#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString a = "love"; a.append(" chess"); a.prepend("I "); out << a << endl; out << "The a string has " << a.count() << " characters" << endl; out << a.toUpper() << endl; out << a.toLower() << endl; return 0; }
$ ./basic I love chess The a string has 12 characters I LOVE CHESS i love chess
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString str1 = "The night train"; out << str1 << endl; QString str2("A yellow rose"); out << str2 << endl; std::string s1 = "A blue sky"; QString str3 = s1.c_str(); out << str3 << endl; std::string s2 = "A thick fog"; QString str4 = QString::fromAscii(s2.data(), s2.size()); out << str4 << endl; char s3[] = "A deep forest"; QString str5(s3); out << str5 << endl; return 0; }
$ ./init The night train A yellow rose A blue sky A thick fog A deep forest
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString a = "Eagle"; out << a[0] << endl; out << a[4] << endl; out << a.at(0) << endl; if (a.at(5).isNull()) { out << "Outside the range of the string" << endl; } return 0; }
$ ./access E e E Outside the range of the string
#include <QTextStream> int main() { QTextStream out(stdout); QString s1 = "Eagle"; QString s2 = "Eagle\n"; QString s3 = "Eagle "; QString s4 = "орел"; out << s1.length() << endl; out << s2.length() << endl; out << s3.length() << endl; out << s4.length() << endl; return 0; }
$ ./length 5 6 6 8
#include <QTextStream> int main() { QTextStream out(stdout); QString s1 = "There are %1 white roses"; int n = 12; out << s1.arg(n) << endl; QString s2 = "The tree is %1m high"; double h = 5.65; out << s2.arg(h) << endl; QString s3 = "We have %1 lemons and %2 oranges"; int ln = 12; int on = 4; out << s3.arg(ln).arg(on) << endl; return 0; }
$ ./interpolation There are 12 white roses The tree is 5.65m high We have 12 lemons and 4 oranges
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString str = "The night train"; out << str.right(5) << endl; out << str.left(9) << endl; out << str.mid(4, 5) << endl; QString str2("The big apple"); QStringRef sub(&str2, 0, 7); out << sub.toString() << endl; return 0; }
$ ./substrings train The night night The big
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString str = "There are many stars."; foreach (QChar qc, str) { out << qc << " "; } out << endl; for (QChar *it=str.begin(); it!=str.end(); ++it) { out << *it << " " ; } out << endl; for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { out << str.at(i) << " "; } out << endl; return 0; }
$ ./looping T h e r e a r e m a n y s t a r s . T h e r e a r e m a n y s t a r s . T h e r e a r e m a n y s t a r s .
#include <QTextStream> #define STR_EQUAL 0 int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString a = "Rain"; QString b = "rain"; QString c = "rain\n"; if (QString::compare(a, b) == STR_EQUAL) { out << "a, b are equal" << endl; } else { out << "a, b are not equal" << endl; } out << "In case insensitive comparison:" << endl; if (QString::compare(a, b, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == STR_EQUAL) { out << "a, b are equal" << endl; } else { out << "a, b are not equal" << endl; } if (QString::compare(b, c) == STR_EQUAL) { out << "b, c are equal" << endl; } else { out << "b, c are not equal" << endl; } c.chop(1); out << "After removing the new line character" << endl; if (QString::compare(b, c) == STR_EQUAL) { out << "b, c are equal" << endl; } else { out << "b, c are not equal" << endl; } return 0; }
$ ./comparing a, b are not equal In case insensitive comparison: a, b are equal b, c are not equal After removing the new line character b, c are equal
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString s1 = "12"; QString s2 = "15"; QString s3, s4; out << s1.toInt() + s2.toInt() << endl; int n1 = 30; int n2 = 40; out << s3.setNum(n1) + s4.setNum(n2) << endl; return 0; }
$ ./converts 27 3040
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); int digits = 0; int letters = 0; int spaces = 0; int puncts = 0; QString str = "7 white, 3 red roses."; foreach(QChar s, str) { if (s.isDigit()) { digits++; } else if (s.isLetter()) { letters++; } else if (s.isSpace()) { spaces++; } else if (s.isPunct()) { puncts++; } } out << QString("There are %1 characters").arg(str.count()) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 letters").arg(letters) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 digits").arg(digits) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 spaces").arg(spaces) << endl; out << QString("There are %1 punctuation characters").arg(puncts) << endl; return 0; }
$ ./letters There are 21 characters There are 13 letters There are 2 digits There are 4 spaces There are 2 punctuation characters
#include <QTextStream> int main(void) { QTextStream out(stdout); QString str = "Lovely"; str.append(" season"); out << str << endl; str.remove(10, 3); out << str << endl; str.replace(7, 3, "girl"); out << str << endl; str.clear(); if (str.isEmpty()) { out << "The string is empty" << endl; } return 0; }
$ ./modify Lovely season Lovely sea Lovely girl The string is empty