Source From 0x80048472 One or more imports are not in completed state. Imported records can only be deleted from completed jobs. Wait until job completes, and then try again. 0x80048471 The workflow does not contain UIData. 0x80048470 The entity relationship role of the referencing entity is required when creating a new one-to-many entity relationship. 0x80048469 There must be two entity relationship role nodes when creating a new many-to-many entity relationship. 0x80048468 The association role ordinal is not valid - it must be 1 or 2. 0x80048467 The relationship role name {0} does not match either expected entity name of {1} or {2}. 0x80048466 An entity contains two views with the same name. Remove one of the views and try to publish again. 0x80048465 One or more of the selected data maps cannot be deleted because it is currently used in a data import. 0x80048464 An operation on which this operation depends did not complete successfully. 0x80048463 The resume/retry of Transformation job of Import is not supported. 0x80048462 Duplicate detection cannot be disabled because a duplicate detection job is currently in progress. Try again later. 0x80048460 Target Entity Name not defined for source:{0} file. 0x80048459 One of the Bulk Delete Child Jobs Failed 0x80048458 Specified Item not a member of the specified List. 0x80048457 Job Name can not be null or empty. 0x80048456 There was an error in parsing the mail merge templates in Import Xml 0x80048455 The selected workflow has errors and cannot be published. Please open the workflow, remove the errors and try again. 0x80048454 This campaign activity cannot be distributed. No marketing lists are associated with it. Add at least one marketing list and try again. 0x80048453 This campaign activity cannot be distributed. Mail merge activities can be done only on marketing lists that are all the same record type. For this campaign activity, remove marketing lists so that the remaining ones are the same record type, and then try again. 0x80048451 You cannot use the Parent Downloaded condition in a local data group. 0x80048450 You cannot use nested date time conditions within an OR clause in a local data group. 0x80048449 You can create only one local data group for each record type. 0x80048448 Cannot assign address book filters 0x80048447 Cannot create address book filters 0x80048446 Cannot grant access to address book filters 0x80048445 Cannot modify access for address book filters 0x80048444 Cannot revoke access for address book filters 0x80048443 A data map with the specified name already exists. 0x80048441 Only Microsoft Word xml format files can be uploaded. 0x80048440 The attachment file was not found. 0x80048439 The attachment file name is not unique. 0x80048438 One or more attribute mappings is invalid. 0x80048437 There was an error reading the file from the file system. Make sure you have read permission for this file, and then try migrating the file again. 0x80048837 Could not read the file because another application is using the file. 0x80048436 There are no published duplicate detection rules in the system. To run duplicate detection, you must create and publish one or more rules. 0x80048435 The record cannot be deleted. 0x80048434 The selected duplicate detection rule is already being published. 0x80048433 No rules were found that match the criteria. 0x80048432 System e-mail templates cannot be deleted. 0x80048431 Duplicate detection is not enabled for one or more of the selected entities. The duplicate detection job cannot be started. 0x80048430 The rule condition cannot be created or updated because duplicate detection is not supported on the data type of the selected attribute. 0x80048429 The rule condition cannot be created or updated because it would cause the matchcode length to exceed the maximum limit. 0x80048428 The duplicate detection rule is currently in use and cannot be updated or deleted. Please try again later. 0x80048427 The XML file has one or more invalid IDs. The specified ID cannot be used as a unique identifier. 0x80048426 The input XML is not well-formed XML. 0x80048425 The input XML does not comply with the XML schema. 0x80048424 Microsoft Dynamics CRM could not retrieve the e-mail notification template. 0x80048423 One or more rules cannot be unpublished, either because they are in the process of being published, or are in a state where they cannot be unpublished. 0x80048422 The e-mail recipient either does not exist or the e-mail address for the e-mail recipient is not valid. 0x80048421 Duplicate detection cannot be enabled because one or more rules are being published. 0x80048420 The selected entity cannot be deleted because it is referenced by one or more duplicate detection rules that are in process of being published. 0x8004D292 One of the attributes of the selected entity is a part of database index and so it cannot be greater than 900 bytes. 0x80048419 The selected record type already has the maximum number of published rules. Unpublish or delete existing rules for this record type, and then try again. 0x80048418 The selected attribute cannot be deleted because it is referenced by one or more duplicate detection rules that are being published. 0x80048416 The record type does not match the base record type and the matching record type of the duplicate detection rule. 0x80048415 The operator is not valid or it is not supported. 0x80048414 No criteria have been specified. Add criteria, and then publish the duplicate detection rule. 0x80048413 The selected duplicate detection rule is marked as Inactive. Before publishing, you must activate the rule. 0x80048412 Duplicate detection is not enabled. To enable duplicate detection, click Settings, click Data Management, and then click Duplicate Detection Settings. 0x80048410 Duplicate detection is not supported on this record type. 0x80048408 State code is invalid or state code is valid but status code is invalid for a specified state code. 0x80048407 Failed to start or connect to the offline mode MSDE database. 0x80048405 Access is denied. 0x80048306 Not enough privilege to access the Microsoft CRM object or perform the requested operation. IDS_ACCESSDENIED 0x80048305 The specified name for the team is too long. IDS_BIZMGMT_TEAM_NAME_TOO_LONG 0x80048015 The domain logon for this user is invalid. Select another domain logon and try again. IDS_BIZMGMT_INVALID_DOMAINNAME 0x80048304 The Microsoft CRM Bulk E-Mail Service is not running. 0x80048309 Report server SP2 Workgroup does not have the hotfix for role creation 0x80048303 Report server does not meet the minimal version requirement 0x80048302 Not enough privilege to configure report server 0x80048301 Cannot contact report server from given URL 0x80048300 Unknown exception thrown by report server 0x80048299 Report not available 0x80048298 An error occurred while trying to add the report to Microsoft CRM. Try adding the report again. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator. 0x80048297 The file is too large and cannot be uploaded. Please reduce the size of the file and try again. 0x80048296 You have uploaded an empty file.Please select a new file and try again. 0x80048295 The report is not a valid type.It cannot be uploaded or downloaded. 0x80048294 Reporting Services reports cannot be uploaded. If you want to create a new report, please use the Report Wizard. 0x80048207 Can only decouple user owned entities. 0x80048206 Cannot decouple a child entity. 0x80048205 A parental relationship already exists. 0x80048204 The cascade link type is not valid for the cascade action. 0x80048203 A system relationship's delete cascading action cannot be modified. 0x80048202 Customer opportunity role exists. 0x80048201 Customer relationship already exists. 0x80048200 Multiple relationships are not supported 0x8004810b Empty Caller Id 0x8004810a Invalid security principal type 0x80048109 Invalid pointer of unmanaged data access object 0x80048108 Failed to create unmanaged data access wrapper 0x80048107 Cannot perform Cascade Reparent on Non-UserOwned entities 0x80048106 Invalid Column Name for Merge Special Casing 0x80048104 CascadeDelete is defined as RemoveLink while the foreign key is not nullable 0x80048103 Object is not allowed to be deleted 0x80048102 Invalid CascadeLink Type 0x80048029 To import ISV.Config, your user account must be associated with a security role that includes the ISV Extensions privilege. 0x8004802A Relationship name cannot be more than 50 characters long. 0x80048101 Invalid Extra-condition value 0x80048027 Workflow {0} cannot be imported because a workflow with same name and different unique identifier exists in the target system. Change the name of this workflow, and then try again. 0x80048028 Workflow {0} cannot be imported because a workflow with same unique identifier is published on the target system. Unpublish the workflow on the target system before attempting to import this workflow again. 0x80048023 Cannot import workflow definition. Required entity dependency is missing. 0x80048022 Cannot import workflow definition. Required attribute dependency is missing. 0x80048021 Cannot import workflow definition. The workflow with specified workflow id is not updatable or workflow name is not unique. 0x80048020 An error occurred while importing generic entities. 0x80048018 User must be a system administrator to import security roles 0x80048017 Cannot import security role. The role with specified role id is not updatable or role name is not unique. 0x80048019 There was an error parsing the Organization Settings during Import 0x80048016 An error occurred while importing Sdk Messages. 0x80048014 E-mail Template was not imported. The Template is a personal template on the target system; import cannot overwrite personal templates. 0x80048013 Invalid customization file. This file is not well formed. 0x80048012 An error occurred while importing Plugin Types. 0x80048011 An error occurred while importing the Site Map. 0x80048010 This customization file contains a reference to an entity map that does not exist on the target system. 0x8004800F Import cannot create system attribute mappings 0x8004800E There was an error parsing the IsvConfig during Import 0x8004800D There was an error in parsing the article templates in Import Xml 0x8004800C There was an error in parsing the email templates in Import Xml 0x8004800B There was an error in parsing the contract templates in Import Xml 0x8004800A The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect 0x80048009 The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect 0x80048008 The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect 0x80048007 The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect 0x80048006 The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect 0x80048005 The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect 0x80048004 There was an error processing saved queries of the same object type code (unresolvable system collision) 0x80048003 Invalid Entity new string in the Custom Resources 0x80048002 Invalid Custom Resources in the Import File 0x80048001 Invalid Icon in the Import File 0x8004801B A saved query with the same id is marked as deleted in the system. Please first publish the customized entity and import again. 0x80048024 The systemuser entity was not imported. On-premise and hosted versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM cannot import the systemuser entity from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. 0x80048025 The systemuser entity was not imported. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online can only import the systemuser entity from another Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online organization. 0x80048026 Translated labels for the following languages could not be imported because they have not been enabled for this organization: {0} 0x80048000 Invalid Import File 0x80047103 Failed to obtain the localized name for NetworkService account 0x80047102 A custom entity can not have a parental relationship to a system entity 0x80047101 The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect 0x80047018 One attribute can be tied to only one yomi at a time 0x80047017 The specified view is not customizable 0x80047016 The Child Attribute is not valid for deletion 0x80047015 Specified entity does not have a statecode. 0x80047014 No attributes for Create Entity action. 0x80047013 An attribute with the specified name already exists 0x80047012 An object with the specified display collection name already exists. 0x80047011 An object with the specified display name already exists. 0x80047010 An object with the specified name already exists 0x8004700f The specified relationship type is not valid for this operation 0x8004700e Primary UI Attribute has to be of type String 0x8004700d The specified ownership type mask is not valid for this operation IDS_INVALID_OWNERSHIPTYPEMASK 0x8004700c The specified display name is not valid 0x8004700b An entity with the specified name already exists. Please specify a unique name. 0x8004700a The specified relationship is not a custom relationship 0x80047009 The specified attribute is not a custom attribute 0x80047008 The specified entity is not customizable 0x80047007 An entity can have only one parental relationship 0x80047006 Relationship with activities cannot be created through this operation 0x80047004 The specified relationship will result in a cycle. 0x80047003 The specified relationship cannot be created 0x80047002 The Primary UI Attribute is not valid for deletion 0x80047001 rowguid is a reserved name and cannot be used as an identifier 0x80047000 Failed to schedule activity. 0x80046205 SystemAttributeMap Error Occurred IDS_ENTITYMAPPER_CANT_DELETE_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTEMAP 0x80046204 UpdateAttributeMap Error Occurred IDS_ENTITYMAPPER_CANT_UPDATE_ATTRIBUTEMAP 0x80046203 InvalidAttributeMap Error Occurred IDS_ENTITYMAPPER_INVALID_ATTRIBUTEMAP 0x80046202 SystemEntityMap Error Occurred IDS_ENTITYMAPPER_CANT_DELETE_SYSTEM_ENTITYMAP 0x80046201 UpdateEntityMap Error Occurred IDS_ENTITYMAPPER_CANT_UPDATE_ENTITYMAP 0x80046200 NonMappableEntity Error Occurred IDS_ENTITYMAPPER_NON_MAPPABLE_ENTITY 0x80045f05 Callout code throws exception IDS_CALLOUT_EXCEPTION 0x80045f04 Invalid callout event IDS_CALLOUT_INVALID_EVENT 0x80045f03 Invalid callout configuration IDS_CALLOUT_INVALID_CONFIG 0x80045f02 Callout ISV code stopped the operation IDS_CALLOUT_ISV_STOP 0x80045f01 Callout ISV code aborted the operation IDS_CALLOUT_ISV_ABORT 0x80045f00 Callout ISV code throws exception IDS_CALLOUT_ISV_EXCEPTION 0x8004590d More than one relationship between the requested entities exists. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_AMBIGUOUS_RELATIONSHIP 0x8004590c No relationship exists between the requested entities. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_NO_RELATIONSHIP 0x8004590b The supplied parent and child entities are identical. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_PARENTCHILD_IDENTICAL 0x8004590a The supplied parent passed in is not a valid entity. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_INVALID_PARENT 0x80045909 The supplied child passed in is not a valid entity. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_INVALID_CHILD 0x80045908 This association would create a loop in the database. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_WOULD_CREATE_LOOP 0x80045907 There is an existing loop in the database. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_EXISTING_LOOP 0x80045906 Custom entity MD stack underflow. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_STACK_UNDERFLOW 0x80045905 Custom entity MD stack overflow. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_STACK_OVERFLOW 0x80045904 Custom entity MD TLS not initialized. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_TLS_FAILURE 0x80045903 Custom entity ownership type mask is improperly set. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_INVALID_OWNERSHIP 0x80045902 Custom entity interface was not properly initialized. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x80045901 Custom entity interface already initialized on this thread. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 0x80045900 Supplied entity found, but it is not a custom entity. IDS_CUSTOMENTITY_NAME_VIOLATION 0x80045603 Unexpected error occurred in cascading operation IDS_CASCADE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR 0x80045602 The relationship link is empty IDS_CASCADE_EMPTY_LINK_ERROR 0x80045601 Relationship type is not supported IDS_CASCADE_UNDEFINED_RELATION_ERROR 0x80045600 Cascade map information is inconsistent. IDS_CASCADE_INCONSISTENCY_ERROR 0x80045317 Merge warning: sub-entity might lose parenting IDS_MERGE_LOSS_OF_PARENTING_WARNING 0x80045316 Merge warning: sub-entity will be differently parented. IDS_MERGE_DIFFERENTLY_PARENTED_WARNING 0x80045305 Merge cannot be performed on master and sub-entities that are identical. IDS_MERGE_ENTITIES_IDENTICAL_ERROR 0x80045304 Merge cannot be performed on entity that is inactive. IDS_MERGE_ENTITY_NOT_ACTIVE_ERROR 0x80045303 Merge cannot be performed on entities from different business entity. IDS_MERGE_DIFFERENT_BIZORG_ERROR 0x80045302 Merge cannot be performed on sub-entity that has active quote. IDS_MERGE_ACTIVE_QUOTE_ERROR 0x80045301 Merge is not allowed: caller does not have the privilege or access. IDS_MERGE_SECURITY_ERROR 0x80045300 Merge could create cyclical parenting. IDS_MERGE_CYCLICAL_PARENTING_ERROR 0x80045100 The calendar rule does not exist. IDS_CALENDAR_RULE_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80044d00 The calendar is invalid. IDS_CALENDAR_INVALID_CALENDAR 0x80044a08 Attachment file name contains invalid characters. 0x80044a07 Cannot truncate temporary attachment file. IDS_ATTACHMENT_CANNOT_TRUNCATE_TEMPFILE 0x80044a06 Cannot unmap temporary attachment file. IDS_ATTACHMENT_CANNOT_UNMAP_TEMPFILE 0x80044a05 Cannot create temporary attachment file. IDS_ATTACHMENT_CANNOT_CREATE_TEMPFILE 0x80044a04 Attachment is empty. IDS_ATTACHMENT_IS_EMPTY 0x80044a03 Cannot read temporary attachment file. IDS_ATTACHMENT_CANNOT_READ_TEMPFILE 0x80044a02 Attachment file size is too big. IDS_ATTACHMENT_INVALID_FILESIZE 0x80044a01 Cannot get temporary attachment file size. IDS_ATTACHMENT_CANNOT_GET_FILESIZE 0x80044a00 Cannot open temporary attachment file. IDS_ATTACHMENT_CANNOT_OPEN_TEMPFILE 0x80044700 Transformation is not supported for this object. IDS_CUSTOMIZATION_TRANSFORMATION_NOTSUPPORTED 0x80044414 Both 'amount' and 'percentage' cannot be set. 0x80044413 The contract's discount type does not support 'percentage' discounts. 0x80044412 The contract's discount type does not support 'amount' discounts. 0x80044411 Already Closed or Canceled IDS_INCIDENT_IS_ALREADY_CLOSED_OR_CANCELLED 0x80044410 You should specify a parent contact or account. IDS_INCIDENT_PARENTACCOUNT_AND_PARENTCONTACT_NOT_PRESENT 0x8004440f You can either specify a parent contact or account, but not both. IDS_INCIDENT_PARENTACCOUNT_AND_PARENTCONTACT_PRESENT 0x8004440e The incident can not be cancelled because there are open activities for this incident. IDS_INCIDENT_CANNOT_CANCEL 0x8004440d The case can not be created against this contract line item because the contract line item is cancelled or expired. IDS_INCIDENT_INVALID_CONTRACT_LINE_STATE_FOR_CREATE 0x8004440c The timespent on the Incident is NULL or IncidentResolution Activity's IsBilled is NULL. IDS_INCIDENT_NULL_SPENT_TIME 0x8004440b The allotment type for the contract is invalid. IDS_INCIDENT_INVALID_ALLOTMENT_TYPE 0x8004440a The incident can not be closed because there are open activities for this incident. IDS_INCIDENT_CANNOT_CLOSE 0x80044409 The incident id is missing. IDS_INCIDENT_MISSING_ACTIVITY_REGARDING_OBJECT 0x80044408 Missing object type code. IDS_INCIDENT_MISSING_ACTIVITY_OBJECTTYPE 0x80044407 The activitytypecode can't be NULL. IDS_INCIDENT_NULL_ACTIVITYTYPECODE 0x80044406 The activitytypecode is wrong. IDS_INCIDENT_INVALID_ACTIVITYTYPECODE 0x80044405 The activity associated with this case is corrupted. IDS_INCIDENT_ASSOCIATED_ACTIVITY_CORRUPTED 0x80044404 Incident state is invalid. IDS_INCIDENT_INVALID_STATE 0x80044403 The contract does not have enough allotments. The case can not be created against this contract. IDS_INCIDENT_CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ALLOTMENTS 0x80044402 The contract line item is not in the specified contract. IDS_INCIDENT_CONTRACT_DETAIL_DOES_NOT_MATCH_CONTRACT 0x80044401 The contract detail id is missing. IDS_INCIDENT_MISSING_CONTRACT_DETAIL 0x80044400 The case can not be created against this contract because of the contract state. IDS_INCIDENT_INVALID_CONTRACT_STATE_FOR_CREATE 0x80044200 Microsoft CRM functionality is not available while Offline Synchronization is occuring 0x80044201 Microsoft CRM functionality is not available while Online Synchronization is occuring 0x80044202 An error occurred loading Microsoft CRM functionality. Try restarting Outlook. Contact your system administrator if errors persist. 0x80044203 The Microsoft CRM Outlook client needs to be upgraded before it can be used. Contact your system administrator for upgrade instructions. 0x80044204 The Microsoft CRM server needs to be upgraded before Microsoft CRM client can be used. Contact your system administrator for assistance. 0x80044205 Microsoft CRM functionality is not available until the Microsoft CRM client is taken back online 0x80044206 Microsoft CRM server is not available 0x80044220 Client and Server metadata versions are different due to new customization on the server. Please try going offline again. 0x80044221 CRM server was not able to process your request. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. 0x80044222 You have exceeded the storage limit for your offline database. You must reduce the amount of data to be taken offline by changing your Local Data Groups. 0x80044223 CRM server was not able to generate BCP file. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. 0x80044224 Client was not able to download BCP file. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. 0x80044225 Client was not able to download data. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. 0x80044226 Prepare MSDE failed. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. 0x80044227 The Microsoft CRM client for Outlook was unable to go offline. Please try going offline again. 0x80044228 Selected item will not be tracked. IDS_DO_NOT_TRACK 0x80044151 SQL timeout expired. IDS_SQL_TIMEOUT_ERROR 0x80044150 Generic SQL error. IDS_SQL_ERROR 0x8004410d Invalid filter specified. IDS_RCSYNC_INVALID_FILTER_ERROR 0x80044111 Cannot sync: not the primary OutlookSync client. IDS_RCSYNC_OUTLOOKSYNC_NOTPRIMARY 0x80044112 No primary client exists. IDS_RCSYNC_OUTLOOKSYNC_NOPRIMARY 0x80044113 Client does not exist. IDS_RCSYNC_OUTLOOKSYNC_INVALID_CLIENT 0x8004410f Cannot go offline: missing access rights on required entity. IDS_RCSYNC_FILTER_NO_ACCESS 0x8004410e Operation not valid when offline. IDS_RCSYNC_INVALID_OFFLINE_OPERATION 0x80044110 unManagedidsrcsyncsqlgenericerror IDS_RCSYNC_SQL_GENERIC_ERROR 0x8004410c unManagedidsrcsyncsqlpausederror IDS_RCSYNC_SQL_PAUSED_ERROR 0x8004410b unManagedidsrcsyncsqlstoppederror IDS_RCSYNC_SQL_STOPPED_ERROR 0x8004410a The caller id does not match the subscription owner id.Only subscription owners may perform subscription operations. IDS_RCSYNC_SUBSCRIPTION_OWNER 0x80044109 The specified subscription does not exist. IDS_RCSYNC_INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION 0x80044108 unManagedidsrcsyncsoapparseerror IDS_RCSYNC_SOAP_PARSE_ERROR 0x80044107 unManagedidsrcsyncsoapreaderror IDS_RCSYNC_SOAP_READ_ERROR 0x80044106 unManagedidsrcsyncsoapfaulterror IDS_RCSYNC_SOAP_FAULT_ERROR 0x80044105 unManagedidsrcsyncsoapservererror IDS_RCSYNC_SOAP_SERVER_ERROR 0x80044104 unManagedidsrcsyncsoapsendfailed IDS_RCSYNC_SOAP_SEND_FAILED 0x80044103 unManagedidsrcsyncsoapconnfailed IDS_RCSYNC_SOAP_CONN_FAILED 0x80044102 unManagedidsrcsyncsoapgenfailed IDS_RCSYNC_SOAP_GEN_FAILED 0x80044101 unManagedidsrcsyncmsxmlfailed IDS_RCSYNC_MSXML_FAILED 0x80044100 The specified sync time is invalid.Sync times must not be earlier than those returned by the previous sync.Please reinitialize your subscription. IDS_RCSYNC_INVALID_SYNCTIME 0x80043e09 The attachment is either not a valid type or is too large. It cannot be uploaded or downloaded. 0x80043e07 KB article template is inactive. IDS_ARTICLE_TEMPLATE_IS_NOT_ACTIVE 0x80043e06 Full text operation failed. IDS_FULLTEXT_OPERATION_FAILED 0x80043e05 Cannot change article template because there are knowledge base articles using it. IDS_ARTICLE_TEMPLATE_CONTAINS_ARTICLES 0x80043e04 Callers' organization Id does not match businessunit's organization Id. IDS_QUEUE_ORGANIZATIONID_NOT_MATCH 0x80043e03 Missing businessunitid. IDS_QUEUE_MISSING_BUSINESSUNITID 0x80043e02 Subject does not exist. IDS_SUBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80043e01 Creating this parental association would create a loop in Subjects hierarchy. IDS_SUBJECT_LOOP_BEING_CREATED 0x80043e00 Loop exists in the subjects hierarchy. IDS_SUBJECT_LOOP_EXISTS 0x80048cff The base currency of an organization cannot be deleted. 0x80048cfe The base money calculation Attribute is not valid for deletion 0x80048cfd The exchange rate is invalid. 0x80048cfc The currency is invalid. 0x80048cfb The currency cannot be null. 0x80048cfa The currency of the product cannot be updated because there are associated price list items with pricing method percentage. 0x80048cf9 The currency of the price list needs to match the currency of the product for pricing method percentage. 0x80048cf8 The currency of the discount needs to match the currency of the price list for discount type amount. 0x80048cf7 The currency cannot be null for discount type amount. 0x80048cf6 The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. 0x80048cf5 The exchange rate of the base currency cannot be modified. 0x80048cf4 The base currency cannot be deactivated. 0x80048cf3 Cannot insert duplicate currency record. Currency with the same currency code already exist in the system. 0x80048cf2 Invalid ISO currency code. 0x80048cf1 Currency cannot be set when discount type is percentage. 0x80048cef The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. 0x80048cee The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. 0x80048ced The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. 0x80048cec The exchange rate set for the currency specified in this record has generated a value for {0} that is larger than the maximum allowed for the base currency ({1}). 0x80048ceb The exchange rate set for the currency specified in this record has generated a value for {0} that is smaller than the minimum allowed for the base currency ({1}). 0x80048cea The currency of the {0} does not match the currency of the {1}. 0x80043b26 The unit name cannot be null. 0x80043b25 The Invoice Close API is deprecated. It has been replaced by the Pay and Cancel APIs. IDS_INVOICE_CLOSE_API_DEPRECATED 0x80043b24 The product does not exist. IDS_PRODUCT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80043b23 Using this product would create a loop in the kit hierarchy. IDS_PRODUCT_KIT_LOOP_BEING_CREATED 0x80043b22 Loop exists in the kit hierarchy. IDS_PRODUCT_KIT_LOOP_EXISTS 0x80043b21 The discount type does not support 'amount' discounts. IDS_DISCOUNT_PERCENT 0x80043b20 The discount type does not support 'percentage' discounts. IDS_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT 0x80043b1f Both 'amount' and 'percentage' cannot be set. IDS_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT_AND_PERCENT 0x80043b1e This entity is already unlocked. IDS_ENTITY_IS_UNLOCKED 0x80043b1d This entity is already locked. IDS_ENTITY_IS_LOCKED 0x80043b1c The base unit does not exist. IDS_BASEUNIT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80043b1b The unit does not exist. IDS_UNIT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80043b1a Using this base unit would create a loop in the unit hierarchy. IDS_UNIT_LOOP_BEING_CREATED 0x80043b19 Loop exists in the unit hierarchy. IDS_UNIT_LOOP_EXISTS 0x80043b18 Do not modify the Quantity field when you update the primary unit. IDS_QUANTITY_READONLY 0x80043b17 Do not use a base unit as the value for a primary unit. This value should always be null. IDS_BASE_UNIT_NOT_NULL 0x80043b16 The unit does not exist in the specified unit schedule. IDS_UNIT_NOT_IN_SCHEDULE 0x80043b15 The opportunity id is missing or invalid. IDS_MISSING_OPPORTUNITYID 0x80043b14 The specified unit is not valid for this product. IDS_PRODUCT_INVALID_UNIT 0x80043b13 The unit schedule id of the product is missing. IDS_PRODUCT_MISSING_UOMSCHEDULEID 0x80043b12 The price level id is missing. IDS_MISSING_PRICELEVELID 0x80043b11 The product id is missing. IDS_MISSING_PRODUCTID 0x80043b10 The price per unit is invalid. IDS_INVALID_PRICEPERUNIT 0x80043b0f The name already exists. IDS_PRICELEVEL_NAMEEXISTS 0x80043b0e The name can not be null. IDS_PRICELEVEL_NONAME 0x80043b0d The unit id is missing. IDS_MISSING_UOMID 0x80043b0c The pricing percentage must be greater than or equal to zero and less than 100000. IDS_PRODUCT_INVALID_PRICE_LEVEL_PERCENTAGE 0x80043b0b The base unit does not belong to the schedule. IDS_INVALID_BASE_UNIT 0x80043b0a The unit schedule id is missing. IDS_MISSING_UOMSCHEDULEID 0x80043b09 The parent is read only and cannot be edited. IDS_PARENT_READ_ONLY 0x80043b08 This product and unit combination has a price for this price list. IDS_DUPLICATE_PRODUCT_PRICE_LEVEL 0x80043b07 The number of decimal places on the quantity is invalid. IDS_PRODUCT_INVALID_QUANTITY_DECIMAL 0x80043b06 The product number already exists. IDS_PRODUCT_PRODUCTNUMBEREXISTS 0x80043b05 The product number can not be null. IDS_PRODUCT_NOPRODUCTNUMBER 0x80043b04 The price level cannot be deactivated because it is the default price level of an account, contact or product. IDS_CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_PRICE_LEVEL 0x80043b03 The base unit of a schedule cannot be deleted. IDS_BASE_UNIT_NOT_DELETABLE 0x80043b02 The new quantities overlap the range covered by existing quantities. IDS_DISCOUNT_RANGE_OVERLAP 0x80043b01 Low quantity should be less than high quantity. IDS_LOW_QUANTITY_GREATER_THAN_HIGH_QUANTITY 0x80043b00 Low quantity should be greater than zero. IDS_LOW_QUANTITY_LESS_THAN_ZERO 0x80043aff A product cannot be a substitute of itself. IDS_INVALID_SUBSTITUTE_PRODUCT 0x80043afe The product cannot be added to itself. IDS_INVALID_KIT_PRODUCT 0x80043afd The product is not a kit. IDS_INVALID_KIT 0x80043afc The quantity decimal code is invalid. IDS_INVALID_QUANTITY_DECIMAL_CODE 0x80043afb You cannot set both 'productid' and 'productdescription' for the same record. IDS_CANNOT_SPECIFY_BOTH_PRODUCT_AND_PRODUCTDESC 0x80043afa You cannot set both 'uomid' and 'productdescription' for the same record. IDS_CANNOT_SPECIFY_BOTH_UOM_AND_PRODUCTDESC 0x80043af9 The state is not valid for this object. IDS_STATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80043809 Fiscal settings have already been updated. They can be updated only once. IDS_SALESPEOPLE_FISCALSETTINGS_ALREADY_UPDATED 0x80043808 Invalid fiscal calendar type IDS_SALESPEOPLE_INVALID_FISCALCALENDAR_TYPE 0x80043807 Invalid fiscal period index IDS_SALESPEOPLE_INVALID_FISCALPERIOD_INDEX 0x80043805 Territory manager cannot belong to other territory IDS_SALESPEOPLE_MANAGER_NOT_ALLOWED 0x80043804 Territories cannot be retrieved by this kind of object IDS_SALESPEOPLE_INVALID_TERRITORY_OBJECT_TYPE 0x80043803 Fiscal calendar already exists for this salesperson/year IDS_SALESPEOPLE_DUPLICATE_CALENDAR_NOT_ALLOWED 0x80043802 Duplicate fiscal calendars found for this salesperson/year IDS_SALESPEOPLE_DUPLICATE_CALENDAR_FOUND 0x80043801 Fiscal calendar effective date cannot be empty IDS_SALESPEOPLE_EMPTY_EFFECTIVEDATE 0x80043800 Parent salesperson cannot be empty IDS_SALESPEOPLE_EMPTY_SALESPERSON 0x80043700 Invalid input string for numbergroupformat. The input string should contain an array of integers. Every element in the value array should be between one and nine, except for the last element, which can be zero. 0x80043810 baseuomname not specified 0x80043517 The fax cannot be sent because this type of attachment is not allowed or does not support virtual printing to a fax device. 0x80043516 The fax cannot be sent because there is no data to send. Specify at least one of the following: a cover page, a fax attachment, a fax description. 0x80043515 Invalid party mapping. 0x80043514 Invalid Xml in an activity config file. 0x80043513 An Invalid type code was specified by the throwing method 0x80043512 An Invalid session token was passed into the throwing method 0x80043511 The Microsoft Windows fax service is not running or is not installed. 0x80043510 The recipient is marked as "Do Not Fax". 0x8004350f There is no fax number specified on the fax or for the recipient. 0x8004350e Sending to multiple recipients is not supported. 0x8004350d The fax must have a recipient before it can be sent. 0x8004350b This type of activity is not routable IDS_ACTIVITY_NOT_ROUTABLE 0x8004350a Activity duration does not match start/end time IDS_ACTIVITY_DURATION_DOES_NOT_MATCH 0x80043509 Invalid activity duration IDS_ACTIVITY_INVALID_DURATION 0x80043508 Invalid activity time, check format IDS_ACTIVITY_INVALID_TIME_FORMAT 0x80043507 Invalid activity regarding object, it probably does not exist IDS_ACTIVITY_INVALID_REGARDING_OBJECT 0x80043506 Cannot create activity party of specified object type. IDS_ACTIVITY_PARTY_OBJECT_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED 0x80043505 Activity party object type is invalid IDS_ACTIVITY_INVALID_PARTY_OBJECT_TYPE 0x80043504 Activity party object Id or type is missing IDS_ACTIVITY_PARTY_OBJECT_ID_OR_TYPE_MISSING 0x80043503 Activity regarding object type is invalid IDS_ACTIVITY_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE 0x80043502 Activity regarding object Id or type is missing IDS_ACTIVITY_OBJECT_ID_OR_TYPE_MISSING 0x80043501 Invalid activity type code IDS_ACTIVITY_INVALID_TYPE 0x80043500 Invalid activity state IDS_ACTIVITY_INVALID_STATE 0x80043218 The start date / end date of this renewed contract can not overlap with any other invoiced / active contracts with the same contract number. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALIDSTARTENDDATESFORRENEWEDCONTRACT 0x80043217 The start date of the renewed contract can not be earlier than the end date of the originating contract. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALIDSTARTDATEFORRENEWEDCONTRACT 0x80043216 The value for abbreviation already exists. IDS_CONTRACT_TEMPLATE_ABBREVIATIONEXISTS 0x80043215 The price is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALID_PRICE 0x80043214 The totalallotments is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALID_TOTALALLOTMENTS 0x80043213 The contract is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALID_CONTRACT 0x80043212 The owner of the contract is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALID_OWNER 0x80043211 The contract template is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALID_CONTRACTTEMPLATE 0x80043210 The bill-to customer of the contract is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALID_BILLTO_CUSTOMER 0x8004320f The bill-to address of the contract is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALID_BILLTO_ADDRESS 0x8004320e The service address of the contract is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALID_SERVICE_ADDRESS 0x8004320d The customer of the contract is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALID_CUSTOMER 0x8004320c There are no contract line items for this contract. IDS_CONTRACT_NOLINEITEMS 0x8004320b Abbreviation can not be NULL. IDS_CONTRACT_TEMPLATE_NOABBREVIATION 0x8004320a There are open cases against this contract line item. IDS_CONTRACT_OPENCASESEXIST 0x80043208 The contract line item does not exist. IDS_CONTRACT_LINEITEM_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80043207 The contract does not exist. IDS_CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80043206 The contract template does not exist. IDS_CONTRACT_TEMPLATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80043205 The allotment type code is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALIDALLOTMENTTYPECODE 0x80043204 The state of the contract line item is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_LINE_INVALIDSTATE 0x80043203 The state of the contract is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALIDSTATE 0x80043202 Start date / end date or billing start date / billing end date is invalid. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALIDSTARTENDDATE 0x80043201 Account is required to save a contract. IDS_CONTRACT_ACCOUNTMISSING 0x80043200 An unexpected error occurred in Contracts. IDS_CONTRACT_UNEXPECTED 0x80042c4c Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_LOOKUP parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_FORMAT_LOOKUP_PARAMETER 0x80042c4b unManagedidsevalerrorformattimezonecodeparameter IDS_EVAL_ERROR_FORMAT_TIMEZONECODE_PARAMETER 0x80042c4a Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_DECIMAL parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_FORMAT_DECIMAL_PARAMETER 0x80042c49 Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_INTEGER parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_FORMAT_INTEGER_PARAMETER 0x80042c48 Error happens when evaluating WFPM_GetObjectType parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_OBJECT_TYPE 0x80042c47 unManagedidsevalerrorqueueidparameter IDS_EVAL_ERROR_QUEUE_ID_PARAMETER 0x80042c46 Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_PICKLIST parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_FORMAT_PICKLIST_PARAMETER 0x80042c45 Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_BOOLEAN parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_FORMAT_BOOLEAN_PARAMETER 0x80042c44 Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_DATETIME parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_FORMAT_DATETIME_PARAMETER 0x80042c43 unManagedidsevalerrorisnulllistparameter IDS_EVAL_ERROR_ISNULL_LIST_PARAMETER 0x80042c42 unManagedidsevalerrorinlistparameter IDS_EVAL_ERROR_IN_LIST_PARAMETER 0x80042c41 unManagedidsevalerrorsetactivityparty IDS_EVAL_ERROR_SET_ACTIVITYPARTY 0x80042c40 unManagedidsevalerrorremovefromactivityparty IDS_EVAL_ERROR_REMOVEFROM_ACTIVITYPARTY 0x80042c3f unManagedidsevalerrorappendtoactivityparty IDS_EVAL_ERROR_APPENDTO_ACTIVITYPARTY 0x80042c3e Failed to calculate the schedule time for the timer action. IDS_EVAL_TIMER_ERROR_CALCULATE_SCHEDULE_TIME 0x80042c3d Invalid parameters for Timer action. IDS_EVAL_TIMER_INVALID_PARAMETER_NUMBER 0x80042c3c Create action should have 2 parameters. IDS_EVAL_CREATE_SHOULD_HAVE_2_PARAMETERS 0x80042c3b Error in create update. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_CREATE 0x80042c3a Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_CONTAIN parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_CONTAIN_PARAMETER 0x80042c39 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_END_WITH parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_END_WITH_PARAMETER 0x80042c38 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_BEGIN_WITH parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_BEGIN_WITH_PARAMETER 0x80042c37 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_STRLEN parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_STRLEN_PARAMETER 0x80042c36 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_SUBSTR parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_SUBSTR_PARAMETER 0x80042c35 Invalid email recipient. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_INVALID_RECIPIENT 0x80042c34 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_IN parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_IN_PARAMETER 0x80042c33 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_BETWEEN parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_BETWEEN_PARAMETER 0x80042c32 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_NEQ parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_NEQ_PARAMETER 0x80042c31 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_EQ parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_EQ_PARAMETER 0x80042c30 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_LEQ parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_LEQ_PARAMETER 0x80042c2f Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_LT parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_LT_PARAMETER 0x80042c2e Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_GEQ parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_GEQ_PARAMETER 0x80042c2d Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_GT parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_GT_PARAMETER 0x80042c2c Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_ABS parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_ABS_PARAMETER 0x80042c2b Invalid parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x80042c2a Evaluation error. IDS_EVAL_GENERIC_ERROR 0x80042c29 Failed to evaluate INCIDENT_QUEUE. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_INCIDENT_QUEUE 0x80042c28 Error in action halt. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_HALT 0x80042c27 Error in action exec. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_EXEC 0x80042c26 Error in action posturl. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_POSTURL 0x80042c25 Error in action set state. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_SETSTATE 0x80042c24 Error in action route. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_ROUTE 0x80042c23 Error in action update. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_UPDATE 0x80042c22 Error in action assign. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_ASSIGN 0x80042c21 Error in action email template. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_EMAIL_TEMPLATE 0x80042c20 Error in action send email. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_SEND_EMAIL 0x80042c1f Error in action unhandle incident. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_UNHANDLE_INCIDENT 0x80042c1e Error in action handle incident. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_HANDLE_INCIDENT 0x80042c1d Error in action create incident. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_CREATE_INCIDENT 0x80042c1c Error in action note attachment. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_NOTE_ATTACHMENT 0x80042c1b Error in action create note. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_CREATE_NOTE 0x80042c1a Error in action unhandle activity. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_UNHANDLE_ACTIVITY 0x80042c19 Error in action handle activity. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_HANDLE_ACTIVITY 0x80042c18 Error in action activity attachment. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_ACTIVITY_ATTACHMENT 0x80042c17 Error in action create activity. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_CREATE_ACTIVITY 0x80042c16 Divided by zero. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_DIVIDED_BY_ZERO 0x80042c15 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_MODULUR parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_MODULUS_PARAMETER 0x80042c14 Modulus parameter can have only two subparameters. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_MODULUS_PARAMETERS 0x80042c13 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_DIVISION parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_DIVISION_PARAMETER 0x80042c12 Division parameter can have only two subparameters. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_DIVISION_PARAMETERS 0x80042c11 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_MULTIPLICATION parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_MULTIPLICATION_PARAMETER 0x80042c10 Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_SUBTRACTION parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_SUBTRACTION_PARAMETER 0x80042c0f Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_ADD parameter. IDS_EVAL_ERROR_ADD_PARAMETER 0x80042c0e Missing the query subparameter in a select parameter. IDS_EVAL_MISS_SELECT_QUERY 0x80042c0d Change type error. IDS_EVAL_CHANGE_TYPE_ERROR 0x80042c0c Evaluation completed and stop further processing. IDS_EVAL_ALLCOMPLETED 0x80042c0b The specified refattributeid does not the query for a WFPM_SELECT parameter. IDS_EVAL_METABASE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_MATCH_QUERY 0x80042c0a The specified refentityid does not the query for a WFPM_SELECT parameter. IDS_EVAL_METABASE_ENTITY_NOT_MATCH_QUERY 0x80042c09 The required property of the object was not set. IDS_EVAL_PROPERTY_IS_NULL 0x80042c08 The specified metabase attribute does not exist. IDS_EVAL_METABASE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND 0x80042c07 The specified metabase object has compound keys. We do not support compound-key entities yet. IDS_EVAL_METABASE_ENTITY_COMPOUND_KEYS 0x80042c06 The required property of the object was not found. IDS_EVAL_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND 0x80042c05 The required object does not exist. IDS_EVAL_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND 0x80042c04 Evaluation completed. IDS_EVAL_COMPLETED 0x80042c03 Evaluation aborted. IDS_EVAL_ABORTED 0x80042c02 Evaluation aborted and stop further processing. IDS_EVAL_ALLABORTED 0x80042c01 Assign action should have 4 parameters. IDS_EVAL_ASSIGN_SHOULD_HAVE_4_PARAMETERS 0x80042c00 Update action should have 3 parameters. IDS_EVAL_UPDATE_SHOULD_HAVE_3_PARAMETERS 0x80042903 Decryption of the password failed. IDS_CP_DECRYPT_FAILED 0x80042902 Encryption of the supplied password failed. IDS_CP_ENCRYPT_FAILED 0x80042901 Incorrect password for the specified customer portal user. IDS_CP_BAD_PASSWORD 0x80042900 The customer portal user does not exist, or the password was incorrect. IDS_CP_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80042300 Unexpected error in data access.DB Connection may not have been opened successfully. IDS_DATAACCESS_UNEXPECTED 0x8004203f One of the attributes passed has already been set IDS_PROPBAG_ATTRIBUTE_ALREADY_SET 0x8004203e One of the attributes passed cannot be NULL IDS_PROPBAG_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_NULLABLE 0x8004203d The DB info for the recordset property bag has already been set. IDS_RSPROPBAG_DBINFO_ALREADY_SET 0x8004203c The DB info for the recordset property bag has not been set. IDS_RSPROPBAG_DBINFO_NOT_SET 0x8004201e The bag index in the collection was out of range. IDS_PROPBAGCOLL_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x80042002 The specified property was null in the property bag. IDS_PROPBAG_NULL_PROPERTY 0x80042001 The property bag interface could not be found. IDS_PROPBAG_NO_INTERFACE 0x80042003 Object type must be specified for one of the attributes. IDS_PROPBAG_MISSING_OBJECT_TYPE 0x80042004 Object type was specified for one of the attributes that does not allow it. IDS_PROPBAG_OBJECT_TYPE_UNEXPECTED 0x80042000 The specified property was not found in the property bag. IDS_PROPBAG_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND 0x80041d40 The read-only access mode is not supported IDS_BIZMGMT_READONLY_USER_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x80041d41 The support user cannot not be updated 0x80041d51 The support user are read-only, which cannot be assigned with other roles 0x80041d39 You cannot make yourself a read only user IDS_BIZMGMT_CANNOT_MAKE_SELF_READONLY_USER 0x80041d38 A user cannot be made a read only user if they are the last non read only user that has the System Administrator Role. IDS_BIZMGMT_CANNOT_MAKE_READONLY_USER 0x80041d36 The organization name cannot be changed. IDS_BIZMGMT_CANT_CHANGE_ORGNAME 0x80041d35 Only one organization and one root business are allowed. IDS_BIZMGMT_NO_MULTI_ORG 0x80041d34 Invalid advanced find startup mode. IDS_BIZMGMT_USER_SETTINGS_INVALID_ADVANCEDFIND_STARTUP_MODE 0x80041d33 No modifications to the 'SYSTEM' or 'INTEGRATION' user are permitted. IDS_BIZMGMT_CANNOT_MODIFY_SPECIALUSER 0x80041d32 A local user cannot be added to the CRM. IDS_BIZMGMT_CANNOT_ADD_LOCALUSER 0x80041d31 The System Administrator Role cannot be modified. IDS_BIZMGMT_CANNOT_MODIFY_SYSADMIN 0x80041d43 The Support User Role cannot be modified. 0x80041d44 The Support User Role cannot be assigned to a user. 0x80041d45 A user cannot be removed from the Support User Role. 0x80041d46 Cannot create a role from Support User Role. 0x80041d47 Cannot update the Support User Role. 0x80041d30 A user cannot be removed from the System Administrator Role if they are the only user that has the role. IDS_BIZMGMT_CANNOT_REMOVE_SYSADMIN 0x80041d2f A user cannot be disabled if they are the only user that has the System Administrator Role. IDS_BIZMGMT_CANNOT_DISABLE_SYSADMIN 0x80041d2e The System Administrator Role cannot be deleted. IDS_BIZMGMT_CANNOT_DELETE_SYSADMIN 0x80041d42 The Support User Role cannot be deleted. IDS_BIZMGMT_CANNOT_DELETE_SUPPORTUSER 0x80041d2d Insufficient permissions to the specified Active Directory user. Contact your System Administrator. IDS_BIZMGMT_CANNOT_READ_ACCOUNT_CONTROL 0x80041d2c The specified Active Directory user already exists as a CRM user. IDS_BIZMGMT_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x80041d2b The specified user's settings have not yet been created. IDS_BIZMGMT_USER_SETTINGS_NOT_CREATED 0x80041d2a The object does not exist in active directory. 0x80041d37 Active Directory Error. 0x80041d29 The specified business does not have a parent business. IDS_BIZMGMT_NO_PARENTBUSINESS 0x80041d28 The captain of the root business's team cannot be moved. IDS_BIZMGMT_CAN_NOT_MOVE_ROOT_TEAM_CAPTAIN 0x80041d27 The parent user Id is invalid. IDS_BIZMGMT_PARENTUSER_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80041d26 The child user Id is invalid. IDS_BIZMGMT_CHILDUSER_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80041d25 Creating this parental association would create a loop in user hierarchy. IDS_BIZMGMT_USER_LOOP_BEING_CREATED 0x80041d24 Loop exists in the user hierarchy. IDS_BIZMGMT_USER_LOOP_EXISTS 0x80041d23 The parent business Id is invalid. IDS_BIZMGMT_PARENTBUSINESS_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80041d22 The child businesss Id is invalid. IDS_BIZMGMT_CHILDBUSINESS_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80041d21 Creating this parental association would create a loop in business hierarchy. IDS_BIZMGMT_BUSINESS_LOOP_BEING_CREATED 0x80041d20 Loop exists in the business hierarchy. IDS_BIZMGMT_BUSINESS_LOOP_EXISTS 0x80041d1f The user Id is invalid. IDS_BIZMGMT_INVALID_USERID 0x80041d1e This user does not have a parent user. IDS_BIZMGMT_USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_PARENT 0x80041d1d This is a provisioned root-business. Use IBizProvision::Enable to enable this root-business. IDS_BIZMGMT_CAN_NOT_ENABLE_PROVISION 0x80041d1c This is a sub-business. Use IBizMerchant::Enable to enable this sub-business. IDS_BIZMGMT_CAN_NOT_ENABLE_BUSINESS 0x80041d1b This is a provisioned root-business. Use IBizProvision::Disable to disable this root-business. IDS_BIZMGMT_CAN_NOT_DISABLE_PROVISION 0x80041d1a This business unit cannot be disabled. IDS_BIZMGMT_CAN_NOT_DISABLE_BUSINESS 0x80041d19 This is a provisioned root-business. Use IBizProvision::Delete to delete this root-business. IDS_BIZMGMT_CAN_NOT_DELETE_PROVISION 0x80041d18 This is a sub-business. Use IBizMerchant::Delete to delete this sub-business. IDS_BIZMGMT_CAN_NOT_DELETE_BUSINESS 0x80041d17 The default user of a partnership can not be removed. IDS_BIZMGMT_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_PARTNERSHIP_DEFAULTUSER 0x80041d16 The partnership has been accepted or declined. IDS_BIZMGMT_PARTNERSHIP_NOT_IN_PENDING_STATUS 0x80041d15 The default user is not from partner business. IDS_BIZMGMT_DEFAULTUSER_NOT_IN_PARTNER_BUSINESS 0x80041d14 The caller is not from partner business. IDS_BIZMGMT_CALLER_NOT_IN_PARTNER_BUSINESS 0x80041d13 The default user is not from primary business. IDS_BIZMGMT_DEFAULTUSER_NOT_IN_PRIMARY_BUSINESS 0x80041d12 The caller is not from primary business. IDS_BIZMGMT_CALLER_NOT_IN_PRIMARY_BUSINESS 0x80041d11 A partnership between specified primary business and partner business already exists. IDS_BIZMGMT_PARTNERSHIP_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x80041d10 The primary business is the same as partner business. IDS_BIZMGMT_PRIMARY_SAME_AS_PARTNER 0x80041d0f The partnership partner business was unexpectedly missing. IDS_BIZMGMT_MISS_PARTNER_BUSINESS 0x80041d0e The partnership primary business was unexpectedly missing. IDS_BIZMGMT_MISS_PRIMARY_BUSINESS 0x80041d0d The team captain can not be removed. IDS_BIZMGMT_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_TEAM_CAPTAIN 0x80041d0c The team is not in the same merchant as parent business. IDS_BIZMGMT_TEAM_PARENT_DIFF_MERCHANT 0x80041d0b The team name was unexpectedly missing. IDS_BIZMGMT_MISS_TEAM_NAME 0x80041d0a The team captain is not in the same merchant as team business. IDS_BIZMGMT_TEAM_CAPTAIN_IN_DIFF_MERCHANT 0x80041d09 The team business id was unexpectedly missing. IDS_BIZMGMT_MISS_TEAM_BUSINESS 0x80041d08 The team captain id was unexpectedly missing. IDS_BIZMGMT_MISS_TEAM_CAPTAIN 0x80041d07 The user is not in parent user's business hierarchy. IDS_BIZMGMT_USER_NOT_IN_PARENT_HIERARCHY 0x80041d06 The user can not be its own parent user. IDS_BIZMGMT_USER_CAN_NOT_BE_OWN_PARENT 0x80041d05 unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotmovedefaultuser IDS_BIZMGMT_CAN_NOT_MOVE_DEFAULTUSER 0x80041d04 The business is not in the same merchant as parent business. IDS_BIZMGMT_BUSINESS_PARENT_DIFF_MERCHANT 0x80041d03 The default user is not in the business. IDS_BIZMGMT_DEFAULTUSER_NOT_IN_BUSINESS 0x80041d02 The parent business was unexpectedly missing. IDS_BIZMGMT_MISS_PARENT_BUSINESS 0x80041d01 The user's domain name was unexpectedly missing. IDS_BIZMGMT_MISS_USER_DOMAINNAME 0x80041d00 The business name was unexpectedly missing. IDS_BIZMGMT_MISS_BUSINESS_NAME 0x80041a08 A field that is not valid for read was specified IDS_XML_INVALID_READ 0x80041a07 An invalid value was passed in for a field IDS_XML_INVALID_FIELD 0x80041a06 Invalid attributes IDS_XML_INVALID_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTES 0x80041a05 An unexpected error has occurred IDS_XML_UNEXPECTED 0x80041a04 A parse error was encountered in the XML IDS_XML_PARSE_ERROR 0x80041a03 The collection name specified is incorrect IDS_XML_INVALID_COLLECTION_NAME 0x80041a02 A field that is not valid for update was specified IDS_XML_INVALID_UPDATE 0x80041a01 A field that is not valid for create was specified IDS_XML_INVALID_CREATE 0x80041a00 The entity name specified is incorrect IDS_XML_INVALID_ENTITY_NAME 0x80041704 The specified note has no attachments. IDS_NOTES_NO_ATTACHMENT 0x80041703 Creating this parental association would create a loop in the annotation hierarchy. IDS_NOTES_LOOP_BEING_CREATED 0x80041702 A loop exists in the annotation hierarchy. IDS_NOTES_LOOP_EXISTS 0x80041701 The specified note is already attached to an object. IDS_NOTES_ALREADY_ATTACHED 0x80041700 The specified note does not exist. IDS_NOTES_NOTE_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x8004140c Cannot delete a role that is inherited from a parent business. IDS_ROLES_DELETE_NONPARENT_ROLE 0x8004140b Invalid privilege depth. IDS_ROLES_INVALID_DEPTH 0x8004140a The role name is invalid. IDS_ROLES_INVALID_ROLE_NAME 0x80041409 The user belongs to a different business unit than the role. IDS_ROLES_USER_IN_WRONG_BIZ 0x80041408 The privilege ID was unexpectedly missing. IDS_ROLES_MISS_PRIVID 0x80041407 The role name was unexpectedly missing. IDS_ROLES_MISS_ROLE_NAME 0x80041406 The role's business unit ID was unexpectedly missing. IDS_ROLES_MISS_BUSINESSID 0x80041405 The role ID was unexpectedly missing. IDS_ROLES_MISS_ROLEID 0x80041404 Invalid role template ID. IDS_ROLES_INVALID_TEMPLATE_ID 0x80041403 A role with the specified name already exists. IDS_ROLES_ROLE_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x80041402 The specified role does not exist. IDS_ROLES_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80041401 Invalid role ID. IDS_ROLES_INVALID_ROLE_ID 0x80041400 The role data is invalid. IDS_ROLES_INVALID_ROLE_DATA 0x8004112D The Primary Key is expected when Distinct is set to true. 0x8004112C The no-attrs tag cannot be used in conjuction with Distinct set to true. 0x8004112A Invalid page number in paging cookie. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_INVALID_PAGING_COOKIE 0x80041129 Order by columns do not match those in paging cookie. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_PAGING_ORDERBY 0x80041128 The entity name specified in fetchxml does not match the entity name specified in the Entity or Query Expression. 0x80041127 Converting from EntityExpression to Query failed. Top.Count must be equal to zero. 0x80041126 Converting from Query to EntityExpression failed. Link Node for order was not found. 0x80041125 Document Element can't be null. 0x80041124 Xml String can't be null. 0x80041123 A required element was not specified. 0x80041122 Unsupported filter type. Valid values are 'and', or 'or'. 0x80041121 Unsupported join operator. 0x80041120 Unsupported condition operator. IDS_INVALID_CONDITION_OP 0x8004111f A valid order type must be set in the order before calling this method. 0x8004111e A required attribute was not specified. 0x8004111d The utc-offset attribute is not supported for deserialization. 0x8004111c The element node encountered is invalid. 0x8004111a The only valid value for aggregate attribute is 'count'. 0x80041119 The only valid values for descending attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. 0x80041117 The only valid values for link-type attribute are 'natural', 'inner', and 'outer'. 0x80041116 The only valid values for mapping are 'logical' or 'internal' which is deprecated. 0x80041115 The only valid values for distinct attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. 0x80041114 Fetch does not support where clause with conditions from linkentity. 0x80041113 The specified columnset version is invalid. 0x80041112 The specified columnset version is invalid. 0x80041111 AttributeFrom and AttributeTo must be either both specified or both omitted. 0x80041110 QueryByAttribute must specify a non-empty attribute array. 0x8004110f QueryByAttribute must specify a non-empty value array with the same number of elements as in the attributes array. 0x8004110e More than one intersect entity exists between the two entities specified. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_MULTIPLE_INTERSECT_ENTITIES 0x8004110d A report view does not exist for the specified entity. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_REPORTVIEW_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x8004110c A value greater than zero must be specified. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_VALUE_GREATERTHANZERO 0x8004110b No alias for the given entity in the condition was found. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_NOALIAS 0x8004110a The specified alias for the given entity in the condition does not exist. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_ALIAS_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80041109 Invalid alias for aggregate operation. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_INVALID_ALIAS 0x80041108 Invalid value specified for type. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_INVALID_VALUE 0x80041107 Attributes can not be returned when aggregate operation is specified. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_ATTRIBUTE_WITH_AGGREGATE 0x80041106 Incorrect filter condition or conditions. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_BAD_CONDITION 0x80041105 Found an unexpected multiple-column primary key. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_MULTI_PRIMARY_KEY 0x80041104 No primary key was found for the specified entity. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_NO_PRIMARY_KEY 0x80041103 The specified attribute does not exist on this entity. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_NOATTRIBUTE 0x80041102 The specified entity was not found. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_NOENTITY 0x80041101 An unexpected error occurred. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_UNEXPECTED 0x80041100 An attempt was made to update a non-updateable field. IDS_QUERYBUILDER_INVALIDUPDATE 0x80040e02 The relationship does not exist IDS_METADATA_NORELATIONSHIP 0x80040e01 The mapping between specified entities does not exist IDS_METADATA_NOMAPPING 0x80040e03 The given metadata entity is not serializable IDS_METADATA_NOT_SERIALIZABLE 0x80040e00 The specified entity does not exist IDS_METADATA_NOENTITY 0x80040b08 The sender does not have an email address on the party record IDS_COMMUNICATIONS_NOSENDERADDRESS 0x80040b07 The template body is invalid IDS_COMMUNICATIONS_TEMPLATE_INVALIDTEMPLATE 0x80040b06 Participation type is missing from an activity IDS_COMMUNICATIONS_NOPARTICIPATIONMASK 0x80040b05 At least one system user or queue in the organization must be a recipient IDS_COMMUNICATIONS_NORECIPIENTS 0x80040b04 The e-mail must have at least one recipient before it can be sent 0x80040b02 No email address was specified, and the calling user does not have an email address set IDS_COMMUNICATIONS_NOSENDER 0x80040b01 More than one sender specified IDS_COMMUNICATIONS_BADSENDER 0x80040b00 Object address not found on party or party is marked as non-emailable IDS_COMMUNICATIONS_NOPARTYADDRESS 0x80040809 Incident Id missed. IDS_JOURNALING_MISSING_INCIDENT_ID 0x80040808 Contact Id missed. IDS_JOURNALING_MISSING_CONTACT_ID 0x80040807 Opportunity Id missed. IDS_JOURNALING_MISSING_OPPORTUNITY_ID 0x80040806 Account Id missed. IDS_JOURNALING_MISSING_ACCOUNT_ID 0x80040805 Lead Id missed. IDS_JOURNALING_MISSING_LEAD_ID 0x80040804 Event type missed. IDS_JOURNALING_MISSING_EVENT_TYPE 0x80040803 Invalid event type. IDS_JOURNALING_INVALID_EVENT_TYPE 0x80040802 Event direction code missed. IDS_JOURNALING_MISSING_EVENT_DIRECTION 0x80040801 Unsupported type of objects passed in operation. IDS_JOURNALING_UNSUPPORTED_OBJECT_TYPE 0x80040800 The method being invoked does not support provided entity type. IDS_JOURNALING_INVALID_RECIPIENT_TYPE 0x8004051a The opportunity is already in the open state. IDS_OPPORTUNITY_ALREADY_IN_OPEN_STATE 0x80040519 The lead is already closed. IDS_LEAD_ALREADY_IN_CLOSED_STATE 0x80040518 The lead is already in the open state. IDS_LEAD_ALREADY_IN_OPEN_STATE 0x80040517 An inactive customer cannot be set as the parent of an object. IDS_CUSTOMER_IS_INACTIVE 0x80040516 The opportunity cannot be closed. IDS_OPPORTUNITY_CANNOT_BE_CLOSED 0x80040515 The opportunity is already closed. IDS_OPPORTUNITY_IS_ALREADY_CLOSED 0x80040514 Invalid customer address type. IDS_CUSTOMERADDRESS_TYPE_INVALID 0x80040513 The lead is not being assigned to the caller for acceptance. IDS_LEAD_NOT_ASSIGNED_TO_CALLER 0x80040512 The Contact has child opportunities. IDS_CONTACT_HAS_CHILD_OPPORTUNITIES 0x80040511 The Account has child opportunities. IDS_ACCOUNT_HAS_CHILD_OPPORTUNITIES 0x80040510 A lead can be associated with only one account. IDS_LEAD_ONE_ACCOUNT 0x8004050f Removing this association will make the opportunity an orphan. IDS_OPPORTUNITY_ORPHAN 0x8004050e An opportunity can be associated with only one account. IDS_OPPORTUNITY_ONE_ACCOUNT 0x8004050d The user does not have the privilege to reject a lead, so he cannot be assigned the lead for acceptance. IDS_LEAD_USER_CANNOT_REJECT 0x8004050c The lead has not been assigned. IDS_LEAD_NOT_ASSIGNED 0x8004050b The lead does not have a parent. IDS_LEAD_NO_PARENT 0x8004050a Creating this parental association would create a loop in Contacts hierarchy. IDS_CONTACT_LOOP_BEING_CREATED 0x80040509 Loop exists in the contacts hierarchy. IDS_CONTACT_LOOP_EXISTS 0x80040508 You can either specify a contacts parent contact or its account, but not both. IDS_PRESENT_PARENTACCOUNT_AND_PARENTCONTACT 0x80040507 Creating this parental association would create a loop in Accounts hierarchy. IDS_ACCOUNT_LOOP_BEING_CREATED 0x80040506 Loop exists in the accounts hierarchy. IDS_ACCOUNT_LOOP_EXISTS 0x80040505 The parent of the opportunity is missing. IDS_OPPORTUNITY_MISSING_PARENT 0x80040504 The parent of an opportunity must be an account or contact. IDS_OPPORTUNITY_INVALID_PARENT 0x80040503 Contact does not exist. IDS_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80040502 Account does not exist. IDS_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80040501 Lead does not exist. IDS_LEAD_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80040500 Opportunity does not exist. IDS_OPPORTUNITY_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80040499 Report does not exist. 0x80040498 Creating this parental association would create a loop in Reports hierarchy. 0x80040497 Loop exists in the reports hierarchy. 0x80040496 Parent report already links to another report with the same name. 0x80040495 A ReportVisibility with the same ReportId and VisibilityCode already exists. Duplicates are not allowed. 0x80040494 An error occurred during report rendering. 0x80040493 Subreport does not exist. 0x80040492 MSCRM Data Connector Not Installed 0x80040491 Invalid wizard xml 0x80040490 Cannot update a report from a template if the report was not created from a template 0x80040489 The selected report is not ready for viewing. The report is still being created or a report snapshot is not available. 0x80040488 The report could not be published for external use because a report of the same name already exists. Delete that report in SQL Server Reporting Services or rename this report, and try again. 0x80040389 A parameter for the transformation is either missing or invalid. 0x80040388 Either the parent or child entity does not exist 0x80040387 Creating this parental association would create a loop in this entity hierarchy. 0x80040386 Loop exists in this entity hierarchy. 0x80040385 The process code is not supported on this entity. 0x80040384 There is no output transformation parameter mapping defined. A transformation mapping must have atleast one output transformation parameter mapping. 0x80040383 One or more source columns used in the transformation do not exist in the source file. 0x80040382 The transformation parameter mapping defined is invalid. Check that the target attribute name exists. 0x80040381 One or more outputs returned by the transformation is not mapped to target fields. 0x80040380 The data type of one or more of the transformation parameters is unsupported. 0x8004037f An array transformation parameter mapping is defined for a single parameter. 0x8004037e A single transformation parameter mapping is defined for an array parameter. 0x8004037d One or more mandatory transformation parameters do not have mappings defined for them. 0x8004037c One or more transformation parameter mappings are invalid or do not match the transformation parameter description. 0x8004037b The transformation returned invalid data. 0x8004037a The specified transformation type is not supported. 0x80040379 Unable to load the transformation type. 0x80040378 Unable to load the transformation assembly. 0x80040377 ColumnMapping is Invalid. Check that the target attribute exists. 0x80040376 The corresponding record in Microsoft Dynamics CRM has more recent data, so this record was ignored. 0x80040375 The import file is too large to upload. 0x80040374 The content of the import file is not valid. You must select a text file. 0x80040373 The record is empty 0x80040372 The row is too long to import 0x80040371 Cannot call transform before parse. 0x80040370 The column heading does not match the attribute display label. 0x80040369 The specified target record type does not exist. 0x80040368 A column heading is missing. 0x80040367 Data required to parse the file, such as the data delimiter, field delimiter, or column headings, was not found. 0x80040366 The first row of the file is empty. 0x80040365 The file is empty. 0x80040364 The first row of the file does not contain column headings. 0x80040363 The globally unique identifier (GUID) in this row is invalid 0x80040362 The required globally unique identifier (GUID) in this row is not present 0x80040361 The owner value is not mapped 0x80040360 The list value is not mapped 0x80040359 The Microsoft Dynamics CRM record could not be created 0x80040358 The Microsoft Dynamics CRM record could not be updated 0x80040357 The status or status reason of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM record could not be set 0x80040356 The source data is not in the required format 0x80040355 Mismatched data delimiter: only one delimiter was found. 0x80040354 No Microsoft Dynamics CRM user exists with the specified domain name and user ID 0x80040353 The lookup reference could not be resolved 0x80040352 A duplicate lookup reference was found 0x80040351 The data is not in the required format 0x80040349 Field and data delimiters for this file are not specified. 0x80040347 Empty row. 0x80040346 The row could not be parsed. This is typically caused by a row that is too long. 0x80040345 The number of fields differs from the number of column headings. 0x80040344 The column heading contains an invalid combination of data delimiters. 0x80040343 The data map already contains this owner mapping. 0x80040342 The data map already contains this list value mapping. 0x80040341 The data delimiter is invalid. 0x80040340 The field delimiter is invalid. 0x8004033f This list value is mapped more than once. Remove any duplicate mappings, and then import this data map again. 0x8004033e This attribute is mapped more than once. Remove any duplicate mappings, and then import this data map again. 0x8004033d This source entity is mapped to more than one Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity. Remove any duplicate mappings, and then import this data map again. 0x8004033c This attribute is not mapped to a drop-down list, Boolean, or state/status attribute. However, you have included a ListValueMap element for it.Fix this inconsistency, and then import this data map again. 0x80040390 This attribute is not mapped as a reference attribute. However, you have included a ReferenceMap for it.Fix this inconsistency, and then import this data map again. 0x80040391 The file specifies an entity that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. 0x80040392 The file specifies an attribute that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. 0x80040393 The file specifies a list value that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. 0x80040394 This attribute is not valid for mapping. 0x80040395 The file specifies an entity that is not valid for data migration. 0x8004033a List is not active. Cannot perform this operation. 0x8004033b The party is not active. Cannot perform this operation. 0x80040339 >A background job associated with this import is either suspended or locked. In order to delete this import, in the Workplace, click Imports, open the import, click System Jobs, and resume any suspended jobs. 0x80040338 A duplicate column heading exists. 0x80040337 The column heading cannot be empty. 0x80040336 The column number specified in the data map does not exist. 0x80040335 Cannot call import before transform. 0x80040334 The specified action can be done only one time. 0x80040333 A record was not created or updated because a duplicate of the current record already exists. 0x80040331 This Campaign Activity is closed or canceled. Campaign activities cannot be distributed after they have been closed or canceled. 0x80040330 There was an unexpected error during mail merge. 0x8004032f The mail merge operation was cancelled by the user. 0x8004032e This customer is filtered due to missing email address. 0x8004032b This record is currently being used by Microsoft CRM and cannot be deleted. Try again later. Ifthe problem persists, contact your system administrator. 0x8004032a This customer is filtered due to inactive state. 0x80040329 Bulk Operation related workflow rules are missing. 0x80040327 Cannot specify owner on activity for distribution 0x80040326 This campaign activity has been distributed already. Campaign activities cannot be distributed more than one time. 0x80040325 This customer is filtered due to AntiSpam settings. IDS_ANTISPAM_FILTERED 0x80040324 This template type is not supported for unsubscribe acknowledgement. 0x80040323 Cannot process with Bulk Import as Import Configuration has some errors. 0x80040322 Cannot process with Bulk Import as Import Configuration not specified. 0x80040321 An invalid object type was specified for distributing activities. 0x80040320 A parameter specified is not supported by the Bulk Operation 0x8004031f A required parameter is missing for the Bulk Operation 0x8004031e Cannot specify communication attribute on activity for distribution 0x8004031d Cannot specify a recipient for activity distribution. 0x8004031c Cannot specify an attendee for appointment distribution. 0x8004031b Cannot specify a sender for appointment distribution 0x8004031a Cannot specify an organizer for appointment distribution 0x80040319 The regarding Object Type Code is not valid for the Bulk Operation. 0x80040318 Must specify an Activity Xml for CampaignActivity Execute/Distribute 0x80040317 Supplied value exceeded the MIN/MAX value of Money Type field. 0x80040316 Extra party information should not be provided for this operation. 0x80040315 This action is not supported. 0x80040314 Can not add items to closed (cancelled) campaignactivity. 0x80040313 Must specify a valid Template Id 0x80040312 CampaignResponse can not be created for Template Campaign. 0x80040311 Cannot execute (distribute) a CampaignActivity for a template Campaign. 0x80040310 Cannot distribute activities for campaign activities of the specified channel type. 0x8004030f Must specify a valid CommunicationActivity 0x8004030e Specified Object not related to the parent Campaign 0x8004030d Specified Object Type not supported 0x8004030c Parent campaign is not updatable. 0x8004030b Parent campaign is not updatable. 0x8004030a Campaign as RegardingObject must be supplied. 0x80040309 Campaign as RegardingObject must be supplied. 0x80040308 Specified Item not related to the specified Campaign Activity 0x80040307 Specified Object Type not supported 0x80040306 Cannot copy lists of different types. 0x80040305 Cannot create activities of the specified list type. 0x80040304 Cannot associate an inactive item to a Campaign. 0x80040303 Malformed FetchXml. 0x80040302 List is Locked. Cannot perform this action. 0x80040301 Unsupported list member type. 0x80040267 Disabled users cannot be moved to a different business unit. IDS_CANNOT_MOVE_DISABLED_USER 0x80040266 Invalid primary key. IDS_INVALID_KEY 0x80040265 ISV code aborted the operation. 0x80040264 Cannot assign outlook filters 0x80040263 Cannot create outlook filters 0x80040268 Cannot grant access to outlook filters 0x80040269 Cannot modify access for outlook filters 0x80040270 Cannot revoke access for outlook filters 0x80040271 Cannot grant access to offline filters 0x80040272 Cannot modify access for offline filters 0x80040273 Cannot revoke access for offline filters 0x80040274 The Appointment being promoted from Outlook is already tracked in CRM 0x80040275 Scheduled End and Scheduled Start must be set for Appointments in order to sync with Outlook. 0x80040276 Privilege Create is disabled for organization. 0x80040277 Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. 0x80040262 Crm constraint parsing error occurred. 0x80040261 Crm constraint evaluation error occurred. 0x80040260 Crm expression evaluation error occurred. 0x8004025f Crm expression parameters parsing error occurred. 0x8004025e Crm expression body parsing error occurred. 0x8004025d Crm expression parsing error occurred. 0x8004025c Crm malformed expression error occurred. 0x8004025b Callout Exception occurred. 0x8004025a Failed to produce a formatted datetime value. 0x80040259 Failed to produce a formatted numeric value. 0x80040258 RestoreCaller must be called after SwitchToSystemUser. 0x80040257 Cannot switch ExecutionContext to system user without setting Caller first. 0x80040256 A failure occurred in CrmSecurity. 0x80040255 Transaction Aborted. 0x80040254 Cannot bind to another session, session already bound. 0x80040253 Session token is not available unless there is a transaction in place. 0x80040252 Transaction not comitted. 0x80040251 Transaction not started. 0x80040250 Crm Internal Exception: Picklists with more than one childAttribute are not supported. 0x8004024f Crm Internal Exception: Singleton Retrieve Query should not return more than 1 record. 0x8004024e Failed to load assembly 0x8004024d The QueryExpression has not been initialized. Please use the constructor that takes in the entity name to create a correctly initialized instance 0x8004024c Invalid registry key specified. 0x8004024b Invalid privilege type. 0x8004024a Metadata not found. 0x80040249 Invalid entity class. 0x80040248 Invalid Xml entity name. 0x80040247 Invalid Xml collection name. 0x80040246 Error in RecurrencePatternFactory. 0x80040245 Error occurred in the Crm AutoReimpersonator. 0x80040244 Instantiation of an Entity failed. 0x80040243 Instantiation of an Entity instance Service failed. 0x80040241 Failed to convert user time zone information. 0x80040240 Failed to retrieve user time zone information. 0x8004023f IDS_INVALIDCONNSTRING The connection string not found or invalid. 0x8004023e Db Connection is Open, when it should be Closed. 0x8004023d Primary Key must be populated for calls to platform on rich client in offline mode. 0x8004023c Unhandled Version mismatch found. IDS_CANNOT_ASSIGN_OUTLOOK_FILTERS 0x8004023b Invalid Operation performed. IDS_CANNOT_CREATE_OUTLOOK_FILTERS 0x8004023a Invalid Metadata. IDS_TRANSACTION_TEST_FAIL 0x80040239 The date-time format is invalid, or value is outside the supported range. IDS_INVALIDDATETIME 0x80040238 Private views cannot be default. IDS_CANNOT_DEFAULT_PRIVATE_VIEW 0x80040237 Operation failed due to a SQL integrity violation. IDS_DUPLICATE_RECORD 0x80040236 No relationship exists between the objects specified. IDS_NO_RELATIONSHIP 0x80040235 The query type is missing. IDS_MISSING_QUERY_TYPE 0x80040234 The rollup type is invalid. IDS_INVALID_ROLLUP_TYPE 0x80040233 The object is not in a valid state to perform this operation. IDS_INVALID_STATE 0x80040232 The view is not sharable. IDS_VIEW_IS_NOT_SHARABLE 0x80040231 Target user does not hold required privileges. IDS_PRINCIPAL_PRIVILEGE_DENIED 0x80040230 The object cannot be updated because it is inactive. IDS_CANNOT_UPDATE_OBJECT_BECAUSE_IT_IS_INACTIVE 0x8004022f System-defined views cannot be deleted. IDS_CANNOT_DELETE_CANNED_VIEW 0x8004022e The object cannot be updated because it is read-only. IDS_CANNOT_UPDATE_OBJECT_BECAUSE_IT_IS_READ_ONLY 0x8004022d The customer is invalid. IDS_INVALID_CUSTOMER 0x8004022c Data out of range IDS_DATA_OUTOFRANGE 0x8004022b The specified owner has been disabled. IDS_OWNER_NOT_ENABLED 0x8004022a An object with the specified name already exists. IDS_AD_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x80040229 The owner ID is invalid or missing. IDS_INVALID_OWNERID 0x80040228 The object cannot be deleted because it is read-only. IDS_CANNOT_DELETE_OBJECT_BECAUSE_IT_IS_READ_ONLY 0x80040227 The object you tried to delete is associated with another object and cannot be deleted. IDS_CANNOT_DELETE_OBJECT_BECAUSE_OF_ASSOTIATION 0x80040226 The logged-in user was not found in the Active Directory. IDS_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED 0x80040225 The specified user is either disabled or is not a member of any business unit. IDS_USER_NOT_ENABLED 0x8004032c The specified business unit is disabled. IDS_BUSINESS_NOT_ENABLED 0x8004032d The specified business unit cannot be assigned to because it is disabled. IDS_CANNOT_ASSIGN_TO_DISABLED_BUSINESS 0x80040223 Only the owner of an object can revoke the owner's access to that object. IDS_ONLY_OWNER_CAN_REVOKE 0x80040222 Out of memory. IDS_OUTOFMEMORY 0x80040221 Cannot assign an object to a merchant. IDS_CANNOT_ASSIGN_TO_BUSINESS 0x80040220 The user does not hold the necessary privileges. IDS_PRIVILEGE_DENIED 0x8004021f Invalid object type. IDS_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE 0x8004021e Cannot grant or revoke access rights to a merchant. IDS_CANNOT_GRANT_OR_REVOKE_ACCESS_TO_BUSINESS 0x8004021d One of the following occurred: invalid user id, invalid business id or the user does not belong to the business. IDS_INVALID_USERID_OR_BUSINESSID_OR_USERS_BUSINESS_INVALID 0x8004021c Both the user id and team id are present. Only one should be present. IDS_PRESENT_USERID_AND_TEAMID 0x8004021b The user id or the team id is missing. IDS_MISSING_USERID_OR_TEAMID 0x8004021a The business id is missing or invalid. IDS_MISSING_BUSINESSID 0x80040219 The requested functionality is not yet implemented. IDS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 0x80040218 The object is disposed. IDS_INVALID_POINTER 0x80040217 The specified object was not found. IDS_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x80040216 An unexpected error occurred. IDS_UNEXPECTED 0x80040215 Item does not have an owner. IDS_MISSING_OWNER 0x80040214 An item cannot be shared with the owning user. IDS_CANNOT_SHARE_OBJECT_WITH_OWNER 0x80040213 User does not have access to modify the visibility of this item. IDS_INVALID_VISIBILITY_MODIFICATION_ACCESS 0x80040212 Item does not have an owning user. IDS_INVALID_OWNINGUSER 0x80040211 Invalid association. IDS_INVALID_ASSOCIATION 0x80040210 Invalid assignee id. IDS_INVALID_ASSIGNEEID 0x8004020f Failure in obtaining user token. IDS_FAILURE_INITTOKEN 0x8004020e Invalid visibility. IDS_INVALID_VISIBILITY 0x8004020d Invalid access rights. IDS_INVALID_ACCESSRIGHTS 0x8004020c Invalid share id. IDS_INVALID_SHAREEID 0x8004020b Invalid item id. IDS_INVALID_ITEMID 0x8004020a Invalid organization id. IDS_INVALID_ORGID 0x80040209 Invalid business id. IDS_INVALID_BUSINESSID 0x80040208 Invalid team id. IDS_INVALID_TEAMID 0x80040207 The user id is invalid or missing. IDS_INVALID_USERID 0x80040206 The parent id is invalid or missing. IDS_INVALID_PARENTID 0x80040205 The parent object is invalid or missing. IDS_INVALID_PARENT 0x80040204 Invalid user auth. IDS_INVALID_USERAUTH 0x80040203 Invalid argument. IDS_INVALIDARG 0x80040202 Empty XML. IDS_EMPTY_XML 0x80040201 Invalid XML. IDS_INVALID_XML 0x80040200 Required field missing. IDS_REQUIREDFIELDMISSING 0x800404ff Cannot assign offline filters 0x800404fe The article cannot be updated or deleted because it is in published state IDS_ARTICLE_IS_PUBLISHED 0x800404fd The article template state is undefined IDS_INVALID_ARTICLE_TEMPLATE_STATE 0x800404fc This article state transition is invalid because of the current state of the article IDS_INVALID_ARTICLE_STATE_TRANSITION 0x800404fb The article state is undefined IDS_INVALID_ARTICLE_STATE 0x800404fa The kbarticletemplateid cannot be NULL IDS_NULL_KB_ARTICLE_TEMPLATE_ID 0x800404f9 The article template structurexml cannot be NULL IDS_NULL_ARTICLE_TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_XML 0x800404f8 The article template formatxml cannot be NULL IDS_NULL_ARTICLE_TEMPLATE_FORMAT_XML 0x800404f7 The article xml cannot be NULL IDS_NULL_ARTICLE_XML 0x800404f6 The Contract detail id is invalid IDS_INVALID_CONTRACT_DETAIL_ID 0x800404f5 The total price is invalid IDS_INVALID_TOTAL_PRICE 0x800404f4 The total discount is invalid IDS_INVALID_TOTAL_DISCOUNT 0x800404f3 The net price is invalid IDS_INVALID_NET_PRICE 0x800404f2 The allotments remaining is invalid IDS_INVALID_ALLOTMENTS_REMAINING 0x800404f1 The allotments used is invalid IDS_INVALID_ALLOTMENTS_USED 0x800404f0 The total allotments is invalid IDS_INVALID_ALLOTMENTS_TOTAL 0x800404ef Allotments: remaining + used != total IDS_INVALID_ALLOTMENTS_CALC 0x800404ee The private or WIP Bin queue is not allowed to be updated or deleted IDS_CANNOT_UPDATE_PRIVATE_OR_QUEUE 0x800404ec Cannot find user queue IDS_CANNOT_FIND_USER_QUEUE 0x800404eb The object was not found in the given queue IDS_CANNOT_FIND_OBJECT_IN_QUEUE 0x800404ea Cannot route to Work in progress queue IDS_CANNOT_ROUTE_TO_QUEUE 0x800404e9 The route type is unsupported IDS_ROUTE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED 0x800404e8 Primary User Id or Destination Queue Type code not set IDS_USER_ID_OR_QUEUE_NOT_SET 0x800404e7 This object type can not be routed. IDS_ROUTING_NOT_ALLOWED 0x800404e6 The child entity supplied is not a child. IDS_INVALID_CHILD_ENTITY 0x800404e5 The parent entity could not be located. IDS_PARENT_NOT_FOUND 0x800404e4 Failed to retrieve execution context (TLS). IDS_UNEXPECTED_EXEC_CONTEXT 0x800404e3 A pending transaction already exists. IDS_PENDING_TRX 0x800404e2 The transaction count was expected to be 1 in order to commit. IDS_TRX_INVALID_COMMIT_COUNT 0x800404e1 The transaction count was expected to be 1 in order to rollback. IDS_TRX_INVALID_ROLLBACK_COUNT 0x800404e0 Cannot set to a different user context. IDS_CANNOT_SWITCH_USER_CONTEXT 0x800404df The data access could not be retrieved from the ExecutionContext. IDS_MISSING_DATA_ACCESS 0x800404de Character data is not valid when clearing an aggregate. IDS_INVALID_CHAR_DATA 0x800404dd The TrxInteropHandler has already been set. IDS_TRXINTEROPHANDLER_SET 0x800404dc The platform cannot handle binary fields. IDS_INVALID_BINARY_FIELD 0x800404db The platform cannot handle idispatch fields. IDS_INVALID_IDISPATCH_FIELD 0x800404da The platform cannot handle dbdate fields. IDS_INVALID_DBDATE_FIELD 0x800404d9 The platform cannot handle dbtime fields. IDS_INVALID_DBTIME_FIELD 0x800404d8 The platform cannot handle the specified field type. IDS_INVALID_FIELD_TYPE 0x800404d7 The platform cannot handle stream fields. IDS_INVALID_STREAM_FIELD 0x800404d6 A parameterized query is not supported for the supplied parameter type. IDS_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE 0x800404d5 SetParam failed processing the DynamicParameterAccessor parameter. IDS_FAILED_SETPARAM 0x800404d4 Unable to retrieve the session token as there are no pending transactions. IDS_UNABLE_GET_SESSION_TOKEN_NO_TRX 0x800404d3 Unable to retrieve the session token. IDS_UNABLE_GET_SESSION_TOKEN 0x800404d2 The security principal is invalid or missing. IDS_INVALID_PRINCIPAL 0x800404d0 Unable to determine the previous owner's type. IDS_INVALID_PREV_OWNER_TYPE 0x800404cf Team ownership is not supported. IDS_INVALID_TEAM_OWNERSHIP 0x800404ce The privilege id is invalid or missing. IDS_INVALID_PRIVILEGEID 0x800404cd The privilege user group id is invalid or missing. IDS_INVALID_PRIVILEGEUSERGROUPID 0x800404cc Unexpected type for the property. IDS_UNEXPECTED_PROPERTY_TYPE 0x800404cb The address entity could not be found. IDS_MISSING_ADDRESS 0x800404ca An error occurred adding a filter to the query plan. IDS_UNEXPECTED_FILTER_ERROR 0x800404c9 Unable to access a relationship in an entity's ReferencesFrom collection. IDS_UNEXPECTED_REL_ARRAY_ACCESS 0x800404c8 The relationship's ReferencingAttribute is missing or invalid. IDS_MISSING_REFERENCING_ATTR 0x800404c7 The operator provided is not valid. IDS_INVALID_OPERATOR 0x800404c6 Unable to access a filter in the query plan. IDS_ERROR_FILTER_ACCESS 0x800404c5 An expected attribute was not found for the tag specified. IDS_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_FOR_TAG 0x800404c4 An unexpected error occurred processing the filter nodes. IDS_UNEXPECTED_FILTER_PROCESSING 0x800404c3 Unexpected error locating the filter for the condition. IDS_UNEXPECTED_FILTER_CONDITION 0x800404c2 The page value is invalid or missing. IDS_INVALID_PAGE 0x800404c1 The count value is invalid or missing. IDS_INVALID_COUNT 0x800404c0 The version value is invalid or missing. IDS_INVALID_VERSION 0x800404bf A invalid value tag was found outside of it's condition tag. IDS_INVALID_VALUE_CONDITION 0x800404be The organizationid is missing or invalid. IDS_INVALID_ORG_ID 0x800404bd The owninguser is mising or invalid. IDS_INVALID_OWNING_USER 0x800404bc The owningbusinessunit or businessunitid is missing or invalid. IDS_INVALID_OWNING_OR_BUSUNITID 0x800404bb Invalid privilege depth for user. IDS_INVALID_PRIV_DEPTH 0x800404ba Invalid link entity, link to attribute, or link from attribute. IDS_INVALID_LINK_OBJECTS 0x800404b8 Attributes of type partylist are not supported. IDS_INVALID_ATTR_PARTYLIST 0x800404b7 An invalid number of arguments was supplied to a condition. IDS_INVALID_CONDITION_ARGS 0x800404b6 An unknown aggregate operation was supplied. IDS_INVALID_AGGREGATE_OP 0x800404b5 The parent attribute was not found on the expected entity. IDS_MISSING_PARENT_ATTR_ON_ENTITY 0x800404b4 ProcessChildOfCondition was called with non-child-of condition. IDS_INVALID_CHILDOF_COND 0x800404b3 Primary key attribute was not as expected. IDS_UNEXPECTED_PK 0x800404b2 Unexpected error locating link entity. IDS_UNEXPECTED_LINK_ENTITY 0x800404b1 ProcessLiteralCondition is only valid for use with Rollup queries. IDS_INVALID_ROLLUP_COND 0x800404b0 No data specified for ProcessLiteralCondition. IDS_INVALID_PROCESSLITERALCOND 0x800404af Variant supplied contains data in an unusable format. IDS_INVALID_VARIANTDATA 0x800404ae A field was not validated by the platform. IDS_NOT_VALIDATED 0x800404ad Missing filter attribute. IDS_MISSING_FILTER_ATTR 0x800404ac Only QB_LITERAL is supported for equality operand. IDS_INVALID_EQ_OP_LITERAL 0x800404ab The filter index is out of range. IDS_FILTER_INDEX_RANGE 0x800404aa The entity is not an intersect entity. IDS_NOT_INTERSECT_ENTITY 0x800404a9 Child-of condition is only allowed on offline filters. IDS_INVALID_CHILDOF_COND_OFFLINE 0x800404a8 The owningbusinessunit is missing or invalid. IDS_INVALID_OWNINGBUSUNITID 0x800404a7 The businessunitid is missing or invalid. IDS_INVALID_BUSUNITID 0x800404a6 More than one sort attributes were defined. IDS_INVALID_SORT_ATTRIBUTE 0x800404a5 Unable to access the query plan. IDS_UNABLE_ACCESS_QUERYPLAN 0x800404a4 The parent attribute was not found for the child attribute. IDS_MISSING_PARENT_ATTR 0x800404a2 Failed to retrieve TLS Manager. IDS_INVALID_TLSMNGR 0x800404a1 Escaped xml size not as expected. IDS_INVALID_ESCAPED_XML 0x800404a0 Failed to retrieve privileges. IDS_FAILED_RETRIEVE_PRIV 0x8004049f Cannot create an instance of managed proxy. IDS_FAILED_CREATE_MANAGED_PROXY 0x8004049e The principal id is missing or invalid. IDS_INVALID_PRINCIPALID 0x80044152 Inherited roles cannot be modified. IDS_ROLES_RESTRICT_INHERITED 0x80044153 between, not-between, in, and not-in operators are not allowed on attributes of type text or ntext. IDS_FETCHXML_BETWEEN_NOTEXT 0x80044154 The user cannot be disabled because they have workflow rules running under their context. IDS_BIZMGMT_CANT_DISABLE 0x80044155 Invalid link type for system entity cascading actions. 0x80044156 Cascade User-Owned is not a valid cascade link type for org-owned entity relationships. 0x80044161 The caller cannot change their own domain name IDS_BIZMGMT_CALLER_CANNOT_CHANGE_OWN_DOMAIN_NAME 0x80044162 The target state could not be set because the state transition is not valid. 0x80044163 The target state could not be set because the state was changed by another process. 0x80044164 The AsyncOperationId is required to do the update. 0x80044165 The target state could not be set to complete because the state transition is not valid. 0x80044166 The target state could not be set to ready because the state transition is not valid. 0x80044167 The target state could not be set to suspended because the state transition is not valid. 0x80044168 Cannot update recurrence pattern for a job that is not recurring. 0x80044169 Cannot update recurrence pattern for a job type that is not supported. 0x8004416a Cannot delete async operation unless it is in Completed state. 8004416b - 80044191 is reserved for eventing framework and Sdk 0x8004416b Message property name '{0}' is not valid on message {1}. 0x8004416c Public assembly must have public key token. 0x80044180 The message requested is not supported on the server. 0x80044181 The message requested is not supported on the client. 0x80044182 This workflow job was canceled because the workflow that started it included an infinite loop. Correct the workflow logic and try again. For information about workflow logic, see Help. 0x80044184 Only step in BeforeMainOperationOutsideTransaction and AfterMainOperationOutsideTransaction stages can be modified. 0x80044185 Only SdkMessageProcessingStep with ServerOnly supported deployment can have secure configuration. 0x80044186 Only SdkMessageProcessingStep in parent pipeline and in stages outside transaction can create CrmService to prevent deadlock. 0x80044187 Custom SdkMessageProcessingStep is not allowed on the specified message and entity. 0x80044188 Entity '{0}' is not allowed in offline queue playback. 0x80044189 Message '{0}' does not support image registration. 0x80044190 Unable to load Plug-in type. 0x80044191 Unable to load Plug-in assembly. 8004416b - 80044191 is reserved for eventing framework and Sdk 0x80044192 Invalid e-mail address. For more information, contact your system administrator. 0x80044193 Discount cannot be greater than total price. IDS_CONTRACT_INVALIDDISCOUNT 0x80044194 There is no language provisioned other than the base language for this organization. 0x80044195 The specified language code is not valid for this organization. 0x80044196 Primary Key cannot be nullable. 0x80044197 Description must be specified. 0x80044198 The specified attribute does not support localized labels. 0x80044199 There is no language provisioned for this organization. 0x80044246 The base language translation string present in worksheet {0}, row {1}, column {2} is null. 0x80044247 The translation string present in worksheet {0}, row {1}, column {2} is not customizable. 0x80044248 The organization id present in the translations file does not match with the current organization id. 0x80044249 The translations file is invalid or does not confirm to the required schema. 0x80044250 The metadata record being deleted cannot be deleted by the end user 0x80044300 CrmAuthenticationToken is missing. 0x80044301 Integrated authentication is not allowed. 0x80044302 Request is not authenticated. 0x80044303 The operation type of the async operation was not recognized. 0x80044304 Failed to deserialize async operation data. 0x80044305 Paging limit over maximum configured value. 0x80044306 An error occurred while accessing the network. 0x80044308 Organization Name must be specified in CrmAuthenticationToken. 0x80044309 Caller does not have enough privilege to set CallerOriginToken to the specified value. 0x8004430A Over upper limit of records that can be requested without a paging cookie. A paging cookie is required when retrieving a high page number. 0x80044310 The picklist value already exists.Picklist values must be unique. 0x80044311 The specified user name and password can not logon. 0x8004431A The picklist value is out of the range. 0x8004431B Boolean attributes must have exactly two option values. 0x8004431C Boolean attribute options must have a value of either 0 or 1. 0x8004431D You cannot add an option to a Boolean attribute. 0x8004431E You cannot add state options to a State attribute. 0x8004431F All available custom option values have been used. 0x80044320 You can add option values only to picklist and status attributes. 0x80044321 The new status option must have an associated state value. 0x80044322 The state value that was provided for this new status option does not exist. 0x80044323 You can delete options only from picklist and status attributes. 0x80044324 The array of option values that were provided for reordering does not match the number of options for the attribute. 0x80044325 The options array is missing a value. 0x80044327 The provided nav pane order value is not allowed 0x80044328 Custom labels must be provided if an entity relationship role has a display option of UseCustomLabels 0x80044329 The nav pane properties for this relationship are not customizable 0x8004432A Entity relationships require a name 0x8004432B A relationship with the specified name already exists. Please specify a unique name. 0x8004432C This entity is not valid for a custom reflexive relationship 0x8004432D This entity is not valid for a custom reflexive relationship 0x8004432E This entity has a primary field that is logical and therefore cannot be the referenced entity in a one-to-many relationship 0x8004432F A validation error occurred. An integer provided is outside of the allowed values for this attribute. 0x80044330 A validation error occurred. A decimal value provided is outside of the allowed values for this attribute. 0x80044331 A validation error occurred. A string value provided is too long. 0x80044332 This entity cannot participate in an entity association 0x80044333 The Data Migration Manager encountered an unknown problem and cannot continue. To try again, restart the Data Migration Manager. 0x80044334 One or more of the Import Child Jobs Failed 0x80044335 "Attribute '{0}' on entity '{1}' is deprecated." 0x80044336 First-time configuration of the Data Migration Manager has been canceled. You will not be able to use the Data Migration Manager until configuration is completed. 0x80044337 Referenced entities of a relationship must have a lookup view 0x80044338 Referencing entities of a relationship must have an association view Workflow Error Codes are defined from 80045001 - 800450FF to distinguish them easily from other error codes. 0x80045001 An error has occurred during compilation of the workflow. 0x80045002 Cannot update a published workflow definition. 0x80045003 Cannot update a workflow activation. 0x80045004 Cannot delete a workflow activation. 0x80045005 Cannot delete a workflow dependency associated with a workflow activation. 0x80045006 Cannot delete a workflow dependency for a published workflow definition. 0x80045007 Cannot update a workflow dependency associated with a workflow activation. 0x80045008 Cannot update a workflow dependency for a published workflow definition. 0x80045009 Cannot create a workflow dependency associated with a workflow activation. 0x8004500A Cannot create a workflow dependency for a published workflow definition. 0x8004500B The workflow cannot be published by someone who is not its owner. 0x8004500C A published workflow can only be assigned to the caller. 0x8004500D Only workflow definition or draft workflow template can be published. 0x8004500E Only workflow definition or workflow template can be unpublished. 0x8004500F Cannot delete an active workflow definition. 0x80045010 Incorrect formation of unary operator. 0x80045011 Incorrect formation of binary operator. 0x80045012 Condition operator not supported for specified type. 0x80045013 Invalid type specified on condition. 0x80045014 Validation failed on the specified workflow. 0x80045015 This workflow cannot be published because your organization has reached its limit for the number of workflows that can be published at the same time. (There is no limit on the number of draft workflows.) You can publish this workflow by unpublishing a different workflow, or by upgrading your license to a license that supports more workflows. 0x80045016 User does not have sufficient privileges to publish workflows. 0x80045017 Workflow should be paused by system. 0x80045018 Automatic workflow cannot be published if no activation parameters have been specified. 0x80045019 Cannot create a workflow dependency for a published workflow template. 0x8004501A Cannot delete workflow dependency from a published workflow template . 0x8004501B Cannot update a published workflow template. 0x8004501C Cannot delete an active workflow template. 0x8004501D Invalid custom activity. 0x8004502C Cannot delete entity because it is used in a workflow. 0x8004502D The bulk e-mail job completed with {0} failures. The failures might be caused by missing e-mail addresses or because you do not have permission to send e-mail. To find records with missing e-mail addresses, use Advanced Find. If you need increased e-mail permissions, contact your system administrator. 0x8004502E Expression operator not supported for specified type. 0x8004502F This workflow cannot run because one or more child workflows it uses have not been published or have been deleted. Please check the child workflows and try running this workflow again. 0x80045030 This attribute cannot be deleted because it is used in one or more workflows. Cancel any system jobs for workflows that use this attribute, then delete or modify any workflows that use the attribute, and then try to delete the attribute again. 0x80045031 A record required by this workflow job could not be found. SQL Governor Error Codes are defined from 8004A001 - 8004A0FF to distinguish them easily from other error codes. 0x8004A001 The server is busy and the request was not completed. Try again later. Pluggable Authentication Error Codes are defined from 8004A100 - 8004A1FF to distinguish them easily from other error codes. 0x8004A100 The ticket specified for authentication didn't pass validation 0x8004A101 The ticket specified for authentication is expired 0x8004A102 The ticket specified for authentication is invalid 0x8004A103 The ticket specified for authentication didn't meet policy 0x8004A104 The specified organization is disabled 0x8004A105 The ticket specified for authentication has been tampered with or invalidated. 0x8004A106 The key specified to compute a hash value is expired, only active keys are valid.Expired Key : {0}. 0x8004A107 The specified scalegroup is disabled. Access to organizations in this scalegroup are not allowed. 0x8004A108 Support login is expired Event Framework Error Codes are defined from 8004A200 - 8004A2FF to distinguish them easily from other error codes. 0x8004A200 The plugin specified does not implement the required interface Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.IPlugin CrmLive Error Codes are defined from 8004B000-8004BFFF to distinguish them easily from other error codes. 0x8004B000 An error has occurred while processing your request. 0x8004B001 An error has occurred when provisioning the organization. 0x8004B002 The specified Active Directory Group does not exist. 0x8004B003 An unexpected error happened in the provisioning system. 0x8004B004 The specified queue item does not exist in the queue. It may have been deleted or its ID may not have been specified correctly 0x8004B005 The parameter to CrmLive Setup is incorrect or not specified. 0x8004B006 The ScaleGroup has multiple witness servers specified. There should be only 1 witness server in a scale group. 0x8004B007 The scalegroup is missing some required server roles. 1 Witness Server and 2 Sql Servers are required for Provisioning. 0x8004B008 A server cannot have both Witness and Data Server Roles. 0x8004B009 This functionality is not supported, its only available for Live solution. 0x8004B00A Cannot install CRM without an organization friendly name. 0x8004B00B Cannot install CRM without an organization unique name. 0x8004B00C Offer category and Billing Token are both missing, but at least one is required. 0x8004B00D This version does not support search for offering id. 0x8004B00E The organization {0} is already purchased by you. 0x8004B00F The organization {0} is already purchased by another customer. 0x8004B010 The Invitation Email template is not valid 0x8004B011 You have reached the maximum number of user quota 0x8004B012 You have not assigned roles to this user 0x8004B013 Some Internal error occurred in generating invitation token, Please try again later 0x8004B014 Upgrade Of Crm Organization Failed. 0x8004B015 Some Internal error occurred in sending invitation, Please try again later 0x8004B016 Email generated from the template is not valid 0x8004B020 Unsupported version - This is {0} version {1}, but version {2} was requested. 0x8004B021 Missing parameter {0} to method {1} 0x8004B022 Account country code must not be {0} 0x8004B023 Account currency code must not be {0} 0x8004B024 Account locale code must not be {0} 0x8004B025 Only one support organization is allowed in a scalegroup. 0x8004B026 Only one monitoring organization is allowed in a scalegroup. 0x8004B027 Cannot purchase {0} user licenses for the Offering {1}. 0x8004B028 The property bag is missing an entry for {0}. 0x8004B029 The requested action is not valid for resource type {0}. 0x8004B02A The resource type {0} cannot have a minimum limit of {1}. 0x8004B02B The resource type {0} cannot have a maximum limit of {1}. 0x8004B02C The service component {0} has conflicting provision types. 0x8004B02D The service component {0} cannot have a provide {1} of resource type {2}. 0x8004B02E An error has occurred when deleting the organization. 0x8004B02F Can not delete enabled organization. Organization must be disabled before it can be deleted. 0x8004B030 Unable to find organization details. 0x8004B031 The organization name provided is too short. 0x8004B032 The organization name provided is too long. 0x8004B033 The unique name provided is too short. 0x8004B034 The unique name provided is too long. 0x8004B035 The unique name provided is not valid. 0x8004B036 The unique name is already reserved. 0x8004B037 Error parsing parameter {0} of type {1} with value {2} 0x8004B038 The Granularity column value is incorrect. Each rule part must be a name-value pair separated by an equal sign (=). For example: FREQ=Minutes;INTERVAL=15 0x8004B039 The QueueItem has an invalid schedule of start time {0} and end time {1}. 0x8004B040 A QueueItem cannot be scheduled to start or end in the past. 0x8004B041 This Sku specified is not valid. 0x8004b042 The custom entity limit has been reached. 0x8004b043 This import process is trying to import {0} new custom entities. This would exceed the custom entity limits for this organization. 0x8004B044 Organization migration is already underway. CRM Online Platform Email Service from 8004B520 - 8004B524 0x8005B520 An Email Error Occurred 0x8004B521 The "To" parameter is blank or null 0x8004B522 The "From" parameter is blank or null 0x8004B523 The "Subject" parameter is blank or null 0x8004B524 The "Body" parameter is blank or null CRM Online Billing from 8004B530 - 8004B53F 0x8004B530 Could not determine the right Partner certificate to use with Billing.Issuer: {0}Subject: {1}Distinguished matches: [{2}]Name matches: [{3}]All valid certificates: [{4}]. 0x8004B531 No Billing application configuration setting [{0}] was found. 0x8004B532 Billing TestConnection failed.Sent: [{0}]Received: [{1}]. 0x8004B533 Billing TestConnection exception. 0x8004B534 User Puid is required, but is null. 0x8004B535 Billing error code [{0}] was thrown with exception {1} 0x8004B536 Billing error code [{0}] was thrown with exception {1} 0x8004B537 Billing error was thrown with exception {0} 0x8004B538 Could not retrieve Billing session key: "{0}" BDK API errors 8004B540 - 8004B5BF 0x8004B553 {0}The specified Billing account is invalid.Or, although the objectID is of the correct type, the account it identifies does not exist in the system. 0x8004B55F {0}The Billing system cannot find the object (e.g. account or subscription or offering). 0x8004B567 {0}The subscription id specified is invalid.Or, although the objectID is of correct type and also points to a valid account in SCS, the subscription it identifies does not exist in SCS. 0x8004B56D {0}The calling partner does not have access to this method or when the requester does not have permission to search against the supplied search PUID. 0x8004B589 {0}Unknown server failure. 0x8004B58D {0}Billing zip code error. 0x8004B58E {0}Billing zip code error. 0x8004B58F {0}Billing token is already spent. CrmLive Config database Error Codes 8004C000 - 8004CFFF to distinguish them easily from other error codes. 0x8004C000 Missing parameter to stored procedure:{0} 0x8004C001 SQL error {0} occurred in stored procedure {1} 0x8004C002 CRM error {0} in {1}:{2} CrmLive Config database User Invitation 8004D200 8004D21F 0x8004D200 {0} -- Inviting organization not found -- {1} 0x8004D201 {0} -- Inviting user is not in the inviting organization -- {1} 0x8004D202 {0} -- Invited user is already in an organization -- {1} 0x8004D203 {0} -- The user {1} has authentication {2} and is already related to organization {3} with relation id {4} 0x8004D204 {0} -- Invitation not found or status is not Open -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} 0x8004D205 {0} -- The crm user {1} is already added, but to organization {2} instead of the inviting organization {3} 0x8004D206 {0} -- The pre-created userorg relation {1} is wrong.Authentication {2} is already used by another user 0x8004D207 {0} -- Invitation is expired -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} 0x8004D208 {0} -- Invitation has already been accepted -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} 0x8004D209 {0} -- Invitation has already been rejected by the new user-- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} 0x8004D20A {0} -- Invitation has been revoked by the organization -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} 0x8004D20B The CRM user {0} has been invited multiple times. 0x8004D20C "The invitation has status {0}." 0x8004D20D The invitation token {0} is not correctly formatted. 0x8004D20E A user with this e-mail address was not found. Sign in to Windows Live ID with the same e-mail address where you received the invitation.If you do not have a Windows Live ID, please create one using that e-mail address. 0x8004D20F The invitation cannot be sent to yourself. 0x8004D210 The invitation for the user cannot be reset. 0x8004D211 The user data could not be found. 0x8004D212 An invitation cannot be sent to a disabled user 0x8004D213 You are not a billing administrator for this organization and therefore, you cannot send invitations.You can either contact your billing administrator and ask him or her to send the invitation, or the billing administrator can visit and make you a delegate billing administrator. You can then send invitations. 0x8004D214 An invitation cannot be reset for a user if they are the only user that has the System Administrator Role. Client authentication Error Codes are defined from 8004D220 - 8004D22F to distinguish them easily from other error codes. 0x8004D221 The user signed out. 0x8004D223 Synchronization between processes failed. 0x8004D224 Authentication was canceled by the user. 0x8004D225 There is no connectivity when running in offline mode. 0x8004D226 There is no connectivity. 0x8004D227 Offline SDK calls must be made in the offline user context. AdminService Config database Error Codes are defined from 8004D230 - 8004D23F to distinguish them easily from other error codes. 0x8004D230 '{0}' with Value = ({1}) does not exist in MSCRM_CONFIG database 0x8004D231 Duplicate '{0}' with Value = ({1}) exists in MSCRM_CONFIG database 0x8004D232 Cannot delete '{0}' with Value = ({1}) in this State = ({2}) from MSCRM_CONFIG database 0x8004D233 Cannot delete '{0}' with Value = ({1}) due to child '{2}' references from MSCRM_CONFIG database 0x8004D234 Move operation would put both instances on the same server:Database = {0}Old Primary = {1}Old Secondary = {2}New Secondary = {3} 0x8004D235 Move operation would put both instances on the same server:Database = {0}Old Primary = {1}Old Secondary = {2}New Secondary = {3} 0x8004D236 Move operation failed because organization {0} is not disabled 0x8004D237 Cannot update '{0}' with Value = ({1}) in this State = ({2}) from MSCRM_CONFIG database 0x8004D238 Unknown administration target {0} 0x8004D239 Unknown administration command {0} 0x8004D23a The {1} operation failed because organization {0} is not fully disabled yet.Use FORCE to override 0x8004D23B The default {0} organization cannot be deleted from the MSCRM_CONFIG database. License related errors; 8004D240 - 8004D24F 0x80042f14 There are not enough licenses available for the number of users being activated. IDS_LICENSE_NOT_ENOUGH_TO_ACTIVATE 0x80042f09 The user has not been assigned any roles. IDS_LICENSE_NO_LICENSES 0x8004D240 Invalid license key ({0}). 0x8004D241 No license exists in MSCRM_CONFIG database. 0x8004D242 Invalid license. Invalid PID (Product Id) ({0}). 0x8004D243 Invalid license. PidGen.dll cannot be loaded from this path {0} 0x8004D244 Invalid license. Cannot generate PID (Product Id) from License key. PidGen error code ({0}). 0x8004D245 Invalid license. MPC code cannot be read from MPC.txt file with this path {0}. 0x8004D246 Invalid license. Invalid MPC code ({0}). 0x8004D247 Cannot upgrade to specified license type. 0x8004415c The trial installation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM has expired. 0x8004415d The registration period for Microsoft Dynamics CRM has expired. 0x8004415f The licensing for this installation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM has been tampered with. The system is unusable. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services. Organization related errors; 8004D250 - 8004D25F 0x8004D251 Invalid organization unique name ({0}). Reason: ({1}) 0x8004D252 Invalid organization friendly name ({0}). Reason: ({1}) Deployment SDK related errors; 8004D260 - 8004D28F 0x8004D260 Deployment Service for {0} allows the state Enabled or Disabled. Cannot set state to {1}. 0x8004D261 Deployment Service for {0} does not allow {1} operation. 0x8004D262 You cannot change the state of this server because it contains the Deployment Service server role. EndUserNotification related errors: 8004D290 - 8004D29F 0x8004D291 Cannot send Email for EndUserNotification Type: {0}. Invalid Recurrence rule related errors: ! 0x8004D2A0 Bulk Delete and Duplicate Detection recurrence must be specified as daily. See comments above, create your own section!