HMM 隐马尔可夫模型初学(二)

1、HMM,Hidden Markov model 隐马尔科夫模型


  • 假设不能直接观察天气阴晴雨情况,只能看到地面的潮湿情况(假如分为非常潮湿,一般潮湿,不潮湿三种对应A,B,C三种评级)。现在我一连观察了一周的地面潮湿情况(AABBCBA),是否能够判断这一周的天气?
  • 如上所述,有两类状态:一类是地面潮湿状态 observation stata(A、B、C);一类是天气情况 latent stata(阴晴雨);
  • 之前已经知道了天气的状态转移概率矩阵,现在主要就需要知道天气情况与地面潮湿情况的对应关系,从而预测天气情况。

(2)Hidden Markov model

  • HMM随机生成的状态随机序列被称为状态序列;每个状态生成一个观测,由此产生的观测随机序列,被称为观测序列。
  • HMM是一个双重随机过程---具有一定状态的隐马尔可夫链(天气情况)和随机的观测序列(地面潮湿情况)。
  • The HMM is a discrete time model: for each point in time t, we have one hidden state that generates one observed event for that time point t.

  • The hidden states follow a Markov process, i.e., the states over time are not independent of one another, but the current state depends on the previous state only (and not on earlier states)

  • The distribution generating the observation depends on the state of an underlying, hidden state,。

发射矩阵 emission distribution matrix
  • 即每种隐状态对应的,可能出现的观测结果的概率情况。
  • 例如晴天天气里,地面出现A、B、C三种情况的概率分别为0.1,0.3,0.6;阴天分别为0.2,0.5,0.3;雨天分别为0.5,0.3,0.2

  • 综上,以及MM知识点,描述HMM,需要三大参数

    three sets of parameters
  • 此外还有隐状态集合,预测值集合


  • 给定模型λ=(A,B,π)和观测序列Q={q1,q2,...,qT},计算模型λ下观测到序列Q出现的概率P(Q|λ);
  • 例如给定天气与地面潮湿情况的HMM三要素,及一组地面潮湿情况数据。计算这组数据的出现概率是多大
  • 方法:前向-后向算法


  • 已知观测序列Q={q1,q2,...,qT},估计模型λ=(A,B,π)的参数,使得在该模型下观测序列P(Q|λ)最大;
  • 例如已知一组地面潮湿情况数据,估计天气与地面潮湿情况的HMM三要素,从而使出现这组数据的可能性最大;
  • 方法:Maximum likelihood, Expectation Maximization or Baum-Welch algorithm, and Bayesian estimation


  • 给定模型λ=(A,B,π)和观测序列Q={q1,q2,...,qT},求给定观测序列条件概率P(I|Q,λ)最大的状态序列I。
  • 例如已知一周的地面潮湿情况数据,并且已知天气与地面潮湿情况的HMM三要素,从而估计这一周最有可能的天气情况
  • 方法:Viterbi algorithm



  • 已知某特殊DNA序列存在两个区(hidden stata),分别是AT-rich与CG-rich。

  • 前者富含AT碱基,后者CG碱基,具体碱基概率分布(emission matrix)如下图。

  • 此外也知道了初始状态分布概率以及状态概率转移矩阵,据此随机生成一段符合要求的碱基序列。

  • 第一步:准备TM、EM

states              <- c("AT-rich", "GC-rich") # Define the names of the states
ATrichprobs         <- c(0.7, 0.3)             # Set the probabilities of switching states, where the previous state was "AT-rich"
GCrichprobs         <- c(0.1, 0.9)             # Set the probabilities of switching states, where the previous state was "GC-rich"
thetransitionmatrix <- matrix(c(ATrichprobs, GCrichprobs), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE) # Create a 2 x 2 matrix
rownames(thetransitionmatrix) <- states
colnames(thetransitionmatrix) <- states

nucleotides         <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")   # Define the alphabet of nucleotides
ATrichstateprobs    <- c(0.39, 0.1, 0.1, 0.41) # Set the values of the probabilities, for the AT-rich state
GCrichstateprobs    <- c(0.1, 0.41, 0.39, 0.1) # Set the values of the probabilities, for the GC-rich state
theemissionmatrix <- matrix(c(ATrichstateprobs, GCrichstateprobs), 2, 4, byrow = TRUE) # Create a 2 x 4 matrix
rownames(theemissionmatrix) <- states
colnames(theemissionmatrix) <- nucleotides
  • 第二步:编写函数
# Function to generate a DNA sequence, given a HMM and the length of the sequence to be generated.
generatehmmseq <- function(transitionmatrix, emissionmatrix, initialprobs, seqlength)
  nucleotides     <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")   # Define the alphabet of nucleotides
  states          <- c("AT-rich", "GC-rich") # Define the names of the states
  mysequence      <- character()             # Create a vector for storing the new sequence
  mystates        <- character()             # Create a vector for storing the state that each position in the new sequence
  # was generated by
  # Choose the state for the first position in the sequence:
  firststate      <- sample(states, 1, rep=TRUE, prob=initialprobs)
  # Get the probabilities of the current nucleotide, given that we are in the state "firststate":
  probabilities   <- emissionmatrix[firststate,]
  # Choose the nucleotide for the first position in the sequence:
  firstnucleotide <- sample(nucleotides, 1, rep=TRUE, prob=probabilities)
  mysequence[1]   <- firstnucleotide         # Store the nucleotide for the first position of the sequence
  mystates[1]     <- firststate              # Store the state that the first position in the sequence was generated by
  for (i in 2:seqlength)
    prevstate    <- mystates[i-1]           # Get the state that the previous nucleotide in the sequence was generated by
    # Get the probabilities of the current state, given that the previous nucleotide was generated by state "prevstate"
    stateprobs   <- transitionmatrix[prevstate,]
    # Choose the state for the ith position in the sequence:
    state        <- sample(states, 1, rep=TRUE, prob=stateprobs)
    # Get the probabilities of the current nucleotide, given that we are in the state "state":
    probabilities <- emissionmatrix[state,]
    # Choose the nucleotide for the ith position in the sequence:
    nucleotide   <- sample(nucleotides, 1, rep=TRUE, prob=probabilities)
    mysequence[i] <- nucleotide             # Store the nucleotide for the current position of the sequence
    mystates[i]  <- state                   # Store the state that the current position in the sequence was generated by
  for (i in 1:length(mysequence))
    nucleotide   <- mysequence[i]
    state        <- mystates[i]
    print(paste("Position", i, ", State", state, ", Nucleotide = ", nucleotide))
  • 第三步:给定初始状态概率进行预测
theinitialprobs <- c(0.5, 0.5)
generatehmmseq(thetransitionmatrix, theemissionmatrix, theinitialprobs, 30)


1、Hidden Markov Models — Bioinformatics 0.1 documentation
2、01 隐马尔可夫模型 - 马尔可夫链、HMM参数和性质 -
3、Multilevel HMM tutorial

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