/* eslint-disable indent */
<div class="container"
<div class="canvas-bg" id="bgcanvas">
<canvas id="canvas1" ref="myCanvas">不支持Canvascanvas>
import {getWalkingEnrollItemBank, updateEnrollFractionById} from '../../api/index'
let canvas
let ctx
let subX
let subY
let descClick
export default {
name: 'gochess',
data () {
return {
totalSecond: 0,
countDownDay: 0,
countDownHour: 0,
countDownMinute: 0,
countDownSecond: 0,
name: '',
levelexam: '',
testId: '',
exchangCode: '',
gradId: '',
questionNum: 0,
enrollItemBanks: [],
Chess: [],
answerChess: [],
blackChess: [],
total: 0,
testIndex: 0,
clickNumber: 0,
canGoChess: true,
banMa: true,
banXiang: true,
existe: true,
faceState: false,
rX: 0,
rY: 0,
hX: 0,
hY: 0,
chessGoNumber: 0,
quesionNumber: 0,
eatChess: false,
isError: [],
redanswerlength: 0,
success: 0,
isTrue: true
created () {
this.name = this.$route.params.name
this.levelexam = this.$route.params.levelexam
this.testId = this.$route.params.id
this.exchangCode = this.$route.params.exchangCode
this.gradId = this.$route.params.testId
console.log(this.$route, this.name, this.levelexam, this.testId, this.exchangCode)
this.totalSecond = 1800
this.questionNum = 20
var interval = setInterval(function () {
var second = this.totalSecond
var day = Math.floor(second / 3600 / 24)
var dayStr = day.toString()
if (dayStr.length === 1) dayStr = '0' + dayStr
var hr = Math.floor((second - day * 3600 * 24) / 3600)
var hrStr = hr.toString()
if (hrStr.length === 1) hrStr = '0' + hrStr
var min = Math.floor((second - day * 3600 * 24 - hr * 3600) / 60)
var minStr = min.toString()
if (minStr.length === 1) minStr = '0' + minStr
var sec = second - day * 3600 * 24 - hr * 3600 - min * 60
var secStr = sec.toString()
if (secStr.length === 1) secStr = '0' + secStr
this.countDownDay = dayStr
this.countDownHour = hrStr
this.countDownMinute = minStr
this.countDownSecond = secStr
if (this.totalSecond === 300) {
if (this.totalSecond < 0) {
console.log('时间到', this.success)
}.bind(this), 1000)
mounted () {
history.pushState(null, null, document.URL)
window.addEventListener('popstate', function () {
history.pushState(null, null, document.URL)
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.unload)
this.getTest(this.testId, this.exchangCode)
destroyed () {
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.unload)
methods: {
unload (e) {
e = e || window.event
if (e) {
e.returnValue = '重新加载将导致准考证号失效,是否重新加载'
return '重新加载将导致准考证号失效,是否重新加载'
getTest (id, exchangCode) {
enrollGradeId: id,
exchangCode: exchangCode
}).then(res => {
if (res.success) {
message: '已刷新,准考证号失效将退出本次考试',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)
this.enrollItemBanks = res.walkingEnrollItemBanks
this.total = res.walkingEnrollItemBanks.length
}).catch(() => {
updateEnrollFractionById (fraction) {
id: this.gradId,
fraction: fraction
}).then(res => {
name: 'gradingResults',
query: {
id: this.gradId,
fractions: fraction,
levelexam: this.levelexam
}).catch((err) => {
submit () {
this.$confirm('确认交卷', {
confirmButtonText: '确定',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
center: true
}).then(() => {
}).catch(() => {
initCanvas () {
let that = this
canvas = document.getElementById('canvas1')
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
canvas.width = 480
canvas.height = 530
ctx.lineWidth = 2
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000'
canvas.onclick = function (e) {
let sx = e.clientX - canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left
let sy = e.clientY - canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top
that.getChess(ctx, sx, sy)
initChess () {
ctx.lineWidth = 2
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000'
let that = this
that.center(90, 140)
that.center(390, 140)
that.center(40, 190)
that.center(140, 190)
that.center(240, 190)
that.center(340, 190)
that.center(440, 190)
that.center(40, 340)
that.center(140, 340)
that.center(240, 340)
that.center(340, 340)
that.center(440, 340)
that.center(90, 390)
that.center(390, 390)
LineDrawing (mx, my, lx, ly) {
ctx.moveTo(mx, my)
ctx.lineTo(lx, ly)
row () {
for (var i = 40; i <= 490; i += 50) {
ctx.moveTo(40, i)
ctx.lineTo(440, i)
cols () {
for (var i = 40; i <= 490; i += 50) {
ctx.moveTo(i, 40)
ctx.lineTo(i, 490)
ctx.clearRect(41, 241, 398, 48)
ctx.font = '28px Georgia'
ctx.fillText('楚', 95, 275)
ctx.fillText('河', 145, 275)
ctx.fillText('汉', 315, 275)
ctx.fillText('界', 365, 275)
this.LineDrawing(190, 40, 290, 140)
this.LineDrawing(190, 390, 290, 490)
this.LineDrawing(290, 40, 190, 140)
this.LineDrawing(290, 390, 190, 490)
center (x, y) {
ctx.lineWidth = 3
if (x === 40 && y === 190) {
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y - 15, x + 5, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y - 5, x + 15, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y + 15, x + 5, y + 5)
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y + 5, x + 15, y + 5)
} else if (x === 440 && y === 190) {
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y - 15, x - 5, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y - 5, x - 15, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y + 15, x - 5, y + 5)
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y + 5, x - 15, y + 5)
} else if (x === 40 && y === 340) {
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y - 15, x + 5, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y - 5, x + 15, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y + 15, x + 5, y + 5)
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y + 5, x + 15, y + 5)
} else if (x === 440 && y === 340) {
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y - 15, x - 5, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y - 5, x - 15, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y + 15, x - 5, y + 5)
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y + 5, x - 15, y + 5)
} else {
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y - 15, x - 5, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y - 5, x - 15, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y - 15, x + 5, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y - 5, x + 15, y - 5)
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y + 15, x - 5, y + 5)
this.LineDrawing(x - 5, y + 5, x - 15, y + 5)
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y + 15, x + 5, y + 5)
this.LineDrawing(x + 5, y + 5, x + 15, y + 5)
draw_check (context, x, y) {
let screenx = x + 20
let screeny = y + 20
ctx.lineWidth = 3
ctx.strokeStyle = '#97092a'
context.moveTo(screenx - 23, screeny - 16)
context.lineTo(screenx - 23, screeny - 23)
context.lineTo(screenx - 16, screeny - 23)
context.moveTo(screenx + 16, screeny - 23)
context.lineTo(screenx + 23, screeny - 23)
context.lineTo(screenx + 23, screeny - 16)
context.moveTo(screenx - 23, screeny + 16)
context.lineTo(screenx - 23, screeny + 23)
context.lineTo(screenx - 16, screeny + 23)
context.moveTo(screenx + 23, screeny + 16)
context.lineTo(screenx + 23, screeny + 23)
context.lineTo(screenx + 16, screeny + 23)
draw_blcheck (context, x, y) {
let screenx = x + 20
let screeny = y + 20
ctx.lineWidth = 3
ctx.strokeStyle = '#973c51'
context.moveTo(screenx - 23, screeny - 16)
context.lineTo(screenx - 23, screeny - 23)
context.lineTo(screenx - 16, screeny - 23)
context.moveTo(screenx + 16, screeny - 23)
context.lineTo(screenx + 23, screeny - 23)
context.lineTo(screenx + 23, screeny - 16)
context.moveTo(screenx - 23, screeny + 16)
context.lineTo(screenx - 23, screeny + 23)
context.lineTo(screenx - 16, screeny + 23)
context.moveTo(screenx + 23, screeny + 16)
context.lineTo(screenx + 23, screeny + 23)
context.lineTo(screenx + 16, screeny + 23)
drewChess (enrollItemBanks) {
this.Chess = this.enrollItemBanks[this.testIndex].walkingEnrollItemBanks
this.answerChess = this.enrollItemBanks[this.testIndex].redAnswer
this.redanswerlength = this.enrollItemBanks[this.testIndex].redAnswer.length
this.blackChess = this.enrollItemBanks[this.testIndex].blackAnswer
console.log('棋子展示', this.Chess)
console.log('红棋答案展示', this.answerChess)
console.log('黑棋答案展示', this.blackChess)
for (let i in this.Chess) {
let img = new Image()
img.src = this.Chess[i].imageUrl
img.id = this.Chess[i].ids
let x = this.Chess[i].positionX
let y = this.Chess[i].positionY
img.onload = () => {
ctx.drawImage(img, x, y, 40, 40)
clearBox (context, descClick) {
let oldx = descClick[0]
let oldy = descClick[1]
let screenx = oldx + 20
let screeny = oldy + 20
ctx.lineWidth = 4
ctx.strokeStyle = '#f9c78b'
context.moveTo(screenx - 23, screeny - 16)
context.lineTo(screenx - 23, screeny - 23)
context.lineTo(screenx - 16, screeny - 23)
context.moveTo(screenx + 16, screeny - 23)
context.lineTo(screenx + 23, screeny - 23)
context.lineTo(screenx + 23, screeny - 16)
context.moveTo(screenx - 23, screeny + 16)
context.lineTo(screenx - 23, screeny + 23)
context.lineTo(screenx - 16, screeny + 23)
context.moveTo(screenx + 23, screeny + 16)
context.lineTo(screenx + 23, screeny + 23)
context.lineTo(screenx + 16, screeny + 23)
clearChess (context, cx, cy) {
context.clearRect(cx, cy, 40, 400)
repaint (context) {
context.clearRect(0, 0, 480, 530)
isChessAlive (x, y) {
this.existe = false
for (let i in this.Chess) {
if (this.Chess[i].positionX === x && this.Chess[i].positionY === y) {
this.existe = true
return this.existe
isFaceToFace () {
for (let i in this.Chess) {
if (this.Chess[i].piece === 5 && this.Chess[i].redBlack === 1) {
this.rX = this.Chess[i].positionX
this.rY = this.Chess[i].positionY
if (this.Chess[i].piece === 5 && this.Chess[i].redBlack === 0) {
this.hX = this.Chess[i].positionX
this.hY = this.Chess[i].positionY
if (this.rX === this.hX) {
for (let i in this.Chess) {
if (this.Chess[i].positionX === this.rX && this.Chess[i].positionY > this.rY && this.rX && this.Chess[i].positionY < this.hY) {
this.faceState = false
if (this.Chess[i].positionX === this.rX && this.Chess[i].positionY < this.rY && this.rX && this.Chess[i].positionY > this.hY) {
this.faceState = true
return this.faceState
successOrFail (context, subX, subY) {
let redanswerchess = this.answerChess[this.chessGoNumber]
let blackanswerchess = this.blackChess[this.chessGoNumber]
for (let i in this.Chess) {
if (this.Chess[i].positionX === subX && this.Chess[i].positionY === subY) {
this.Chess.splice(i, 1)
if (this.Chess[i].positionX === descClick[0] && this.Chess[i].positionY === descClick[1] && this.Chess[i].ids === descClick[5]) {
this.Chess[i].positionX = subX
this.Chess[i].positionY = subY
for (let index = 0; index < redanswerchess.length; index++) {
console.log(redanswerchess[index].ids, descClick[5], redanswerchess[index].positionX, subX, redanswerchess[index].positionY, subY)
if (redanswerchess[index].ids === descClick[5] && redanswerchess[index].positionX === subX && redanswerchess[index].positionY === subY) {
console.log(this.chessGoNumber, 'this.chessGoNumber', this.redanswerlength, 'this.redanswerlength')
if (this.chessGoNumber === this.redanswerlength - 1) {
if (this.total - 1 === this.testIndex) {
message: '已完成答题',
center: true,
type: 'success'
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
} else {
message: '进入下一题',
center: true,
type: 'success'
setTimeout(() => {
this.chessGoNumber = 0
this.isTrue = true
descClick = []
}, 2000)
for (let i in this.Chess) {
for (let index in blackanswerchess) {
if (blackanswerchess[index].positionX === this.Chess[i].positionX && blackanswerchess[index].positionY === this.Chess[i].positionY) {
this.Chess.splice(i, 1)
console.log(blackanswerchess[index].ids, this.Chess[i].ids)
if (blackanswerchess[index].ids === this.Chess[i].ids) {
let oldX = this.Chess[i].positionX
let oldY = this.Chess[i].positionY
let blackX = blackanswerchess[index].positionX
let blackY = blackanswerchess[index].positionY
console.log('走对了', blackX, blackY)
this.Chess[i].positionX = blackX
this.Chess[i].positionY = blackY
this.chessGoNumber = this.chessGoNumber + 1
setTimeout(() => {
this.draw_check(context, blackX, blackY)
this.draw_blcheck(context, oldX, oldY)
}, 800)
} else {
console.log(index, redanswerchess.length - 1)
if (index === redanswerchess.length - 1) {
this.isTrue = false
if (!this.isTrue) {
if (this.total - 1 === this.testIndex) {
message: '已完成答题',
center: true,
type: 'success'
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
} else {
message: '进入下一题',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
setTimeout(() => {
this.isTrue = true
this.chessGoNumber = 0
descClick = []
}, 2000)
getChess (context, x, y) {
x = x - 20
y = y - 20
console.log('x', x, 'y', y)
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > 460 || y > 510) { return false }
console.log('x % 100 > 10 && x % 100 < 100', x % 100 > 10 && x % 100 < 100, x > 420 ? subX = 400 : subX = Math.abs((Math.floor(x / 50) * 50)))
console.log('y % 100 > 10 || y % 100 < 100', y % 100 > 10 || y % 100 < 100, y > 470 ? subY = 450 : subY = Math.abs(50 * Math.floor(y / 50)))
if (x % 100 > 10 || x % 100 < 100) { x > 420 ? subX = 400 : subX = Math.abs((Math.floor(x / 50) * 50)) }
if (y % 100 > 10 || y % 100 < 100) { y > 470 ? subY = 450 : subY = Math.abs(50 * Math.floor(y / 50)) }
subX = subX + 20
subY = subY + 20
console.log(' subX', subX, 'subY', subY)
if (subX >= 0 && subY >= 0) {
let chess = this.Chess
this.clickNumber = this.clickNumber + 1
console.log(descClick, 'descClick', this.clickNumber, 'clickNumber')
if (this.clickNumber === 1) {
for (let i in chess) {
if (chess[i].positionX === subX && chess[i].positionY === subY) {
if (chess[i].redBlack === 1) {
if (this.chessGoNumber > 0) {
this.draw_check(context, subX, subY)
descClick = [subX, subY, i, chess[i].redBlack, chess[i].piece, chess[i].ids]
console.log(descClick, 'descClick')
} else {
message: '请点击红方',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.clickNumber = 0
if (this.clickNumber === 2) {
if (this.isChessAlive(subX, subY)) {
for (let i in this.Chess) {
if (chess[i].positionX === subX && chess[i].positionY === subY) {
if (chess[i].redBlack === 1) {
descClick = [subX, subY, i, chess[i].redBlack, chess[i].piece, chess[i].ids]
this.draw_check(context, subX, subY)
console.log('第二次点击', descClick)
this.clickNumber = 1
} else {
if (this.canGo(subX, subY, descClick)) {
this.clearBox(context, descClick)
this.successOrFail(context, subX, subY)
this.clickNumber = 0
} else {
this.clickNumber = 1
this.canGoChess = true
} else {
if (this.canGo(subX, subY, descClick)) {
this.clearBox(context, descClick)
this.successOrFail(context, subX, subY)
this.clickNumber = 0
} else {
this.banXiang = true
this.banMa = true
this.clickNumber = 1
canGo (x, y, descClick) {
this.canGoChess = true
let newX = x
let newY = y
let oldX = descClick[0]
let oldY = descClick[1]
let piece = descClick[4]
let minX = oldX > newX ? newX : oldX
let maxX = oldX > newX ? oldX : newX
let minY = oldY > newY ? newY : oldY
let maxY = oldY > newY ? oldY : newY
switch (piece) {
case 1:// che 不在一条直线上不能走不能吃
if (newX !== oldX && newY !== oldY) {
this.canGoChess = false
this.existe = false
for (let i in this.Chess) {
if (this.Chess[i].positionX === newX && this.Chess[i].positionY > minY && this.Chess[i].positionY < maxY) {
this.canGoChess = false
if (this.Chess[i].positionY === newY && this.Chess[i].positionX > minX && this.Chess[i].positionX < maxX) {
this.canGoChess = false
case 2:// ma
this.canGoChess = false
this.banMa = true
for (let i in this.Chess) {
let banX = this.Chess[i].positionX
let banY = this.Chess[i].positionY
console.log('进入规则马', 'banX', banX, 'banY', banY, 'newX', newX, 'newY', newY)
if (oldY === banY && oldX + 50 === banX && newY + 50 === banY && newX - 50 === banX) {
message: '绊马腿1',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banMa = false
if (oldY === banY && oldX - 50 === banX && newY - 50 === banY && newX + 50 === banX) {
message: '绊马腿2',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banMa = false
if (oldY === banY && oldX - 50 === banX && newY + 50 === banY && newX + 50 === banX) {
message: '绊马腿3',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banMa = false
if (oldY === banY && oldX + 50 === banX && newY - 50 === banY && newX - 50 === banX) {
message: '绊马腿4',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banMa = false
if (oldX === banX && oldY - 50 === banX && newY + 50 === banY && newX + 50 === banX) {
message: '绊马腿5',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banMa = false
if (oldX === banX && oldY + 50 === banX && newY - 50 === banY && newX + 50 === banX) {
message: '绊马腿6',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banMa = false
if (oldX === banX && oldY + 50 === banX && newY - 50 === banY && newX - 50 === banX) {
message: '绊马腿7',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banMa = false
if (oldX === banX && oldY - 50 === banX && newY + 50 === banY && newX - 50 === banX) {
message: '绊马腿8',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banMa = false
if (oldX + 50 === newX && oldY + 100 === newY && this.banMa) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX + 100 === newX && oldY + 50 === newY && this.banMa) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX - 100 === newX && oldY - 50 === newY && this.banMa) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX + 100 === newX && oldY - 50 === newY && this.banMa) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX - 100 === newX && oldY + 50 === newY && this.banMa) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX - 50 === newX && oldY - 100 === newY && this.banMa) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX - 50 === newX && oldY + 100 === newY && this.banMa) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX + 50 === newX && oldY - 100 === newY && this.banMa) {
this.canGoChess = true
case 3:// xiang
this.canGoChess = false
this.banMa = true
for (let i in this.Chess) {
let banX = this.Chess[i].positionX
let banY = this.Chess[i].positionY
if (newY < 270) {
this.banXiang = false
if (newX + 50 === banX && newY + 50 === banY && oldX - 50 === banX && oldY - 50 === banY) {
message: '绊象腿1',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banXiang = false
if (newX + 50 === banX && newY - 50 === banY && oldX - 50 === banX && oldY + 50 === banY) {
message: '绊象腿2',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banXiang = false
if (newX - 50 === banX && newY + 50 === banY && oldX + 50 === banX && oldY - 50 === banY) {
message: '绊象腿3',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banXiang = false
if (newX - 50 === banX && newY - 50 === banY && oldX + 50 === banX && oldY + 50 === banY) {
message: '绊象腿4',
center: true,
type: 'warning'
this.banXiang = false
if (oldX + 100 === newX && oldY + 100 === newY && this.banXiang) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX + 100 === newX && oldY - 100 === newY && this.banXiang) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX - 100 === newX && oldY + 100 === newY && this.banXiang) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX - 100 === newX && oldY - 100 === newY && this.banXiang) {
this.canGoChess = true
case 4:// shi
this.canGoChess = false
if (newX < 170 || newX > 270) { break }
if (oldX + 50 === newX && oldY + 50 === newY) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX - 50 === newX && oldY + 50 === newY) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX - 50 === newX && oldY - 50 === newY) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX + 50 === newX && oldY - 50 === newY) {
this.canGoChess = true
case 5:// shuai
this.canGoChess = false
if (newX < 170 || newX > 270) { break }
if (newY < 370 || newY > 470) { break }
if (oldX === newX && oldY - 50 === newY) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX - 50 === newX && oldY === newY) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX + 50 === newX && oldY === newY) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldX === newX && oldY + 50 === newY && oldY !== 470) {
this.canGoChess = true
case 6:
let num = 0
if (newX !== oldX && newY !== oldY) {
this.canGoChess = false
if (this.existe) {
if (newX === oldX || newY === oldY) {
for (let i in this.Chess) {
if (this.Chess[i].positionX === oldX && this.Chess[i].positionY > minY && this.Chess[i].positionY < maxY) {
num = num + 1
if (this.Chess[i].positionY === oldY && this.Chess[i].positionX > minX && this.Chess[i].positionX < maxX) {
num = num + 1
if (num !== 1) {
this.canGoChess = false
for (let i in this.Chess) {
if (this.Chess[i].positionX === oldX && this.Chess[i].positionY > minY && this.Chess[i].positionY < maxY) {
this.canGoChess = false
if (this.Chess[i].positionY === oldY && this.Chess[i].positionX > minX && this.Chess[i].positionX < maxX) {
this.canGoChess = false
if (!this.existe) {
if (newX === oldX || newY === oldY) {
for (let i in this.Chess) {
if (this.Chess[i].positionX === oldX && this.Chess[i].positionY > minY && this.Chess[i].positionY < maxY) {
num = num + 1
if (this.Chess[i].positionY === oldY && this.Chess[i].positionX > minX && this.Chess[i].positionX < maxX) {
num = num + 1
if (num !== 0) {
this.canGoChess = false
case 7:
this.canGoChess = false
if (oldX === newX && oldY - 50 === newY) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (newY <= 220) {
if (oldX === newX && oldY - 50 === newY) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldY === newY && oldX + 50 === newX) {
this.canGoChess = true
if (oldY === newY && oldX - 50 === newX) {
this.canGoChess = true
return this.canGoChess
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