



It was finished. 这件事已经完成了。

The ceremony was ended. 仪式已经结束了。

The glass was broken. 玻璃碎了。

The difficulties have been overcome, the work has been finished and the problem solved. 困难克服了,工作完成了,问题也解决了。


The village was washed away by the flood. 村庄让洪水冲走了。

This city was devastated by the earthquake. 这座城市在地震中遭到重创。

On the day before he was killed 在他遇害前一天

She is always intoxicated with sweet words.她总是为花言巧语所迷惑。

I was recommended by a professor. 我是由一位教授推荐过来的。


The tree was blown down by the wind.风把树刮倒了。

These questions should not be confused.不要把这些问题混在一起。


The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by a generator. 利用发电机,可以将(把)机械能再变回电能。

Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the aircraft is to be manufactured. 要制造飞机,就必须考虑空气阻力问题。


The speed of wind is expressed in meters by second.风速是用秒米表示的。

I was recommended by a professor. 推荐我的是一位教授。

The first clock with weights and wheels is said to have been invented about the year 1000A.D. 据说,第一座有钟摆和齿轮的钟大约是在公元1000年左右发明的。


But compensation shall be made for malicious damage caused to another person by a trademarkregistrant. 但是,因商标注册人的恶意给他人造成损失的,应当予以赔偿。

This problem must be dealt with at the appropriate time. 这一问题必须适时予以处理。


I was recommended by a professor. 我是由一位教授推荐过来的。

Another four hundred and fifty years passed before the first watch was made in Germany.又过了450年,第一块表才在德国制造出来。


The ceremony was abbreviated by rain.因为下雨,所以仪式提前结束了。

这个思路其实还蛮常见的,比如be driven by, be caused by, be pushed by, be catalyzed by很多时候都是处理成因果关系的所,比如:

The world’s winds are driven in large part by the temperature difference between the poles and the tropics. 世界上的风很大程度上是因两级和热带地区的温差而形成的。


Better my life should be ended by their hate, than that hated life should be prolonged to live without your love.我宁可死在他们的仇恨中,也不愿意延长这可恨的生命而得不到你的爱。


Voices were heard calling for help.


He has often ,not always justly, been accused of indecisiveness.


it is widely known that...众所周知


Clocks of that kind could not be carried about from place to place. 这样的钟不便携带。

Last night, I was covered up with two quilts. 昨晚我盖了两条被子。

The ancient civilization ofAtlantis was rediscovered. 亚特兰蒂斯古文明重见天日。

He has been pursued, day by day , and year by year, by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness. 日复一日,年复一年,他始终吉星高照,令人惊异不已。

