<Attribute name="showshadow" default="false" type="BOOL" comment="是否启用窗体阴影"/> <Attribute name="shadowimage" default="" type="STRING" comment="阴影图片,使用此属性后自动屏蔽算法阴影(不支持source等属性设置)"/> <Attribute name="shadowcorner" default="0,0,0,0" type="RECT" comment="图片阴影的九宫格描述"/> <Attribute name="shadowsize" default="0" type="BYTE" comment="算法阴影的宽度(-20到20)"/> <Attribute name="shadowsharpness" default="255" type="BYTE" comment="算法阴影的锐度"/> <Attribute name="shadowdarkness" default="255" type="BYTE" comment="算法阴影的深度(相当于透明度)"/> <Attribute name="shadowpositon" default="0,0" type="SIZE" comment="算法阴影的偏移量"/> <Attribute name="shadowcolor" default="0x000000" type="DWORD" comment="算法阴影的颜色,RGB格式,不支持透明度,使用shadowdarkness设置透明度"/>
<!-- 图片阴影 --> <Window size="840,600" sizebox="4,4,4,4" caption="0,0,0,75" mininfo="840,600" showshadow="true" shadowimage="shadow.png" shadowcorner="23,13,23,33"> <!-- 算法阴影 --> <Window size="840,600" sizebox="4,4,4,4" caption="0,0,0,75" mininfo="840,600" showshadow="true" shadowsize="5" shadowpositon="1,1" shadowcolor="#333333">
// WndShadow.h : header file // // Version 0.1 // // Copyright (c) 2006 Perry Zhu, All Rights Reserved. // // mailto:perry@live.com // // // This source file may be redistributed unmodified by any means PROVIDING // it is NOT sold for profit without the authors expressed written // consent, and providing that this notice and the author's name and all // copyright notices remain intact. This software is by no means to be // included as part of any third party components library, or as part any // development solution that offers MFC extensions that are sold for profit. // // If the source code is used in any commercial applications then a statement // along the lines of: // // "Portions Copyright (c) 2006 Perry Zhu" must be included in the "Startup // Banner", "About Box" or "Printed Documentation". This software is provided // "as is" without express or implied warranty. Use it at your own risk! The // author accepts no liability for any damage/loss of business that this // product may cause. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //**************************************************************************** /******************************************************************** created: 2015/01/09 filename: UIShadow.h author: Redrain purpose: DuiLib阴影类,在原WndShadow类的基础上,增加了通过PNG图片设置阴影的功能,并且把代码与DuiLib融合 *********************************************************************/ #ifndef __UISHADOW_H__ #define __UISHADOW_H__ #pragma once #include "map" namespace DuiLib { typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pfnUpdateLayeredWindow)(HWND hWnd, HDC hdcDst, POINT *pptDst, SIZE *psize, HDC hdcSrc, POINT *pptSrc, COLORREF crKey, BLENDFUNCTION *pblend, DWORD dwFlags); class UILIB_API CShadowUI { public: friend class CPaintManagerUI; CShadowUI(void); virtual ~CShadowUI(void); public: // bShow为真时才会创建阴影 void ShowShadow(bool bShow); bool IsShowShadow() const; // 算法阴影的函数 bool SetSize(int NewSize = 0); bool SetSharpness(unsigned int NewSharpness = 5); bool SetDarkness(unsigned int NewDarkness = 200); bool SetPosition(int NewXOffset = 5, int NewYOffset = 5); bool SetColor(COLORREF NewColor = 0); // 图片阴影的函数 bool SetImage(LPCTSTR szImage); bool SetShadowCorner(RECT rcCorner); // 九宫格方式描述阴影 protected: // 初始化并注册阴影类 static bool Initialize(HINSTANCE hInstance); // 创建阴影窗体,由CPaintManagerUI自动调用 void Create(CPaintManagerUI* pPaintManager); // 子类化父窗体 static LRESULT CALLBACK ParentProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // 父窗体改变大小,移动,或者主动重绘阴影时调用 void Update(HWND hParent); // 通过算法计算阴影 void MakeShadow(UINT32 *pShadBits, HWND hParent, RECT *rcParent); // 计算alpha预乘值 inline DWORD PreMultiply(COLORREF cl, unsigned char nAlpha) { return (GetRValue(cl) * (DWORD)nAlpha / 255) | (GetGValue(cl) * (DWORD)nAlpha / 255) << 8 | (GetBValue(cl) * (DWORD)nAlpha / 255) << 16 ; } protected: enum ShadowStatus { SS_ENABLED = 1, // Shadow is enabled, if not, the following one is always false SS_VISABLE = 1 << 1, // Shadow window is visible SS_PARENTVISIBLE = 1<< 2 // Parent window is visible, if not, the above one is always false }; // 保存已经附加的窗体句柄和与其关联的阴影类,方便在ParentProc()函数中通过句柄得到阴影类 static std::map<HWND, CShadowUI *> *s_Shadowmap; static bool s_bHasInit; CPaintManagerUI *m_pManager; // 父窗体的CPaintManagerUI,用来获取素材资源和父窗体句柄 HWND m_hWnd; // 阴影窗体的句柄 LONG m_OriParentProc; // 子类化父窗体 BYTE m_Status; bool m_bIsImageMode; // 是否为图片阴影模式 bool m_bIsShowShadow; // 是否要显示阴影 // 算法阴影成员变量 unsigned char m_nDarkness; // Darkness, transparency of blurred area unsigned char m_nSharpness; // Sharpness, width of blurred border of shadow window signed char m_nSize; // Shadow window size, relative to parent window size // The X and Y offsets of shadow window, // relative to the parent window, at center of both windows (not top-left corner), signed signed char m_nxOffset; signed char m_nyOffset; // Restore last parent window size, used to determine the update strategy when parent window is resized LPARAM m_WndSize; // Set this to true if the shadow should not be update until next WM_PAINT is received bool m_bUpdate; COLORREF m_Color; // Color of shadow // 图片阴影成员变量 CDuiString m_sShadowImage; RECT m_rcShadowCorner; }; } #endif //__UISHADOW_H__
#include "StdAfx.h" #include "UIShadow.h" #include "math.h" #include "crtdbg.h" #include "Core/UIManager.h" namespace DuiLib { const TCHAR *strWndClassName = _T("PerryShadowWnd"); std::map<HWND, CShadowUI *>* CShadowUI::s_Shadowmap = new std::map<HWND, CShadowUI *>; bool CShadowUI::s_bHasInit = FALSE; CShadowUI::CShadowUI(void) : m_hWnd((HWND)NULL) , m_OriParentProc(NULL) , m_nDarkness(150) , m_nSharpness(5) , m_nSize(0) , m_nxOffset(0) , m_nyOffset(0) , m_Color(RGB(0, 0, 0)) , m_WndSize(0) , m_bUpdate(false) , m_bIsImageMode(false) , m_bIsShowShadow(false) { ::ZeroMemory(&m_rcShadowCorner, sizeof(RECT)); } CShadowUI::~CShadowUI(void) { } bool CShadowUI::Initialize(HINSTANCE hInstance) { if (s_bHasInit) return false; // Register window class for shadow window WNDCLASSEX wcex; memset(&wcex, 0, sizeof(wcex)); wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wcex.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProc; wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; wcex.cbWndExtra = 0; wcex.hInstance = hInstance; wcex.hIcon = NULL; wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1); wcex.lpszMenuName = NULL; wcex.lpszClassName = strWndClassName; wcex.hIconSm = NULL; RegisterClassEx(&wcex); s_bHasInit = true; return true; } void CShadowUI::Create(CPaintManagerUI* pPaintManager) { if(!m_bIsShowShadow) return; // Already initialized _ASSERT(CPaintManagerUI::GetInstance() != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); _ASSERT(pPaintManager != NULL); m_pManager = pPaintManager; HWND hParentWnd = m_pManager->GetPaintWindow(); // Add parent window - shadow pair to the map _ASSERT(s_Shadowmap->find(hParentWnd) == s_Shadowmap->end()); // Only one shadow for each window (*s_Shadowmap)[hParentWnd] = this; // Determine the initial show state of shadow according to parent window's state LONG lParentStyle = GetWindowLong(hParentWnd, GWL_STYLE); // Create the shadow window LONG styleValue = lParentStyle & WS_CAPTION; m_hWnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_TRANSPARENT, strWndClassName, NULL, /*WS_VISIBLE | */styleValue | WS_POPUPWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 0, 0, hParentWnd, NULL, CPaintManagerUI::GetInstance(), NULL); if(!(WS_VISIBLE & lParentStyle)) // Parent invisible m_Status = SS_ENABLED; else if((WS_MAXIMIZE | WS_MINIMIZE) & lParentStyle) // Parent visible but does not need shadow m_Status = SS_ENABLED | SS_PARENTVISIBLE; else // Show the shadow { m_Status = SS_ENABLED | SS_VISABLE | SS_PARENTVISIBLE; ::ShowWindow(m_hWnd, SW_SHOWNA); Update(hParentWnd); } // Replace the original WndProc of parent window to steal messages m_OriParentProc = GetWindowLong(hParentWnd, GWL_WNDPROC); #pragma warning(disable: 4311) // temporrarily disable the type_cast warning in Win32 SetWindowLong(hParentWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)ParentProc); #pragma warning(default: 4311) } LRESULT CALLBACK CShadowUI::ParentProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { _ASSERT(s_Shadowmap->find(hwnd) != s_Shadowmap->end()); // Shadow must have been attached CShadowUI *pThis = (*s_Shadowmap)[hwnd]; switch(uMsg) { case WM_MOVE: if(pThis->m_Status & SS_VISABLE) { RECT WndRect; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &WndRect); if (pThis->m_bIsImageMode) { SetWindowPos(pThis->m_hWnd, 0, WndRect.left - pThis->m_rcShadowCorner.left, WndRect.top - pThis->m_rcShadowCorner.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } else { SetWindowPos(pThis->m_hWnd, 0, WndRect.left + pThis->m_nxOffset - pThis->m_nSize, WndRect.top + pThis->m_nyOffset - pThis->m_nSize, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } } break; case WM_SIZE: if(pThis->m_Status & SS_ENABLED) { if(SIZE_MAXIMIZED == wParam || SIZE_MINIMIZED == wParam) { ::ShowWindow(pThis->m_hWnd, SW_HIDE); pThis->m_Status &= ~SS_VISABLE; } else if(pThis->m_Status & SS_PARENTVISIBLE) // Parent maybe resized even if invisible { // Awful! It seems that if the window size was not decreased // the window region would never be updated until WM_PAINT was sent. // So do not Update() until next WM_PAINT is received in this case if(LOWORD(lParam) > LOWORD(pThis->m_WndSize) || HIWORD(lParam) > HIWORD(pThis->m_WndSize)) pThis->m_bUpdate = true; else pThis->Update(hwnd); if(!(pThis->m_Status & SS_VISABLE)) { ::ShowWindow(pThis->m_hWnd, SW_SHOWNA); pThis->m_Status |= SS_VISABLE; } } pThis->m_WndSize = lParam; } break; case WM_PAINT: { if(pThis->m_bUpdate) { pThis->Update(hwnd); pThis->m_bUpdate = false; } //return hr; break; } // In some cases of sizing, the up-right corner of the parent window region would not be properly updated // Update() again when sizing is finished case WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: if(pThis->m_Status & SS_VISABLE) { pThis->Update(hwnd); } break; case WM_SHOWWINDOW: if(pThis->m_Status & SS_ENABLED) { if(!wParam) // the window is being hidden { ::ShowWindow(pThis->m_hWnd, SW_HIDE); pThis->m_Status &= ~(SS_VISABLE | SS_PARENTVISIBLE); } else if(!(pThis->m_Status & SS_PARENTVISIBLE)) { //pThis->Update(hwnd); pThis->m_bUpdate = true; ::ShowWindow(pThis->m_hWnd, SW_SHOWNA); pThis->m_Status |= SS_VISABLE | SS_PARENTVISIBLE; } } break; case WM_DESTROY: DestroyWindow(pThis->m_hWnd); // Destroy the shadow break; case WM_NCDESTROY: s_Shadowmap->erase(hwnd); // Remove this window and shadow from the map break; } #pragma warning(disable: 4312) // temporrarily disable the type_cast warning in Win32 // Call the default(original) window procedure for other messages or messages processed but not returned return ((WNDPROC)pThis->m_OriParentProc)(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); #pragma warning(default: 4312) } void CShadowUI::Update(HWND hParent) { RECT WndRect; GetWindowRect(hParent, &WndRect); int nShadWndWid; int nShadWndHei; if (m_bIsImageMode) { if(m_sShadowImage.IsEmpty()) return; nShadWndWid = WndRect.right - WndRect.left + m_rcShadowCorner.left + m_rcShadowCorner.right; nShadWndHei = WndRect.bottom - WndRect.top + m_rcShadowCorner.top + m_rcShadowCorner.bottom; } else { nShadWndWid = WndRect.right - WndRect.left + m_nSize * 2; nShadWndHei = WndRect.bottom - WndRect.top + m_nSize * 2; } // Create the alpha blending bitmap BITMAPINFO bmi; // bitmap header ZeroMemory(&bmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFO)); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = nShadWndWid; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = nShadWndHei; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; // four 8-bit components bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = nShadWndWid * nShadWndHei * 4; BYTE *pvBits; // pointer to DIB section HBITMAP hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(NULL, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void **)&pvBits, NULL, 0); HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); HBITMAP hOriBmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hMemDC, hbitmap); if (m_bIsImageMode) { RECT rcPaint = {0, 0, nShadWndWid, nShadWndHei}; const TImageInfo* data = m_pManager->GetImageEx((LPCTSTR)m_sShadowImage, NULL, 0); if( !data ) return; RECT rcBmpPart = {0}; rcBmpPart.right = data->nX; rcBmpPart.bottom = data->nY; CRenderEngine::DrawImage(hMemDC, data->hBitmap, rcPaint, rcPaint, rcBmpPart, m_rcShadowCorner, data->alphaChannel, 0xFF, true, false, false); } else { ZeroMemory(pvBits, bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage); MakeShadow((UINT32 *)pvBits, hParent, &WndRect); } POINT ptDst; if (m_bIsImageMode) { ptDst.x = WndRect.left - m_rcShadowCorner.left; ptDst.y = WndRect.top - m_rcShadowCorner.top; } else { ptDst.x = WndRect.left + m_nxOffset - m_nSize; ptDst.y = WndRect.top + m_nyOffset - m_nSize; } POINT ptSrc = {0, 0}; SIZE WndSize = {nShadWndWid, nShadWndHei}; BLENDFUNCTION blendPixelFunction= { AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 255, AC_SRC_ALPHA }; MoveWindow(m_hWnd, ptDst.x, ptDst.y, nShadWndWid, nShadWndHei, FALSE); BOOL bRet= ::UpdateLayeredWindow(m_hWnd, NULL, &ptDst, &WndSize, hMemDC, &ptSrc, 0, &blendPixelFunction, ULW_ALPHA); _ASSERT(bRet); // something was wrong.... // Delete used resources SelectObject(hMemDC, hOriBmp); DeleteObject(hbitmap); DeleteDC(hMemDC); } void CShadowUI::MakeShadow(UINT32 *pShadBits, HWND hParent, RECT *rcParent) { // The shadow algorithm: // Get the region of parent window, // Apply morphologic erosion to shrink it into the size (ShadowWndSize - Sharpness) // Apply modified (with blur effect) morphologic dilation to make the blurred border // The algorithm is optimized by assuming parent window is just "one piece" and without "wholes" on it // Get the region of parent window, HRGN hParentRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); GetWindowRgn(hParent, hParentRgn); // Determine the Start and end point of each horizontal scan line SIZE szParent = {rcParent->right - rcParent->left, rcParent->bottom - rcParent->top}; SIZE szShadow = {szParent.cx + 2 * m_nSize, szParent.cy + 2 * m_nSize}; // Extra 2 lines (set to be empty) in ptAnchors are used in dilation int nAnchors = max(szParent.cy, szShadow.cy); // # of anchor points pares int (*ptAnchors)[2] = new int[nAnchors + 2][2]; int (*ptAnchorsOri)[2] = new int[szParent.cy][2]; // anchor points, will not modify during erosion ptAnchors[0][0] = szParent.cx; ptAnchors[0][1] = 0; ptAnchors[nAnchors + 1][0] = szParent.cx; ptAnchors[nAnchors + 1][1] = 0; if(m_nSize > 0) { // Put the parent window anchors at the center for(int i = 0; i < m_nSize; i++) { ptAnchors[i + 1][0] = szParent.cx; ptAnchors[i + 1][1] = 0; ptAnchors[szShadow.cy - i][0] = szParent.cx; ptAnchors[szShadow.cy - i][1] = 0; } ptAnchors += m_nSize; } for(int i = 0; i < szParent.cy; i++) { // find start point int j; for(j = 0; j < szParent.cx; j++) { if(PtInRegion(hParentRgn, j, i)) { ptAnchors[i + 1][0] = j + m_nSize; ptAnchorsOri[i][0] = j; break; } } if(j >= szParent.cx) // Start point not found { ptAnchors[i + 1][0] = szParent.cx; ptAnchorsOri[i][1] = 0; ptAnchors[i + 1][0] = szParent.cx; ptAnchorsOri[i][1] = 0; } else { // find end point for(j = szParent.cx - 1; j >= ptAnchors[i + 1][0]; j--) { if(PtInRegion(hParentRgn, j, i)) { ptAnchors[i + 1][1] = j + 1 + m_nSize; ptAnchorsOri[i][1] = j + 1; break; } } } } if(m_nSize > 0) ptAnchors -= m_nSize; // Restore pos of ptAnchors for erosion int (*ptAnchorsTmp)[2] = new int[nAnchors + 2][2]; // Store the result of erosion // First and last line should be empty ptAnchorsTmp[0][0] = szParent.cx; ptAnchorsTmp[0][1] = 0; ptAnchorsTmp[nAnchors + 1][0] = szParent.cx; ptAnchorsTmp[nAnchors + 1][1] = 0; int nEroTimes = 0; // morphologic erosion for(int i = 0; i < m_nSharpness - m_nSize; i++) { nEroTimes++; //ptAnchorsTmp[1][0] = szParent.cx; //ptAnchorsTmp[1][1] = 0; //ptAnchorsTmp[szParent.cy + 1][0] = szParent.cx; //ptAnchorsTmp[szParent.cy + 1][1] = 0; for(int j = 1; j < nAnchors + 1; j++) { ptAnchorsTmp[j][0] = max(ptAnchors[j - 1][0], max(ptAnchors[j][0], ptAnchors[j + 1][0])) + 1; ptAnchorsTmp[j][1] = min(ptAnchors[j - 1][1], min(ptAnchors[j][1], ptAnchors[j + 1][1])) - 1; } // Exchange ptAnchors and ptAnchorsTmp; int (*ptAnchorsXange)[2] = ptAnchorsTmp; ptAnchorsTmp = ptAnchors; ptAnchors = ptAnchorsXange; } // morphologic dilation ptAnchors += (m_nSize < 0 ? -m_nSize : 0) + 1; // now coordinates in ptAnchors are same as in shadow window // Generate the kernel int nKernelSize = m_nSize > m_nSharpness ? m_nSize : m_nSharpness; int nCenterSize = m_nSize > m_nSharpness ? (m_nSize - m_nSharpness) : 0; UINT32 *pKernel = new UINT32[(2 * nKernelSize + 1) * (2 * nKernelSize + 1)]; UINT32 *pKernelIter = pKernel; for(int i = 0; i <= 2 * nKernelSize; i++) { for(int j = 0; j <= 2 * nKernelSize; j++) { double dLength = sqrt((i - nKernelSize) * (i - nKernelSize) + (j - nKernelSize) * (double)(j - nKernelSize)); if(dLength < nCenterSize) *pKernelIter = m_nDarkness << 24 | PreMultiply(m_Color, m_nDarkness); else if(dLength <= nKernelSize) { UINT32 nFactor = ((UINT32)((1 - (dLength - nCenterSize) / (m_nSharpness + 1)) * m_nDarkness)); *pKernelIter = nFactor << 24 | PreMultiply(m_Color, nFactor); } else *pKernelIter = 0; //TRACE("%d ", *pKernelIter >> 24); pKernelIter ++; } //TRACE("\n"); } // Generate blurred border for(int i = nKernelSize; i < szShadow.cy - nKernelSize; i++) { int j; if(ptAnchors[i][0] < ptAnchors[i][1]) { // Start of line for(j = ptAnchors[i][0]; j < min(max(ptAnchors[i - 1][0], ptAnchors[i + 1][0]) + 1, ptAnchors[i][1]); j++) { for(int k = 0; k <= 2 * nKernelSize; k++) { UINT32 *pPixel = pShadBits + (szShadow.cy - i - 1 + nKernelSize - k) * szShadow.cx + j - nKernelSize; UINT32 *pKernelPixel = pKernel + k * (2 * nKernelSize + 1); for(int l = 0; l <= 2 * nKernelSize; l++) { if(*pPixel < *pKernelPixel) *pPixel = *pKernelPixel; pPixel++; pKernelPixel++; } } } // for() start of line // End of line for(j = max(j, min(ptAnchors[i - 1][1], ptAnchors[i + 1][1]) - 1); j < ptAnchors[i][1]; j++) { for(int k = 0; k <= 2 * nKernelSize; k++) { UINT32 *pPixel = pShadBits + (szShadow.cy - i - 1 + nKernelSize - k) * szShadow.cx + j - nKernelSize; UINT32 *pKernelPixel = pKernel + k * (2 * nKernelSize + 1); for(int l = 0; l <= 2 * nKernelSize; l++) { if(*pPixel < *pKernelPixel) *pPixel = *pKernelPixel; pPixel++; pKernelPixel++; } } } // for() end of line } } // for() Generate blurred border // Erase unwanted parts and complement missing UINT32 clCenter = m_nDarkness << 24 | PreMultiply(m_Color, m_nDarkness); for(int i = min(nKernelSize, max(m_nSize - m_nyOffset, 0)); i < max(szShadow.cy - nKernelSize, min(szParent.cy + m_nSize - m_nyOffset, szParent.cy + 2 * m_nSize)); i++) { UINT32 *pLine = pShadBits + (szShadow.cy - i - 1) * szShadow.cx; if(i - m_nSize + m_nyOffset < 0 || i - m_nSize + m_nyOffset >= szParent.cy) // Line is not covered by parent window { for(int j = ptAnchors[i][0]; j < ptAnchors[i][1]; j++) { *(pLine + j) = clCenter; } } else { for(int j = ptAnchors[i][0]; j < min(ptAnchorsOri[i - m_nSize + m_nyOffset][0] + m_nSize - m_nxOffset, ptAnchors[i][1]); j++) *(pLine + j) = clCenter; for(int j = max(ptAnchorsOri[i - m_nSize + m_nyOffset][0] + m_nSize - m_nxOffset, 0); j < min(ptAnchorsOri[i - m_nSize + m_nyOffset][1] + m_nSize - m_nxOffset, szShadow.cx); j++) *(pLine + j) = 0; for(int j = max(ptAnchorsOri[i - m_nSize + m_nyOffset][1] + m_nSize - m_nxOffset, ptAnchors[i][0]); j < ptAnchors[i][1]; j++) *(pLine + j) = clCenter; } } // Delete used resources delete[] (ptAnchors - (m_nSize < 0 ? -m_nSize : 0) - 1); delete[] ptAnchorsTmp; delete[] ptAnchorsOri; delete[] pKernel; DeleteObject(hParentRgn); } void CShadowUI::ShowShadow(bool bShow) { m_bIsShowShadow = bShow; } bool CShadowUI::IsShowShadow() const { return m_bIsShowShadow; } bool CShadowUI::SetSize(int NewSize) { if(NewSize > 20 || NewSize < -20) return false; m_nSize = (signed char)NewSize; if(m_hWnd != NULL && (SS_VISABLE & m_Status)) Update(GetParent(m_hWnd)); return true; } bool CShadowUI::SetSharpness(unsigned int NewSharpness) { if(NewSharpness > 20) return false; m_nSharpness = (unsigned char)NewSharpness; if(m_hWnd != NULL && (SS_VISABLE & m_Status)) Update(GetParent(m_hWnd)); return true; } bool CShadowUI::SetDarkness(unsigned int NewDarkness) { if(NewDarkness > 255) return false; m_nDarkness = (unsigned char)NewDarkness; if(m_hWnd != NULL && (SS_VISABLE & m_Status)) Update(GetParent(m_hWnd)); return true; } bool CShadowUI::SetPosition(int NewXOffset, int NewYOffset) { if(NewXOffset > 20 || NewXOffset < -20 || NewYOffset > 20 || NewYOffset < -20) return false; m_nxOffset = (signed char)NewXOffset; m_nyOffset = (signed char)NewYOffset; if(m_hWnd != NULL && (SS_VISABLE & m_Status)) Update(GetParent(m_hWnd)); return true; } bool CShadowUI::SetColor(COLORREF NewColor) { m_Color = NewColor; if(m_hWnd != NULL && (SS_VISABLE & m_Status)) Update(GetParent(m_hWnd)); return true; } bool CShadowUI::SetImage(LPCTSTR szImage) { if (szImage == NULL) return false; m_bIsImageMode = true; m_sShadowImage = szImage; if(m_hWnd != NULL && (SS_VISABLE & m_Status)) Update(GetParent(m_hWnd)); return true; } bool CShadowUI::SetShadowCorner(RECT rcCorner) { if (rcCorner.left < 0 || rcCorner.top < 0 || rcCorner.right < 0 || rcCorner.bottom < 0) return false; m_rcShadowCorner = rcCorner; if(m_hWnd != NULL && (SS_VISABLE & m_Status)) Update(GetParent(m_hWnd)); return true; } } //namespace DuiLib
这个阴影使用双层窗体实现的,可以避免duilib在半透明窗体上的不足。但也由于使用双层窗体,导致窗体大小快速改变时会看出阴影改变的延迟 ,能不能接受这个延迟就看个人了,所以如果是固定大小的窗体使用阴影效果最好。具体的效果可以看我的demo。