基于 AT 固件测试 ESP32 设备作为 WiFi AP 模式创建 TCP Server 开启 UART-to-WiFi 透传模式的指令序列

AT 指令序列如下


AT+CWMODE=2                      // Set the Wi-Fi mode toSoftAP.

AT+CWSAP="ESP32_softAP","1234567890",5,3           // Set softAP

AT+CIPMUX=1                       // Enable multiple connections for TCP Server

AT+CIPSERVERMAXCONN=1                        // Set the maximum number of TCP server connections to 1.

AT+CIPSERVER=1,8080                     //Create TCP server.

AT+CIPAP?                                  //  Query the IP address when device as TCP Server.

AT+CIPMODE=1                     //Enable the UART Wi-Fi Passthrough Receiving Mode.

AT+CIPSEND                        // Enter the UART Wi-Fi Passthrough Mode and send data.

基于 AT 固件测试 ESP32 设备作为 WiFi AP 模式创建 TCP Server 开启 UART-to-WiFi 透传模式的指令序列_第1张图片
