


Erdogan signs decree allowing Hagia Sophia to be used as a mosque again


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a decree ordering Hagia Sophia to be opened for Muslim prayers, an action likely to provoke international furor around a World Heritage Site cherished by Christians and Muslims alike for its religious significance, for its stunning structure and as a symbol of conquest.


Built in the sixth century as a cathedral, Hagia Sophia stands as the greatest example of Byzantine Christian architecture in the world. But it has been a source of Christian-Muslim rivalry, having stood at the center of Christendom for nearly a millennium and then, after being conquered, of the Muslim Ottoman Empire, when it was last used as a mosque.

圣索菲亚建于公元 6 世纪,最初是一座基督教大教堂,也是世界上基督教拜占庭式建筑最宏伟的典范。但它一直是基督教徒和穆斯林之间斗争的原因之一:在将近一千年的时间里,它矗立在整个基督教世界的中心;在被征服后,它又处在信奉伊斯兰教的奥斯曼帝国的中心——这也是它上一次被当做清真寺使用。

Famous for the grandeur of its immense and iconic dome, it was converted into a mosque after Mehmed II the Conqueror held his first Friday prayers there in 1453, three days after seizing control of what was then the city of Constantinople.

圣索菲亚大教堂以其巨大、具有标志性的宏伟穹顶闻名。1453 年,征服者穆罕默德二世攻占了这座当时还叫作“君士坦丁堡”的城市。三天后,他在圣索菲亚举行了他的第一次主麻日聚礼。在这之后,大教堂就变成了清真寺。

Under the secular republic of modern Turkey, the monument was turned into a museum in 1934. It was named a masterpiece of the World Heritage Site in Istanbul and has become Turkey's most popular tourist attraction, drawing 3.7 million visitors last year.

1934 年,土耳其共和国已是现代世俗国家,这座历史遗迹变成了博物馆。它被列为伊斯坦布尔的世界遗产杰作,也成了土耳其最受欢迎的旅游景点,去年吸引了 370 万名游客。

Erdogan's decree transferred control of the site to the Religious Affairs Directorate, sealing the removal of its museum status and allowing Hagia Sophia to become a working mosque once again. He added that the action of turning it from a mosque into a museum 80 years ago had been illegal, but pledged that the mosque would continue to be open to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

埃尔多安签署的法令将圣索菲亚的管理权转交给土耳其宗教事务局,坐实了这座建筑被取消博物馆功能的消息,使圣索菲亚再次变成一座清真寺开放使用。埃尔多安补充道,80 年前,将它从清真寺变为博物馆的行为是非法的。但他也许诺,这座清真寺将继续同时向穆斯林和非穆斯林人士开放。
