How to setup LTib and compile packages in Ubuntu 11.10

二.) LTIB

Intially update and upgrade your host

I.) What is LTIB
The LTIB (Linux Target Image Builder) project is a tool that can be used to develop and deploy BSPs (Board Support Packages) for a number of embedded target platforms including PowerPC, ARM, Coldfire.

II.) LTIB used:
Freescale provided L2.6.35_11.05.01_ER_source_bundle.tar.gz bundle. It can be donwloaded freely from the below path:

III.) Ltib build host setup:
1. Untar the package L2.6.35_11.05.01_ER_source_bundle.tar.gz.
2. Goto L2.6.35_11.05.01_ER_docs dir.
3. Downlaod and install required packages in host to support ltib build setup as mentioned in ltib_build_host_setup.pdf doc.
4. Make sure all the required packages are available on host system.
Or else you can download a script file and run it from here
   ./ or sh

IV.) Installing ltib :
1. Go to "Linux 1105 patchs" folder extracted from L2.6.35_11.05.01_ER_source_bundle.tar.gz.
2. To Apply patches reside in "Linux 1105 patchs" folder (go through Readme file in the same folder)
3. Go to L2.6.35_11.05.01_ER_source folder.
4. Run 'install' script.
$ ./install
5. Follow the procedure given by 'install' script and give the appropriate path to build LTIB.
6. Goto ltib build path, as given during the 'install' script.
7. Run ./ltib (when you are running this command for 1st time it prompts for platform etc..)
To reconfigure ltib use ./ltib -m config
   Please refer to Section VII if faced any difficulties
Select your required platform, boot loader, kernel and target file systems when prompted.
8. Done!! Enjoy with your own ltib generated images!

V.) Boot loader binaries:
On successfule installation,
1. u-boot bin can be found at, <ltib-build-path>/rootfs/boot/u-boot.bin

VI.) Linux kernel source:
On successfull installation,
1. Kernel source can be found at, <ltib-build-path>/rpm/BUILD/linux-
2. uImage/zImage can be found at, <ltib-build-path>/rpm/BUILD/linux-

VII.) Issues faced :
Following are the issues faced by which Ltib failed to build
if you are facing any of these errors please download this tar file from here
please go through the Readme file inside the folder

1.) following packages are not installed
   Package        Minimum ver    Installed info
   -------                -----------             ---------------
   glibc-devel            0              not installed
   zlib                        0              not installed
   --->> build failed

 Resolve this by running : ./ <give your ltib path>

2.) rpmdb: --force-debian: unknown option
   ----->>> build failed
  Resolve this by running : ./ <give your ltib path>

3.)  These packages failed to build:
      Build failed

  Resolve this by running : ./ <give your ltib path>

4.) These packages failed to build:
      Build failed

  Resolve this by running : ./ <give your ltib path>

5.) These packages failed to build:
      Build failed

  Resolve this by running : ./ <give your ltib path>

 6.) These packages failed to build:
      Build failed

  Resolve this by running : ./ <give your ltib path>

7.)  These packages failed to build:
      Build failed

  Resolve this by running : ./ <give your ltib path>

8.)  These packages failed to build:
      Build failed

  Resolve this by running : ./ <give your ltib path>

9.)  These packages failed to build:
      Build failed

  Resolve this by running : ./ <give your ltib path>

10.)  These packages failed to build:
      Build failed

   Resolve this by running : ./imx-lib <give your ltib path>

11.) These Packages Failed to builD:
       Build Failed.

    Resolve this by running : ./elftosb <give your ltib path>





