
void OctreeSceneManager::_addOctreeNode( OctreeNode * n, Octree *octant, int depth )

 // Skip if octree has been destroyed (shutdown conditions)
 if (!mOctree)

 const AxisAlignedBox& bx = n -> _getWorldAABB();

    //if the octree is twice as big as the scene node,
    //we will add it to a child.
    if ( ( depth < mMaxDepth ) && octant -> _isTwiceSize( bx ) )//深度从0开始递归,octree根结点是n包围盒的两倍
        int x, y, z;
        octant -> _getChildIndexes( bx, &x, &y, &z );//octant有八个空间,或者说是坐标系的八个象限,bx


        if ( octant -> mChildren[ x ][ y ][ z ] == 0 )//如果此空间或者说此象限是空的
            octant -> mChildren[ x ][ y ][ z ] = OGRE_NEW Octree( octant );//生成一个新的子树
            const Vector3& octantMin = octant -> mBox.getMinimum();
            const Vector3& octantMax = octant -> mBox.getMaximum();//当前子树的最大,最小点
            Vector3 min, max;

            if ( x == 0 )
                min.x = octantMin.x;
                max.x = ( octantMin.x + octantMax.x ) / 2;

                min.x = ( octantMin.x + octantMax.x ) / 2;
                max.x = octantMax.x;

            if ( y == 0 )
                min.y = octantMin.y;
                max.y = ( octantMin.y + octantMax.y ) / 2;

                min.y = ( octantMin.y + octantMax.y ) / 2;
                max.y = octantMax.y;

            if ( z == 0 )
                min.z = octantMin.z;
                max.z = ( octantMin.z + octantMax.z ) / 2;

            {min.z = ( octantMin.z + octantMax.z ) / 2;
                max.z = octantMax.z;

            octant -> mChildren[ x ][ y ][ z ] -> mBox.setExtents( min, max );
            octant -> mChildren[ x ][ y ][ z ] -> mHalfSize = ( max - min ) / 2;


           _addOctreeNode( n, octant -> mChildren[ x ][ y ][ z ], ++depth );//如果当前子树的包围盒



        octant -> _addNode( n );//至到父包围的半径小于子包围盒的两倍,则挂在当前结点上



void _findNodes( const Ray &t, std::list < SceneNode * > &list, SceneNode *exclude, bool full, Octree *octant )

 if ( !full )
  AxisAlignedBox obox;
  octant -> _getCullBounds( &obox );//返回两倍的包围盒,用于剪裁

  Intersection isect = intersect( t, obox );

  if ( isect == OUTSIDE )//如果不想交,则返回
   return ;

  full = ( isect == INSIDE );//如果在扩张后的包围盒内部,但不相交,则full = true,否则full = false


 while ( it != octant -> mNodes.end() )//向下遍历
  OctreeNode * on = ( *it );

  if ( on != exclude )                            //排除exclude节点
   if ( full )                                          //在扩张后的包围盒内部                  
    list.push_back( on );

   else                                               //如果不在扩张后的包围盒内部,则和原始包围盒重新求交
    Intersection nsect = intersect( t, on -> _getWorldAABB() );


 Octree* child;//重新向下遍历

 if ( (child=octant -> mChildren[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
  _findNodes( t, list, exclude, full, child );

 if ( (child=octant -> mChildren[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
  _findNodes( t, list, exclude, full, child );

 if ( (child=octant -> mChildren[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ]) != 0 )
  _findNodes( t, list, exclude, full, child );

 if ( (child=octant -> mChildren[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
  _findNodes( t, list, exclude, full, child );

 if ( (child=octant -> mChildren[ 1 ][ 0 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
  _findNodes( t, list, exclude, full, child );

 if ( (child=octant -> mChildren[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
  _findNodes( t, list, exclude, full, child );

 if ( (child=octant -> mChildren[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]) != 0 )
  _findNodes( t, list, exclude, full, child );





void OctreeSceneManager::_updateOctreeNode( OctreeNode * onode )
    const AxisAlignedBox& box = onode -> _getWorldAABB();

    if ( box.isNull() )
        return ;

 // Skip if octree has been destroyed (shutdown conditions)
 if (!mOctree)//根结点已经破坏

    if ( onode -> getOctant() == 0 )//没有挂到节点上
        //if outside the octree, force into the root node.
        if ( ! onode -> _isIn( mOctree -> mBox ) )//onode不在父节点的包围盒内,在直接挂在父节点
            mOctree->_addNode( onode );
            _addOctreeNode( onode, mOctree );   //否则遍历,挂在合适的节点下

 return ;

    if ( ! onode -> _isIn( onode -> getOctant() -> mBox ) )//onode不再父节点的包围盒
        _removeOctreeNode( onode );

        //if outside the octree, force into the root node.
        if ( ! onode -> _isIn( mOctree -> mBox ) )              //不在根节点包围盒内,则直接挂在根结点
            mOctree->_addNode( onode );
            _addOctreeNode( onode, mOctree );


void OctreeSceneManager::resize( const AxisAlignedBox &box )
    std::list < SceneNode * > nodes;
    std::list < SceneNode * > ::iterator it;

    _findNodes( mOctree->mBox, nodes, 0, true, mOctree );//在包围盒box内部的nodes

    OGRE_DELETE mOctree;

    mOctree = OGRE_NEW Octree( 0 );                                //生成新的根节点
    mOctree->mBox = box;

 const Vector3 min = box.getMinimum();
 const Vector3 max = box.getMaximum();
 mOctree->mHalfSize = ( max - min ) * 0.5f;   

    it = nodes.begin();

    while ( it != nodes.end() )
        OctreeNode * on = static_cast < OctreeNode * > ( *it );    //重新挂在新的根节点下
        on -> setOctant( 0 );
        _updateOctreeNode( on );


