
1018, 1050, 1083, 1088, 1125, 1143, 1157, 1163, 1178, 1179, 1189, 1191,1208, 1276, 1322, 1414, 1456, 1458, 

1609, 1644, 1664, 1690, 1699, 1740, 1742, 1887, 19261936, 1952, 1953, 1958, 1959, 1962, 1975, 1989, 2018, 

2029, 2039, 2063, 2081, 2082, 2181, 2184, 2192, 2231, 2279, 2329, 2336, 2346, 2353, 2355, 2356, 2385, 2392, 2424, 
1019, 1037, 1080, 1112, 1141, 11701192, 1239, 1655, 1695, 1707, 1733(区间减法加并查集)

1737, 1837, 1850, 1920(加强版汉罗塔)1934(全部最长公共子序列), 1964(最大矩形面积,O(n*m))2138, 2151, 2161, 2178, 
10151635, 1636(挺好的), 1671, 1682, 1692(优化)1704, 1717, 1722, 1726, 1732, 1770, 

1821, 18531949, 2019, 2127, 2176, 2228, 2287, 2342, 2374, 2378, 2384, 2411 

1014 Dividing (多重背包)
1015 Jury Compromise
1029 False coin
1036 Gangsters
1037 A decorative fence
1038 Bugs Integrated, Inc. (状态压缩DP)
1042 Gone Fishing
1050 To the Max
1062 昂贵的聘礼
1074 Parallel Expectations
1080 Human Gene Functions
1088 滑雪
1093 Formatting Text
1112 Team Them Up!
1141 Brackets Sequence
1143 Number Game
1159 Palindrome
1160 Post Office
1163 The Triangle
1170 Shopping Offers
1178 Camelot
1179 Polygon
1180 Batch Scheduling
1185 炮兵阵地(状态压缩DP)
1187 陨石的秘密
1189 钉子和小球
1191 棋盘分割
1192 最优连通子集
1208 The Blocks Problem
1239 Increasing Sequences
1240 Pre-Post-erous!
1276 Cash Machine (多重背包)
1293 Duty Free Shop (01背包+打印路径)
1322 Chocolate
1323 Game Prediction (贪心)
1338 Ugly Numbers (构造)
1390 Blocks
1414 Life Line
1432 Decoding Morse Sequences (DP+Trie或者map)
1456 Supermarket
1458 Common Subsequence (LCS)
1475 Pushing Boxes
1485 Fast Food (区间DP+路径输出)
1505 Copying Books (区间DP|| 二分)
1513 Scheduling Lectures (区间DP)
1579 Function Run Fun
1609 Tiling Up Blocks (nlogn的LIS)
1631 Bridging signals (nlogn的LIS)
1633 Gladiators
1635 Subway tree systems
1636 Prison rearrangement
1644 To Bet or Not To Bet
1649 Market Place
1651 Multiplication Puzzle
1655 Balancing Act (树形DP)
1661 Help Jimmy
1664 放苹果(递推)
1671 Rhyme Schemes
1682 Clans on the Three Gorges
1690 (Your)((Term)((Project)))
1691 Painting A Board
1692 Crossed Matchings
1695 Magazine Delivery
1699 Best Sequence
1704 Georgia and Bob
1707 Sum of powers
1712 Flying Stars
1714 The Cave
1717 Dominoes
1718 River Crossing
1726 Tango Tango Insurrection
1732 Phone numbers
1733 Parity game
1737 Connected Graph
1740 A New Stone Game
1742 Coins(多重背包)
1745 Divisibility (01背包变形)
1770 Special Experiment
1771 Elevator Stopping Plan
1776 Task Sequences
1821 Fence
1837 Balance
1848 Tree
1850 Code
1853 Cat
1874 Trade on Verweggistan
1887 Testing the CATCHER
1889 Package Pricing
1920 Towers of Hanoi
1926 Pollution
1934 Trip
1936 All in All
1937 Balanced Food
1946 Cow Cycling
1947 Rebuilding Roads(树形DP)
1949 Chores
1953 World Cup Noise
1958 Strange Towers of Hanoi
1959 Darts
1962 Corporative Network
1964 City Game
1975 Median Weight Bead
1989 The Cow Lineup
2018 Best Cow Fences
2019 Cornfields
2029 Get Many Persimmon Trees
2033 Alphacode
2039 To and Fro
2047 Concert Hall Scheduling
2063 Investment
2081 Recaman's Sequence
2082 Terrible Sets
2084 Game of Connections
2127 Greatest Common Increasing Subsequence
2138 Travel Games
2151 Check the difficulty of problems
2152 Fire
2161 Chandelier
2176 Folding
2178 Heroes Of Might And Magic
2181 Jumping Cows
2184 Cow Exhibition
2192 Zipper
2193 Lenny's Lucky Lotto Lists
2228 Naptime
2231 Moo Volume
2279 Mr. Young's Picture Permutations
2287 Tian Ji -- The Horse Racing
2288 Islands and Bridges
2292 Optimal Keypad
2329 Nearest number - 2
2336 Ferry Loading II
2342 Anniversary party (树形DP)
2346 Lucky tickets
2353 Ministry
2355 Railway tickets
2356 Find a multiple
2374 Fence Obstacle Course
2378 Tree Cutting (树形DP)
2384 Harder Sokoban Problem
2385 Apple Catching
2386 Lake Counting
2392 Space Elevator
2397 Spiderman
2411 Mondriaan's Dream (状态压缩DP)
2414 Phylogenetic Trees Inherited
2424 Flo's Restaurant
2430 Lazy Cows
2915 Zuma
3017 Cut the Sequence
3028 Shoot-out
3124 The Bookcase
3133 Manhattan Wiring
3211 Washing Clothes(01背包)
3345 Bribing FIPA(树形DP)
3375 Network Connection
3420 Quad Tiling ?

3628 Bookshelf 2(01背包
