WebSlider™ - NEW!

The WebSlider control for ASP.NET is an AJAX-enabled track bar you display to present users with an easy-to-understand and intuitive way of entering data values that are incremental and confined to within a range.  Users can specify either a numeric value or value subrange as the slider can displays either one or two re-positionable handles.  If you don't have a lot of horizontal space for a lengthy track bar, then simply orient the slider vertically so it takes up less space.

WebSlider is the next in a long line of Aikido Framework™ controls, so you know you can count on it to be "No Touch" AJAX-enabled, offer a complete client-side object model that you can call from Javascript, as well as conform to industry standards like XHTML and CSS. It's fully stylable in fact, from the tickmarks to the track style to the buttons on the ends. Our Experience Design Group have crafted a number of contemporary style sets that emulate popular user interfaces like the Office® 2007 track bar found in Microsoft® Word®.

Of course, WebSlider is an editor that supports ASP.NET Dynamic Data (as all editor controls should) so you can use new ASP.NET programming paradigms such as annotating your user interface with attribute metadata that will be picked up on to supply the minimum and maximum values of the range.


WebHierarchicalDataSource™ - NEW!

This new non-visual control in NetAdvantage for ASP.NET 2008 Vol. 2 provides its greatest benefit within the Visual Studio® 2005/2008 design-time environment where it allows you to combine disparate data source controls such as SqlDataSources, AccessDataSources, ObjectDataSources and more. Its designer wizard guides you step-by-step through identifying the parent-child relationships across data sources, and then our hierarchical data source control exposes it as a single hierarchical data source to other ASP.NET user interface controls like trees, menus and data grids.


WebChart™ - Adds Tree Map Chart Type

NetAdvantage for ASP.NET 2008 Vol. 2 has added the tree map chart type to WebChart. Tree maps are used to display large hierarchical data sets as nested rectangles, where the size of these rectangular regions correlate proportionately to the importance of the data point the rectangle represents. They are also sometimes referred to as heat map charts, although WebChart already has a separate chart type for measuring heat and other intensities over a continuous area or 3-D surface which is different from the tree map. Real world examples of tree map charts include maps of the stock market or hard disk defragmenting utilities.

Tree map visualizations are useful anytime your data series has a hierarchical aspect.  It is also used in situations where you might elect to use a pie or doughnut chart, because the size of its rectangular regions map to data values in much the same way that pie slice size depicts a data value. In a tree map, several levels-of-detail can be visible at the same time.  However, in other chart types the user would need to drill down to get more detailed data so the immediacy of a tree map visualization is a significant advantage in this regard.


See What's New in Prior Releases

Every release of NetAdvantage for ASP.NET adds value and features onto the release that came before. You can read more about what was new in previous volume releases here or at anytime consult the "What's New" pages in the accompanying documentation.

  • NetAdvantage for ASP.NET 2008 Volume 1 was the debut of the Aikido™ Framework with its three new controls: the WebSplitter™, the WebImageViewer™ and the WebDialogWindow™.
  • NetAdvantage for ASP.NET 2007 Volume 3 added export to Adobe® PDF and Microsoft XPS document formats, the WebGridDocumentExporter™ control, Excel™ (.XLS) import and more.
  • NetAdvantage for ASP.NET 2007 Volume 2 added Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the stunning WebGauge™ control for dashboards, improved localizability and more.
  • NetAdvantage for ASP.NET 2007 Volume 1 added the Application Styling Framework (ASF), the new WebResizingExtender™, clipboard operations in the WebGrid, AJAX enhancements for the WebAsyncRefreshPanel™ (WARP) and much more.