Spring Microservices in Action学习笔记 - Microservices are more than writing the code

While the concepts around building individual microservices are easy to understand, running and supporting a robust microservice application (especially when running in the cloud) involves more than writing the code for the service. Writing a robust service includes considering several topics. Figure 1.7 highlights these topics.

Let’s walk through the items in figure 1.7 in more detail:

  • Right-sized—How do you ensure that your microservices are properly sized so that you don’t have a microservice take on too much responsibility? Remember, properly sized, a service allows you to quickly make changes to an application and reduces the overall risk of an outage to the entire application.
  • Location transparent—How you we manage the physical details of service invocation when in a microservice application, multiple service instances can quickly start and shut down?
  • Resilient—How do you protect your microservice consumers and the overall integrity of your application by routing around failing services and ensuring that you take a “fail-fast” approach?
  • Repeatable—How do you ensure that every new instance of your service brought up is guaranteed to have the same configuration and code base as all the other service instances in production?
  • Scalable—How do you use asynchronous processing and events to minimize the direct dependencies between your services and ensure that you can gracefully scale your microservices?

This book takes a patterns-based approach as we answer these questions. With a patterns-based approach, we lay out common designs that can be used across different technology implementations. While we’ve chosen to use Spring Boot and Spring Cloud to implement the patterns we’re going to use in this book, nothing will keep you from taking the concepts presented here and using them with other technology platforms. Specifically, we cover the following six categories of microservice patterns:

  • Core development patterns
  • Routing patterns
  • Client resiliency patterns
  • Security patterns
  • Logging and tracing patterns
  • Build and deployment patterns

Let’s walk through these patterns in more detail.

1. Core microservice development pattern

The core development microservice development pattern addresses the basics of building a microservice. Figure 1.8 highlights the topics we’ll cover around basic service design.

  • Service granularity—How do you approach decomposing a business domain down into microservices so that each microservice has the right level of responsibility? Making a service too coarse-grained with responsibilities that overlap into different business problems domains makes the service difficult to maintain and change over time. Making the service too fine-grained increases the overall complexity of the application and turns the service into a “dumb” data abstraction layer with no logic except for that needed to access the data store. I cover service granularity in chapter 2.
  • Communication protocols—How will developers communicate with your service? Do you use XML (Extensible Markup Language), JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), or a binary protocol such as Thrift to send data back and forth your microservices? We’ll go into why JSON is the ideal choice for microservices and has become the most common choice for sending and receiving data to microservices. I cover communication protocols in chapter 2.
  • Interface design—What’s the best way to design the actual service interfaces that developers are going to use to call your service? How do you structure your service URLs to communicate service intent? What about versioning your services? A well-design microservice interface makes using your service intuitive. I cover interface design in chapter 2.
  • Configuration management of service—How do you manage the configuration of your microservice so that as it moves between different environments in the cloud you never have to change the core application code or configuration? I cover managing service configuration in chapter 3.
  • Event processing between services—How do you decouple your microservice using events so that you minimize hardcoded dependencies between your services and increase the resiliency of your application? I cover event processing between services in chapter 8.

2. Microservice routing patterns

The microservice routing patterns deal with how a client application that wants to consume a microservice discovers the location of the service and is routed over to it. In a cloud-based application, you might have hundreds of microservice instances running. You’ll need to abstract away the physical IP address of these services and have a single point of entry for service calls so that you can consistently enforce security and content policies for all service calls.

Service discovery and routing answer the question, “How do I get my client’s request for a service to a specific instance of a service?”

  • Service discovery—How do you make your microservice discoverable so client applications can find them without having the location of the service hardcoded into the application? How do you ensure that misbehaving microservice instances are removed from the pool of available service instances? I cover service discovery in chapter 4.
  • Service routing—How do you provide a single entry point for all of your services so that security policies and routing rules are applied uniformly to multiple services and service instances in your microservice applications? How do you ensure that each developer in your team doesn’t have to come up with their own solutions for providing routing to their services? I cover service routing in chapter 6.

In figure 1.9, service discovery and service routing appear to have a hard-coded sequence of events between them (first comes service routing and the service discovery). However, the two patterns aren’t dependent on one another. For instance, we can implement service discovery without service routing. You can implement service routing without service discovery (even though its implementation is more difficult).

3. Microservice client resiliency patterns

Because microservice architectures are highly distributed, you have to be extremely sensitive in how you prevent a problem in a single service (or service instance) from cascading up and out to the consumers of the service. To this end, we’ll cover four client resiliency patterns:

  • Client-side load balancing—How do you cache the location of your service instances on the service client so that calls to multiple instances of a microservice are load balanced to all the health instances of that microservice?
  • Circuit breakers pattern—How do you prevent a client from continuing to call a service that’s failing or suffering performance problems? When a service is running slowly, it consumes resources on the client calling it. You want failing microservice calls to fail fast so that the calling client can quickly respond and take an appropriate action.
  • Fallback pattern—When a service call fails, how do you provide a “plug-in” mechanism that will allow the service client to try to carry out its work through alternative means other than the microservice being called?
  • Bulkhead pattern—Microservice applications use multiple distributed resources to carry out their work. How do you compartmentalize these calls so that the misbehavior of one service call doesn’t negatively impact the rest of the application?

Figure 1.10 shows how these patterns protect the consumer of service from being impacted when a service is misbehaving. I cover these four topics in chapter 5.

4. Microservice security patterns

I can’t write a book on microservices without talking about microservice security. In chapter 7 we’ll cover three basic security patterns. These patterns are

  • Authentication—How do you determine the service client calling the service is who they say they are?
  • Authorization—How do you determine whether the service client calling a microservice is allowed to undertake the action they’re trying to undertake?
  • Credential management and propagation—How do you prevent a service client from constantly having to present their credentials for service calls involved in a transaction? Specifically, we’ll look at how token-based security standards such as OAuth2 and JavaScript Web Tokens (JWT) can be used to obtain a token that can be passed from service call to service call to authenticate and authorize the user.

Figure 1.11 shows how you can implement the three patterns described previously to build an authentication service that can protect your microservices.

At this point I’m not going to go too deeply into the details of figure 1.10. There’s a reason why security requires a whole chapter. (It could honestly be a book in itself.)

5. Microservice logging and tracing patterns

The beauty of the microservice architecture is that a monolithic application is broken down into small pieces of functionality that can be deployed independently of one another. The downside of a microservice architecture is that it’s much more difficult to debug and trace what the heck is going on within your application and services.

For this reason, we’ll look at three core logging and tracing patterns:

  • Log correlation—How do you tie together all the logs produced between services for a single user transaction? With this pattern, we’ll look at how to implement a correlation ID, which is a unique identifier that will be carried across all service calls in a transaction and can be used to tie together log entries produced from each service.
  • Log aggregation—With this pattern we’ll look at how to pull together all of the logs produced by your microservices (and their individual instances) into a single queryable database. We’ll also look at how to use correlation IDs to assist in searching your aggregated logs.
  • Microservice tracing—Finally, we’ll explore how to visualize the flow of a client transaction across all the services involved and understand the performance characteristics of services involved in the transaction.

Figure 1.12 shows how these patterns fit together. We’ll cover the logging and tracing patterns in greater detail in chapter 9.

6. Microservice build/deployment patterns

One of the core parts of a microservice architecture is that each instance of a microservice should be identical to all its other instances. You can’t allow “configuration drift” (something changes on a server after it’s been deployed) to occur, because this can introduce instability in your applications.

To this end, our goal is to integrate the configuration of your infrastructure right into your build-deployment process so that you no longer deploy software artifacts such as a Java WAR or EAR to an already-running piece of infrastructure. Instead, you want to build and compile your microservice and the virtual server image it’s running on as part of the build process. Then, when your microservice gets deployed, the entire machine image with the server running on it gets deployed.

Figure 1.13 illustrates this process. At the end of the book we’ll look at how to change your build and deployment pipeline so that your microservices and the servers they run on are deployed as a single unit of work. In chapter 10 we cover the following patterns and topics:

  • Build and deployment pipeline—How do you create a repeatable build and deployment process that emphasizes one-button builds and deployment to any environment in your organization?
  • Infrastructure as code—How do you treat the provisioning of your services as code that can be executed and managed under source control?
  • Immutable servers—Once a microservice image is created, how do you ensure that it’s never changed after it has been deployed?
  • Phoenix servers—The longer a server is running, the more opportunity for configuration drift. How do you ensure that servers that run microservices get torn down on a regular basis and recreated off an immutable image?

Our goal with these patterns and topics is to ruthlessly expose and stamp out configuration drift as quickly as possible before it can hit your upper environments, such as stage or production.

Figure 1.14 maps the patterns listed in the previous section to the Spring Cloud projects that implement them.

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