We need some way to actually get data from the filesystem so we can process it, and write it back when we’re done
use std::fs;
std::fs::read_to_string returns a Result
If the function succeeds, it produces a String. If it fails, it produces a std::io::Error, the standard library’s type for representing I/O problems.
fn main() {
let args = parse_args();
let data = match fs::read_to_string(&args.filename) { Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("{} failed to read from file '{}': {:?}",
"Error:".red().bold(), args.filename, e);
} };
match fs::write(&args.output, &data) { Ok(_) => {},
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("{} failed to write to file '{}': {:?}",
"Error:".red().bold(), args.filename, e);
} };
The final touch for this program is to implement its actual functionality: finding and replacing. For this, we’ll use the regex crate, which compiles and executes regular expressions. It provides a struct called Regex, which represents a compiled regular expression. Regex has a method replace_all, which does exactly what it says: it searches a string for all matches of the regular expression and replaces each one with a given replacement string. We can pull this logic out into a function:
这个程序的最后一步是实现它的实际功能:查找和替换。为此,我们将使用regex crate,它编译并执行正则表达式。它提供了一个名为Regex的结构体,它表示编译后的正则表达式。Regex有一个方法replace_all,它所做的正是它所说的:它在字符串中搜索正则表达式的所有匹配项,并用给定的替换字符串替换每个匹配项。我们可以把这个逻辑放到一个函数中:
use regex::Regex;
fn replace(target: &str, replacement: &str, text: &str)
-> Result<String, regex::Error>
let regex = Regex::new(target)?;
Ok(regex.replace_all(text, replacement).to_string())
fn main() {
let args = parse_args();
let data = match fs::read_to_string(&args.filename) { Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("{} failed to read from file '{}': {:?}",
"Error:".red().bold(), args.filename, e);
} };
let replaced_data = match replace(&args.target, &args.replacement, &data) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("{} failed to replace text: {:?}",
"Error:".red().bold(), e);
match fs::write(&args.output, &replaced_data) { Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("{} failed to write to file '{}': {:?}",
"Error:".red().bold(), args.filename, e);
} };
$ echo "Hello, world" > test.txt
$ cargo run "world" "Rust" test.txt test-modified.txt
$ cat test-modified.txt
Hello, Rust