using maven and eclipse created a mutiple module project

using maven and eclipse created a mutiple module project

using maven and eclipse created a mutiple module project 

Mysn is created as a mutiple module project. It is devided tomysn-model-core,mysn-dao-core,mysn-service-core,and mysn-web-coremodule.This article will show you how to create a multiple moduleproject with maven and eclipse.

System environment
J2SE 5.0
eclipse 3.1.1 with wtp 1.0 plugin.
Maven 2.0
Create the mysn project
Set up a new eclipse workspace called mysn. I set the newly created workspace to "F:myfilemysn".
add the M2_REPO classpath by executing the following command:
mvn -Declipse.workspace=F:myfilemysn eclipse:add-maven-repo
Open the command line shell and change to the newly created workspace directory.
Create a new maven project using the archetype plugin.Execute the following command in command line shell:
mvn archetype:create -DartifactId=mysn
Create a new simple project mysn inside the mysn workspace with eclipse (From the menu bar, select File >New >Project. Select Simple >Project). Eclipse will create a simple .project-file for your mysn project and you should be able to see the pom.xml-file.
Delete the src-folder and open the pom.xml-file to change the packaging of your parent project to pom

Inside the workspace directory and create some modules.
cd mysnmvn archetype:create -DartifactId=mysn-model-coremvn archetype:create -DartifactId=mysn-dao-coremvn archetype:create -DartifactId=mysn-service-coremvn archetype:create -DartifactId=mysn-web-core -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp
Note: the mysn-web-core module is created as a webapp project.

Add the newly created modules to your parent pom.
../mysn-model-core ../mysn-dao-core ../mysn-service-core ../mysn-web-core
Add the parent to the POMs of the new modules: mysn 1.0-SNAPSHOT
Add dependency from module1 to the mysn-dao-core: mysn-model-core 1.0-SNAPSHOT
Add dependency from module1 to the mysn-service-core: mysn-dao-core 1.0-SNAPSHOT
Add dependency from module1 to the mysn-web-core: mysn-service-core 1.0-SNAPSHOT
Install the project in your local repository and generate the eclipse files:
mvn installmvn eclipse:eclipse
Open the command line shell and change to the mysn-web-core module directory.generate the eclipse file for mysn-web-core module.
mvn -Dwtpversion=1.0 eclipse:eclipse
Guide to using Eclipse with Maven 2.x
Guide to Webapps
Maven Eclipse plugin - WTP support
