1.richedit 控件的容器布局基类从Container改为HorizontalLayout。可以支持相对布局,让richedit可以内嵌更复杂灵活的布局
2.richedit 增加textpadding属性,方便控制布局,控制文字和光标的输出范围,而不需要用原来的inset属性来控制光标的位置
void CRichEditUI::SetPos(RECT rc) { CControlUI::SetPos(rc); rc = m_rcItem; rc.left += m_rcInset.left; rc.top += m_rcInset.top; rc.right -= m_rcInset.right; rc.bottom -= m_rcInset.bottom; bool bVScrollBarVisiable = false; if( m_pVerticalScrollBar && m_pVerticalScrollBar->IsVisible() ) { bVScrollBarVisiable = true; rc.right -= m_pVerticalScrollBar->GetFixedWidth(); } if( m_pHorizontalScrollBar && m_pHorizontalScrollBar->IsVisible() ) { rc.bottom -= m_pHorizontalScrollBar->GetFixedHeight(); } if( m_pTwh ) { RECT rcRich = rc; rcRich.left += m_rcTextPadding.left; rcRich.right -= m_rcTextPadding.right; rcRich.top += m_rcTextPadding.top; rcRich.bottom -= m_rcTextPadding.bottom; m_pTwh->SetClientRect(&rcRich); if( bVScrollBarVisiable && (!m_pVerticalScrollBar->IsVisible() || m_bVScrollBarFixing) ) { LONG lWidth = rcRich.right - rcRich.left + m_pVerticalScrollBar->GetFixedWidth(); LONG lHeight = 0; SIZEL szExtent = { -1, -1 }; m_pTwh->GetTextServices()->TxGetNaturalSize( DVASPECT_CONTENT, GetManager()->GetPaintDC(), NULL, NULL, TXTNS_FITTOCONTENT, &szExtent, &lWidth, &lHeight); if( lHeight > rcRich.bottom - rcRich.top ) { m_pVerticalScrollBar->SetVisible(true); m_pVerticalScrollBar->SetScrollPos(0); m_bVScrollBarFixing = true; } else { if( m_bVScrollBarFixing ) { m_pVerticalScrollBar->SetVisible(false); m_bVScrollBarFixing = false; } } } } if( m_pVerticalScrollBar != NULL && m_pVerticalScrollBar->IsVisible() ) { RECT rcScrollBarPos = { rc.right, rc.top, rc.right + m_pVerticalScrollBar->GetFixedWidth(), rc.bottom}; m_pVerticalScrollBar->SetPos(rcScrollBarPos); } if( m_pHorizontalScrollBar != NULL && m_pHorizontalScrollBar->IsVisible() ) { RECT rcScrollBarPos = { rc.left, rc.bottom, rc.right, rc.bottom + m_pHorizontalScrollBar->GetFixedHeight()}; m_pHorizontalScrollBar->SetPos(rcScrollBarPos); } // 注释掉原来的布局代码 // for( int it = 0; it < m_items.GetSize(); it++ ) { // CControlUI* pControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(m_items[it]); // if( !pControl->IsVisible() ) continue; // if( pControl->IsFloat() ) { // SetFloatPos(it); // } // else { // pControl->SetPos(rc); // 所有非float子控件放大到整个客户区 // } // } // 替换为新的布局控制代码 SIZE szAvailable = { rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top }; if( m_pHorizontalScrollBar && m_pHorizontalScrollBar->IsVisible() ) szAvailable.cx += m_pHorizontalScrollBar->GetScrollRange(); int nAdjustables = 0; int cxFixed = 0; int nEstimateNum = 0; for( int it1 = 0; it1 < m_items.GetSize(); it1++ ) { CControlUI* pControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(m_items[it1]); if( !pControl->IsVisible() ) continue; if( pControl->IsFloat() ) continue; SIZE sz = pControl->EstimateSize(szAvailable); if( sz.cx == 0 ) { nAdjustables++; } else { if( sz.cx < pControl->GetMinWidth() ) sz.cx = pControl->GetMinWidth(); if( sz.cx > pControl->GetMaxWidth() ) sz.cx = pControl->GetMaxWidth(); } cxFixed += sz.cx + pControl->GetPadding().left + pControl->GetPadding().right; nEstimateNum++; } cxFixed += (nEstimateNum - 1) * m_iChildPadding; int cxExpand = 0; int cxNeeded = 0; if( nAdjustables > 0 ) cxExpand = MAX(0, (szAvailable.cx - cxFixed) / nAdjustables); // Position the elements SIZE szRemaining = szAvailable; int iPosX = rc.left; if( m_pHorizontalScrollBar && m_pHorizontalScrollBar->IsVisible() ) { iPosX -= m_pHorizontalScrollBar->GetScrollPos(); } int iAdjustable = 0; int cxFixedRemaining = cxFixed; for( int it2 = 0; it2 < m_items.GetSize(); it2++ ) { CControlUI* pControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(m_items[it2]); if( !pControl->IsVisible() ) continue; if( pControl->IsFloat() ) { SetFloatPos(it2); continue; } RECT rcPadding = pControl->GetPadding(); szRemaining.cx -= rcPadding.left; SIZE sz = pControl->EstimateSize(szRemaining); if( sz.cx == 0 ) { iAdjustable++; sz.cx = cxExpand; // Distribute remaining to last element (usually round-off left-overs) if( iAdjustable == nAdjustables ) { sz.cx = MAX(0, szRemaining.cx - rcPadding.right - cxFixedRemaining); } if( sz.cx < pControl->GetMinWidth() ) sz.cx = pControl->GetMinWidth(); if( sz.cx > pControl->GetMaxWidth() ) sz.cx = pControl->GetMaxWidth(); } else { if( sz.cx < pControl->GetMinWidth() ) sz.cx = pControl->GetMinWidth(); if( sz.cx > pControl->GetMaxWidth() ) sz.cx = pControl->GetMaxWidth(); cxFixedRemaining -= sz.cx; } sz.cy = pControl->GetFixedHeight(); if( sz.cy == 0 ) sz.cy = rc.bottom - rc.top - rcPadding.top - rcPadding.bottom; if( sz.cy < 0 ) sz.cy = 0; if( sz.cy < pControl->GetMinHeight() ) sz.cy = pControl->GetMinHeight(); if( sz.cy > pControl->GetMaxHeight() ) sz.cy = pControl->GetMaxHeight(); RECT rcCtrl = { iPosX + rcPadding.left, rc.top + rcPadding.top, iPosX + sz.cx + rcPadding.left + rcPadding.right, rc.top + rcPadding.top + sz.cy}; pControl->SetPos(rcCtrl); iPosX += sz.cx + m_iChildPadding + rcPadding.left + rcPadding.right; cxNeeded += sz.cx + rcPadding.left + rcPadding.right; szRemaining.cx -= sz.cx + m_iChildPadding + rcPadding.right; } cxNeeded += (nEstimateNum - 1) * m_iChildPadding; //reddrain if( m_pHorizontalScrollBar != NULL ) { if( cxNeeded > rc.right - rc.left ) { if( m_pHorizontalScrollBar->IsVisible() ) { m_pHorizontalScrollBar->SetScrollRange(cxNeeded - (rc.right - rc.left)); } else { m_pHorizontalScrollBar->SetVisible(true); m_pHorizontalScrollBar->SetScrollRange(cxNeeded - (rc.right - rc.left)); m_pHorizontalScrollBar->SetScrollPos(0); rc.bottom -= m_pHorizontalScrollBar->GetFixedHeight(); } } else { if( m_pHorizontalScrollBar->IsVisible() ) { m_pHorizontalScrollBar->SetVisible(false); m_pHorizontalScrollBar->SetScrollRange(0); m_pHorizontalScrollBar->SetScrollPos(0); rc.bottom += m_pHorizontalScrollBar->GetFixedHeight(); } } } //redrain }
<RichEdit name="Edt_Title_Search" rich="false" multiline="false" font="0" text="张学友 童真年代" height="27" textpadding="9,3,35,5" textcolor="#646464" bkcolor="#00FFFFFF" bkimage="UI\title\edit.png" > <Control height="1"/> <Button name="Btn_Title_Search" width="33" height="27" normalimage="UI\title\search_normal.png" hotimage="UI\title\search_hover.png" pushedimage="UI\title\search_down.png" /> </RichEdit>
RECT GetTextPadding() const; void SetTextPadding(RECT rc);
RECT m_rcTextPadding;
else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, _T("textpadding")) == 0 ) { RECT rcTextPadding = { 0 }; LPTSTR pstr = NULL; rcTextPadding.left = _tcstol(pstrValue, &pstr, 10); ASSERT(pstr); rcTextPadding.top = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); ASSERT(pstr); rcTextPadding.right = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); ASSERT(pstr); rcTextPadding.bottom = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); ASSERT(pstr); SetTextPadding(rcTextPadding); }
1、 首先还是成员函数和成员变量:
LPCTSTR GetNormalImage(); void SetNormalImage(LPCTSTR pStrImage); LPCTSTR GetHotImage(); void SetHotImage(LPCTSTR pStrImage); LPCTSTR GetFocusedImage(); void SetFocusedImage(LPCTSTR pStrImage); LPCTSTR GetDisabledImage(); void SetDisabledImage(LPCTSTR pStrImage); void PaintStatusImage(HDC hDC);
CDuiString m_sNormalImage; CDuiString m_sHotImage; CDuiString m_sFocusedImage; CDuiString m_sDisabledImage;
LPCTSTR CRichEditUI::GetNormalImage() { return m_sNormalImage; } void CRichEditUI::SetNormalImage(LPCTSTR pStrImage) { m_sNormalImage = pStrImage; Invalidate(); } LPCTSTR CRichEditUI::GetHotImage() { return m_sHotImage; } void CRichEditUI::SetHotImage(LPCTSTR pStrImage) { m_sHotImage = pStrImage; Invalidate(); } LPCTSTR CRichEditUI::GetFocusedImage() { return m_sFocusedImage; } void CRichEditUI::SetFocusedImage(LPCTSTR pStrImage) { m_sFocusedImage = pStrImage; Invalidate(); } LPCTSTR CRichEditUI::GetDisabledImage() { return m_sDisabledImage; } void CRichEditUI::SetDisabledImage(LPCTSTR pStrImage) { m_sDisabledImage = pStrImage; Invalidate(); } RECT CRichEditUI::GetTextPadding() const { return m_rcTextPadding; } void CRichEditUI::SetTextPadding(RECT rc) { m_rcTextPadding = rc; Invalidate(); } void CRichEditUI::PaintStatusImage(HDC hDC) { if( IsFocused() ) m_uButtonState |= UISTATE_FOCUSED; else m_uButtonState &= ~ UISTATE_FOCUSED; if( !IsEnabled() ) m_uButtonState |= UISTATE_DISABLED; else m_uButtonState &= ~ UISTATE_DISABLED; if( (m_uButtonState & UISTATE_DISABLED) != 0 ) { if( !m_sDisabledImage.IsEmpty() ) { if( !DrawImage(hDC, (LPCTSTR)m_sDisabledImage) ) m_sDisabledImage.Empty(); else return; } } else if( (m_uButtonState & UISTATE_FOCUSED) != 0 ) { if( !m_sFocusedImage.IsEmpty() ) { if( !DrawImage(hDC, (LPCTSTR)m_sFocusedImage) ) m_sFocusedImage.Empty(); else return; } } else if( (m_uButtonState & UISTATE_HOT ) != 0 ) { if( !m_sHotImage.IsEmpty() ) { if( !DrawImage(hDC, (LPCTSTR)m_sHotImage) ) m_sHotImage.Empty(); else return; } } if( !m_sNormalImage.IsEmpty() ) { if( !DrawImage(hDC, (LPCTSTR)m_sNormalImage) ) m_sNormalImage.Empty(); else return; } }
else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, _T("normalimage")) == 0 ) SetNormalImage(pstrValue); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, _T("hotimage")) == 0 ) SetHotImage(pstrValue); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, _T("focusedimage")) == 0 ) SetFocusedImage(pstrValue); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, _T("disabledimage")) == 0 ) SetDisabledImage(pstrValue);
UINT m_uButtonState;
else if( event.Type == UIEVENT_MOUSEMOVE ) <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>{ <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>if( IsEnabled() ) { <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>m_uButtonState |= UISTATE_HOT; <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Invalidate(); <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>} <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>return; <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>} <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>else if( event.Type == UIEVENT_BUTTONUP ) <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>{ <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>return; } <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>else if( event.Type == UIEVENT_MOUSEENTER ) <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>{ <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>if( IsEnabled() ) { <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>m_uButtonState |= UISTATE_HOT; <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Invalidate(); <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>} <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>return; <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>} <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>else if( event.Type == UIEVENT_MOUSELEAVE ) <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>{ <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>if( IsEnabled() ) { <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>m_uButtonState &= ~UISTATE_HOT; <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Invalidate(); <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>} <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>return; <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>}
Redrain 2014.11.17