Fedora 9为DELL E6400安装无线网卡驱动全程实录

安装Fedora 9有一段时间了,一直没有安装无线网卡,因为平时工作都是有线网络,所以也并不是急需,今天闲暇之余顺便研究研究。 

1. 首先在 http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php 上下载32位的驱动,下载完成之后进入到下载的文件夹下。这里说明一下,需要细读它的readme.txt文件。地址为: http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt
Fedora 9为DELL E6400安装无线网卡驱动全程实录_第1张图片
2. 按照readme.txt文件进行编译安装,这里说明一下需要Fedora 9相应的LINUX源代码的支持。如下是重点关注内容:
if you have not previously installed a wl driver, you'll need
to add a security module before using the wl module.  Most newer systems
use lib80211 while others use ieee80211_crypt_tkip. See which one works for
your system.
# modprobe lib80211
# modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip  ---> it is suit for Fedora9.

# insmod wl.ko
wl.ko is now operational.  It may take several seconds for the Network
Manager to notice a new network driver has been installed and show the
surrounding wireless networks.
If you setup to always load at boot time.
Follow these steps to have the driver load as part of the boot process:
# load driver as described above
# cp wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless
# depmod -a
# echo modeprobe wl >> /etc/rc.local  (Fedora/SUSE)
3. 如果是虚拟机中的Fedora 9,需要关闭虚拟机后增加一个Net设备。然后重新启动即可。
Fedora 9为DELL E6400安装无线网卡驱动全程实录_第2张图片
4. 为方便起见。我们在GUI框架下进行常规的无线网络配置操作,相信这些细节你懂的。
Fedora 9为DELL E6400安装无线网卡驱动全程实录_第3张图片
