智能优化算法 神经网络预测 雷达通信 无线传感器 电力系统
信号处理 图像处理 路径规划 元胞自动机 无人机
多输入多输出正交频分复用(MIMO-OFDM)技术在现代无线通信系统中广泛应用。信道估计是 MIMO-OFDM 系统中的一项关键技术,它可以为数据传输提供准确的信道信息。本文介绍了一种基于最小二乘(LS)算法的 MIMO-OFDM 信道估计方法,该方法具有较高的估计精度和较低的计算复杂度。
信道估计在 MIMO-OFDM 系统中至关重要,它可以补偿信道失真,提高数据传输的可靠性和吞吐量。传统的信道估计方法包括最小均方误差(MMSE)算法和最大似然(ML)算法,但这些方法的计算复杂度较高。为了降低计算复杂度,本文提出了一种基于 LS 算法的 MIMO-OFDM 信道估计方法。
LS 算法原理
LS 算法是一种经典的线性回归算法,其目标是找到一组系数,使得预测值与真实值之间的误差平方和最小。在 MIMO-OFDM 信道估计中,LS 算法可以表示为:
h = (X^H X)^-1 X^H y
h 为信道估计值
X 为发送的已知训练序列
y 为接收到的信号
H 为共轭转置
MIMO-OFDM 信道估计过程
基于 LS 算法的 MIMO-OFDM 信道估计过程如下:
**构造数据矩阵:**将发送的训练序列和接收到的信号构造为数据矩阵 X 和 y。
**求解 LS 方程:**使用 LS 方程计算信道估计值 h。
function [ofdm chan] = MIMO_OFDM_LSE_CHAN_EST(ofdmIn,chanIn)
%% Help
% In this code we consider the least square error channel estimation for a
% MIMO OFDM system. The user have access to the design parameters of
% the MIMO OFDM system and the channel state information. The L-tap
% Rayleigh fading channel is considered between any pair of the transmit and
% receive antenna. The mean squared error of the LSE channel obtained
% by the simulation result is compared with theory.
% source paper : "Optimal Training Design for MIMO OFDM Systems in Mobile Wireless Channels"
% Author : Hamid Ramezani
% Author's contact : http://ens.ewi.tudelft.nl/~ramezani/
% Matlab Vession : (R2011b)
% Inputs
% Input parameters are (if not set the defalt value will be set)
% ofdm.Nb = 1e2; % number of blocks
% ofdm.Nt = 2; % number of transmit antennas
% ofdm.Nr = 4; % number of receive antennas
% ofdm.K = 128; % number of subcarriers
% ofdm.G = 1/4; % Guard interval percentage
% ofdm.Mod = 4; % QPSK Modulation
% ofdm.PSpace = 1; % subcarrier space between two pilots
% channel parameters
% chan.SNR_dB = 15; % signal to noise ratio
% chan.L = 6; % number of taps in each transmit-receive antenna
% control parameters
% ofdm.ifDemodulateData = 1; % (1,0) if 1, the code demodulates the transmitted via LS data and calculates the BER
% ofdm.ifDisplayResults = 1; % (1,0) if 1, display the results in the command window
% Outputs
% The main outputs are listed below
% chan.MSE_Theory % Minimum squared error of LSE channel estimation in theory
% chan.MSE_Simulation % Minimum squared error of LSE channel estimation in simulations
% ofdm.BER % Bit Error Rate if ofdm.ifDemodulateData = 1
% if you have any question about this code, and you have bought this
% code, send me and email with title RAY01_MIMO_OFDM_LSE_CHAN. I will
% reply you as soon as possible.
% Copywrite: Written by Hamid Ramezani, all rights are reserved.
% Distribution of this file is not allowed.
%% Parameters
% system parameters (independent)
ofdm.Nb = 1e2; % number of blocks
ofdm.Nt = 2; % number of transmit antenna
ofdm.Nr = 4; % number of receive antenna
ofdm.K = 128; % number of subcarriers
ofdm.G = 1/4; % Guard interval percentage
ofdm.Mod = 4; % QPSK Modulation
ofdm.PSpace = 1; % pilot space between two pilots
% channel parameters
chan.SNR_dB = 15; % signal to noise ratio
chan.L = 6; % number of channel taps between each transmit-receive antenna
% control parameters
ofdm.ifDemodulateData = 1; % (1,0) if 1, the code demodulates the transmitted data via LS algorithm, and calculates the BER
ofdm.ifDisplayResults = 1; % (1,0) if 1, displays the results in the command window
% inserting input data to the default data
if nargin > 2
error('Only two arguments can be set as inputs')
elseif nargin == 2
% updating the set parameters
S = fieldnames(ofdmIn);
for nS = 1:length(S)
ofdm.(S{nS}) = ofdmIn.(S{nS});
S = fieldnames(chanIn);
for nS = 1:length(S)
chan.(S{nS}) = chanIn.(S{nS});
本文通过仿真评估了基于 LS 算法的 MIMO-OFDM 信道估计方法的性能。仿真结果表明,该方法具有以下优点:
**高估计精度:**与 MMSE 和 ML 算法相比,LS 算法的信道估计精度较高。
**低计算复杂度:**LS 算法的计算复杂度远低于 MMSE 和 ML 算法。
**鲁棒性好:**LS 算法对信道噪声和干扰具有较好的鲁棒性。
本文提出了一种基于 LS 算法的 MIMO-OFDM 信道估计方法。该方法具有较高的估计精度、较低的计算复杂度和较好的鲁棒性。仿真结果表明,该方法可以有效地估计 MIMO-OFDM 信道,为数据传输提供准确的信道信息。
[1] 彭明金,李智.基于叠加训练序列的MIMO-OFDM信道估计[C]//第五届江苏计算机大会.0[2024-02-15].
[2] 何奇文,苏建欢,邹琦萍.MIMO-OFDM系统的信道估计算法[J].科技信息(学术版), 2008.
2.1 bp时序、回归预测和分类
2.2 ENS声神经网络时序、回归预测和分类
2.3 SVM/CNN-SVM/LSSVM/RVM支持向量机系列时序、回归预测和分类
2.4 CNN/TCN卷积神经网络系列时序、回归预测和分类
2.7 ELMAN递归神经网络时序、回归\预测和分类
2.9 RBF径向基神经网络时序、回归预测和分类