Using JAX-WS 2.1 with JavaSE6 (NoClassDefFoundError: org/jvnet/staxex/XMLStreamReaderEx)

2.8. Using JAX-WS 2.1 with JavaSE6




JavaSE6 ships with JAX-WS 2.0 API in rt.jar, which causes some trouble when you try to run applications that use JAX-WS 2.1 API. This document collects information about how to solve this issue. 2.8.1. Endorsed directory

One way to fix this is to copy jaxws-api.jar and jaxb-api.jar into JRE endorsed directory, which is $JAVA_HOME/lib/endorsed (or $JDK_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed)

Some application containers, such as Glassfish, modifies the location of the endorsed directory to a different place. From inside the JVM, you can check the current location by doing System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.endorsed.dirs"));

Obviously you still need other JAX-WS jars in your classpath.

Please do not put all the jars to the endorsed directory. This makes it impossible for JAX-WS RI to see other classes that it needs for its operation, such as servlet classes on the server-side, or Ant classes in the tool time. As those are not loaded by the bootstrap classloader, you'll get NoClassDefError on servlet/Ant classes.


上面说在把jaxws-api.jar and jaxb-api.jar放到jre\lib\endorsed目录下就行,不要放太多东西。


NoClassDefFoundError: org/jvnet/staxex/XMLStreamReaderEx

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