. I have been for a long time that starts working at sunrise and ends at sunset. My life is simple and ordinary, nothing special at all. It repeats day after day, year after year. 

But how could that happen? Let’s see, on my first arrival to the office, I read an important notice on the wall. No Weekends. No weekends? How can I go without weekends? How about my freedom? Each day, Pretty-Young-Young, Lazy-Young-Young, Fat-Young-Young, and Slim-Young-Young are so excited to plan for weekends. I could no longer bear it! Sigh~ According to Grey Thai-Lang, we must work all year around except official holidays. In other words, I will be work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! 7 days a week includes weekdays and weekends. See, I said good-bye to my dear weekends forever. Worse more, I was required to work on National Holiday last year. As a result, my travelling plan had to break down half way. Guess, who will be the next in the coming National Holiday? 

 In addition to working on weekends, Grey Thai-Lang has set up plenty of rules. One day, when the office phone was ringing, I picked up the phone and answered: Hey? Hey? Hey? According to the call, it was a man a little pissed off and it ended quickly. Well, that’s so weird. The voice seemed so familiar with me. Excuse me, a second please. One video here, and let me check it out. From the video, a man said:” What’s wrong with She-Young-Young? How could she answer the call without a title after working here for such a long time?” A woman laughed and said, “Well, she might not be familiar with the rules. I will go talk to her later.” Well, no image again. I turned off my treasure and saved it in back pocket carefully. After a short while, I heard a laugh and steps in the passage from far away. “She-Young-Young, didn’t you remember the Grey Thai-Lang’s phone number? Remember, check the number first before answering it.” Wow, the man was Grey Thai-Lang! That can explain why he was so pissed off on hearing hey hey hey. Being a novice, I deeply regretted for not bearing in mind Grey Thai-Lang’s number. However, Could it be any better if we save Grey Thai-Lang’s number in the telephone marked with a title? VIP number shall have VIP reception. 

Recently, I have joined the Wuxi No.1 Toastmasters Club and I love it so much! Unlike Grey Thai-Lang office, it is such an interesting place with so many interesting people. On every Saturday evening, I ran directly to Toastmasters club immediately after work. Moreover, I am really really happy to receive so many business cards. Look, this is Standard English Lilly Jia from Wuxi No.1 Toastmasters Club, and this is Humorous King Jack Fang, and that’s Joke King Charles Chow. Well, my dear fellow toastmasters, I am really sorry for being so mean to exchange my card. Frankly, Grey Thai-Lang is such a stuffed shirt but he has always appeared in low profile. He has never sent a card, not to mention printing cards for employees. According to Grey Thai-Lang, the best business card is actually our facebook. We would vote for facebook instead of business cards. 

 For the past one year working in Grey Thai-Lang’s office, I have always struggling to work on weekends. However, Grey Thai-Lang said, we can ask a leave anytime provided anything reasonable. Well, could you please do me favor? Shall we persuade Grey Thai-Lang into joining our Toastmasters club? Therefore I would enjoy my weekends. 

 To tell the truth, Grey Thai-Lang has long been put in a dilemma that he not only leads Young-Young team to fight against other wolf, but he is also challenged Red Thai-Lang at home. The reason why I share with all of you my story by introducing She-Young-Young and Grey Thai-Lang is to amuse you and we can always be a She-Young-Young in spite of any difficult times. Hope you enjoy it tonight! Of course, both She-Young-Young and Grey Thai-Lang are environmentally friendly. Our slogan is “No cards, but facebook! “

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