HV000151: A method overriding another method must not redefine the parameter 2021-07-29

spring @validate

public class FaController {

    public Result<List<SecVo>> category( HttpServletRequest request) {
    	// 使用fiegn来调用其他的服务,其他服务提供的接口又使用错误的使用@Validated的注解
    	// 导致服务提供方抛出此异常,而不是单体服务出的异常
    	return FiegnClient.restReq("/favorites/category");// 伪代码

@FeignClient(value = "center-order", path = "favorites", fallback = FaApiFallBack.class)
public interface FavoritesApi{
    Result<List<SeVo>> category(@RequestParam("uid")Long uid);

public class FaController  implements FaApi{

    public Result<List<SeVo>> category(@NotNull @RequestParam("fuid")Long fuid) {
        return Result.success(faService.getCategory(fuid));

HV000151: A method overriding another method must not redefine the parameter constraint configuration, but method FaController #category(FaDto) redefines the configuration of FaApi#category(FaDto)."

解决方法:去掉controller 上的 implements FaApi 即可;
其他可能引起的是 interface 与service的 @Validate的注解不一致;可自行baidu
