Google Analytics in IOS(四)—— 高级配置

        GA IOS SDK使用两个类来管理实施和发送数据到GA服务器的全局声明。


  • GAI – a singleton that handles the global state of your implementation, including getting newGAITracker objects, as well as your app-level opt-out setting and dispatching settings.
  • GAITracker – the class from which you send data to Google Analytics. Multiple trackers can be instantiated, one per unique property ID.

Using Multiple Trackers





#import "RootViewController.h"#import "GAI.h"@interfaceRootViewController()@end@implementationRootViewController{-(void)viewDidLoad {

  [super viewDidLoad];

  // Send a screen view to the first property.

  id tracker1 =[[GAI sharedInstance] trackerWithTrackingId:@"UA-XXXX-Y"];

  [tracker1 sendView:@"/HomeScreen"];

  // Send another screen view to the second property.

  id tracker2 =[[GAI sharedInstance] trackerWithTrackingId:@"UA-XXXX-Z"];

  [tracker2 sendView:@"Home"];}@end






Default Tracker

     虽然实现可能有多个追踪者,但是仍有一个默认的追踪者(default tracker)。The first Tracker retrieved becomes the default tracker.



// Get default tracker.

id myDefault =[GAI sharedInstance].defaultTracker;




// Get a new tracker.

id newTracker =[[GAI sharedInstance]trackerWithTrackingId:@"UA-NEW-TRACKING-ID");// Set the new tracker as the default tracker, globally.[GAI sharedInstance].defaultTracker = newTracker;










// Set a sample rate of 50%.[tracker setSampleRate:50.0];  // Sample rate is a double.



用程序使用不同的采样率,你需要使用app version dimension配置文件过滤,来保持你app每个版本数据的独立。

这个可能有点不好理解,我把GA ios 库中关于sampling的注释搬过来一下:


 The sampleRate parameter controls the probability that the visitor will be

 sampled. By default, sampleRate is 100, which signifies no sampling. sampleRate

 may be set to any value between 0 and 100, inclusive. A value of 90 means 90%

 of visitors should be sampled (10% of visitors to be sampled out).

 When a visitor is not sampled, no data is collected by Google Analytics for iOS

 library about that visitor's activity. If your application is subject to heavy

 traffic spikes, you may wish to adjust the sample rate to ensure uninterrupted

 report tracking. Sampling in Google Analytics occurs consistently across unique

 visitors, ensuring integrity in trending and reporting even when sampling is

 enabled, because unique visitors remain included or excluded from the sample,

 as set from the initiation of sampling.




App-level Opt Out

      你可以启用应用程序级退出标志(app-level opt out flag)来终止向GA发送数据。一旦设置此标志,这个标志将在整个应用程序的生命周期中驻留或者直到被重置。




// Get the app-level opt out preference.if([GAI sharedInstance].optOut){

  ...// Alert the user they have opted out.}




// Set the app-level opt out preference.[[GAI sharedInstance].setOptOut = YES];

Testing and Debugging

     GA 的iOS sdk提供了一个测试和调试的模式,将在日志中打印发送到GA的数据。



// Enable debug mode.[GAI sharedInstance].debug = YES;



