今天很郁闷,pymssql 出问题了 Text 字段不能超过4K(4096)个字符

    pymssql 使用一段时间了, 因为没有使用太复杂的语句,一直还比较正常,但是今天在读取一些较大文本时出现了问题,只获取了部分文本,数据被强行截断了。


    select convert(varchar(50),guid) as guid, convert(text,content) as content from news

     Google Baidu 了一把,据说是 SET TEXTSIZE 65536  就可以了,但是我试过不行,只好到 官方网站 上看

  • important doc update: documented that with the technology pymssql currently uses (DB Library for C), it is not possible to read or write BLOBs longer than 4096 bytes,

  • varchar and nvarchar data is limited to 255 characters, and longer strings are silently trimmed.
    This is known limitation of TDS protocol. A workaround is to CAST or CONVERT that row or expression to text data type, which is capable of returning 4000 characters.


     貌似说 pymssql  使用 DB Library for C ,读取比4K 大的数据是不可能的, 哎,啥也别说了,准备换吧。


