


Install IIS with Tomcat 5.5.17 using J2SE JDK 5.0 Update 6 for ArcIMS 9.2 on Windows

Article ID:



 ArcIMS 9.2


 Windows 2000, XP, 2003Server


Instructions provided are for the installation and configuration of IIS 6 with Tomcat 5.5.17 using J2SE Development Kit 5.0 Update 6 for ArcIMS 9.2 on Windows 2003.


Specific information for the installation of ArcIMS is included with the product's Install Guide.


This installation requires the following software:

J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 Update 6

• Microsoft IIS (Available on the Windows 2003 CD)

Apache Tomcat 5.5.17

Tomcat Connector ISAPI Redirector 1.2.15 or higher (isapi_redirect.msi)

• ArcIMS 9.2 Installation CD


A user account that has Administrator rights on the ArcIMS machine is required.


Before Beginning

• Familiarity with certain Windows tasks is required to install and configure ArcIMS. For details see Common Windows tasks when installing ArcIMS.


• For more information on the acronyms and terms used in this document, please see the Glossary of terms used in ArcIMS Installation articles.


• Review and follow Steps 1 and 2 from the ArcIMS Installation Guide on the DVD. These two steps ensure that the system meets the minimum requirements and assist in planning the ArcIMS site configuration. To open the ArcIMS Installation Guide, launch the DVD menu and click "ArcIMS Installation Guide".




 The following steps do not apply for configuring IIS with Tomcat on a Windows 2003 64 BIT operating system. This configuration has not been certified by ESRI. We suggest to review the documentation for Apache Tomcat at http://www.apache.org for configuring IIS with Tomcat on Windows 2003 64bit machines. The steps below may apply partially only.



  1. Uninstall any unsupported versions of Java, Web Server and Servlet Engine. -show me-


The following is a list of published ESRI articles for uninstalling third-party software used in conjunction with ArcIMS on Windows. The articles pertain to Web server and servlet engine versions that are supported for use with ArcIMS. These articles may also work for uninstalling other Web server and servlet engine versions as well.


o                                Uninstall ServletExec 4.1.1 that has been configured with IIS on Windows NT, 2000, and XP

o                                Instructions provided are for uninstalling ServletExec 4.1.1 servlet engine configured with IIS on Windows NT, 2000 and XP.

o                                Uninstall ServletExec 4.1.1_AS for the Apache Server

o                                Instructions provided are for uninstalling ServletExec 4.1.1 _AS that has been installed and configured to work with the Apache Web Server on Windows NT, 2000 and XP.

o                                Uninstall Jakarta Tomcat 3.2.3 on Windows NT/2000/XP

o                                Instructions provided are for uninstalling the Jakarta-Tomcat 3.2.3 servlet engine on Windows NT/2000/XP.

o                                Uninstall Jakarta Tomcat 4.0.x on Windows NT/2000/XP

o                                This document provides step-by-step instructions for uninstalling Jakarta Tomcat 4.0.x on Windows NT/2000/XP.

o                                Uninstall JRun 4.0 on Windows NT, 2000, and XP

o                                This document outlines the procedure for uninstalling Macromedia JRun 4.0 on Windows NT, 2000, and XP.

o                                Uninstall or disable the IIS 4.0/5.0/5.1 webserver on Windows NT/2000/XP

o                                This document provides step-by-step instructions for uninstalling or disabling IIS 4.0/5.0/5.1 webserver on Windows NT/2000/XP. Internet Information Services (IIS) is installed on Windows Servers by default. You can remove IIS by using the Add/...

o                                Uninstall Apache 1.3.26 Web server on Windows

o                                This document outlines the procedure for uninstalling the Apache 1.3.26 Web server on the Windows platform.

o                                Uninstall Apache 2.0.43 Web server on Windows NT, 2000 and XP

o                                Instructions provided are for uninstalling the Apache 2.0.43 Web server on the Windows NT, 2000 and XP platforms.

o                                Uninstall WebLogic 6.1 Web Server from Windows

o                                This document outlines the procedure for uninstalling the WebLogic 6.1 Web server on the Windows platform.

o                                Uninstall Sun ONE (iPlanet) 6.0 web server on Windows

o                                Instructions provided are for uninstalling the Sun ONE (iPlanet) 6.0 Web Server on Windows NT, 2000 and XP.

o                                Uninstall Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v. 1.4.0 on Windows NT/2000/XP

o                                This document provides step-by-step instructions for uninstalling Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v. 1.4.0 on Windows NT/2000/XP.

o                                Uninstall Apache 2.0.42 Web server on Windows NT, 2000 and XP

o                                Instructions provided are for uninstalling the Apache 2.0.42 Web server on the Windows platforms.

o                                Uninstall Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v. 1.3.1_02 on Windows NT/2000/XP

o                                This document outlines the procedure for uninstalling Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v. 1.3.1 _02 on Windows NT/2000/XP.

  1. Install Java 2 Standard Edition Development Kit version 5.0 Update 6. -show me-


A. Click J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 Update 6 to download Sun Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, version 5.0 Update 6.


B. Click 'Download JDK'.


C. Accept the license agreement.


D. Click on the download link for the Windows Offline Installation Multi-Language. The file jdk-1_5_0_06-windows-i586-p.exe is downloaded.


E. Run the installer after it has finished downloading.


F. Accept all of the default installation options, unless changes are required. This installs both the Java Runtime and Development Kit.


G. After the install, Navigate to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Java Plugin.


H. Click the'Update' tab and in the remove the checkmark for 'Check for Updates Automatically'.


I. Click Apply and close the Java Plug-in Control Panel.


  1. Install Microsoft IIS if it is not already installed. -show me-


A. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.


B. In the left panel, click Add/Remove Windows Components.


C. In the Windows Components screen, check the box next to Application Server and click Next.


D. At the 'Completing the Windows Components Wizard' screen, click Finish.


E. Verify that IIS has been installed by opening Internet Services Manager.


F. In the left panel, expand the directory tree under the machine name, then expand the directory tree for 'Web Sites'. 'Default Web Site' should be listed; this is the Web server host used for ArcIMS.


G. Open Internet Explorer and type the following URL (replace with your server's machinename)




This should return either an Under Construction page or the Microsoft Internet Information Services help pages.


Click on article 25344 for additional resources on installing Microsoft's IIS Web Server.



  1. Install Tomcat 5.5.17 . -show me-




A. Click here to access the Jakarta Tomcat 5.5.17 Download site.


B. Click on apache-tomcat- 5.5.17 .exe to download the file. Save it on the local machine.


C. Navigate to the folder where the file was downloaded and double-click apache-tomcat- 5.5.17 .exe.


D. Click Next to continue.


E. Read the License Agreement and click 'I Agree'.


F. At the Choose Components dialog box change the type to 'Full' install. Alternatively add at least the features Service and Examples to the selection.


G. Click Next.


H. Set the installation location to a path that does not include spaces. For example: C:\Tomcat5.5.


I. Use the default settings in the Configuration dialog box. Create a new password for the Tomcat Administrator. Click 'Next'.


J. The path of the JVM installed on the machine should be the location of the Java Standard Development Kit: for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk 1.5.0 _06

Browse to this path if it's not set automatically and click OK.

 If a path to an older SDK version is listed, please cancel the Tomcat installation and first make sure that a Java SDK is installed, and the environment variables JAVA_HOME and PATH do not include any old entries regarding the Java Runtime Environment or are pointing to the J2SDK location correctly.


K. Click Install to continue, then click Finish.





L. Right-click on My Computer and click Properties. Click the Advanced tab. Click on the Environment Variables button.


M. Under System Variables, click New. When prompted for Variable Name, type JAVA_HOME (case sensitive). For the Variable value, type the path where Java 2 SDK is installed; for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk 1.5.0 _06. Click OK.


N. Create another system environment variable called CATALINA_HOME (case sensitive). For the Variable value, type the path where Jakarta Tomcat 5.5.17 is installed; for example: C:\Tomcat5.5. Click OK.


O. In the System variables list, scroll to the 'Path' variable, select it, and click Edit. In the Variable Value text box, append the following to the end of the text, including the semi-colon to separate from previous entries:


 Verify that old references to JAVA_HOME; for example, <drive:>\jdk 1.3.1 or similar, in the path variable have been removed.


P. Click OK twice to close the Properties window.


Click to open article 25346 for additional resources on installing the Tomcat Servlet Engine.


  1. Configure Tomcat for IIS. -show me-




A. Click on the following link to download the Tomcat Connector ISAPI Redirector 1.2.15


B. Select the isapi_redirect.msi file and save it in a location on your machine.




C. Execute the downloaded isapi_redirect.msi installer file by double-clicking on it.


D. Read the License Agreement and accept it. Click Next.


E. IMPORTANT: Change the installation location to be identical with the Tomcat installation location, for example C:\Tomcat5.5.


F. Click Next to start the installation.


G. Click Finish.




H. Right-click 'Default Web Site' and select Properties. Continue as follows:

- H1. In the dialog box, select the 'ISAPI Filters' tab.

- H2. Click Add. Note: If there is already a filter ' jakarta ' listed, please just review the following and then continue with step I.

- H3. In the Filter Properties dialog box, enter the Filter Name: Jakarta .

- H4. For the Executable, navigate to:

C:\Tomcat 5.5\bin\isapi_redirect.dll and click OK.

- H5. Click Apply and close the Default Web Site Properties dialog box.


I. In IIS Management Console, on the left panel of the window, navigate to Default Web Site > Jakarta .


J. On the right panel of the window, right-click on the isapi_redirect.dll and select Properties.


K. Select the File Security tab.

- K1. Under 'Anonymous Access and Authentication Control', click the Edit button.

- K2 . Uncheck the 'Integrated Windows Authentication' box.

- K3. Click OK twice to confirm and close the dialog boxes.





L. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Management Console., in the left panel expand the contents.


M. Click on Web Service Extensions and verify that the Web Service Extension ' Jakarta ' is listed and set to allowed. If not, select 'Add a new Web service extension' and follow these steps:

- M1. Type ' Jakarta ' for the Extension name.

- M2. Click Add and navigate to:

C:\Tomcat5.5\bin\isapi_redirect.dll. Click OK.

- M3. Check 'Set extension status to Allowed' and click OK to close the dialog box.


N. Close the IIS Management Console.


  1. Restart IIS and Tomcat by going to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. A. Right-click on the 'Apache Tomcat' service and select Restart.
  3. B. Right-click on the 'IIS Admin' service and select Restart. Click Yes if asked to restart the other services.
  4. C. Verify that 'WWW Publishing Service' is started. If not, start it.
  5. Verify IIS and Tomcat were installed successfully. -show me-


A. Open the Windows Services panel. Select the Apache Tomcat service from the list and start it, if not already started.


B. Enter this case-sensitive URL into a browser:



A page should display that says 'Hello World' if the test is successful.

 If this test fails, first check the URL carefully for case or spelling issues, then retrace the installation steps. It may be that the URL works if 'http://<hostname>:8080/...' is specified. This only indicates that the Tomcat Web server is working on port 8080; the required redirect to IIS is failing. Do not proceed to install ArcIMS.


C. Return to the IIS Management Console > Default Web Site > Properties and check the ISAPI Filters tab. Verify that there is a green, upward arrow next to the Jakarta filter.

 If there is not a green arrow next to Jakarta filter, try stopping and re-starting the 'IIS Admin Service', including the WWW Publishing Service, from the Services panel. Also try opening a browser and typing http://localhost to re-initialize IIS. If the Jakarta filter still fails, do not proceed further. Go back and verify the settings created in the previous steps.



D. Return to the IIS Management Console > Default Web Site > Jakarta . Verify the Jakarta virtual directory is set to point to the correct location on your harddrive. It needs to be the location of the isapi_redirector.dll


  1. Install ArcIMS 9.2 from the installation CD. Refer to the ArcIMS Installation Guide (install.htm), Step 3a .
  2. To configure ArcIMS 9.2 run the ArcIMS Post Installation, see the ArcIMS Installation Guide, Step 3b. -show me-



 There are several options to authorize ArcIMS for use. Please see the Installation Guide, Step 3b for more information. The following steps are for one common option.


A. Open a Web browser and go to http://service.esri.com.


B. Click Product Registration and select the corresponding ArcIMS version to register the software.


C. Enter the information requested and type the registration code in the field provided, for example ECP123456789. The registration code should have been received in an e-mail.

 If you did not receive a registration code for this product please contact Customer Service or an International Distributor.


D. After completing the online form, you will receive an e-mail with an authorization file attached, for example 123456789.ecp. Save the file in a directory on the ArcIMS machine.


E. Launch the ArcIMS Post Installation and select the Typical option.


F. Select the third option, 'I have received an authorization file...' and click Next.


G. Browse to the file received in Step D and click Next to authorize ArcIMS for use.


H. Click Finish to exit the Software Authorization Wizard and continue with the ArcIMS Post Installation.


I. At the Web Server-Servlet Engine Configuration dialog box, select 'IIS with Tomcat 5.5'. Click Next.


J. Browse to the Tomcat installation directory, for example C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5

Click Next, and then OK at the popup warning.


K. Click Finish.


  1. Verify that the ArcIMS installation was successful. -show me-


A. Navigate to Start > Programs > ArcGIS > ArcIMS > ArcIMS Diagnostics.


B. Verify the Web server protocol and Web server name are correct, including the domain and port number. The default is port 80.

 On Windows XP/2003 machines, Internet Explorer sometimes does not show the hostname and port number. If this is the case, right-click near the top of the window (under the address bar) and select 'Allow Blocked Content'.


C. Test both components. The result for Test 1 should be:


IMS v 9.2.0



Test successful


The result for Test 2 should be:


Version= 9.2.0


Test successful

 If these tests are successful, the ArcIMS Application Server and ArcIMS Servlet Connector are configured correctly. If an error message is received, select the error number from the dropdown list and click View. The error number and a description displays. Follow the instructions in the description to fix the problem and then try the Diagnostics tool again.



  1. For additional steps for ArcIMS refer to the ArcIMS 9.2 Installation Guide, Step 5.
  3. For getting the ArcIMS Web ADF for the Java Platform or for the .NET Framework setup, please refer to the corresponding Installation Guide.


Related Information

  • Pre-Install articles for ArcIMS 9.2
  • The articles below provide detailed instructions to install and configure ArcIMS 9.2 on a variety of Platforms, Web servers and servlet engines.


Created: 7/7/2006

Last Modified: 6/29/2007




