verilog中 case写法避免写default的巧妙写法

always @(*) begin
	out = '1;		// '1 is a special literal syntax for a number with all bits set to 1.
					// '0, 'x, and 'z are also valid.
					// I prefer to assign a default value to 'out' instead of using a
					// default case.
	case (sel)
		4'h0: out = a;
		4'h1: out = b;
		4'h2: out = c;
		4'h3: out = d;
		4'h4: out = e;
		4'h5: out = f;
		4'h6: out = g;
		4'h7: out = h;
		4'h8: out = i;
