jackluo@jackluo:~$ git config --global user.name "jackluo"
jackluo@jackluo:~$ git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
jackluo@jackluo:~$ git config --global color.ui true
jackluo@jackluo:~$ git config --global color.ui true
jackluo@jackluo:~$ git config --global core.editor "vi"
$ mkdir sandbox
$ cd sandbox
$ git init
第一次 commit (demo):
$ touch README
$ git add README
$ git status
$ git commit -m "First Commit"
编辑README 做些变更
$ git status
$ git diff
$ git add .
$ git status
$ git diff --cached
$ git commit -m "Update README"
只Commit 部分档案(demo)
$ touch a.rb
$ touch b.rb
$ git add a.rb
$ git commit "update a"
$ git add b.rb
$ git commit "update b"
修改 a.rb
$ git add a.rb
再次修改 a.rb
git commit -m "commit a"
这时commit 的内容是第一次修改当时的内容而已
只commit 同一档案部分内容(demo)
$ git add --patch
-y 加到staging
-n 不要加到staging
-s 查以折小一点hunk
或者用 GUI 例如gitx 来选取
$ git rm a.rb
$ git mv b.rb c.rb
$ git add .
$ git commit "Remove a ,Rename b to c"
没有copy ?因为Git 是追跟内容,你只要cp 即可,不用担心浪费空间.
revert (还原 commit 记录)
新增一笔 commit 来做还原
例如本来的commit 是新增一行,那么revert commit 就会移除那一行
$ git revert
$ git revert HEAD^
$ git tag foo
$ git tag foo <SHAI>
$ git tag bar -m "some message"
$ git tag
$ git tag -d foo
$ git log
$ git log --oneline
$ git log --oneline --decorate --graph
git log 很多参数可以用,可以用GUI
git diff <SHAI>拿 working ree 比较
砍掉 untracked 档案
git clean -n 列出打算要清除的档案
git clean -f 真的清除
git clean -x 连 gitignore 里列的档案也要清掉
Git 建立Local Repository
- $ mkdir project; cd project
- $ git init
- $ echo "hello" > hello.txt
- $ git add .
- $ git commit -m 'initial'
Git clone 资料, 资料修改后上传
- $ git clone http://git.example.com/project.git
- $ cd project
- $ touch new_file.txt
- $ git add .
- $ git commit -m 'add new_file.txt'
- $ git push origin master
- $ git pull # 拉看看有没有更新
Git clone 资料, 资料修改后上传.(分两个目录测试)
- $ mkdir /tmp/a /tmp/b
- $ cd /tmp/a
- $ git clone http://example.com/project_name.git
- $ cd /tmp/b
- $ git clone http://example.com/project_name.git
- $ echo "hello" > hello.html
- $ git add hello.html
- $ git commit -m 'add hello.html' # local commit.
- $ git push # 推到Server 上.
- $ cd /tmp/a
- $ git pull # 会看到hello.html
Local Repository
建立Local Repository 测试
- $ mkdir test; cd test
- $ git init
建立新的branch (new-branch), 并于branch 去新增档案
- $ git branch new-branch # master
- $ git branch # master
* master
- $ git checkout new-branch # 切换到新的branch
- $ git branch # new-branch
* new-branch
测试Git staging area (git add . 之后的修改, 不会被commit 进去)
- $ touch new-branch_file.txt # new-branch
- $ git add . # new-branch
- $ echo "contents." > new-branch_file.txt # new-branch
- $ git commit # new-branch, commit的new-branch_file.txt会是空的,因为修改是在
git add .
修改过的资料, 不要commit, 想直接切换到master(使用Git stash 将修改纪录暂存, 将目前new-branch 的资料merge 到mastermaster)
- $ git status # new-branch, 会显示new-branch_file.txt 有修改, 尚未commit.
- $ git checkout master # new-branch, 切换回master, 会出现错误: "You have local changes"
- $ git stash # new-branch, 先把修改的先暂存下来, 先不commit, 之后取出可用git stash pop 或git stash apply
- $ git status # new-branch, 会显示nothing to commit (暂时先不丢进commit 里面)
- $ git checkout master # master
- $ git merge new-branch # master, 会将new-branch_file.txt 的空档案合并进来.
Git 于master 将档案砍掉, branch 是否还能存取此档案.
- $ ls # master, master_file.txt, new-branch_file.txt
- $ rm new-branch_file.txt # master, 删掉此档案
- $ git checkout new-branch # master, 切换到new-branch, 会出现错误: "pathspec 'branch' did not match any file(s) known to git."
- $ git stash # 先把修改的部份存起来(砍掉new-branch_file.txt)
- $ ls # master, 此时new-branch_file.txt 出现了. (因为尚未commit, stash 的动作并未做写入)
- $ git stash pop # master, 回复刚刚砍掉的状态, new-branch_file.txt 就消失了.
- $ git commit -m 'delete new-branch_file.txt in master' -a # 先砍掉.
切换到Branch, 去跟master 做Merge
- $ git checkout new-branch
- $ git stash pop # new-branch
- $ git merge master # new-branch, 错误: "Entry 'new-branch_file.txt' not uptodate. Cannot merge.", 因为档案有修改.
- $ git diff master # 与master 做diff, 发现/dev/null vs file, 所以要把此档案砍掉.
- $ rm new-branch_file.txt
- $ git merge master # new-branch, 合并完成
- $ ls # new-branch, 只剩master_file.txt 这个档案
由branch(new-branch) 环境和Master 分别建立新的branch (from-branch, from-master), 并测试未commit 资料状况, 新branch 的状态.
- $ touch new-branch_file.txt # new-branch, 测试未commit 资料状况, 新branch 的状态.
- $ git branch from-branch new-branch # new-branch, 会将new-branch 目前所有状态和资料都复制过去
- $ git checkout from-branch # from-branch
- $ git status # from-branch, 会看到new-branch_file.txt, 且这个档案尚未commit.
- $ git branch from-master master # from-branch, 依照master 开from-master 的branch
- $ git branch # from-branch
* new-branch
- $ git branch -d from-master # from-branch, 砍掉from-master 的branch
- $ git checkout -b from-master master # from-branch, 建立from-master 的branch, 并同时切换过去.
- $ git branch # from-master
* from-master
测试由Repository 还原档案内容
- $ echo "test" > master_file.txt
- $ git checkout master_file.txt # 还原回空档案(Repository 的版本是空档案)
git pull 出现error: Entry 'filename' not uptodate. Cannot merge. 解法
- git stash # 目前目录有修改的资料, 先丢进暂存区
- git pull # 合并拉下来的修改
- git stash pop # 将修改的暂存区资料取出
- 去看unmerge 的部份, 修改完成commit + push 即可.
Repository 测试
建立local 端master
- $ mkdir /tmp/a /tmp/b
- $ cd /tmp/a
- $ git clone http://git.example.com/project.git
- $ cd project/
- $ touch master-file
- $ git add .
- $ git commit -m 'add master-file'
- $ git push origin master
- $ git pull
- $ cd /tmp/b # 由此处来建立branch
- $ git clone http://git.example.com/project.git
建立Repository 的branch
- $ git pull
- $ git push origin origin:refs/heads/reps-branch
- $ git fetch origin # 更新到最新版本(origin 是Repository 的版本)
- $ git branch -r
- $ git checkout --track -b reps-branch origin/reps-branch # 抓取reps-branch, 并将此branch 建立于local 的reps-branch
- $ git pull
- $ git branch
* reps-branch
A 操作, 新增一个档案, commit 进入reps-branch, 于reps-branch commit
- $ cd /tmp/a/project
- $ git pull
- $ git push origin origin:refs/heads/reps-branch
- $ git fetch origin
- $ git branch -r
- $ git checkout --track -b reps-branch origin/reps-branch # 抓取reps-branch, 并将此branch 建立于local 的reps-branch
- $ git pull
- $ git branch
* reps-branch
- $ touch reps-branch.txt
- $ git add reps-branch.txt
- $ git commit -m 'add reps-branch.txt'
- $ git push
- $ git pull
B 抓取reps-branch, 并修改资料, 再抓取reps 的branch
- $ cd /tmp/b/project
- $ git clone http://git.example.com/project.git
- $ cd project
- $ git fetch origin
- $ git pull
- $ git checkout --track -b reps-branch origin/reps-branch # 丢到reps-branch 去
- $ vim reps-branch.txt # 随便加些内容
- $ git add reps-branch.txt
- $ git commit -m 'add some content'
- $ git push
- $ git pull
A 操作, 更新, 会抓到B commit 的资料(于reps-branch)
- $ cd /tmp/a/project
- $ git pull # 更新reps-branch.txt 内的资料(B commit 的)