php 时间日期工具类


DateTimeUtils::timeFromNow(strtotime("2012-10-26 14:15:13"));
class DateTimeUtils {
	 * Checks for leap year, returns true if it is. No 2-digit year check. Also
	 * handles julian calendar correctly.
	 * @param integer $year year to check
	 * @return boolean true if is leap year
	public static function isLeapYear($year)
		$year = self::digitCheck($year);
		if ($year % 4 != 0)
		return false;

		if ($year % 400 == 0)
		return true;
		// if gregorian calendar (>1582), century not-divisible by 400 is not leap
		else if ($year > 1582 && $year % 100 == 0)
		return false;
		return true;

	 * Fix 2-digit years. Works for any century.
	 * Assumes that if 2-digit is more than 30 years in future, then previous century.
	 * @param integer $y year
	 * @return integer change two digit year into multiple digits
	protected static function digitCheck($y)
		if ($y < 100){
			$yr = (integer) date("Y");
			$century = (integer) ($yr /100);

			if ($yr%100 > 50) {
				$c1 = $century + 1;
				$c0 = $century;
			} else {
				$c1 = $century;
				$c0 = $century - 1;
			$c1 *= 100;
			// if 2-digit year is less than 30 years in future, set it to this century
			// otherwise if more than 30 years in future, then we set 2-digit year to the prev century.
			if (($y + $c1) < $yr+30) $y = $y + $c1;
			else $y = $y + $c0*100;
		return $y;

	 * Returns 4-digit representation of the year.
	 * @param integer $y year
	 * @return integer 4-digit representation of the year
	public static function get4DigitYear($y)
		return self::digitCheck($y);
	 * Checks to see if the year, month, day are valid combination.
	 * @param integer $y year
	 * @param integer $m month
	 * @param integer $d day
	 * @return boolean true if valid date, semantic check only.
	public static function isValidDate($y,$m,$d)
		return checkdate($m, $d, $y);

	public static function checkDate($date, $separator = "-") { //检查日期是否合法日期
		$dateArr = explode ($separator, $date);
		return self::isValidDate ($dateArr[0], $dateArr[1], $dateArr[2]);
	 * Checks to see if the hour, minute and second are valid.
	 * @param integer $h hour
	 * @param integer $m minute
	 * @param integer $s second
	 * @param boolean $hs24 whether the hours should be 0 through 23 (default) or 1 through 12.
	 * @return boolean true if valid date, semantic check only.
	 * @since 1.0.5
	public static function isValidTime($h,$m,$s,$hs24=true)
		if($hs24 && ($h < 0 || $h > 23) || !$hs24 && ($h < 1 || $h > 12)) return false;
		if($m > 59 || $m < 0) return false;
		if($s > 59 || $s < 0) return false;
		return true;

	public static function checkTime($time, $separator = ":") { //检查时间是否合法时间
		$timeArr = explode($separator, $time);
		return self::isValidTime($timeArr[0], $timeArr[1],$timeArr[2]);

	public static function addDate($date, $int, $unit = "d") { //日期的增加
		$value = array('y'=>'', 'm'=>'', 'd'=>'');
		$dateArr = explode ( "-", $date);
		if(array_key_exists($unit, $value)){
			$value[$unit] = $int;
			return false;
		return date ("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $dateArr[1] + $value['m'], $dateArr[2] + $value['d'], $dateArr[0] +$value['y']));

	public static function addDateTime($date, $int, $unit = "d") { //日期的增加
		$value = array('y'=>'', 'm'=>'', 'd'=>'', 'h'=>'', 'i'=>'');
		$dateArr = preg_split ( "/-|\s|:/", $date);
		if(array_key_exists($unit, $value)){
			$value[$unit] = $int;
			return false;
		return date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime($dateArr[3]+ $value['h'], $dateArr[4]+ $value['i'], $dateArr[5], $dateArr[1] + $value['m'], $dateArr[2] + $value['d'], $dateArr[0] + $value['y']));

	public static function addDayTimestamp($ntime, $aday) { //取当前时间后几天,天数增加单位为1
		$dayst = 3600 * 24;
		$oktime = $ntime + ($aday * $dayst);
		return $oktime;

	public static function dateDiff($begin, $end, $unit = "d") { //时间比较函数,返回两个日期相差几秒、几分钟、几小时或几天
		$diff = strtotime($end) - strtotime($begin);
			case "y": $retval = bcdiv($diff, (60 * 60 * 24 * 365)); break;
			case "m": $retval = bcdiv($diff, (60 * 60 * 24 * 30)); break;
			case "w": $retval = bcdiv($diff, (60 * 60 * 24 * 7)); break;
			case "d": $retval = bcdiv($diff, (60 * 60 * 24)); break;
			case "h": $retval = bcdiv($diff, (60 * 60)); break;
			case "i": $retval = bcdiv($diff, 60); break;
			case "s": $retval = $diff; break;
		return $retval;

	public static function getWeekDay($date, $separator = "-") { //计算出给出的日期是星期几
		$dateArr = explode ($separator, $date);
		return date ("w", mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $dateArr[1], $dateArr[2], $dateArr[0]));

	public static function timeFromNow($dateline) { //让日期显示为:XX天XX年以前
		if(empty($dateline)) return false;
		$seconds = time() - $dateline;
		if($seconds < 60){
			return "1分钟前";
		}elseif($seconds < 3600){
			return floor($seconds/60)."分钟前";
		}elseif($seconds  < 24*3600){
			return floor($seconds/3600)."小时前";
		}elseif($seconds < 48*3600){
			return date("昨天 H:i", $dateline)."";
			return date('Y-m-d', $dateline);

	public static function transDateToChs($date) {
		if (empty ($date)) return '今日';
		$dates = date ('Y年m月d日', strtotime ($date));
		return $dates;

	// 08/31/2004 => 2004-08-31
	public static function TransDateUI($datestr, $type = 'Y-m-d') {
		if ($datestr == Null)
		return Null;
		$target = $datestr;
		$arr_date = preg_split ( "/\//", $target);
		$monthstr = $arr_date[0];
		$daystr = $arr_date[1];
		$yearstr = $arr_date[2];
		$result = date ($type, mktime (0, 0, 0, $monthstr, $daystr, $yearstr));
		return $result;

	// 12/20/2004 10:55 AM => 2004-12-20 10:55:00
	public static function TransDateTimeUI($datestr, $type = 'Y-m-d H:i:s') {
		if ($datestr == Null)
		return Null;
		$target = $datestr;
		$arr_date = preg_split ( "/\/|\s|:/", $target);
		$monthstr = $arr_date[0];
		$daystr = $arr_date[1];
		$yearstr = $arr_date[2];
		$hourstr = $arr_date[3];
		$minutesstr = $arr_date[4];
		$result = date ($type, mktime ($hourstr, $minutesstr, 0, $monthstr, $daystr, $yearstr));
		return $result;
