Spring Boot 2.0 解决跨域问题:WebMvcConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer

When allowCredentials is true, allowedOrigins cannot contain the special value “*“since that cannot

When allowCredentials is true, allowedOrigins cannot contain thespecial value "*"since that cannot be set on the “Access-Control-Allow-Origin” response header. To allow credentials to a set of origins, list them explicitly or consider using “allowedOriginPatterns” instead.

出现该问题是跨域问题,当allowCredentials为true时,allowingOrigins不能包含特殊值“ *”,因为无法在“ Access-Control-Allow-Origin”响应标头上设置。

Spring Boot 2.0 解决跨域问题:WebMvcConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer_第1张图片

