使用JavaScript 访问本地ODBC数据库


I need to access a sql database through odbc using javascript. This database resides in the client PC
and the only way to connect to it is using the client PC ODBC. The asp.net application need to retreive
and update data to that database. I don't know how to do this so I need some help of you guys. My
experience is in c# and vb.net, not in javascript but I know that if I need to access the client PC resources
it has to be javascript or vbscript. If there's any other way to do this please let me know.


Hi javidot

Just as HeartattacK said, it is no recommend because of security issue.


You can try the following code, hope this helps:


code from http://topic.csdn.net/t/20031028/12/2402598.html

< HTML >    
< HEAD >
< TITLE ></ TITLE >    
< script  language =javascript >    
function connectDb()   
var ConnDB = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");   
var Rs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");   
var tempstr="";   
"select * from tab",ConnDB,1,3);   
= tempstr + Rs("TNAME"+ "<br>";   


</ script >    
</ HEAD >    
< BODY >    
< P >< div  id =test >   </ div >    
< P >< INPUT  id ="button1"  type ="button"    value ="Run"    name ="button1"  onclick ="connectDb();" ></ P >    
</ BODY >    
</ HTML >    

May be you will interesting in this:

ODBC Support for Javascript

If I’ve misunderstood your problem, please feel free to let me know.
