1.使用Row_number() over(order by columnName)函数来作为标示分页(下面的例子都是以last_seen来排序的,要求取顺序为20-30行的数据)
SELECT Username,real_filename,Row_number() over (order by last_seen desc) as rn INTO #tempTable from Allftplog
SELECT * FROM #tempTable where rn between 20 and 30;
SELECT Username,real_filename,IDENTITY(int,1,1) as rn into #tempTable from Allftplog order by last_seen desc;
SELECT * FROM #tempTable where rn between 20 and 30;
3.使用With AS() 来生成临时表
With UNIT AS(SELECT Row_number() over (order by last_seen desc) as rn ,Username,real_filename from Allftplog);
select * from UNIT where rn between 20 and 30