Some Sql Server deploy scenarios

I got a good MSDN help: Embedding SQL Server Express into Custom Applications
It introduces methods to deploy by a class wrapper. (Usually, we create a setup project and add SQL Express as prerequisite to deploy)
And it also gives an idea to embed *.sql script as text resource and then read, execute the commands one by one:
private SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection();
private SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand();
public string[] ParseScriptToCommands(string strScript)
string[] commands;
commands = Regex.Split(strScript, "GO\r\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return commands;

public bool RunScript(string strFile)
string[] strCommands;
strCommands = ParseScriptToCommands(strFile);
if (sqlCon.State != ConnectionState.Open) sqlCon.Open();

sqlCmd.Connection = sqlCon;

foreach (string strCmd in strCommands)
if (strCmd.Length > 0)
sqlCmd.CommandText = strCmd;
catch (SqlException sql_ex)
MessageBox.Show(sql_ex.Number.ToString() + " " +
return false;

return true;
Additional resource: Deploy SQL Server databases easily with an Installer class

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